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  1. Thrown Weapons - Suggestions?
  2. why is it that
  3. There is a restriction on how many people you can have in your guild?????
  4. Halfling Shroudage
  5. The reasons DDO is hard for newcomers
  6. Veteran Status Starting Gear for Cleric?
  7. User Chat Bug?
  8. All my characters won the lottery
  9. (artificer) Inflict Damage spells...
  10. 50% off new character slots
  11. Party Chat Noise
  12. Gaaah!
  13. Question RE: Birthday Cake
  14. Update 13 Feb 27th
  15. "Where in Tarnation is it?" Lottery
  16. Give a NEWB tips for EPIC GEAR
  17. best twink item you eer pulled?
  18. Paladin gear
  19. Artificer Evasion
  20. Must be using a hack
  21. Ice Storm Enhancements
  22. Is the PUG scene dead everywhere, or is it just Sarlona?
  23. Roll for item system
  24. A Question About Name Change Parchment
  25. Whats your opinion on Buying/Selling Raid Loot?
  26. Servers lagging out/crashing :/
  27. Veteran Status II...
  28. "Necroing" Threads
  29. NM: No Marketplace groups.
  30. LFM's & reading comprehension...
  31. General Epic LOB advice
  32. Armor Kit
  33. Another What Adventure Pack Question
  34. True Heart of Oak From DDO Store
  35. I'd love to see a "role" indicator
  36. Things that I would pay Turbine Points for...
  37. How to remove post/thread
  38. DPS Calculator?
  39. Was I right to refuse the leader?
  40. TP Question on packs
  41. Is there a reason my language went to French?
  42. Spot healing, this is why I do not play my FvS anymore
  43. A build that helps Everyone get +15% XP
  44. Name my Arty Pet!
  45. The Market Tent is Doomed - Continued
  46. Guild renown elixirs and reduced renown rewards
  47. Man what a grind...
  48. Ship buffs...
  49. Dungeon Scaling
  50. Leading the Killcount
  51. Which class/build for least key mashing...
  52. First ToD caster question
  53. Character Biographies: Share Your Bio Here!
  54. Could we have less grief maybe?
  55. Do ranger and bard devotion enhancements stack?
  56. Let's talk: The gearing disparity?
  57. Frenzied Set query
  58. Waiting on Tome of Learning...whatya save for it?
  59. FYI a lot of different classes/builds can make good use of the torc and bauble.
  60. New DDO Logo
  61. Forum Without Advertisement :)
  62. "Release notes will be available during the downtime"....
  63. Underdark Pre-Purchase... discuss!
  64. Adventure Packs in the Pre-Orders
  65. Wow.I feel like a crazy man.
  66. Ok, so if I want to enjoy the expansion, I better get geared and learn epics?
  67. New forum header
  68. Where are the release notes?
  69. Pre-Purchase of Expansion pack and Druids.
  70. I regret extending my VIP subscription
  71. TR unavailable
  72. A little something to do while the servers are down
  73. Druids and VIP status in the coming expansion
  74. Suddenly, I don't feel so bad about my main.
  75. Expansion Pack
  76. Extended downtime?
  77. Traveler Guinea Pigs
  78. Its after 10am - the game is broken.
  79. 10am on the dot! Way to go turbine
  80. U13 Unannounced Changes
  81. VIPs paying for new update
  82. Ghallanda Down?
  83. VIP and expansion pre-order- a reasoned discussion and debate.
  84. Flametouched Iron Quarterstaff?
  85. pre-order. Nice.
  86. New Launcher Cosmetic Issues
  87. No more Collector's Edition after launch?
  88. Figurine of Wonderous Power???
  89. New expansion discount please
  90. Menace of the Underdark - Purchased
  91. VIP Pricing
  92. Phiarlan inspiration + morale bonus = Sad SS bards and happy pointy hats.
  93. Cake
  94. Dd0 1500
  95. Veteran Status
  96. Can we buy expansion while in game through the DDO Store?
  97. Lesser tomes of learning can be upgraded!
  98. No lesser tome mask or figurine
  99. No connection after update
  100. Spider Mask???
  101. Crystal Cove?
  102. Loving the drow priestesses and rakshasa lords
  103. Egg Collector isn't recognizing my Traveler Tokens
  104. Persistant Buffs?
  105. DDO U13 : From A Veterans Standpoint
  106. Update 14 news
  107. Expansion Pre-Purchase Q&A
  108. The new effects log
  109. digital river has been hacked before
  110. Spider Mask is SUUUUUHWeeeT
  111. new items available in the ddo store?
  112. Adventure Packs in Pre-Order - can they be made transferrable?
  113. Clarification on the 3 Run Quest Item Reward
  114. Pre-Order Turbine points not showing up
  115. News stories about U13/MotU
  116. To everyone who works for DDO/Turbine
  117. Cake Djinn reward not working.
  118. No change to cursor
  119. Congrats Turbine on 'official' name change
  120. Quest counts all in /quest completions now
  121. 11k points?
  122. Eur prices??
  123. Collector's Edition Tome Of Learning Binding
  124. Pre-ordering MoUD
  125. Holy bacon batman, that's a long wait for a +1 tome
  126. [Bug] Buff timers aren't going away when expired.
  127. Why is there no turbine point option for prepurchasing the expansion?
  128. Lesser tomes on new characters? Question.
  129. Purchase Links Not Working in Chrome
  130. No Greater Tome of Learning or Mask
  131. Behold Spinio! The amazing performing vermin!
  132. Handwraps change.
  133. Will characters you create after the expansion release have a pre-purchase ticket?
  134. *PANIC* I thought the expansion is a one time fee O_O
  135. All In All The MOTU Packages Are Good Deals, But...
  136. Minor XP Elixir (from challenge) WAI?
  137. some crazy ideas
  138. Question about the numbering of updates in DDO.
  139. Warning: Bug: Don't try to redeem your Pre-Order bundle while in a Raid Zone
  140. a few questions
  141. Dont eat your cakes
  142. Two questions
  143. Are Druids Included in the Expansion Pack?
  144. What do you miss out on by waiting til August to order w/ TP?
  145. Abbot Rewards
  146. "Magic" of U13 - air elemental gems
  147. turbine marketing decision - pre purchace is not suitable for vips or premium.
  148. Just lost...
  149. Am I right about the costs?
  150. Tomes persist through TR
  151. Bugged Servants of the Overload Entrance
  152. Veteran Staus (7)
  153. Kruz the druid missing? No TR?
  154. Great Job Turbine..... NOT
  155. Armor of Speed is not showing its buff icon.
  156. Can't buy MOTU???
  157. Hero's feast
  158. Why are we charged tax on the digital only purchase?
  159. Last date for preorder?
  160. End Reward Issues
  161. Oi Turbine - Slap your spell checker!
  162. Expanison question
  163. Expansion pack is now 2 quests + a raid?
  164. Spider Masks
  165. I'm quite pleased with the top tier pre-purchase pack
  166. no greater tome, no pets, no anything.
  167. Enter Your Points Code In the Store
  168. MoTU named item drops
  169. Manual: How to get rid of a VIP
  170. Devs: The very unofficial Underdark Pre-purchase FAQ
  171. Shinies!
  172. So whats the verdict? (new epic items)
  173. Warning spoilers
  174. Cosmetic Companions - Images
  175. Update 13 Broken ‘Things’ Master List
  176. pre order for 79.99 what
  177. let's tone down some of the hostility towards the devs.
  178. So another update and no Divine Avenger.
  179. 1750 Favor Reward
  180. How do I reincarnate?
  181. lists of all equipment bonuses- problems?
  182. First update 13 bug!
  183. Lesser tome of learning
  184. AH bug
  185. Greater Tome of Learning
  186. Here's a fun one...
  187. UMD ... one of these things is not like the other .... :(
  188. what is "gane world"?
  189. Hello,
  190. cake bug?
  191. Do not open your pre-order bags! Caution!!!
  192. Would it be a bad idea to eat/read a +2 cha tome at lvl 10?
  193. Need 4th Option for Pre-Order of MotU
  194. Rogue Cake Djinn
  195. Madstones, again...
  196. Update 13 and Elite Abbot Tiles
  197. update 13, what level are the quests.`
  198. A Closer Look at the Value in Preordering
  199. must not spend money..must..not.....argh
  200. Word from Turbine on ETA for preorder items?
  201. Character Alignment
  202. Lords of dust review
  203. Limited Time Collector's Edition
  204. Petition: Make spinners of shadows a raid level quest
  205. Should I cancel my VIP subscription?
  206. Lolth's Deception - Tomes of Learning
  207. No decent content
  208. Thought Spike
  209. How is it free? rare mounts ?
  210. Madstone boots
  211. Elite Spider Cult Mask missing profane skills bonus?
  212. vip or premium
  213. Problem with redeeming tickets
  214. U13 Orchard Loot
  215. pre-order worked
  216. 3x End Rewards
  217. Premium on a budget considering pre-order
  218. Djinn trade-ins all btc?
  219. Do all tomes persist through TR?
  220. Hello! i have new Idea for Deadly Weapons
  221. cosmetic pet question
  222. There's not enough XP in the game
  223. I must Admit I'm Getting A Little Confused With Some MOTU Terminology
  224. Question about Deathnip
  225. Greater Tome: Optional XP
  226. Guess the location! (location pictures)
  227. The video after completing the new quest series
  228. Subscription scam?
  229. Epic Red Fens Scroll Drops -possible problem
  230. U13 exceptional fort
  231. The Two Missing MotU Pre-Order Offers
  232. So.. When is the patch to fix recarnation?
  233. Clarification Request : Release notes /Orchard
  234. location bounty
  235. Wizard spell pen u13 and expansion
  236. Is Wayne Brady Gonna Have to Charge it Back?
  237. Where is the LAG?
  238. Panther for new characters?
  239. WARNING: Don't carry EXP/guild renown potions in inventory!!! bug?
  240. So is this the beginning...
  241. Dear Turbine.....
  242. How the expansion packs and subscriptions SHOULD have been implemented.
  243. A genuine thankyou to turbine
  244. What are the VIP perks exactly?
  245. new bug: mobility + stalwart defender is not stacking up on warforge with Adamantine
  246. Solution to the Pre-Purchase Bug
  247. Cake, Panther Tickets and U
  248. When can we TR again?
  249. Question for the turbine staff
  250. A minuscule inconvenience.