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  1. Helplessness Changes: A Eulogy to the warhammer
  2. Are any Dragonmarks worth it?
  3. Who are you making this game for?
  4. 30 second cool down on wail of the bansee?!?!
  5. Is there are FUN way to play a CC caster still?
  6. Why Make Sorcerer Cooldowns Closer to Wizard?
  7. Turbine Gift Cards?
  8. Endlessly Searching
  9. Gangs of DnD
  10. Character transfer?
  11. Anything better than Whirlwind for 8-11?
  12. Character respec question (Monks)
  13. Tolero - when will you keep your promise to WF?
  14. Dungeons scale to the number of people folks, HELLO!!!?
  15. Thank you turbine!
  16. VAt for Europe
  17. "Drow Week" sales includes Healing Potions
  18. Food for thought for all the Doomsayers and anti-update X players
  19. Be an Icon?
  20. LF: Magical Helmet of Faceclippery
  21. Elven Arcanum for Elven Bards
  22. Disappearing seals.
  23. Anyone seen Wally?
  24. Auction House is a joke !!!
  25. Now that guilds are approaching 100, the guild leaderboard quits updating.
  26. My view on GS deconstruction.
  27. Playtesting
  28. Sad LFMs
  29. Spyglass bugged?
  30. free dragon raids?
  31. Don't loot this weekened!!
  32. Where does Turbine get lunch?
  33. Dungeon Difficulty
  34. Be a Broccoli!
  35. What is best use for Blade of Fury?
  36. MyDDO Log stopped updating?
  37. Nerf Training Dummies!
  38. Adventure Packs
  39. I am eating broccoli for lunch ...
  40. Raids question
  41. AOE's for Air
  42. Is it odd that I actuly watn to make a Broccoli character
  43. foolsjewels
  44. Can we get FEMININE Broccoli please?
  45. Wait...is this an April's Fool joke?
  46. The threat/incite thread..info
  47. Lamannia-Festival coins
  48. Any word on the DDO DatDefrag tool?
  49. Broccoli is going to be overpowered.
  50. Triple Air Green Steel
  51. data centers down again?
  52. LFM posting
  53. Broccoli Armor Skin
  54. What server has more Europian people on it?
  55. question about VIP benefits
  56. Multi class question
  57. items missing from reincarnation cache
  58. limted acces for areas?
  59. Lost Soul Stones on Hireling Dismissal?
  60. Can I get a MAKE OVER please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  61. Bio, Entertainment for Dummies
  62. Shroud loot & randomness
  63. max dps in update 9
  64. In Honor of U9 and All the Screaming Monks
  65. Anybody ever been stuck on the Reincarnation boat...
  66. inherent luck
  67. General Question: How many people play DDO?
  68. Dear DDO, can we please have character reputation points ?
  69. Can't view lottery winners on myddo.com
  70. major changes and cost
  71. Coyle walks in to a bar....
  72. +3 greater heart
  73. Puzzle symbol survey
  74. New crafting...
  75. State of the game?
  76. Question about dragontouched armor
  77. never playing ddo again
  78. blocking an player, not an character
  79. Does bloodstone stack with crit accuracy?
  80. Tuesday sale?
  81. Kids
  82. If you could sum up update 9 in 3 or less words...
  83. Healing Dragon Marks and Meta Magic Feats
  84. I'm a little confused....
  85. Bastard Sword
  86. New Weapons
  87. Monster Madness voting broken
  88. Maths help
  89. Emp and Emp healing stack?
  90. Update 9 Haikus.
  91. so.... my.ddo is wordpress huh?
  92. Attack speed by weapon info
  93. Opinion: How should you balance grinding versus boredom?
  94. Tapestry percentage gone down?
  95. loot superstitions
  96. rename toon at TR?
  97. Requesting invites to guild ship for crafting
  98. Farming Suggestions?
  99. Kobolds as player race
  100. Same bug, Different day
  101. Turbine Tuesday
  102. Why I cant level up?
  103. Forum coding.
  104. so this level 13 sorc goes into a pug
  105. The end of the khopesh?
  106. please stop.
  107. which is the promotion of day?
  108. When will Monk be on sale?
  109. its [b]ROGUE[/b]
  110. New Playable Race
  111. Amarath quests - how long ?
  112. A plea for the training dummy.
  113. 2 Handed Piercing Weapons
  114. When faced with change
  115. New Methods of Attack and Battle
  116. Battle Tower
  117. Armor Class, How much is too much, how much is not enough?
  118. PvP: Yes or No?
  119. Player Base Age?
  120. Turbine Tuesdays on Vacation?!
  121. Arcane Casters - Why do you like them in your group?
  122. Grid?
  123. Stat Check! Fav. char, highest lvl, wep!!!
  124. evon chests
  125. So, with this new crafting system about to come out...
  126. tieflings who are "killed" on Eberron don't really die?
  127. TR 28 point build?
  128. Taking off Mabar Cloak to prevent laggage?
  129. hireling ai
  130. Strong Essence of Water locations
  131. Help Stop Kobold Abuse
  132. Finetuning of gameballancing
  133. Can we have the old class forums back now?
  134. Not sure what I need to be flagged for quests.
  135. What reflex save number makes Evasion viable?
  136. Where is my quiver?
  137. What's your favorite update 9 change
  138. Rahl's Might
  139. Damage calculations
  140. KP: The First Shroud
  141. Why Aren't Undead Forms Immune to Stat Damage?
  142. deleting quests
  143. Question Regarding Tempest Rune Drop Rates
  144. Rogue Trapmaking feat made trap DCs
  145. Poll: your favorite Kobold Speak from CC
  146. Epic The Snitch, the Rust monster boss and future levels debate.
  147. How are the Rogue Hirelings?
  148. Make game fun & challenging !
  149. Quick TR question
  150. Sonic Death Monkey (Ghallanda) Shroud 5th Stage Lottery
  151. Many characters or one to the end?
  152. Warning: Bug with Lesser Reincarnation
  153. Guild request question
  154. One Problem With Epics Can Be Solved with MORE Epics?
  155. for anyone who has ever lost an item/items/bags due to putting them in acc bank
  156. I love WF sorcs
  157. Most Populated Server?
  158. Reincarnate but keep level
  159. How short is your TS record?
  160. Undocumented Changes
  161. lol "Demons Ruin" totally worthless?
  162. Two Handed or Two Weapons?
  163. So how are things coming along?
  164. Loot oddities
  165. The Curse of the Marilith Chain!
  166. My toons drink too much
  167. What UMD equipment do you keep on all the time, and what do you swap in?
  168. Rogues are in fact quite good at DPS (and other thoughts)
  169. Why thinking about the Encrusted Ring scares me...
  170. PSA -- Beware the plat cap when trading
  171. how come there's no cool low level bracers?
  172. The Place for a Dex-based Build?
  173. Upcoming changes to vorpal
  174. So whats been happening.
  175. Banish, smite and disruption no long weapon type dependent?
  176. Soloist Question
  177. Which Khopeshes to use in Shroud + Shavarath from these three...
  178. Plat Farmers - good for developing countries
  179. Dear Turbine U9
  180. PSA for newer players: using the LFM panel
  181. GS Crafting Help
  182. Scream for heals?
  183. Shroud question
  184. DDO Turkey visit us on facebook
  185. can't logon
  186. Sometimes I wonder where hirelings put their points
  187. Dont Loony Solo Perform ...
  188. Chime in if you've seen this...
  189. HELF Sorc feat
  190. bug or what???
  191. Is it possible to fix....
  192. Forum setting
  193. To all the ladies in the hizzouse!
  194. Scroll farming in echrono
  195. Dungeons and Dragons Online - Pirate Hat ( PAX East )
  196. okay, its time for the official update 9 'when' thread
  197. Ah well.
  198. Vorpals in PnP
  199. Upgraded my Blade of Fury tonight...
  200. Bye Folks
  201. I love DDO
  202. The Secret
  203. Question for Pale Masters
  204. Dear Devs Charlie Sheen has tiger blood in his veins and he can't Play the lotto
  205. The Counterproductive Renown System
  206. Newbie Need Help
  207. Creating Ranks in a Guild. Commands fail.
  208. The end? or just the beginning?
  209. I have a problem with alts :[
  210. Things that remind you of DDO
  211. MyDDO's failure to update has allowed me to get my deleted character back.
  212. Humorous idea for a toon
  213. Eating Tomes
  214. Licking the Dice
  215. Do haters really shape the world we play in?
  216. Drinks those POWS when you pullem'!
  217. What is the best low level twink gear you use?
  218. State of the Game Address????
  219. Rogue Tips Needed
  220. Repairing Epic Ring of the Buccaneer
  221. Saravale Solo Project
  222. Deleting a character & concerned about Guild renown cost.
  223. Spreading Rumors
  224. Question about enhancements
  225. New slot
  226. multiple accounts
  227. Spectral Guantlets
  228. Crystal Cove Shortsword + Swashbuckler
  229. Developer Update Request
  230. Predicted time to return to normal prices?
  231. Airship Question
  232. To all the drones and conformists.....
  233. satellite internet
  234. Advice w build
  235. Turbine v. Atari
  236. Turbine Tuesday Deals
  237. The funniest thing I saw today
  238. Noob Questions
  239. Will the whining ever stop???
  240. Dragontouched Armor Question
  241. Nevermind
  242. Wiz King?
  243. Greater Reincarnation Question
  244. What should my second server be?
  245. Do wizards suffer from schizotypal personality disorder?
  246. Retribution
  247. This is why I drink.
  248. "Con is not a dumpstat"
  249. Prey on the Hunter Toothpick
  250. Question about Guild Size and Renown Bonus