View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Thrown Weapons - Suggestions?
- why is it that
- There is a restriction on how many people you can have in your guild?????
- Halfling Shroudage
- The reasons DDO is hard for newcomers
- Veteran Status Starting Gear for Cleric?
- User Chat Bug?
- All my characters won the lottery
- (artificer) Inflict Damage spells...
- 50% off new character slots
- Party Chat Noise
- Gaaah!
- Question RE: Birthday Cake
- Update 13 Feb 27th
- "Where in Tarnation is it?" Lottery
- Give a NEWB tips for EPIC GEAR
- best twink item you eer pulled?
- Paladin gear
- Artificer Evasion
- Must be using a hack
- Ice Storm Enhancements
- Is the PUG scene dead everywhere, or is it just Sarlona?
- Roll for item system
- A Question About Name Change Parchment
- Whats your opinion on Buying/Selling Raid Loot?
- Servers lagging out/crashing :/
- Veteran Status II...
- "Necroing" Threads
- NM: No Marketplace groups.
- LFM's & reading comprehension...
- General Epic LOB advice
- Armor Kit
- Another What Adventure Pack Question
- True Heart of Oak From DDO Store
- I'd love to see a "role" indicator
- Things that I would pay Turbine Points for...
- How to remove post/thread
- DPS Calculator?
- Was I right to refuse the leader?
- TP Question on packs
- Is there a reason my language went to French?
- Spot healing, this is why I do not play my FvS anymore
- A build that helps Everyone get +15% XP
- Name my Arty Pet!
- The Market Tent is Doomed - Continued
- Guild renown elixirs and reduced renown rewards
- Man what a grind...
- Ship buffs...
- Dungeon Scaling
- Leading the Killcount
- Which class/build for least key mashing...
- First ToD caster question
- Character Biographies: Share Your Bio Here!
- Could we have less grief maybe?
- Do ranger and bard devotion enhancements stack?
- Let's talk: The gearing disparity?
- Frenzied Set query
- Waiting on Tome of Learning...whatya save for it?
- FYI a lot of different classes/builds can make good use of the torc and bauble.
- New DDO Logo
- Forum Without Advertisement :)
- "Release notes will be available during the downtime"....
- Underdark Pre-Purchase... discuss!
- Adventure Packs in the Pre-Orders
- Wow.I feel like a crazy man.
- Ok, so if I want to enjoy the expansion, I better get geared and learn epics?
- New forum header
- Where are the release notes?
- Pre-Purchase of Expansion pack and Druids.
- I regret extending my VIP subscription
- TR unavailable
- A little something to do while the servers are down
- Druids and VIP status in the coming expansion
- Suddenly, I don't feel so bad about my main.
- Expansion Pack
- Extended downtime?
- Traveler Guinea Pigs
- Its after 10am - the game is broken.
- 10am on the dot! Way to go turbine
- U13 Unannounced Changes
- VIPs paying for new update
- Ghallanda Down?
- VIP and expansion pre-order- a reasoned discussion and debate.
- Flametouched Iron Quarterstaff?
- pre-order. Nice.
- New Launcher Cosmetic Issues
- No more Collector's Edition after launch?
- Figurine of Wonderous Power???
- New expansion discount please
- Menace of the Underdark - Purchased
- VIP Pricing
- Phiarlan inspiration + morale bonus = Sad SS bards and happy pointy hats.
- Cake
- Dd0 1500
- Veteran Status
- Can we buy expansion while in game through the DDO Store?
- Lesser tomes of learning can be upgraded!
- No lesser tome mask or figurine
- No connection after update
- Spider Mask???
- Crystal Cove?
- Loving the drow priestesses and rakshasa lords
- Egg Collector isn't recognizing my Traveler Tokens
- Persistant Buffs?
- DDO U13 : From A Veterans Standpoint
- Update 14 news
- Expansion Pre-Purchase Q&A
- The new effects log
- digital river has been hacked before
- Spider Mask is SUUUUUHWeeeT
- new items available in the ddo store?
- Adventure Packs in Pre-Order - can they be made transferrable?
- Clarification on the 3 Run Quest Item Reward
- Pre-Order Turbine points not showing up
- News stories about U13/MotU
- To everyone who works for DDO/Turbine
- Cake Djinn reward not working.
- No change to cursor
- Congrats Turbine on 'official' name change
- Quest counts all in /quest completions now
- 11k points?
- Eur prices??
- Collector's Edition Tome Of Learning Binding
- Pre-ordering MoUD
- Holy bacon batman, that's a long wait for a +1 tome
- [Bug] Buff timers aren't going away when expired.
- Why is there no turbine point option for prepurchasing the expansion?
- Lesser tomes on new characters? Question.
- Purchase Links Not Working in Chrome
- No Greater Tome of Learning or Mask
- Behold Spinio! The amazing performing vermin!
- Handwraps change.
- Will characters you create after the expansion release have a pre-purchase ticket?
- *PANIC* I thought the expansion is a one time fee O_O
- All In All The MOTU Packages Are Good Deals, But...
- Minor XP Elixir (from challenge) WAI?
- some crazy ideas
- Question about the numbering of updates in DDO.
- Warning: Bug: Don't try to redeem your Pre-Order bundle while in a Raid Zone
- a few questions
- Dont eat your cakes
- Two questions
- Are Druids Included in the Expansion Pack?
- What do you miss out on by waiting til August to order w/ TP?
- Abbot Rewards
- "Magic" of U13 - air elemental gems
- turbine marketing decision - pre purchace is not suitable for vips or premium.
- Just lost...
- Am I right about the costs?
- Tomes persist through TR
- Bugged Servants of the Overload Entrance
- Veteran Staus (7)
- Kruz the druid missing? No TR?
- Great Job Turbine..... NOT
- Armor of Speed is not showing its buff icon.
- Can't buy MOTU???
- Hero's feast
- Why are we charged tax on the digital only purchase?
- Last date for preorder?
- End Reward Issues
- Oi Turbine - Slap your spell checker!
- Expanison question
- Expansion pack is now 2 quests + a raid?
- Spider Masks
- I'm quite pleased with the top tier pre-purchase pack
- no greater tome, no pets, no anything.
- Enter Your Points Code In the Store
- MoTU named item drops
- Manual: How to get rid of a VIP
- Devs: The very unofficial Underdark Pre-purchase FAQ
- Shinies!
- So whats the verdict? (new epic items)
- Warning spoilers
- Cosmetic Companions - Images
- Update 13 Broken ‘Things’ Master List
- pre order for 79.99 what
- let's tone down some of the hostility towards the devs.
- So another update and no Divine Avenger.
- 1750 Favor Reward
- How do I reincarnate?
- lists of all equipment bonuses- problems?
- First update 13 bug!
- Lesser tome of learning
- AH bug
- Greater Tome of Learning
- Here's a fun one...
- UMD ... one of these things is not like the other .... :(
- what is "gane world"?
- Hello,
- cake bug?
- Do not open your pre-order bags! Caution!!!
- Would it be a bad idea to eat/read a +2 cha tome at lvl 10?
- Need 4th Option for Pre-Order of MotU
- Rogue Cake Djinn
- Madstones, again...
- Update 13 and Elite Abbot Tiles
- update 13, what level are the quests.`
- A Closer Look at the Value in Preordering
- must not spend money..must..not.....argh
- Word from Turbine on ETA for preorder items?
- Character Alignment
- Lords of dust review
- Limited Time Collector's Edition
- Petition: Make spinners of shadows a raid level quest
- Should I cancel my VIP subscription?
- Lolth's Deception - Tomes of Learning
- No decent content
- Thought Spike
- How is it free? rare mounts ?
- Madstone boots
- Elite Spider Cult Mask missing profane skills bonus?
- vip or premium
- Problem with redeeming tickets
- U13 Orchard Loot
- pre-order worked
- 3x End Rewards
- Premium on a budget considering pre-order
- Djinn trade-ins all btc?
- Do all tomes persist through TR?
- Hello! i have new Idea for Deadly Weapons
- cosmetic pet question
- There's not enough XP in the game
- I must Admit I'm Getting A Little Confused With Some MOTU Terminology
- Question about Deathnip
- Greater Tome: Optional XP
- Guess the location! (location pictures)
- The video after completing the new quest series
- Subscription scam?
- Epic Red Fens Scroll Drops -possible problem
- U13 exceptional fort
- The Two Missing MotU Pre-Order Offers
- So.. When is the patch to fix recarnation?
- Clarification Request : Release notes /Orchard
- location bounty
- Wizard spell pen u13 and expansion
- Is Wayne Brady Gonna Have to Charge it Back?
- Where is the LAG?
- Panther for new characters?
- WARNING: Don't carry EXP/guild renown potions in inventory!!! bug?
- So is this the beginning...
- Dear Turbine.....
- How the expansion packs and subscriptions SHOULD have been implemented.
- A genuine thankyou to turbine
- What are the VIP perks exactly?
- new bug: mobility + stalwart defender is not stacking up on warforge with Adamantine
- Solution to the Pre-Purchase Bug
- Cake, Panther Tickets and U
- When can we TR again?
- Question for the turbine staff
- A minuscule inconvenience.
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