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  1. 2nd weapon is NOT a light weapon?
  2. Math Check
  3. Favor Question - EH / HE
  4. Feasibility of a DDO emulator?
  5. Did DDO just go down?
  6. How often does steam on weapon proc?
  7. Looking for the best solable toon?
  8. New enhancement idea
  9. Small fot question
  10. Tinah and Velah are not friends
  11. The Dragon's Hoard Bug?
  12. So... this is something I have been looking to make
  13. Web of Chaos Epic Drop Rates?...still
  14. Impression after a few years of playing DDO
  15. Tor: Clicked on the exit portal instead of the loot?
  16. TR bugging?
  17. Dear Tolero and Cordovan,
  18. How many pets can be in the stable?
  19. Connection problems...
  20. The biggest nerf ever – this is unacceptable!
  21. New F2P player login crash
  22. Weapons in Vale
  23. Wizards vs Sorcs
  24. A few thoughts from a once hardcore to less then semi casual player
  25. Ethereal Bracers missing incorporeal enemies?
  26. Timeline
  27. New enhancements in PDF format
  28. Hireling decision tree.
  29. Enhancement reset question
  30. Four Oh Four? So where do I read?
  31. UI scale, font size?
  32. Looking for a brief sum up of a few classes and a server question, totally new here
  33. Can't let go of the hireling folder
  34. paid services
  35. Was the Obscenity suffix removed?
  36. running out of time to beta
  37. Barbarian surprisingly good on Lamannia
  38. Acronyms List?
  39. Ideas to encourage grouping.
  40. A Dance of Flowers - Working as intended?
  41. Dear Warner Brothers, Thanks for nothing
  42. Craftable trinket, can it have augment slot?
  43. Old items with "line script errors"
  44. Wizzies...what's best combo for archmage?
  45. Trade not working?
  46. Knocked Off
  47. Tr and then Lesser TR
  48. Did they nurf spell damage?
  49. Is "Turbine" going to make a DDO2?
  50. DDO Mac Crash Question
  51. DDO Paid Services
  52. DDO Bandwith usage
  53. Summons should be seen, not heard
  54. LD Cleave Druid
  55. DDO - Closed beta invite - Lamannia client download problem
  56. Why does Turbine make it so freaking hard for me to hand them my money?
  57. Shiradi Whirling Wrist not giving the correct bonus
  58. Defense against magic
  59. Lammania
  60. Ausomium not so awesome as it is inefficient.
  61. Bowbarian suicide... vicious damage from ranged..
  62. Bowbarian suicide... vicious damage from ranged..
  63. Why no Anti Magic Shell or other form of Anti-Magic in DDO?
  64. Question about Monster Manuals and VIP
  65. Support the demand for a +20LR or True Heart + XP stone 1-20 for enhancement update!
  66. To Everyone Who Claimed Sorcs Wouldnt Be DOA on Launch
  67. Connection issues today?
  68. Somehing Interesting
  69. Intimidate and reflex save rolls are not working correctly
  70. Looking for fighter build suggestions for TR addict
  71. 2 for 1 VIP special.
  72. How do you fix bookmarks from the old forum?
  73. Will the LR+20 heart allow for the change of alignment?
  74. Looking for a few running mates for FRI-SAT night EST.
  75. KookieKobold and Dev tracker
  76. Character Copy Link?
  77. Dev's Thanks for listening and communicating a lot more
  78. Prize drawing dates are a little off schedule.
  79. lost email with lamanni download
  80. Dragonmark of Healing and Devotion?
  81. Your item is gone? No one really cares.
  82. Ok, I got a question for you DDO-alto-maniacs...
  83. Which class is likely to fare worst after the enhancement pass?
  84. BETA version for Shadowfell
  85. Fred bugged again?
  86. Mithral body feat exchange
  87. Heroic Whirlwind upgrade to Epic questions
  88. Is anyone else getting 2 to 5 mintue delays?
  89. Just my ramblings re: expansion
  90. Can I delete my Lammania client now?
  91. Way of the Sun Soul: The Versatility Monk's Best Friend!
  92. On Live, NO numbers counting down on icons
  93. What happens to gear/weapons ML when the Cap Level goes to 28???
  94. Will Cannith Crafting shards ever be like Augment???
  95. Bladeforged can't pick repair manipulation enhancement?
  96. /Signed if you agree and /Not Signed if u disagree. Topic-Guild Decay discussion
  97. Requrements for Downloading Shadowfell
  98. The Eberron Evil Overlord List
  99. To ProducerRowan: DDO Strategic Issues
  100. No more Eberron love?
  101. How to copy a character to Lam Server?
  102. Question on Bigby's Box
  103. Bigsby's box but no Bigby spells?
  104. Bigby's box but no Bigby spells
  105. Old Epics...
  106. What will it take to get rid of Awesomoium.exe? Donate button!
  107. Recent guild departures
  108. Lamannia forums and survey down
  109. questions for you guru's about overwhelming critical and greater mountian stance
  110. cant select astral vibrance, leap of faith etc
  111. Turn off DM text in center or screen?
  112. When will VIPs get Beta access?
  113. DPS rogue suggestions?
  114. Will we ever get extra information on the Character Sheet?
  115. Game update?
  116. u18.3 1 documented change..really turbine really
  117. Go slower on the items
  118. Augments and multi-slotted items
  119. FVS Shield of Condemnation
  120. Launcher update and multiboxing
  121. New launcher opens links in default browser!
  122. Who borked the forums
  123. Nice Try Turbine
  124. Some questions about Greensteel items
  125. C'mon XP weekend!
  126. Level Banking At 19
  127. Dear Turbine, stop messing with systems and give us quality content.
  128. Multi-box/Account play style.
  129. Release notes....bwuaha!
  130. Bought expansion, no beta
  131. Launcher error--VIP status not displaying properly
  132. Sarlona and all other
  133. Cocoon vs Healing Spring
  134. Dodgy looking Survey
  135. A sincere farewell
  136. Thank you so much for U18P3!
  137. Lamannia Access
  138. "Update XX Patch X Release Notes" that I wish for.
  139. How to install DDO on ubuntu 12.04 (date of post 16/7/13)
  140. Devs, Why so serious?
  141. U18 patch3 launcher change does not improve my login experience
  142. Lammania Beta Forum Log-in and Server access
  143. Update 18 Patch 3 Release Notes Now Available - a little LEAN :(
  144. Twists
  145. Question about damage in game
  146. Where do you draw the line with bad players?
  147. Pre-order and Iconic Tr question.
  148. Hide and Seek
  149. What the Heck Did You Do? (Lag and latency)
  150. New Launcher Says My Account is "Non-VIP"
  151. Can you get passed 7 being f2p
  152. New Launcher working as intended
  153. Developers, why not take this chance to upgrade/update Eveningstar Challenges?
  154. SSL error
  155. How many times do you try to log in?
  156. Using a Gamepad
  157. Guild Idea
  158. You with the Star, please LEAD your raids.
  159. Risia in the summer, 2013? Yes or no?
  160. Gencon 2013
  161. Very small guild renown bonus changed?
  162. Bring Back Guild Slot Augments
  163. Why no Dwarven God?
  164. Guys what is the most effective arcane spell to cc spiders? Any enchantments?
  165. Coding our own Hireling decision tree...
  166. Game wont launch
  167. Gem of many facets
  168. Shadowfell Conspiracy Preview on MMO Reporter
  169. Shadow king - finally WAI
  170. Named Items in underdark explorer area,when did this happen?
  171. Quick TWF DPS question
  172. Wait, wawazzat?
  173. What do I need to do to get my account "up to date"?
  174. Tell your funny players meeting stories here!
  175. So I have about 3 weeks of non-VIP access - need favor grinding build :) Level 12 max
  176. charactet options help please
  177. New Launcher Issue
  178. ED Question
  179. Please dont move the xp from lv 18 to lower lvs
  180. Why are guild augment slotted items now all bound?
  181. is shadow of a doubt quest closed?
  182. Dear Devs - is there a chance...? :)
  183. DPS comparison between TWF and THF?
  184. How to make the game loading faster - DDOPreload official
  185. Risia Ice games Stats, Festivult Copper Coin Stats, Silver Daily Dice Stats
  186. So Any Chance of new Permanesnt Cosmetic Armors?
  187. Question on Bard Spellsingers
  188. One month till Expansion - can we have LAM forums back yet?
  189. A minor request to those posting LFMs
  190. LFM Tool Suggestions
  191. Sorc's and INT based spellcraft skill maybe not that bad?
  192. Glitches
  193. Don't use the DDO store with a full inventory
  194. Toughness vs Vitality
  195. Increase the drop rates of old raids to encourage running them
  196. Finally!!!
  197. Shaddow of a doubt bugged?
  198. Possibly returning player
  199. D&D Blu Ray Combo
  200. poor litany reward....
  201. Healing amp and paladin past life math help
  202. A small step.. backwards
  203. DDO and LOTRO and AC/AC2
  204. Issues with 2 or more instances of DDO client
  205. Classes under compendium/ class information is lacking what it once was/ old forums
  206. New Launcher and account names
  207. Couple of really basic druid questions...
  208. Needin some help on mah TR strategeries.
  209. Divine Avenger?
  210. Repeater builds going to be borked in the EP....
  211. Removal of Dwarven Enhancements
  212. Info needed...is this toon based on fact?
  213. Bard's Enthrallment DC
  214. so. . .Cove?
  215. Giant stomp spam
  216. There better be a good explanation for this...
  217. Does Paladin Divine Light 1/2/3 get enhanced by Paladin Improved Turning 1/2/3?
  218. I'm in a tricky situation...looking for recommendations
  219. can you look at DDO store history back more than 60 days?
  220. An idea inspired by whats wrong with ddo thread
  221. Update 29 Predictions
  222. So. . .Poison Traps?
  223. So. . .Summer time Risia?
  224. Hey Nod - Real Money transactions
  225. Where is the Lammania forum?
  226. DDO marketing
  227. Forum/Website Changes
  228. Ghallandia needs a restart
  229. Dev response please: LR+20 in addition to the free LR, or replacing it?
  230. PDK, Claw, Prowess, DV, What stacks?
  231. Pre order and not able to access Lama client/forums
  232. Dodgy McBlurrypants
  233. Turbine please! Invisible weapons...
  234. Login Server Full
  235. Today I did a good thing. I feel glad. Rock on DDO. Rock on.
  236. Doing Quests below recommended level
  237. Maximize Spell - FOTW Boulder Toss
  238. Dungeon Tokens, places to get 'em
  239. What happened to MyDDO?
  240. Will there be another open testing period on Lammania?
  241. Question about TR and multiclassing
  242. Rinnin' and Rezzin'
  243. Spell resistance and new enhancements?
  244. multi class loot option question
  245. Guys how do you cc Quori and dream creatures in iq and iq2
  246. Enhancement pass pet-peeves
  247. What have you done now!?!
  248. DDO Wiki down?
  249. Epic Crafting - Please make it accessible
  250. Please make "The Snitch" bypassable on my account.