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  1. Server Rollback?
  2. Silver Wraps - Price Check
  3. I imagine the Devs are having a classic bittersweet moment right now
  4. Mournlands and Lamannia do ANY testing?
  5. Add one to undocumented changes
  6. MotU and the Careful Shopper
  7. Lost some XP with update.
  8. Collector’s Edition still get Elite Spider Cult Mask?
  9. Where are the new spell materials at?
  10. Still no Official Known issue on pre-order bags returning no items
  11. Auction House record?
  12. A serious discussion about XP tomes!
  13. Has anyone had a problem with Base pre-order?
  14. Red Fens End Rewards
  15. Let's talk: What is wrong with this picture?
  16. Spinnder of Shadows epic broken?
  17. can we tr right now or is it shutdown?
  18. Prepurchase questions
  19. Question about paid expansion
  20. vengeful protector
  21. servants of the overlord cheese
  22. Clarification Request : Pre-Order timeframe
  23. First time loading into DDO causes crash in game
  24. Hezrou Party!
  25. Mass mob spawns and Dungeon Alert - Quest specific DA thresholds needed
  26. 20th raid completion lists
  27. Let's talk: U13 and all that
  28. Lost My Guild / Friend List / Chat Channel...
  29. Issue with Cosmetic Pets
  30. Crits?!?!?
  31. Disappearing Ingredients during bag transfer! (New since pre-purchase?)
  32. The lag is now the worst its ever been
  33. A question for the number crunchers: How much HP do Orthons have?
  34. The end of ddo!?
  35. Original "Collector's Edition" owners
  36. MOTUD is a Great Deal!
  37. DOOOoooooOOOOOMMM!!!111!!!
  38. Something is bothering me with these changes.
  39. Orien where art thou? Servers Ranked
  40. Does Purchasing an Adventure Pack Twice Reset Anything?
  41. Limited Time Collectors Ed.
  42. A possible lag workaround.
  43. Envenomed Blade Armor Piercing - Applies to both hands??
  44. Hotbar equipment- auto occupy?
  45. Anyone know what this reward thing is?
  46. MotU Pre-order & Number Crunching (TP/$)
  47. The 'true' cost of DDO
  48. Concerning Update 14
  49. It's my loot, so I got the power to make a special rule on...
  50. Some love for Tempests (aka unnerf me plz)
  51. Tomes persist through TR
  52. renown pots doesnt stack but timer ticks together?
  53. Where to get Doublcross Bow?
  54. The Pit
  55. Tomes of learning and TR
  56. Eight spindly thumbs up for U13 and beyond!
  57. CE Preorder and VIP
  58. Vet bonus for expansion pack
  59. Signature lines
  60. The Cinematic/advert.
  61. Solvents stay in the crafting window!?
  62. The new Spell display
  63. Cosmetic Pets /off
  64. u13, erm... an epic fail?
  65. Watching the forums the past few days has been quite the learning experience...
  66. A funny thing happened after I relogged for the 3rd time last night
  67. Are the pre-order pets granted for every character you make/have?
  68. Thanks for the AH upgrade
  69. Lord of Dust chain comment and bug
  70. How do you prepurchase underdark?
  71. NPC Bio in MotU
  72. crono scrolls dropping post u13?
  73. The Holy Trinity
  74. Six Year Old Birthday Cake
  75. This is gonna hurt! ? about Ioun stones
  76. 3x end special rewards quests?
  77. The Hotfix today.
  78. Caravan Missing
  79. I Ate My Six Year Old Birthday Cake And...
  80. what is intim of spinner shadows?
  81. OMG Onyx Panther - Bad Kitty
  82. MotU pre-purchase BtC
  83. Monitoring client to server connection
  84. How Much content should we expect?
  85. Is TRing working yet?
  86. Monastery of Scorpion Puzzle Bugged???
  87. Dunegons & Dragons Online: Menace Of The Underdark (Is it worth it?)
  88. Pale lav ion & mirror cloak
  89. Scrolls?
  90. To all VIP who feel their "loyalty" is underappreciated...
  91. Future Underdark packs free to VIP? and VET7 discount
  92. tomes and reincarnation
  93. Stupid question about adamantine ritual
  94. Will TR into Druid be available at class release or delayed like Arty?
  95. The VIP/new pack thing made simple
  96. My renewed hate for necro2
  97. Buff bar issues
  98. Fighter 3rd life reincarnation help sought.
  99. TR down, planning up.
  100. Casters: which is the most uber?
  101. Hotfix today?
  102. Epic Red Fens - Where did the scrolls go?
  103. Threneal side quests any reason to run?
  104. What to do during the downtime
  105. tell ya kids to check those auctions as soon they old enough
  106. Down time: Drama initiative. Ioun stones
  107. Druid spells hope to see
  108. Hireling Win
  109. Wizard spells from chests only?
  110. Has someone got a screenshot of the inventory item: Menace of the Underdark: Pre-Purc
  111. Armor of speed duration
  112. Does the /tell command span servers?
  113. True Reincarnation-- Success!
  114. Thank You
  115. Can 18/2 paladin|monk use THF
  116. So...TR...or else?
  117. Live
  118. So who will be the first brave soul to TR and report back?
  119. Kruz is back
  120. Reincarnation working or not?
  121. So abbot that one buggy raid
  122. Frustration is putting it mildly...
  123. Why would VIPS buy the Collectors Ed Expansion Pack?
  124. ***!!
  125. TR bug
  126. The missing book icon on the character sheet
  127. Question on TRing
  128. DDlols
  129. Druids and is it true?...
  130. The regular spider mask
  131. LR ate my greater learning tome
  132. Tr
  133. How Do You Decide Which Character Gets the Greater Tome of Learning?
  134. tome drop question
  135. Any reason to keep BtC tomes?
  136. Do we need to combine some servers?
  137. Gearing a Bad Character
  138. Traveler
  139. Quick & dirty question about Terror?
  140. birthday cake
  141. how to hide spider mask/show real helmet
  142. Misleading Email from DDO
  143. Low HP = invicible enemy ?
  144. Problems trying to pre-order using PayPal
  145. Veteran Status 7 starting gear
  146. Is Ablative Armor working correctly?
  147. Another pre order twist.
  148. Cake tomes broken???
  149. Improved Precise Shot - Clarify please, once-and-for-all.
  150. Lesser Xp Tome and Upgrade Tome Issue
  151. Where is my xp tome and my cat?
  152. So how do I get a refund for the pre-order
  153. More Broken Again?
  154. New type of teleportation spell!!
  155. Fedback on Digital River and Click-to-Buy
  156. What happened to Tattered Alice?
  157. Despite it all.. some love.
  158. How long to blue-line?
  159. Hotfix does NOT work at all.
  160. LAG - The State
  161. Question about favor
  162. Feels nice to be royally ripped off...
  163. my rotten luck
  164. XP with tome
  165. MoTU pre order spider mask
  166. poll: prepurchase TP bonus offer: did you?
  167. How to avail of the 11k pt bundle?
  168. Boss Mobs: Prismatic/Deconstruct
  169. Socket Connection Error
  170. Question about eating the cake
  171. +4 Tomes
  172. Madstone Boots & Shaken effect
  173. Colossal Ingredients Bag
  174. Since We're on the Topic of Deconstruction...
  175. Non-epic Challenge Item Nerf?
  176. What? We spent REAL MONEY, didn't get our Virtual Goods and...
  177. question about displaying spider mask
  178. Everyone's running elite, your advice to a first lifer?
  179. Official Scrolls not dropping response from devs
  180. Question for Turbine
  181. Bigby Wants Some Love
  182. Question on Pre-purchase main toon: server change?
  183. And overall Kudos and big TY
  184. You know you're a Druid when...
  185. Received new MotU ticket after TR
  186. Pork Barrels
  187. Reincarnation Still borken!!
  188. Pre Purchase not Secure, Why?
  189. Pet Collar Toggle Command?
  190. Tomes + TR, how exactly does it work?
  191. Anyone else have this issue?
  192. Cake for newly created characters?
  193. Bow Materials
  194. Quick & dirty question: Will tier 3 epic bucc spyglass become BtC if blue slotted?
  195. XP bonus atm
  196. Ioun Stones and ransack?
  197. Borstradamus: Predictions For The Expansion.
  198. IS TR working yet? Did not see any notice about it
  199. The shroud at level 16...
  200. Buffs not disappearing when timer 0:00
  201. Elite Shroud
  202. Cant access my account?
  203. Companions
  204. Update 13 bug?
  205. [U13 Funtimes!]Minor Experience Elixirs - Didn't fix tooltip, nerfed to match instead
  206. We all know the enhancement Tree is coming. Is there any new news on this?
  207. No U13 named items on 3rd run?
  208. Does It Mean I'm Addicted To DDO If . . .
  209. Rage or lack there of
  210. No Replacement Cake?
  211. To Buy, or Not to Buy...
  212. G-Reknown: How can I tell if an account is active?
  213. (Effects) in General chat window
  214. The missing preorder items may be my fault
  215. Sarlona Logon server down....
  216. Underdark question...P2P
  217. Tomes of Learning in the "Real World"
  218. U 13 & Scrolls
  219. You may not perform this action while not centered
  220. buff bar bug
  221. Strange new effect?
  222. please put back the spell level indicators
  223. Best unique non-epic greatsword
  224. took a year off, what did I miss?
  225. Chain shirt with Skirt... End Game ?
  226. Well Done Turbine!
  227. Differences between mask of cultist and elite mask of cultist
  228. Noobish Guild Name Generator
  229. Engine update?
  230. Some TR guidance
  231. Things are still not great...but not as bad as I thought
  232. Are epic scrolls dropping?
  233. How do I destroy/delete animal companion pets and collars?
  234. Mouselook
  235. random buffs
  236. Bug Reports Pointless? Known Issues List MORE pointless?
  237. Hotfix?
  238. 1750 Fav Tome should be bound to account or not bound
  239. Scrolls, Druids, and the Update
  240. Bank eating things again...
  241. Weapons Effects...
  242. Is Mass Suggestion going to be fixed or what?
  243. Does the Wind Howler bracers need to be exclusive?
  244. New Link for MYDDOLite
  245. Stop to mess with the Abbot
  246. Warlocks in DDO? Why not?
  247. Pre Order woes..ALMOST there..
  248. Collectors Edition Still Bugged?
  249. 100 Favor Runs With Vet2: Builds and Paths
  250. Word to the wise: spiders and collars