View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- 2nd weapon is NOT a light weapon?
- Math Check
- Favor Question - EH / HE
- Feasibility of a DDO emulator?
- Did DDO just go down?
- How often does steam on weapon proc?
- Looking for the best solable toon?
- New enhancement idea
- Small fot question
- Tinah and Velah are not friends
- The Dragon's Hoard Bug?
- So... this is something I have been looking to make
- Web of Chaos Epic Drop Rates?...still
- Impression after a few years of playing DDO
- Tor: Clicked on the exit portal instead of the loot?
- TR bugging?
- Dear Tolero and Cordovan,
- How many pets can be in the stable?
- Connection problems...
- The biggest nerf ever – this is unacceptable!
- New F2P player login crash
- Weapons in Vale
- Wizards vs Sorcs
- A few thoughts from a once hardcore to less then semi casual player
- Ethereal Bracers missing incorporeal enemies?
- Timeline
- New enhancements in PDF format
- Hireling decision tree.
- Enhancement reset question
- Four Oh Four? So where do I read?
- UI scale, font size?
- Looking for a brief sum up of a few classes and a server question, totally new here
- Can't let go of the hireling folder
- paid services
- Was the Obscenity suffix removed?
- running out of time to beta
- Barbarian surprisingly good on Lamannia
- Acronyms List?
- Ideas to encourage grouping.
- A Dance of Flowers - Working as intended?
- Dear Warner Brothers, Thanks for nothing
- Craftable trinket, can it have augment slot?
- Old items with "line script errors"
- Wizzies...what's best combo for archmage?
- Trade not working?
- Knocked Off
- Tr and then Lesser TR
- Did they nurf spell damage?
- Is "Turbine" going to make a DDO2?
- DDO Mac Crash Question
- DDO Paid Services
- DDO Bandwith usage
- Summons should be seen, not heard
- LD Cleave Druid
- DDO - Closed beta invite - Lamannia client download problem
- Why does Turbine make it so freaking hard for me to hand them my money?
- Shiradi Whirling Wrist not giving the correct bonus
- Defense against magic
- Lammania
- Ausomium not so awesome as it is inefficient.
- Bowbarian suicide... vicious damage from ranged..
- Bowbarian suicide... vicious damage from ranged..
- Why no Anti Magic Shell or other form of Anti-Magic in DDO?
- Question about Monster Manuals and VIP
- Support the demand for a +20LR or True Heart + XP stone 1-20 for enhancement update!
- To Everyone Who Claimed Sorcs Wouldnt Be DOA on Launch
- Connection issues today?
- Somehing Interesting
- Intimidate and reflex save rolls are not working correctly
- Looking for fighter build suggestions for TR addict
- 2 for 1 VIP special.
- How do you fix bookmarks from the old forum?
- Will the LR+20 heart allow for the change of alignment?
- Looking for a few running mates for FRI-SAT night EST.
- KookieKobold and Dev tracker
- Character Copy Link?
- Dev's Thanks for listening and communicating a lot more
- Prize drawing dates are a little off schedule.
- lost email with lamanni download
- Dragonmark of Healing and Devotion?
- Your item is gone? No one really cares.
- Ok, I got a question for you DDO-alto-maniacs...
- Which class is likely to fare worst after the enhancement pass?
- BETA version for Shadowfell
- Fred bugged again?
- Mithral body feat exchange
- Heroic Whirlwind upgrade to Epic questions
- Is anyone else getting 2 to 5 mintue delays?
- Just my ramblings re: expansion
- Can I delete my Lammania client now?
- Way of the Sun Soul: The Versatility Monk's Best Friend!
- On Live, NO numbers counting down on icons
- What happens to gear/weapons ML when the Cap Level goes to 28???
- Will Cannith Crafting shards ever be like Augment???
- Bladeforged can't pick repair manipulation enhancement?
- /Signed if you agree and /Not Signed if u disagree. Topic-Guild Decay discussion
- Requrements for Downloading Shadowfell
- The Eberron Evil Overlord List
- To ProducerRowan: DDO Strategic Issues
- No more Eberron love?
- How to copy a character to Lam Server?
- Question on Bigby's Box
- Bigsby's box but no Bigby spells?
- Bigby's box but no Bigby spells
- Old Epics...
- What will it take to get rid of Awesomoium.exe? Donate button!
- Recent guild departures
- Lamannia forums and survey down
- questions for you guru's about overwhelming critical and greater mountian stance
- cant select astral vibrance, leap of faith etc
- Turn off DM text in center or screen?
- When will VIPs get Beta access?
- DPS rogue suggestions?
- Will we ever get extra information on the Character Sheet?
- Game update?
- u18.3 1 documented change..really turbine really
- Go slower on the items
- Augments and multi-slotted items
- FVS Shield of Condemnation
- Launcher update and multiboxing
- New launcher opens links in default browser!
- Who borked the forums
- Nice Try Turbine
- Some questions about Greensteel items
- C'mon XP weekend!
- Level Banking At 19
- Dear Turbine, stop messing with systems and give us quality content.
- Multi-box/Account play style.
- Release notes....bwuaha!
- Bought expansion, no beta
- Launcher error--VIP status not displaying properly
- Sarlona and all other
- Cocoon vs Healing Spring
- Dodgy looking Survey
- A sincere farewell
- Thank you so much for U18P3!
- Lamannia Access
- "Update XX Patch X Release Notes" that I wish for.
- How to install DDO on ubuntu 12.04 (date of post 16/7/13)
- Devs, Why so serious?
- U18 patch3 launcher change does not improve my login experience
- Lammania Beta Forum Log-in and Server access
- Update 18 Patch 3 Release Notes Now Available - a little LEAN :(
- Twists
- Question about damage in game
- Where do you draw the line with bad players?
- Pre-order and Iconic Tr question.
- Hide and Seek
- What the Heck Did You Do? (Lag and latency)
- New Launcher Says My Account is "Non-VIP"
- Can you get passed 7 being f2p
- New Launcher working as intended
- Developers, why not take this chance to upgrade/update Eveningstar Challenges?
- SSL error
- How many times do you try to log in?
- Using a Gamepad
- Guild Idea
- You with the Star, please LEAD your raids.
- Risia in the summer, 2013? Yes or no?
- Gencon 2013
- Very small guild renown bonus changed?
- Bring Back Guild Slot Augments
- Why no Dwarven God?
- Guys what is the most effective arcane spell to cc spiders? Any enchantments?
- Coding our own Hireling decision tree...
- Game wont launch
- Gem of many facets
- Shadowfell Conspiracy Preview on MMO Reporter
- Shadow king - finally WAI
- Named Items in underdark explorer area,when did this happen?
- Quick TWF DPS question
- Wait, wawazzat?
- What do I need to do to get my account "up to date"?
- Tell your funny players meeting stories here!
- So I have about 3 weeks of non-VIP access - need favor grinding build :) Level 12 max
- charactet options help please
- New Launcher Issue
- ED Question
- Please dont move the xp from lv 18 to lower lvs
- Why are guild augment slotted items now all bound?
- is shadow of a doubt quest closed?
- Dear Devs - is there a chance...? :)
- DPS comparison between TWF and THF?
- How to make the game loading faster - DDOPreload official
- Risia Ice games Stats, Festivult Copper Coin Stats, Silver Daily Dice Stats
- So Any Chance of new Permanesnt Cosmetic Armors?
- Question on Bard Spellsingers
- One month till Expansion - can we have LAM forums back yet?
- A minor request to those posting LFMs
- LFM Tool Suggestions
- Sorc's and INT based spellcraft skill maybe not that bad?
- Glitches
- Don't use the DDO store with a full inventory
- Toughness vs Vitality
- Increase the drop rates of old raids to encourage running them
- Finally!!!
- Shaddow of a doubt bugged?
- Possibly returning player
- D&D Blu Ray Combo
- poor litany reward....
- Healing amp and paladin past life math help
- A small step.. backwards
- DDO and LOTRO and AC/AC2
- Issues with 2 or more instances of DDO client
- Classes under compendium/ class information is lacking what it once was/ old forums
- New Launcher and account names
- Couple of really basic druid questions...
- Needin some help on mah TR strategeries.
- Divine Avenger?
- Repeater builds going to be borked in the EP....
- Removal of Dwarven Enhancements
- Info this toon based on fact?
- Bard's Enthrallment DC
- so. . .Cove?
- Giant stomp spam
- There better be a good explanation for this...
- Does Paladin Divine Light 1/2/3 get enhanced by Paladin Improved Turning 1/2/3?
- I'm in a tricky situation...looking for recommendations
- can you look at DDO store history back more than 60 days?
- An idea inspired by whats wrong with ddo thread
- Update 29 Predictions
- So. . .Poison Traps?
- So. . .Summer time Risia?
- Hey Nod - Real Money transactions
- Where is the Lammania forum?
- DDO marketing
- Forum/Website Changes
- Ghallandia needs a restart
- Dev response please: LR+20 in addition to the free LR, or replacing it?
- PDK, Claw, Prowess, DV, What stacks?
- Pre order and not able to access Lama client/forums
- Dodgy McBlurrypants
- Turbine please! Invisible weapons...
- Login Server Full
- Today I did a good thing. I feel glad. Rock on DDO. Rock on.
- Doing Quests below recommended level
- Maximize Spell - FOTW Boulder Toss
- Dungeon Tokens, places to get 'em
- What happened to MyDDO?
- Will there be another open testing period on Lammania?
- Question about TR and multiclassing
- Rinnin' and Rezzin'
- Spell resistance and new enhancements?
- multi class loot option question
- Guys how do you cc Quori and dream creatures in iq and iq2
- Enhancement pass pet-peeves
- What have you done now!?!
- DDO Wiki down?
- Epic Crafting - Please make it accessible
- Please make "The Snitch" bypassable on my account.
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