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  1. Confessions of a Stone Levelled Newb
  2. Playing Together - Suggestions invited from a melee
  3. Random Question
  4. Devs- Quit trying to make hard/elite into Epics!
  5. Help me gear up for the shroud!
  6. AC for a non-tank? Really all or nothing??
  7. the end of 3.5
  8. XPac and VIP
  9. Minor Tome of Learning
  10. Turbine DOES have heart.
  11. fresh eyes
  12. Where´d my soulstone go?
  13. Guild ship names
  14. Stone of XP fix
  15. Do mobs get dodge bonuses?
  16. I prepared expletive runes this morning
  17. Eddie Lives!!! (thank you, Devs)
  18. Enhancements further delayed to November 2012 with update 16??
  19. Point Blank Shot
  20. new update: gameplay impact on arcanes
  21. Displacement, self-only in U14?
  22. Vote for New pets
  23. Arti Party Spells?
  24. Best Name in DDO
  25. mean people
  26. What date is U15 coming?
  27. Don't really get the whole reason behind splitting <metal> Weapon spell for Arties
  28. Stuff that should've been in the release notes, but wasn't.
  29. booted for a harmless suggestion
  30. Earth Grab?
  31. Stones of shared Exp on multiple servers?
  32. New to casters : buffing question
  33. Odd suggestions and questionable advice thread.
  34. Anyone know how to stop your characters from being auto archived?
  35. Frozen Tunic: Typo or Bug?
  36. Looking Ahead to Clerics in the Enhancement Pass
  37. Really mean people
  38. Arti Wizard-type?
  39. Pets: best incentive tool from Turbine ever
  40. Turbine, Thanks...
  41. Some of the meanest people on the face of the earth!
  42. Block stone of xp or add multiple confirmations
  43. Does "Command" help with Turn Undead?
  44. a tale of static duo
  45. Where the heck is the Reaver's Refuge starting NPC?
  46. Repair Spells
  47. Question about hearts of wood.
  48. Economy(scrolls)
  49. this ever happened to you?
  50. It must be a woman thing
  51. Lets reminisce a moment
  52. The hardest part of TRing ...
  53. Should I stone or not?
  54. Proposition for the Dev's
  55. Am I the only one "scared" of the expansion?
  56. super noob question. I roll up a toon with either vet status how to use tomes on it?
  57. Unsuppresion Ioun stones
  58. Apologize to a Shroud group last night, I was "that guy"
  59. Shadow Crypt, Delare 4 etc opener
  60. necro gear
  61. Monk help?
  62. Devs, please change TR cache size
  63. The hardest part about rolling a new toon is...
  64. This "spell power" stuffs....
  65. viewing a character's level progression?
  66. BYOH: An MMO Philosophy
  67. Please fix the physics 'fix'
  68. Lag fixed? (for me anyway)
  69. Turbine Legendary Pre Order In hospital what is last day can do it?
  70. Upcoming epic change question.
  71. What would be the worst mob combination to come across?
  72. Has anyone ever....
  73. Is it still too soon to ask...?
  74. I'm a barbarian
  75. OUCH in the Shroud
  76. Tiny dilema in these times of epic conundrums.
  77. Guards (earthgrab specifically) and stacking?
  78. I am poised to become the WORST healer EVAR!!!
  79. Servers are up
  80. Tell me why I should go pure FvS instead of splashing 1 fighter
  81. PETITION - reduce the "cooldown" of /stuck
  82. A possible suggestion or idea
  83. Another Plea to Change the Look of Pet Soulstones
  84. Raid Timer tools broken?
  85. dungeon scaling should affect XP
  86. Not sure if anyone has ever asked this...
  87. Are we going to be able to make Green Dragon Armor?
  88. Request: Louder Voice Volume
  89. Shoddy forum website
  90. How many people are on your squelch list?
  91. Game Changes and Perceptions
  92. Back after a few months, what did I miss?
  93. Overwhelmed with too many LFM's - What to do?
  94. Ransack clarification
  95. The mark of a real man......
  96. Question about challenges
  97. Repair Critical Damage bugged?
  98. :D Intro... is there a rant section? D:
  99. Timing...a swing and a miss.
  100. NooooooonoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  101. Stone of Experience didn't work..
  102. Spectral glove bug ??
  103. New items for 3 Barrel Cove, nice but...
  104. Warforged Wizard build?
  105. Arti Damage Timing
  106. 2 days left for "Build your Guild"? Still not working as posted?
  107. VIP, Expansion, and Turbine Point concern
  108. do we need
  109. Question about end game in the xpac
  110. Anyone else getting bank fails
  111. The XP Stone has RUINED Me!
  112. Stone of experiences uses per account
  113. Stone of Experience
  114. Explain this one Turbine, OSHA does not approve
  115. Launcher
  116. Death by falling
  117. thing that bug me
  118. What. Have. I. DONE?!?!!!1111ONE!?!
  119. Expansion Legendary questions Ordering and others.
  120. Level 16 seeking gear advice
  121. What happens when u put +7 on cloth armor?
  122. warforged Pale Master build
  123. Responsibilities of being the "star-bearer"
  124. First excuse my grammar/spelling I’m sure someone will knock my post on this
  125. Adventures in the Grey Area
  126. Easiest way to balance casters & Melees
  127. Buying the expansion for this game is such a pain in the ass..
  128. Wheres my points?
  129. Abbot - Roids unhittable.
  130. MyDDO stuck?? / TR Tabs
  131. Stuck in Bloody Crypt
  132. A questionnaire
  133. Please remove Grease from Metal Companions.
  134. Von on less than elite
  135. Repair dragonscale armor
  136. FVS build help plz
  137. Video card update
  138. When will you fix this at all???
  139. Stone Of Exp
  140. Thank you for the Build Your Guild Event!
  141. What time can we expect XP
  142. All the elite LFMs, better for casters than melees?
  143. tricks for pets? (that fight)
  144. Do the new 20+ quest reward +3 tomes?
  145. buying expansion
  146. So, No Screenshot Of The Week This Week?"
  147. Dear Devs: UI Object Placement file
  148. Will XPAC be purchasable via TP?
  149. Crazy stupid
  150. The companions are missing something very important...
  151. Stages of de noobing IV: Mind sets
  152. Dread Wraith, Create Spawn
  153. Stone of XP destroyed my computer!
  154. Pair of fresh 16s (Stone of Experience) looking for guidance on quests (Duo friendly)
  155. Playing other people's toons
  156. reincarnation & veteran status
  157. Reminder to get your rainbow raiding in now - 12 classes is about to become 13
  158. Activating Expansion after June 25th??
  159. Stone of XP is the new lag!!!!
  160. Grease. I'm using it. DEAL WITH IT.
  161. What is the point of limited time store items?
  162. Dear Turbine, thanks very much.....
  163. Lottery guest passes
  164. Kudos Turbine
  165. A problem with names...
  166. Questions about the experience stone
  167. Is crafted Potency bugged?
  168. To all the pugs i've loved before
  169. And so it begins....
  170. Coalescence Chamber - tips for soloing?
  171. Max # of Character slots
  172. Ultimate DDO Balance Pass
  173. The Mire
  174. In since '06, level 20, NEVER done a Shroud run....
  175. Roleplay as a Parent for a Sec
  176. New VIP - I have questions
  177. Fix the baddies going through walls already!
  178. So... who won the skyliner?
  179. sustaining symbiont droprate?
  180. Coal
  181. Question:bank/mule characters
  182. Could somone recomend a bard build?
  183. Need Rouge and Cleric...
  184. Launcher slow load...
  185. what are "phantom roids" in abbott?
  186. Well That's Too Bad. We Were Having Such A Good Time Ignoring The OP And...
  187. New Quests and Favor
  188. change The name, "Rogue", back to, "Thief".
  189. Been a while
  190. Melees and the cold shoulder
  191. Tome of Legend trade in
  192. I have too many toons
  193. website down ?
  194. Unable to login to game
  195. Warcraft hacked DDO
  196. Amateurism
  197. Log In Fix
  198. No Access to Anything
  199. I shall own ddo.com soon. thx for dropping the ball
  200. Alright, I give. My search-fu is weak!
  201. Hmmm Need help
  202. ddo.com registered until June 14, 2017
  203. cannith crafting ammo
  204. DDO Down
  205. DDO Episode 1
  206. Pale Master & Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance
  207. Paralyzed Marine Corps vet seeks help.
  208. Extend the XP bonus!
  209. Bonus Reward Ticket
  210. tome and feat respec
  211. Be warned hackers...
  212. Guild invite broken?
  213. Today I laughed...
  214. Ears, English, Selective
  215. Quick fix for Launcher restart problem.
  216. If ive unlocked drow with favor
  217. Yesterdays little login problem
  218. crash while in explorer areas ( not at loading )
  219. Does Guikd Renown Lag?
  220. my ISP has not updated their DNS
  221. Dreaming Dark + Shattermantle
  222. Please...It is Have not Of....
  223. Pop and Drop rates (rant warning)
  224. Has someone been playing with the monk coding?
  225. Turbine, wow... Technical issues... Why do you kick yoursel?
  226. Armor or Robes?
  227. Brave bonus stuck at 4
  228. Just to clarify my last post about elite quests and casters...
  229. True Reincarnation and Stat Tomes
  230. Just barely...
  231. Outrageous
  232. drow monster classification
  233. Launcher restarting
  234. Magnetism and Lightning items
  235. Do we no longer buff?
  236. My launcher is still !#%$%$
  237. This weekends debacle...
  238. race/class sale!!! should I....go for it?
  239. Alchemist Crown WHY YOU NEVER APPEAR!!!!
  240. Men cannot be trusted left alone...
  241. Keeping up with the jones's
  242. I force you to heal me!!! I said now!!
  243. Past life credit
  244. 20th *2 (40 runs) DQ rewards suck....
  245. I'm sorry Paladins
  246. What type of armor should my Rogue wear?
  247. Is this a bug, or is it my imagination?
  248. Dear Turbineclaus
  249. Re-arrange stuff in my Ingredient Bags
  250. Launcher keeps updating.