View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Confessions of a Stone Levelled Newb
- Playing Together - Suggestions invited from a melee
- Random Question
- Devs- Quit trying to make hard/elite into Epics!
- Help me gear up for the shroud!
- AC for a non-tank? Really all or nothing??
- the end of 3.5
- XPac and VIP
- Minor Tome of Learning
- Turbine DOES have heart.
- fresh eyes
- Where´d my soulstone go?
- Guild ship names
- Stone of XP fix
- Do mobs get dodge bonuses?
- I prepared expletive runes this morning
- Eddie Lives!!! (thank you, Devs)
- Enhancements further delayed to November 2012 with update 16??
- Point Blank Shot
- new update: gameplay impact on arcanes
- Displacement, self-only in U14?
- Vote for New pets
- Arti Party Spells?
- Best Name in DDO
- mean people
- What date is U15 coming?
- Don't really get the whole reason behind splitting <metal> Weapon spell for Arties
- Stuff that should've been in the release notes, but wasn't.
- booted for a harmless suggestion
- Earth Grab?
- Stones of shared Exp on multiple servers?
- New to casters : buffing question
- Odd suggestions and questionable advice thread.
- Anyone know how to stop your characters from being auto archived?
- Frozen Tunic: Typo or Bug?
- Looking Ahead to Clerics in the Enhancement Pass
- Really mean people
- Arti Wizard-type?
- Pets: best incentive tool from Turbine ever
- Turbine, Thanks...
- Some of the meanest people on the face of the earth!
- Block stone of xp or add multiple confirmations
- Does "Command" help with Turn Undead?
- a tale of static duo
- Where the heck is the Reaver's Refuge starting NPC?
- Repair Spells
- Question about hearts of wood.
- Economy(scrolls)
- this ever happened to you?
- It must be a woman thing
- Lets reminisce a moment
- The hardest part of TRing ...
- Should I stone or not?
- Proposition for the Dev's
- Am I the only one "scared" of the expansion?
- super noob question. I roll up a toon with either vet status how to use tomes on it?
- Unsuppresion Ioun stones
- Apologize to a Shroud group last night, I was "that guy"
- Shadow Crypt, Delare 4 etc opener
- necro gear
- Monk help?
- Devs, please change TR cache size
- The hardest part about rolling a new toon is...
- This "spell power" stuffs....
- viewing a character's level progression?
- BYOH: An MMO Philosophy
- Please fix the physics 'fix'
- Lag fixed? (for me anyway)
- Turbine Legendary Pre Order In hospital what is last day can do it?
- Upcoming epic change question.
- What would be the worst mob combination to come across?
- Has anyone ever....
- Is it still too soon to ask...?
- I'm a barbarian
- OUCH in the Shroud
- Tiny dilema in these times of epic conundrums.
- Guards (earthgrab specifically) and stacking?
- I am poised to become the WORST healer EVAR!!!
- Servers are up
- Tell me why I should go pure FvS instead of splashing 1 fighter
- PETITION - reduce the "cooldown" of /stuck
- A possible suggestion or idea
- Another Plea to Change the Look of Pet Soulstones
- Raid Timer tools broken?
- dungeon scaling should affect XP
- Not sure if anyone has ever asked this...
- Are we going to be able to make Green Dragon Armor?
- Request: Louder Voice Volume
- Shoddy forum website
- How many people are on your squelch list?
- Game Changes and Perceptions
- Back after a few months, what did I miss?
- Overwhelmed with too many LFM's - What to do?
- Ransack clarification
- The mark of a real man......
- Question about challenges
- Repair Critical Damage bugged?
- :D Intro... is there a rant section? D:
- Timing...a swing and a miss.
- Stone of Experience didn't work..
- Spectral glove bug ??
- New items for 3 Barrel Cove, nice but...
- Warforged Wizard build?
- Arti Damage Timing
- 2 days left for "Build your Guild"? Still not working as posted?
- VIP, Expansion, and Turbine Point concern
- do we need
- Question about end game in the xpac
- Anyone else getting bank fails
- The XP Stone has RUINED Me!
- Stone of experiences uses per account
- Stone of Experience
- Explain this one Turbine, OSHA does not approve
- Launcher
- Death by falling
- thing that bug me
- What. Have. I. DONE?!?!!!1111ONE!?!
- Expansion Legendary questions Ordering and others.
- Level 16 seeking gear advice
- What happens when u put +7 on cloth armor?
- warforged Pale Master build
- Responsibilities of being the "star-bearer"
- First excuse my grammar/spelling I’m sure someone will knock my post on this
- Adventures in the Grey Area
- Easiest way to balance casters & Melees
- Buying the expansion for this game is such a pain in the ass..
- Wheres my points?
- Abbot - Roids unhittable.
- MyDDO stuck?? / TR Tabs
- Stuck in Bloody Crypt
- A questionnaire
- Please remove Grease from Metal Companions.
- Von on less than elite
- Repair dragonscale armor
- FVS build help plz
- Video card update
- When will you fix this at all???
- Stone Of Exp
- Thank you for the Build Your Guild Event!
- What time can we expect XP
- All the elite LFMs, better for casters than melees?
- tricks for pets? (that fight)
- Do the new 20+ quest reward +3 tomes?
- buying expansion
- So, No Screenshot Of The Week This Week?"
- Dear Devs: UI Object Placement file
- Will XPAC be purchasable via TP?
- Crazy stupid
- The companions are missing something very important...
- Stages of de noobing IV: Mind sets
- Dread Wraith, Create Spawn
- Stone of XP destroyed my computer!
- Pair of fresh 16s (Stone of Experience) looking for guidance on quests (Duo friendly)
- Playing other people's toons
- reincarnation & veteran status
- Reminder to get your rainbow raiding in now - 12 classes is about to become 13
- Activating Expansion after June 25th??
- Stone of XP is the new lag!!!!
- Grease. I'm using it. DEAL WITH IT.
- What is the point of limited time store items?
- Dear Turbine, thanks very much.....
- Lottery guest passes
- Kudos Turbine
- A problem with names...
- Questions about the experience stone
- Is crafted Potency bugged?
- To all the pugs i've loved before
- And so it begins....
- Coalescence Chamber - tips for soloing?
- Max # of Character slots
- Ultimate DDO Balance Pass
- The Mire
- In since '06, level 20, NEVER done a Shroud run....
- Roleplay as a Parent for a Sec
- New VIP - I have questions
- Fix the baddies going through walls already!
- So... who won the skyliner?
- sustaining symbiont droprate?
- Coal
- Question:bank/mule characters
- Could somone recomend a bard build?
- Need Rouge and Cleric...
- Launcher slow load...
- what are "phantom roids" in abbott?
- Well That's Too Bad. We Were Having Such A Good Time Ignoring The OP And...
- New Quests and Favor
- change The name, "Rogue", back to, "Thief".
- Been a while
- Melees and the cold shoulder
- Tome of Legend trade in
- I have too many toons
- website down ?
- Unable to login to game
- Warcraft hacked DDO
- Amateurism
- Log In Fix
- No Access to Anything
- I shall own soon. thx for dropping the ball
- Alright, I give. My search-fu is weak!
- Hmmm Need help
- registered until June 14, 2017
- cannith crafting ammo
- DDO Down
- DDO Episode 1
- Pale Master & Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance
- Paralyzed Marine Corps vet seeks help.
- Extend the XP bonus!
- Bonus Reward Ticket
- tome and feat respec
- Be warned hackers...
- Guild invite broken?
- Today I laughed...
- Ears, English, Selective
- Quick fix for Launcher restart problem.
- If ive unlocked drow with favor
- Yesterdays little login problem
- crash while in explorer areas ( not at loading )
- Does Guikd Renown Lag?
- my ISP has not updated their DNS
- Dreaming Dark + Shattermantle
- Please...It is Have not Of....
- Pop and Drop rates (rant warning)
- Has someone been playing with the monk coding?
- Turbine, wow... Technical issues... Why do you kick yoursel?
- Armor or Robes?
- Brave bonus stuck at 4
- Just to clarify my last post about elite quests and casters...
- True Reincarnation and Stat Tomes
- Just barely...
- Outrageous
- drow monster classification
- Launcher restarting
- Magnetism and Lightning items
- Do we no longer buff?
- My launcher is still !#%$%$
- This weekends debacle...
- race/class sale!!! should I....go for it?
- Alchemist Crown WHY YOU NEVER APPEAR!!!!
- Men cannot be trusted left alone...
- Keeping up with the jones's
- I force you to heal me!!! I said now!!
- Past life credit
- 20th *2 (40 runs) DQ rewards suck....
- I'm sorry Paladins
- What type of armor should my Rogue wear?
- Is this a bug, or is it my imagination?
- Dear Turbineclaus
- Re-arrange stuff in my Ingredient Bags
- Launcher keeps updating.
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