View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- My search-foo is no good; question about Enhancment revamp
- Anyone having this happen today?
- Need Help Buying Packs
- Questions About Pricing Items for Auction
- Online Ticker for lfms
- Another question about AC
- Need help with Key mapping
- haHAA! My monk got his backside handed to him last night.
- Luminous truth droprate?
- Insane lag, any point in playing ddo?
- mic's and you
- Another Month with Bugged Upgraded Abbot Loot.
- "Locked" toolbars still movable.
- Suggestions to overhaul player AC
- Titan's Fist rune arm is... *Bugged*
- bravery bonus
- I love this game, but I think I'm giving myself carpal tunnel...
- can a f2p premium member take leadership and control of a guild if vip resigns?
- Level 7 Veteran Starter Gear
- pre-order and rewards
- Summon monster scrolls question
- Fighter active PL Clicky
- Divine Sacrifice
- Epic Ring of the Stalker Question
- Green stell deconstruction? any news on this?
- runes for DT full plate armor?
- Had an interesting new lag induced issue last night
- +3 tomes?
- Question about Harry and Improved Destruction
- Force Manipulation and BB :(
- spider mask cosmetic bug- elf ears
- How much do people really hate pink hats?
- Orchard Slayers not working
- Greater tomes of learning wiped out by lesser reincarnation???
- Epic Abishai Set Kinda Useless :(
- Flying re: Champions Online
- DDO store coupons/sales--Adventure packs?
- Im a subscriber and Im feeling more and more unhappy.
- Plz fix Holy Aura!
- Can't log in
- GR/LR with stuff in TR cache
- Please fix the Windspyre Gryphon
- Omnidust/spell Question
- challenge: is there anyway to gain 5 star from solo?
- tempest not working with wraps
- Epic Levels Progression - speculations
- unbearable and unplayable lag?
- Price check for Blue Dragon Scales
- I like attacking NPCs!
- DDO data usage
- Idea for a TP item that will rake in the dough
- FPS and DDO
- Please list Healing Amp and Incite on the Character Sheet - Stat tab
- Dramarama!
- Add a compelling reason to complete elite Lord of Blades
- Maximum Healing Amp (Plus Realistic Healing Amp Build)
- A sorta kinda status report
- Auto attack turning off
- Public Preview Server is back up
- Problems with Pre Purchase
- t3 Dual Essesence Alchemical Weapons
- elf TWF longsword build 18fvs/2monk
- So now that Tome's arn't lost on reinc
- NPC Exp
- Drow Improvements in U13
- Patch 1 and Deepwoods Sniper still broken
- New epic levels and content going to make current epics easier?
- Staging a ddo strike/boycott
- Arraetrikos quadruple DBF?
- Is your healing hireling making you a bad player?
- Pre Purchase Packages...
- How would you feel about Faction themed updates, slowly bringing more PvP into DDO?
- Tomes kept after true reincarnation?
- Epic Augments
- Terror & unsuppressed stats
- Sundering Raid Bosses Reliably
- Drow ears are gone
- Drow Racial PrE?
- toons sure do log off a lot
- Why does Arcane Spell Failure from Touch of Mourlands affect divine spells?
- Are insta-kill weapons now obsolete?
- Mindfury Symbiont
- Running Master Artificer tonight with mah guildies...
- Free Feat respec?
- New option for Rogue path; an actual thief
- Question about save bonuses
- How to Bring Balance to Melee vs. Caster
- True Druidic heart of wood
- Bugs, scrolls and happiness
- Cove ETA?
- Lottery might be working OK but I just wanna check w/others...
- Question about bane damage
- Arti past-life active feat
- Low Level Pack Sale: Which is the best??
- Your three favorite classes?
- good time to come back?
- Why can't VIP buy adventure packs...
- Menace a good reason?
- Cranial Satellite?
- Is there a difference between longbows and shortbows?
- Xachosian Eardweller dropping post U13?
- On Artificer Weapon Scrolls..
- No I am not gonna use a pot ! *insert Major Mnoric*
- Transferring tome of supreme ability via shared bank: Y/N?
- 75% off and no where to go
- Happy st patrick's day everyone!
- Forming a raid group for Master Artificer ain't easy...
- Yes, another thread about TR'ing.
- Problems with forums, compendium, and game?
- Why are the Air Ellies in the Reaver *immune* to electricity?
- A Constructive View on In-Game Customer Service
- Poll: did your "lucky" toon keep there luck or loose it in TR bank
- New player tip: Don't go VIP
- This sucks Turbine
- Question about Druid?
- Greensteel for TWF Warchanter
- When did STK get a craftable trinket blank?
- Any problems with +4 tome retention?
- Thanks turbine !!!
- Solution to the lag issue
- Lag may have a clue to zone DC
- Epic Khyber Reavers: Whats their reflex save?
- What brought you to DDO?
- VIP versus Others
- Packs for TR xp assist on second account
- When do we get these in the store?
- Question on Greater D.Mark of Finding
- Must have enhancement lines for Cleric level 20
- Ring of Spell Storing- Thanks for Playing...Here's Your Consolation Prize
- how useful is greater lawful outsider bane
- Questions about ranged ranged characters
- How do you report a offensive name?
- Drow and Menace of the Underdark
- ***URGENT Request***
- Drow in the Underdark
- ------> lag <--------
- When is update 13.1 commin?
- Druid and possible problems
- epic in none epic?
- Stealth Argo roll back?
- You know you play too much DDO when...
- Tips for making plat?
- Doublefacepalmallthewayacrossthesky: Part Deux
- Lag!
- What happened back then ?
- Anyone else noticed - water savant
- ransack question
- Lord of Blades Spelling Errors
- Gs ml
- hard to find group? or just me?
- Green Steel Blank Large Guild Slot
- Questions so so many and why?
- DEVS: Gear-related events (Mabar, Cove, etc.), and scheduling
- Peer pressure to TR
- Selectable Past Life Feat at Level 1?
- Is lammania or are epic scrolls irrelevent to DDO
- Monk past life feat rip off
- Full abishi Vs the Red Fens?
- "TR's only" groups...
- Where do free players post their builds?
- Damage boost delay
- Oops on epic scrolls = New Coke?
- help! returning player questions
- Chat channels, friends and squelch list needs to be account based not toon based
- So SP pots contribute to people sticking to bad playstlye and tactics?
- Why do I have to make a password to buy the New expansion?
- begging, again, please dont erase wilderness maps
- Rune Arm crafting Bug?
- Buying expansion trigering VIP?
- for the love of god............WHY!!!!!???
- how was your monday?
- Druid for non-vip
- PM and Stat Damage?
- Happy No Pants Tuesday!
- Leading a raid - mana pots reimbursment
- 12 months "special offer" a joke in the UK
- Acting on adivce from friends can sometimes bite ya in the backside
- Craftable Challenge Gear: Questions.
- Word of warning and tale of woe
- Checking first time server favor bonus
- Bugs taking over DDO
- Are epics going to be given different levels after the update?
- Druid
- DPS comparison help
- Can't find it
- Elf slaying arrows
- Do xp pots stack with Tome of Learning?
- Power Critical Feat Advice
- Will future additions to the expansion be free to those who pre ordered?
- Coin Lords 700 Favor, Steadfast
- A question about lag?
- Background music
- Natural spell, yea or nay?
- New player here, looking for a decently populated server...
- Lesser Reincarnation Question
- The Myth of Pay To Win
- Neues Thema erstellen
- New suggestion for AC with mathematical analysis
- XP bonus for TR's, would something like this work?
- Buff display bug (Oddly Fixed)
- Is MyDDO abandoned?
- To all those who keep saying "well _I_ dont have lag"
- Epic levels
- Concordant opposition items stacking?
- Weird detach item from mail loss bug
- My.DDO Maintenance & Guild Renown
- Cosmetic Companion Naming
- Just noticed this
- The Bantamweight-Class Healing Champion of the World
- Unsolvable Monastary?
- Offline raid timers buggd?
- Otto's + Wildshape
- Question about LR +5 and quest completions
- Change raid lockout timers to start countdown upon completion, not upon quest turn in
- DDO Story Arc Timeline
- LFM Police
- TRs vs Non-TRs Threads
- Intimidate question
- Some things that are bothering me today
- Incite & Intimidate
- March Menace!
- Question about Lesser Reincarnation..
- DDO - Receive Guaranteed Beta Access with Pre-Purchase of any Expansion Pack (email)
- Unable to Raid - Lag..
- enhancement tree
- FVS DR working?
- Problem with Ad
- Yugo Pot & Mark of much saved before I TR
- Combat Borked... Again
- Is it just me or is something screwy going on?
- Availability : Digital only or retail, too ?
- Epic Templar's Justice + Silver splotted?
- Ddo: Next
- What is standard questing?
- Too Much BB
- That One Quest
- Bring back haste from the good old day
- Just got my first Docent of defiance!
- Crafted weapons and incorporeal undead: Help needed.
- Help--I would like to do Stealer of Souls. Gems ?
- Light sources
- I want to name my items!
- It's that time again.
- Increase squelch list please!
- Me Since the 4th! (or: the story of I almost died twice)
- Quick Poll...
- House K: Something is Amiss
- Anyone know what these NPCs are referring to?
- U13-Elves have regained usefulness
- Not what I expected
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