View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Server Rollback?
- Silver Wraps - Price Check
- I imagine the Devs are having a classic bittersweet moment right now
- Mournlands and Lamannia do ANY testing?
- Add one to undocumented changes
- MotU and the Careful Shopper
- Lost some XP with update.
- Collector’s Edition still get Elite Spider Cult Mask?
- Where are the new spell materials at?
- Still no Official Known issue on pre-order bags returning no items
- Auction House record?
- A serious discussion about XP tomes!
- Has anyone had a problem with Base pre-order?
- Red Fens End Rewards
- Let's talk: What is wrong with this picture?
- Spinnder of Shadows epic broken?
- can we tr right now or is it shutdown?
- Prepurchase questions
- Question about paid expansion
- vengeful protector
- servants of the overlord cheese
- Clarification Request : Pre-Order timeframe
- First time loading into DDO causes crash in game
- Hezrou Party!
- Mass mob spawns and Dungeon Alert - Quest specific DA thresholds needed
- 20th raid completion lists
- Let's talk: U13 and all that
- Lost My Guild / Friend List / Chat Channel...
- Issue with Cosmetic Pets
- Crits?!?!?
- Disappearing Ingredients during bag transfer! (New since pre-purchase?)
- The lag is now the worst its ever been
- A question for the number crunchers: How much HP do Orthons have?
- The end of ddo!?
- Original "Collector's Edition" owners
- MOTUD is a Great Deal!
- DOOOoooooOOOOOMMM!!!111!!!
- Something is bothering me with these changes.
- Orien where art thou? Servers Ranked
- Does Purchasing an Adventure Pack Twice Reset Anything?
- Limited Time Collectors Ed.
- A possible lag workaround.
- Envenomed Blade Armor Piercing - Applies to both hands??
- Hotbar equipment- auto occupy?
- Anyone know what this reward thing is?
- MotU Pre-order & Number Crunching (TP/$)
- The 'true' cost of DDO
- Concerning Update 14
- It's my loot, so I got the power to make a special rule on...
- Some love for Tempests (aka unnerf me plz)
- Tomes persist through TR
- renown pots doesnt stack but timer ticks together?
- Where to get Doublcross Bow?
- The Pit
- Tomes of learning and TR
- Eight spindly thumbs up for U13 and beyond!
- CE Preorder and VIP
- Vet bonus for expansion pack
- Signature lines
- The Cinematic/advert.
- Solvents stay in the crafting window!?
- The new Spell display
- Cosmetic Pets /off
- u13, erm... an epic fail?
- Watching the forums the past few days has been quite the learning experience...
- A funny thing happened after I relogged for the 3rd time last night
- Are the pre-order pets granted for every character you make/have?
- Thanks for the AH upgrade
- Lord of Dust chain comment and bug
- How do you prepurchase underdark?
- NPC Bio in MotU
- crono scrolls dropping post u13?
- The Holy Trinity
- Six Year Old Birthday Cake
- This is gonna hurt! ? about Ioun stones
- 3x end special rewards quests?
- The Hotfix today.
- Caravan Missing
- I Ate My Six Year Old Birthday Cake And...
- what is intim of spinner shadows?
- OMG Onyx Panther - Bad Kitty
- MotU pre-purchase BtC
- Monitoring client to server connection
- How Much content should we expect?
- Is TRing working yet?
- Monastery of Scorpion Puzzle Bugged???
- Dunegons & Dragons Online: Menace Of The Underdark (Is it worth it?)
- Pale lav ion & mirror cloak
- Scrolls?
- To all VIP who feel their "loyalty" is underappreciated...
- Future Underdark packs free to VIP? and VET7 discount
- tomes and reincarnation
- Stupid question about adamantine ritual
- Will TR into Druid be available at class release or delayed like Arty?
- The VIP/new pack thing made simple
- My renewed hate for necro2
- Buff bar issues
- Fighter 3rd life reincarnation help sought.
- TR down, planning up.
- Casters: which is the most uber?
- Hotfix today?
- Epic Red Fens - Where did the scrolls go?
- Threneal side quests any reason to run?
- What to do during the downtime
- tell ya kids to check those auctions as soon they old enough
- Down time: Drama initiative. Ioun stones
- Druid spells hope to see
- Hireling Win
- Wizard spells from chests only?
- Has someone got a screenshot of the inventory item: Menace of the Underdark: Pre-Purc
- Armor of speed duration
- Does the /tell command span servers?
- True Reincarnation-- Success!
- Thank You
- Can 18/2 paladin|monk use THF
- So...TR...or else?
- Live
- So who will be the first brave soul to TR and report back?
- Kruz is back
- Reincarnation working or not?
- So abbot that one buggy raid
- Frustration is putting it mildly...
- Why would VIPS buy the Collectors Ed Expansion Pack?
- ***!!
- TR bug
- The missing book icon on the character sheet
- Question on TRing
- DDlols
- Druids and is it true?...
- The regular spider mask
- LR ate my greater learning tome
- Tr
- How Do You Decide Which Character Gets the Greater Tome of Learning?
- tome drop question
- Any reason to keep BtC tomes?
- Do we need to combine some servers?
- Gearing a Bad Character
- Traveler
- Quick & dirty question about Terror?
- birthday cake
- how to hide spider mask/show real helmet
- Misleading Email from DDO
- Low HP = invicible enemy ?
- Problems trying to pre-order using PayPal
- Veteran Status 7 starting gear
- Is Ablative Armor working correctly?
- Another pre order twist.
- Cake tomes broken???
- Improved Precise Shot - Clarify please, once-and-for-all.
- Lesser Xp Tome and Upgrade Tome Issue
- Where is my xp tome and my cat?
- So how do I get a refund for the pre-order
- More Broken Again?
- New type of teleportation spell!!
- Fedback on Digital River and Click-to-Buy
- What happened to Tattered Alice?
- Despite it all.. some love.
- How long to blue-line?
- Hotfix does NOT work at all.
- LAG - The State
- Question about favor
- Feels nice to be royally ripped off...
- my rotten luck
- XP with tome
- MoTU pre order spider mask
- poll: prepurchase TP bonus offer: did you?
- How to avail of the 11k pt bundle?
- Boss Mobs: Prismatic/Deconstruct
- Socket Connection Error
- Question about eating the cake
- +4 Tomes
- Madstone Boots & Shaken effect
- Colossal Ingredients Bag
- Since We're on the Topic of Deconstruction...
- Non-epic Challenge Item Nerf?
- What? We spent REAL MONEY, didn't get our Virtual Goods and...
- question about displaying spider mask
- Everyone's running elite, your advice to a first lifer?
- Official Scrolls not dropping response from devs
- Question for Turbine
- Bigby Wants Some Love
- Question on Pre-purchase main toon: server change?
- And overall Kudos and big TY
- You know you're a Druid when...
- Received new MotU ticket after TR
- Pork Barrels
- Reincarnation Still borken!!
- Pre Purchase not Secure, Why?
- Pet Collar Toggle Command?
- Tomes + TR, how exactly does it work?
- Anyone else have this issue?
- Cake for newly created characters?
- Bow Materials
- Quick & dirty question: Will tier 3 epic bucc spyglass become BtC if blue slotted?
- XP bonus atm
- Ioun Stones and ransack?
- Borstradamus: Predictions For The Expansion.
- IS TR working yet? Did not see any notice about it
- The shroud at level 16...
- Buffs not disappearing when timer 0:00
- Elite Shroud
- Cant access my account?
- Companions
- Update 13 bug?
- [U13 Funtimes!]Minor Experience Elixirs - Didn't fix tooltip, nerfed to match instead
- We all know the enhancement Tree is coming. Is there any new news on this?
- No U13 named items on 3rd run?
- Does It Mean I'm Addicted To DDO If . . .
- Rage or lack there of
- No Replacement Cake?
- To Buy, or Not to Buy...
- G-Reknown: How can I tell if an account is active?
- (Effects) in General chat window
- The missing preorder items may be my fault
- Sarlona Logon server down....
- Underdark question...P2P
- Tomes of Learning in the "Real World"
- U 13 & Scrolls
- You may not perform this action while not centered
- buff bar bug
- Strange new effect?
- please put back the spell level indicators
- Best unique non-epic greatsword
- took a year off, what did I miss?
- Chain shirt with Skirt... End Game ?
- Well Done Turbine!
- Differences between mask of cultist and elite mask of cultist
- Noobish Guild Name Generator
- Engine update?
- Some TR guidance
- Things are still not great...but not as bad as I thought
- Are epic scrolls dropping?
- How do I destroy/delete animal companion pets and collars?
- Mouselook
- random buffs
- Bug Reports Pointless? Known Issues List MORE pointless?
- Hotfix?
- 1750 Fav Tome should be bound to account or not bound
- Scrolls, Druids, and the Update
- Bank eating things again...
- Weapons Effects...
- Is Mass Suggestion going to be fixed or what?
- Does the Wind Howler bracers need to be exclusive?
- New Link for MYDDOLite
- Stop to mess with the Abbot
- Warlocks in DDO? Why not?
- Pre Order woes..ALMOST there..
- Collectors Edition Still Bugged?
- 100 Favor Runs With Vet2: Builds and Paths
- Word to the wise: spiders and collars
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