View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Was the combat expertise change missed in the release notes?
- Tempest Templete
- My solution to the Direct X10 phantom"characters" in Stormreach
- Raid Loot Sets
- Thadargix's Gem?
- modifiers!
- Is it OK...
- Problem with joining parties for Korthos Island
- Etherial Bracers dont work with hand wraps
- Is Turbine Moving it's Headquarters
- The Eldritch Gallery oubliette
- Prey on the Hunters
- Which Dev...
- What is up with house Deneith lately?
- AC Ritual doesn't work....
- New mod 8 gems...
- Bug on Pro Elements???
- Protection from Elements scrolls
- Just run the new reaver for first time
- From Reaver Refuge back to Stormreach
- Change to Reaver - utter waste of dev time
- geforce 9600 GT 512 GDDR3 - oddities
- need some help with directx 10
- Happy Halloween! Cool Halloween Videos
- rain on the parade - lag
- Dragontouched Armor rant
- (Hirelings) Did I Miss Something?
- Best Great Axe for a THF Barbarian
- Q? from a collectable collector
- Necromancer: viable at end game?
- so when we getting a welcome back weekend
- It's your favorite Community Specialist's birthday today!
- Reaver changes
- What's up about the ultra terrible latency?
- Reflagging for Sorjek!?
- hound changes dumb
- MOD8 Hound of Xoriat Intimidate DC
- Fix Noob island
- Nat Gann>>>>
- 11 Character Slots??
- Could somebody post a screenie of DT chain?
- Excellent Idea - Im Sure You'll Agree.
- NPE is
- +2 tomes in new explorer areas?
- An open letter to...
- Halloween?!
- another Maintenance
- So what types of Dragontouched armor is there
- Things that would be fun to see in the game...
- Test on Reaver
- i hate the NPE - am i the only one who does ?
- starter rags
- Alright who's the wise guy...
- See who your talking 2...
- Save Mythe
- MOD 9 Preview - Arratreikos Reborn - New Shroud Look (Fake)
- Character Paths
- How in the Heck do I get off newbie island!
- Warpriest
- Dev help!!!!!!! please!!!!
- Monastary of the Scorpion Can this be solved? Spoiler pic
- Exact Directions to Suberrane Skelly Chest using Runes to Determine Entrance
- Be careful when selling gems!
- Stealer of Souls leashing issue
- Where do we report spelling errors?
- Stopping the Sahuagin puzzle
- Cannith Manufactury
- Kargon Love
- Dragontouched I have problems with my draconic runs
- prey the hunter bugs
- Zeal question
- Getting killed *after* the reaver is completed is bunk
- Has Turbine killed fulled crafting
- Garomel - are f'ing kidding me!
- Newbie Island: Are You ****ing Kidding Me?
- Dragon egg loot
- Dragontouched armor - Smiting :)
- Dragontouched Armor
- Sacrifices quest in korthos island
- the nightmare is over
- Anyone got a screenie of D'touched Leather?
- Honestly
- When the frack are we getting our level increase?
- Where are the GM's????
- DM closed my ticket with no repsonse!!!
- Weird Item from new content
- Since nobody's posted a good screenshot yet of the DragonTouched BP
- korthos instances
- Handi Smith
- + 5 Greensteel Tea Pot with matching cups
- Protection from Elements Cooldown
- Mod 8 - An early review of the high level content
- Bug in Korthos Village
- Do Rainments still drop in GoP? Or just the Sub?
- +5 Wisdom ring
- anyone got a pic of a wf wearing a Dragontouched Docent
- DDO is slipping away through my fingers
- AC Evasion Tanks Rejoice!
- Is it just me...
- can somebody PLEASE tell me...
- If you had to choose raid loot in titan
- I'll never defend Turbine again.
- Mid-level Raid
- The reason why plat farmers make so much money.
- Who will kill this game first? the players or turbine
- DQ 2 needs fixxed
- Plat farmers are not gone
- Confusion...
- Good Job DDO
- Here's a thought>>>>
- Looking for Adventure
- Mod 8 Review - The Good, the Bad, & The Ugly
- Air Elemental Fun
- Anyone have a list. . "
- Dragontouched Armor
- Loot envy
- Recalling while underwater = death?
- Information for newbies
- worlds up
- Why none of this really matters
- Clerics and Mod 8
- The Official "I QUIT" thread...or at least it should be..
- Hound Changes - is it just me?
- Fountain Guild List
- Go Turbine, Go!
- Who has the highest AC?
- a simple solution?
- Enter the Kobold stuck spot
- first Mission with ice dragon
- Spells left unattended...
- Question for the Uberzz. . .
- Today's maintenance
- How do you deal with tough air elementals
- Delera's run - Team effort
- My Ideas on how to fix some probelms...
- Logged in for the first time since mod 8.
- ok where is the new armor forum?
- I want a 10' rope
- Refuge Floor
- My review of Mod 8 so far
- The ultimate nerf
- Handwrap bugs?
- Anyone seen or heard of one of these.?
- I'm going to say it again...
- Full Server Crash?
- Server FAIL
- OMG! Turbine does this too!
- Server Crash Thread
- what's your problem turbine?
- Elemental change gone a lil' too far?
- Eladrin, on this Dragontouched Armor...
- You think YOU have it bad...
- Turbines Datacenter
- Draidin's Return
- DQ raid
- think its time for XP month
- to all you computer wizzes
- so now...
- National Election Causes Poweroutage
- DDO General Discussion General discussion of topics related to DDO.
- Prey on the Hunter
- So its 12:30 now
- The Reaver's Fate is now a real raid
- Server crash
- I see the
- Suggestions for fixing the game?
- Spelling tips 'cuz I am bored
- when the servers come back
- Servers will be down till 6:00pm
- Class path opinions?
- Tempest Rangers
- Servers are up
- Server are up
- First one logged back in
- Servers are up
- Stop Whining!
- Picture of Fire Near Turbine HQ
- There are still lots of people who can't connect!
- I love this game!
- Returning Player Appreciation
- new gems
- Directx10 Screenshots.
- Newbie Island bug? help!
- Icy Rainments
- In Game Help down?
- Pro from elements bug?
- Warning on Sell Gems
- Monastary Puzzle
- Saomi Gardens
- Rainbow in the Dark - GREAT changes!
- Handwraps, mephits, and ghosts
- Wow can we get this fixed?
- Can I swap one of my Rogue Special Abilties for a Feat like is says in the Rules?
- Tolero, let's do this!!
- Servers down again?
- Quest Chain reward list, lets look at this again
- Novel New Idea - Random Jewelery
- trial accounts
- Min. path needed to get to Harbor
- New videos from Xiloscient!
- I am leaving the game....and had a blast
- quantity and type of scrolls a wiz should carry
- Latency with Cable vs DSL
- what good is NPE if you dont have free trials
- What happend?
- Very cool
- Filmed @ 11 Lag monster rises from the dead, becomes a lich.
- Please fix
- Game direction with adventure areas?
- New loading screen..
- newbie question
- Gamebanshee interviews Kate on Mod 8, 9
- New Maps
- Is it me?
- Update?
- Mod 9 plea
- Comming Back Because Of Hirlings.
- Enough is Enough
- Unable to learn "Way of the Earth"
- Turbine Please nerf WOP!
- connection issues
- DDO Compendium Load Times
- Air Elementals and the cheat called overrun/knockdown
- Shroud Portals
- Do Insight AC bonuses stack?
- Best Way to Embarrass and Humilate Yourself in DDO.
- 10 Fay Free Trial - Back on!
- Solo quest question
- Hooray Turbine - you broke the game
- "Reaver' Fate" working as intended?
- One of these things is not like the other: Soami Gardens
- Trialists...
- Dual Wielding Stat Damagers (not WoP)
- Dragonshard Essence?
- Bad Time to Start?
- Module 9 will also increase the level cap to 20
- Quick Question after last Mod
- Question on Proc rate of Salt Guard vs. Disintegration guard....
- Kool & the Gang remix for you some whiners
- Least accomplished level 16 in DDO?
- LAG! Not as Bad, BUT............
- Combat numbers for spell casting?
- Anyone else having problems with Rise of the Phoenix?
- New Poll for the old timers
- Paying 180 $ for updates that are called modules.
- I guess I didn't pay my toll fee Bridge was out... Reaver
- transfer
- Dragontouched Docent
- Please fix the lag! (spoilers)
- Anyone know of a permadeath guild on Thelanis?
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