View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Helplessness Changes: A Eulogy to the warhammer
- Are any Dragonmarks worth it?
- Who are you making this game for?
- 30 second cool down on wail of the bansee?!?!
- Is there are FUN way to play a CC caster still?
- Why Make Sorcerer Cooldowns Closer to Wizard?
- Turbine Gift Cards?
- Endlessly Searching
- Gangs of DnD
- Character transfer?
- Anything better than Whirlwind for 8-11?
- Character respec question (Monks)
- Tolero - when will you keep your promise to WF?
- Dungeons scale to the number of people folks, HELLO!!!?
- Thank you turbine!
- VAt for Europe
- "Drow Week" sales includes Healing Potions
- Food for thought for all the Doomsayers and anti-update X players
- Be an Icon?
- LF: Magical Helmet of Faceclippery
- Elven Arcanum for Elven Bards
- Disappearing seals.
- Anyone seen Wally?
- Auction House is a joke !!!
- Now that guilds are approaching 100, the guild leaderboard quits updating.
- My view on GS deconstruction.
- Playtesting
- Sad LFMs
- Spyglass bugged?
- free dragon raids?
- Don't loot this weekened!!
- Where does Turbine get lunch?
- Dungeon Difficulty
- Be a Broccoli!
- What is best use for Blade of Fury?
- MyDDO Log stopped updating?
- Nerf Training Dummies!
- Adventure Packs
- I am eating broccoli for lunch ...
- Raids question
- AOE's for Air
- Is it odd that I actuly watn to make a Broccoli character
- foolsjewels
- Can we get FEMININE Broccoli please?
- this an April's Fool joke?
- The threat/incite
- Lamannia-Festival coins
- Any word on the DDO DatDefrag tool?
- Broccoli is going to be overpowered.
- Triple Air Green Steel
- data centers down again?
- LFM posting
- Broccoli Armor Skin
- What server has more Europian people on it?
- question about VIP benefits
- Multi class question
- items missing from reincarnation cache
- limted acces for areas?
- Lost Soul Stones on Hireling Dismissal?
- Can I get a MAKE OVER please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Bio, Entertainment for Dummies
- Shroud loot & randomness
- max dps in update 9
- In Honor of U9 and All the Screaming Monks
- Anybody ever been stuck on the Reincarnation boat...
- inherent luck
- General Question: How many people play DDO?
- Dear DDO, can we please have character reputation points ?
- Can't view lottery winners on
- major changes and cost
- Coyle walks in to a bar....
- +3 greater heart
- Puzzle symbol survey
- New crafting...
- State of the game?
- Question about dragontouched armor
- never playing ddo again
- blocking an player, not an character
- Does bloodstone stack with crit accuracy?
- Tuesday sale?
- Kids
- If you could sum up update 9 in 3 or less words...
- Healing Dragon Marks and Meta Magic Feats
- I'm a little confused....
- Bastard Sword
- New Weapons
- Monster Madness voting broken
- Maths help
- Emp and Emp healing stack?
- Update 9 Haikus.
- so.... my.ddo is wordpress huh?
- Attack speed by weapon info
- Opinion: How should you balance grinding versus boredom?
- Tapestry percentage gone down?
- loot superstitions
- rename toon at TR?
- Requesting invites to guild ship for crafting
- Farming Suggestions?
- Kobolds as player race
- Same bug, Different day
- Turbine Tuesday
- Why I cant level up?
- Forum coding.
- so this level 13 sorc goes into a pug
- The end of the khopesh?
- please stop.
- which is the promotion of day?
- When will Monk be on sale?
- its [b]ROGUE[/b]
- New Playable Race
- Amarath quests - how long ?
- A plea for the training dummy.
- 2 Handed Piercing Weapons
- When faced with change
- New Methods of Attack and Battle
- Battle Tower
- Armor Class, How much is too much, how much is not enough?
- PvP: Yes or No?
- Player Base Age?
- Turbine Tuesdays on Vacation?!
- Arcane Casters - Why do you like them in your group?
- Grid?
- Stat Check! Fav. char, highest lvl, wep!!!
- evon chests
- So, with this new crafting system about to come out...
- tieflings who are "killed" on Eberron don't really die?
- TR 28 point build?
- Taking off Mabar Cloak to prevent laggage?
- hireling ai
- Strong Essence of Water locations
- Help Stop Kobold Abuse
- Finetuning of gameballancing
- Can we have the old class forums back now?
- Not sure what I need to be flagged for quests.
- What reflex save number makes Evasion viable?
- Where is my quiver?
- What's your favorite update 9 change
- Rahl's Might
- Damage calculations
- KP: The First Shroud
- Why Aren't Undead Forms Immune to Stat Damage?
- deleting quests
- Question Regarding Tempest Rune Drop Rates
- Rogue Trapmaking feat made trap DCs
- Poll: your favorite Kobold Speak from CC
- Epic The Snitch, the Rust monster boss and future levels debate.
- How are the Rogue Hirelings?
- Make game fun & challenging !
- Quick TR question
- Sonic Death Monkey (Ghallanda) Shroud 5th Stage Lottery
- Many characters or one to the end?
- Warning: Bug with Lesser Reincarnation
- Guild request question
- One Problem With Epics Can Be Solved with MORE Epics?
- for anyone who has ever lost an item/items/bags due to putting them in acc bank
- I love WF sorcs
- Most Populated Server?
- Reincarnate but keep level
- How short is your TS record?
- Undocumented Changes
- lol "Demons Ruin" totally worthless?
- Two Handed or Two Weapons?
- So how are things coming along?
- Loot oddities
- The Curse of the Marilith Chain!
- My toons drink too much
- What UMD equipment do you keep on all the time, and what do you swap in?
- Rogues are in fact quite good at DPS (and other thoughts)
- Why thinking about the Encrusted Ring scares me...
- PSA -- Beware the plat cap when trading
- how come there's no cool low level bracers?
- The Place for a Dex-based Build?
- Upcoming changes to vorpal
- So whats been happening.
- Banish, smite and disruption no long weapon type dependent?
- Soloist Question
- Which Khopeshes to use in Shroud + Shavarath from these three...
- Plat Farmers - good for developing countries
- Dear Turbine U9
- PSA for newer players: using the LFM panel
- GS Crafting Help
- Scream for heals?
- Shroud question
- DDO Turkey visit us on facebook
- can't logon
- Sometimes I wonder where hirelings put their points
- Dont Loony Solo Perform ...
- Chime in if you've seen this...
- HELF Sorc feat
- bug or what???
- Is it possible to fix....
- Forum setting
- To all the ladies in the hizzouse!
- Scroll farming in echrono
- Dungeons and Dragons Online - Pirate Hat ( PAX East )
- okay, its time for the official update 9 'when' thread
- Ah well.
- Vorpals in PnP
- Upgraded my Blade of Fury tonight...
- Bye Folks
- I love DDO
- The Secret
- Question for Pale Masters
- Dear Devs Charlie Sheen has tiger blood in his veins and he can't Play the lotto
- The Counterproductive Renown System
- Newbie Need Help
- Creating Ranks in a Guild. Commands fail.
- The end? or just the beginning?
- I have a problem with alts :[
- Things that remind you of DDO
- MyDDO's failure to update has allowed me to get my deleted character back.
- Humorous idea for a toon
- Eating Tomes
- Licking the Dice
- Do haters really shape the world we play in?
- Drinks those POWS when you pullem'!
- What is the best low level twink gear you use?
- State of the Game Address????
- Rogue Tips Needed
- Repairing Epic Ring of the Buccaneer
- Saravale Solo Project
- Deleting a character & concerned about Guild renown cost.
- Spreading Rumors
- Question about enhancements
- New slot
- multiple accounts
- Spectral Guantlets
- Crystal Cove Shortsword + Swashbuckler
- Developer Update Request
- Predicted time to return to normal prices?
- Airship Question
- To all the drones and conformists.....
- satellite internet
- Advice w build
- Turbine v. Atari
- Turbine Tuesday Deals
- The funniest thing I saw today
- Noob Questions
- Will the whining ever stop???
- Dragontouched Armor Question
- Nevermind
- Wiz King?
- Greater Reincarnation Question
- What should my second server be?
- Do wizards suffer from schizotypal personality disorder?
- Retribution
- This is why I drink.
- "Con is not a dumpstat"
- Prey on the Hunter Toothpick
- Question about Guild Size and Renown Bonus
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