View Full Version : General DDO Discussion
- Am I just slow?
- Paying Options
- Lead or Pass the Star
- Share Please
- Best way to interact and meet with ddo players. Get help too!
- Vault of NIGHT
- Ioun Stone Values
- Reavers Fate?
- Shard of the ring of spell storing - a pain in the @$$
- Finally :) :) :)
- People!!!! Xd
- Anti Mummy Elixirs- Meh
- tired of ninja updates
- Madstone Boots not Working.... ?
- So this update 9 thing....
- Cheap Kung-Fu Theater presents:
- DDO is not, and will never be a PvP game.
- On Squelches
- Abishai vs Red Fens sets
- Four million plat cap... then what?
- Epic Devil Assault completion times
- Alert: Do Not Buy From The Ddo Store
- How do two weapon fighting feats affect monks after the 'double strike' change?
- Bloodstone vs Shimmering Arrowhead
- The long haul: Unlocking content without spending a dime?
- DDO & DM's Dillema: Magic Poor v.s. Magic Rich
- Props to Turbine
- Semi-Newb with some questions about the free stuff.
- When does Dungeon Scaling start?
- Ice Games return Monday
- Going to a Multiple Class character
- repair lore and kenitic lore
- What's up w/ the lag? - Sarlona
- Anyone seen the Dampened Robe of Dissonance?
- 100,000 TP Contest
- *sniffle*
- Rolling boulder in Undermine
- Buff bar, ugghh!
- Reminder: always drop group as FAST as you can on completion
- Airship Screenshot Thread
- Wretched Twilight
- Your toons alignments- Flavor or Optimized?
- Whats happening moving forward developers?
- Restless isles question
- The Hound of Xoriat has her own website...
- DDO armor kits point cost
- Epic Scroll Drops for different characters?
- Destruction Vs. Improved Destruction
- MONK -touch of death problem
- barbarian/cleric
- 1 rogue level and half elf dilettante rogue
- Taming of the Cube
- Mask of Comedy location?
- store points question
- Epic scroll drop rate theory
- Dungeons and Dragons GUILD MEMBERS:VENTRILO
- Clarification request - Turbine wants solo farming at level 20?
- Request Pure the Heretics be removed
- Stacking Question
- Adamantine Ritual question
- Shard of Supreme Power Drops?
- A Message from DoctorWhoFan
- (Epic) Gem of many Facets
- Bad PuG gone good.
- PSA: Master's Touch doesn't like Oil of Incandescence
- favorite quotes?
- DNG list...
- Help
- Direct link download
- Why aren't simple/obvious problems fixed?
- Small and Medium Guild Renown Bonus
- Thelanis down?
- Question about VIP Access
- Character Transfer
- All in the family?
- What's so amazing about Web? (web vs hypnotize)
- Epic Scroll Mechanic
- This isn't 'Nam, there's rules man!
- Where do I go for Fascinating Rumors?
- Servers Down?
- I know its monday but....
- guild vendors cause client crash
- Bard Songs as Ringtones! :D
- looking for people for epics and raids at eu times
- WTS Scroll of Marilith Chain
- Khally Project: This Week's Challenge
- Missing Walkway
- Helf Cleric dillie w/ DPS?
- Risia Ice Games Winter Festival
- Quarterstaff DoubleStrikes
- Armor Kit Screenshots
- Healer Favour Rewards
- I can't access the DDO store
- Tuesday 50% sale
- Only +2tome for sale
- Greataxe of the Chained Soldier bug?
- Post Ur Awesome Screenies Here Xd!!
- Listen Skill
- Improved Feint
- Greater Reincarnation
- Assassin ToD Set Question (Caution: Involves Archery)
- Help here
- Raid party makeups
- Question on Banishing weps and Identifying Outsiders
- Twinkapalooza
- Make ship buffs pause like xp pots and Hirelings
- Displacement proc on a robe?
- Now i ask what i do
- First mate on guild ship just told me to off, Mutiny!!!
- The most annoying/crazy/funniest thing you heard of the mic but shouldnt have?
- SOmethings new people who want to be tanks should know.
- Kobold monster mayhem
- Give me Glass Cannon Summons
- Turbine, this is serious!
- Update 9 info?
- Where is Medusa?
- Lost ships
- Stuck in FeatherFalls!!
- Is it possible to Solo the Crucible on a melee?
- Why is the lag so terrible?
- Favorite Character Name of the Day
- Please respect the level ranges of your lfm
- How to use the mini quote
- Collectables found in Sharn Bank quest (wedding band, crystal ball, etc.)
- Still no update 9 info?
- server economy? AH prices
- Is Cyclonic Blast's damage screwy?
- Greensteel Clothing and Stats
- Where is the Code of Conduct?
- Llllllaaaaaggggggg!
- Any chance of making the Archmage ToD set not suck?
- Horc Animations
- Where is Eladrin's 'discussion on threat and intimidate'?
- Viable Evasion Wiz?
- Wizard spells vs sorcer spells
- Monk Rings and the Sora Kell set
- Gnomes!
- What New Stuff do you want from the DDO Store in 2011
- Katanas?
- lagging?
- Petition: Turbine please make work interesting again
- Kensai Arcane Archer
- About the "Ice Games". Fix them.
- Renown system is bad for the game
- epic charged gauntlet how and wehre?
- Improved Two Weapon Fighting - looking for a short technical explanation
- Last Chance for Opt-Ins! 9:00am Eastern (-5 GMT) on Friday, 21st January, 2011
- Eladrin must be busy
- Epic Sadness
- Meat Salad
- New store shields
- Green Steel advice for a Fighter
- Input Lag
- Bug or WAI? SHield bashing
- Huh?
- On quest level and level ranges in PUGs
- Shroud First timer portal joke
- Rebuy the game?
- Easier to make a jump w/o a quarterstaff?
- Help Me Plz!!
- What do I have to do to get myddo to update
- Best Weapons against oozes and slimes
- Which quests can spawn the eardweller now?
- Mabar Cloak and agro
- Top 10 DDO items
- Quori-forged key
- "Global" hide?
- TWF/Tempest w/monk splash
- Potion of Wonder Experiment
- build
- Reincarnation question
- Vengeful... Double the Rage Double the Fun
- invisible = disapear ?
- the Sounds of Silence.......
- 100,000 TP Winner...WHO ARE YOU???
- Servers gray until another app connects
- new play areas
- Ebberon Dragonshards
- Looking For TR solo builds
- About AC and Epics...
- Is LOTRO good?
- Playspan offers
- Adamantine Ritual Bug Warning
- DDO cheats when you use DR
- Finger Necklace
- When did Tia start hanging out with Durk?
- multiple hits
- Dragon Cake
- Drop rate on Shatterbow?
- Logon Server won't connect
- Which play mode is better?
- Humans for Role-Players only?
- which chests are level 5?
- Advice for a noob?
- Missing Chat
- Dont Let me Down Devs
- Ice Storm Theory
- How to ask for help and be more likely to receive it.
- Caverns of Korromar
- Will Gianthold and Vale get me high enough?
- Old cartoons still affect me....
- What keyboard macros do you use?
- Since when is House Lyrandar an elven Dragonmarked House?! >:O
- "Player Level"
- Guild merger?
- how long should it take to get to each level
- Will String Error be fixed on Jan 31?
- Can anyone give me advice?
- Epic Seals dropping on Normal
- House Phiarlan Entertainer Airship Buff Working As Intended?
- 6 man guild renown question
- Can I use a +3 greater heart to do a lesser tr?
- Torc, why have you forsaken me?
- Do elite players say 'I'm Leet'?
- Worst Shroud Prank Ever
- the world and its ending
- WoE battleaxe -- vendor trash or not?
- Epic Devil Assault Bug - ADHD Horned Devil
- Moving chat bars
- DDO Tuesday Sales
- Are Dragons Immune To Vorpal?
- Basic Guide to DDO for NWN players
- DDO Devs on Vacation?
- If you are running a zerg party please say so in the LFM!!!!
- Lotteries
- Is DDO Combat Boring?
- Jungle of Khyber/Khyber
- next update the big 10
- Guild Size
- Coins from breakables?
- can the eardweller drop when ransacked?
- Most expensive toon?
- Will Save Dump
- Soloing as a really weak wizard/rogue
- Burns Night
- Attack on Stormreach (Follow up)
- Issue with Dual Monitors
- To the Navy I go!!!
- Pulled my caster out of mothballs, interesting
- Question
- Petition: Stop taking Favor when you TR
- Wondering...
- Happy Republic Day!!
- Melees, heal thyself!
- Winter doldrums in verse
- The Timing of Update 9
- Help Wanted
- Thanks for everything Dev's
- So... How many inches you got?
- Help pleass
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