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  1. Am I just slow?
  2. Paying Options
  3. Lead or Pass the Star
  4. Share Please
  5. Best way to interact and meet with ddo players. Get help too!
  6. Vault of NIGHT
  7. Ioun Stone Values
  8. Reavers Fate?
  9. Shard of the ring of spell storing - a pain in the @$$
  10. Finally :) :) :)
  11. People!!!! Xd
  12. Anti Mummy Elixirs- Meh
  13. tired of ninja updates
  14. Madstone Boots not Working.... ?
  15. So this update 9 thing....
  16. Cheap Kung-Fu Theater presents:
  17. DDO is not, and will never be a PvP game.
  18. On Squelches
  19. Abishai vs Red Fens sets
  20. Four million plat cap... then what?
  21. Epic Devil Assault completion times
  22. Alert: Do Not Buy From The Ddo Store
  23. How do two weapon fighting feats affect monks after the 'double strike' change?
  24. Bloodstone vs Shimmering Arrowhead
  25. The long haul: Unlocking content without spending a dime?
  26. DDO & DM's Dillema: Magic Poor v.s. Magic Rich
  27. Props to Turbine
  28. Semi-Newb with some questions about the free stuff.
  29. When does Dungeon Scaling start?
  30. Ice Games return Monday
  31. Going to a Multiple Class character
  32. repair lore and kenitic lore
  33. What's up w/ the lag? - Sarlona
  34. Anyone seen the Dampened Robe of Dissonance?
  35. 100,000 TP Contest
  36. *sniffle*
  37. Rolling boulder in Undermine
  38. Buff bar, ugghh!
  39. Reminder: always drop group as FAST as you can on completion
  40. Airship Screenshot Thread
  41. Wretched Twilight
  42. Your toons alignments- Flavor or Optimized?
  43. Whats happening moving forward developers?
  44. Restless isles question
  45. The Hound of Xoriat has her own website...
  46. DDO armor kits point cost
  47. Epic Scroll Drops for different characters?
  48. Destruction Vs. Improved Destruction
  49. MONK -touch of death problem
  50. barbarian/cleric
  51. 1 rogue level and half elf dilettante rogue
  52. Taming of the Cube
  53. Mask of Comedy location?
  54. store points question
  55. Epic scroll drop rate theory
  56. Dungeons and Dragons GUILD MEMBERS:VENTRILO
  57. Clarification request - Turbine wants solo farming at level 20?
  58. Request Pure the Heretics be removed
  59. Stacking Question
  60. Adamantine Ritual question
  61. Shard of Supreme Power Drops?
  62. A Message from DoctorWhoFan
  63. (Epic) Gem of many Facets
  64. Bad PuG gone good.
  65. PSA: Master's Touch doesn't like Oil of Incandescence
  66. favorite quotes?
  67. DNG list...
  68. Help
  69. Direct link download
  70. Why aren't simple/obvious problems fixed?
  71. Small and Medium Guild Renown Bonus
  72. Thelanis down?
  73. Question about VIP Access
  74. Character Transfer
  75. All in the family?
  76. What's so amazing about Web? (web vs hypnotize)
  77. Epic Scroll Mechanic
  78. This isn't 'Nam, there's rules man!
  79. Where do I go for Fascinating Rumors?
  80. Servers Down?
  81. I know its monday but....
  82. guild vendors cause client crash
  83. Bard Songs as Ringtones! :D
  84. looking for people for epics and raids at eu times
  85. WTS Scroll of Marilith Chain
  86. Khally Project: This Week's Challenge
  87. Missing Walkway
  88. Helf Cleric dillie w/ DPS?
  89. Risia Ice Games Winter Festival
  90. Quarterstaff DoubleStrikes
  91. Armor Kit Screenshots
  92. Healer Favour Rewards
  93. I can't access the DDO store
  94. Tuesday 50% sale
  95. Only +2tome for sale
  96. Greataxe of the Chained Soldier bug?
  97. Post Ur Awesome Screenies Here Xd!!
  98. Listen Skill
  99. Improved Feint
  100. Greater Reincarnation
  101. Assassin ToD Set Question (Caution: Involves Archery)
  102. Help here
  103. Raid party makeups
  104. Question on Banishing weps and Identifying Outsiders
  105. Twinkapalooza
  106. Make ship buffs pause like xp pots and Hirelings
  107. Displacement proc on a robe?
  108. Now i ask what i do
  109. First mate on guild ship just told me to off, Mutiny!!!
  110. The most annoying/crazy/funniest thing you heard of the mic but shouldnt have?
  111. SOmethings new people who want to be tanks should know.
  112. Kobold monster mayhem
  113. Give me Glass Cannon Summons
  114. Turbine, this is serious!
  115. Update 9 info?
  116. Where is Medusa?
  117. Lost ships
  118. Stuck in FeatherFalls!!
  119. Is it possible to Solo the Crucible on a melee?
  120. Why is the lag so terrible?
  121. Favorite Character Name of the Day
  122. Please respect the level ranges of your lfm
  123. How to use the mini quote
  124. Collectables found in Sharn Bank quest (wedding band, crystal ball, etc.)
  125. Still no update 9 info?
  126. server economy? AH prices
  127. Is Cyclonic Blast's damage screwy?
  128. Greensteel Clothing and Stats
  129. Where is the Code of Conduct?
  130. Llllllaaaaaggggggg!
  131. Any chance of making the Archmage ToD set not suck?
  132. Horc Animations
  133. Where is Eladrin's 'discussion on threat and intimidate'?
  134. Viable Evasion Wiz?
  135. Wizard spells vs sorcer spells
  136. Monk Rings and the Sora Kell set
  137. Gnomes!
  138. What New Stuff do you want from the DDO Store in 2011
  139. Katanas?
  140. lagging?
  141. Petition: Turbine please make work interesting again
  142. Kensai Arcane Archer
  143. About the "Ice Games". Fix them.
  144. Renown system is bad for the game
  145. epic charged gauntlet how and wehre?
  146. Improved Two Weapon Fighting - looking for a short technical explanation
  147. Last Chance for Opt-Ins! 9:00am Eastern (-5 GMT) on Friday, 21st January, 2011
  148. Eladrin must be busy
  149. Epic Sadness
  150. Meat Salad
  151. New store shields
  152. Green Steel advice for a Fighter
  153. Input Lag
  154. Bug or WAI? SHield bashing
  155. Huh?
  156. On quest level and level ranges in PUGs
  157. Shroud First timer portal joke
  158. Rebuy the game?
  159. Easier to make a jump w/o a quarterstaff?
  160. Help Me Plz!!
  161. What do I have to do to get myddo to update
  162. Best Weapons against oozes and slimes
  163. Which quests can spawn the eardweller now?
  164. Mabar Cloak and agro
  165. Top 10 DDO items
  166. Quori-forged key
  167. "Global" hide?
  168. TWF/Tempest w/monk splash
  169. Potion of Wonder Experiment
  170. build
  171. Reincarnation question
  172. Vengeful... Double the Rage Double the Fun
  173. invisible = disapear ?
  174. the Sounds of Silence.......
  175. 100,000 TP Winner...WHO ARE YOU???
  176. Servers gray until another app connects
  177. new play areas
  178. Ebberon Dragonshards
  179. Looking For TR solo builds
  180. About AC and Epics...
  181. Is LOTRO good?
  182. Playspan offers
  183. Adamantine Ritual Bug Warning
  184. DDO cheats when you use DR
  185. Finger Necklace
  186. When did Tia start hanging out with Durk?
  187. multiple hits
  188. Dragon Cake
  189. Drop rate on Shatterbow?
  190. Logon Server won't connect
  191. Which play mode is better?
  192. Humans for Role-Players only?
  193. which chests are level 5?
  194. Advice for a noob?
  195. Missing Chat
  196. Dont Let me Down Devs
  197. Ice Storm Theory
  198. How to ask for help and be more likely to receive it.
  199. Caverns of Korromar
  200. Will Gianthold and Vale get me high enough?
  201. Old cartoons still affect me....
  202. What keyboard macros do you use?
  203. Since when is House Lyrandar an elven Dragonmarked House?! >:O
  204. "Player Level"
  205. Guild merger?
  206. how long should it take to get to each level
  207. Will String Error be fixed on Jan 31?
  208. Can anyone give me advice?
  209. Epic Seals dropping on Normal
  210. House Phiarlan Entertainer Airship Buff Working As Intended?
  211. 6 man guild renown question
  212. Can I use a +3 greater heart to do a lesser tr?
  213. Torc, why have you forsaken me?
  214. Do elite players say 'I'm Leet'?
  215. Worst Shroud Prank Ever
  216. the world and its ending
  217. WoE battleaxe -- vendor trash or not?
  218. Epic Devil Assault Bug - ADHD Horned Devil
  219. Moving chat bars
  220. DDO Tuesday Sales
  221. Are Dragons Immune To Vorpal?
  222. Basic Guide to DDO for NWN players
  223. DDO Devs on Vacation?
  224. If you are running a zerg party please say so in the LFM!!!!
  225. Lotteries
  226. Is DDO Combat Boring?
  227. Jungle of Khyber/Khyber
  228. next update the big 10
  229. Guild Size
  230. Coins from breakables?
  231. can the eardweller drop when ransacked?
  232. Most expensive toon?
  233. Will Save Dump
  234. Soloing as a really weak wizard/rogue
  235. Burns Night
  236. Attack on Stormreach (Follow up)
  237. Issue with Dual Monitors
  238. To the Navy I go!!!
  239. Pulled my caster out of mothballs, interesting
  240. Question
  241. Petition: Stop taking Favor when you TR
  242. Wondering...
  243. Happy Republic Day!!
  244. Melees, heal thyself!
  245. Winter doldrums in verse
  246. The Timing of Update 9
  247. Help Wanted
  248. Thanks for everything Dev's
  249. So... How many inches you got?
  250. Help pleass