View Full Version : Races
- Blue shine docents?
- WF Healer -- useful build?
- Build that best benefits from Bladesworn Transformation?
- help me reroll plz
- wf evasion wizzy ...
- Drow - ranger/bard??
- My warforged monk.
- Fortification question
- Basic Elven Warrior
- WuJen: Halfling Fighter/Wizard/Monk
- Wf Healers Friend/Wiz Force Manip, Stack?
- DR question
- No Cleric Love Expected, but Cleric Hate? Ouch.
- Using 2 Dwarven Axes
- warforged rogue and way of the mechanic question
- Do potency/devotion items affect dragonmark healing?
- dexterity question
- WF Hate
- Transformer? xD
- Intimitank looking for HP help.
- Why are humans so rare in stromreach?
- Docents and Armor Bracers
- What is the deal with Pink Docents???
- Level 20 WF builds
- helpful build advice plz
- Half-Orc, will it be possible eventualy ?
- Elf Enhancement Idea
- Forged Legion
- barb wiz, warforged
- Random Robot build :D
- First Draft
- Human vs Dwarf (well wf too!) axe vs human buff
- Halfling weapon finesse tempest fighter
- New Thread, Old Question
- Healing Immunity
- Another noob question
- My first Drow Bard.
- Looking for intimitank build
- Superior Tactics Light Infantry Model
- New player solo WF build
- Contemplating a build.
- WF Fighter/Wizard/Monk???
- New intimidate code
- Exhausted.
- looking for a Mnk1/rge1/ranger halfling build
- new wfed
- Anyone Got a Screen Shot of the Giant Relic Docent?
- poll:? no dragon marks
- Where are the Racial Abilities?
- Character informal survey
- Question about Halfling Dragon marks and concentration
- Do any other Dwarves feel they have been cheated a little?
- Good Self-Buffing, Meelee Wizard?
- Need a good halfling mele or mage idk i just love halflings
- WF Barbarian Gear/Weapons
- warforged sorcerer splash
- Help me find a TWF Build plz
- evasion ?
- Kensai could put WF fighters on the map
- Racial penalties?
- dragonmarks
- Fleshchanter post mod 9
- Dwarven Tactics and Fighter Strategy
- Half-Elves
- Melee Wiz - what to do after 11 Wiz Levels
- ***!?!?
- Question about healing
- Adamantine body or not.
- Warforged AC question
- Mithril Defender
- Healing Bard... or Singing Cleric
- Help with Soloing build
- Cratesmasher
- Half-Orc build ideas
- I Return
- max bonus heal rate?
- Why?
- Warforged Cleric
- Elven Bladesinger/Arcane Archer Build
- First Warforged, help please?
- New WF toon
- Build Request WF'd Cleric
- The Punchist: Halfling Kensai Karate Master
- Questions about dragonmarks
- Intimidate
- WF Adamantine DR
- number of threads
- Warforged Deficiencies
- Scarab of prot. question
- Docent of Defiance
- Human Versatility
- I dont own a warforge but!
- why only halflings?
- Suggestions for a pure pallie drow?
- Looking for build - High AC/ saves INtim 28pt
- WF Barb and Mithral Body
- New theme song
- Looking for....
- Dragonmark Heir?
- I am not a Toaster, windup toy, robot.....
- Docents and Evasion???
- Halfling Enhancements and Ranged Fighting
- WF fortification
- Question about Healer's friend
- Warforged Tactics Enhancements
- Sword Golem: Kensai Evasion Juggernaut
- stacking
- Wizard Arcane Archer
- rusty vs WF
- AC for WF Adamanatine fighter is hard to come by
- Dwarven AM & Fighter AM Stacking?
- dual-wielding intimitank?
- Rainbow
- Looking for A/C intimi tank build
- Ghoste vs MrCow
- Arcane Archer and Tempest?
- War Forged Healing Question...
- On fixing human Melee...
- Halfling Cunning / Guile
- Max Dex on DT Docent
- Warforged ability
- Build Me a Ninja Turtle!
- Dex for max fighter AC
- dragonmark interupts auto attack...
- Halfling Intimidation?
- 32 point wf twf 1 fighter / 1 monk / 14 cleric
- starting a 28point monk build
- Warforged wisdom bonus to AC
- Do Warforged have organic brains?
- Some stat advice on battery build
- Improiving effectiveness resting at Shrines
- armor mobility question
- DR stacking
- What happened to the all WF guilds?
- Nellas Baerne
- Wf questions
- WF Helm Graphics
- wf cleric input needed
- The Official Half-Orc Fan Club
- Armor Mastery Stacks? Dwarf + Fighter ?
- Are there pre-reqs for Dragonmarks
- Which would you pick:Warforged or Dwarf?
- Stacking dr
- Need a name.
- Please add Dwarven Stability
- Whats the max end game DR for a WF pure fighter
- Drow Rogue - Having tons of fun, but...
- WF Monk help.
- Wizard/rouge build help
- Second tier Bladesworn Transformation...
- Human Adaptability and base stats
- Look for Dwarf wiz/sorc or bard solo
- WF Pally18/Rog2?
- Build Viability - WF Iron Monk
- Question about regeneration effects
- WF Fighter (Feat, Slots, Splashes)?
- Looking 4 a WF battle mage build!
- My favorite race in all games
- The Elven Arcane Archer Utility Wizard
- Capstone Arcane Archer
- Halflings and Stunning Blow
- WF Tactics effect monk moves?
- Does all this speed stack?
- Valenar & Aerenal Enhancements
- Tome of Leadership and Influence
- How a WF works...
- WF battle sorc
- WF Battle Sorc v2.0
- Wanna make rogue/wiz
- WF barb body feats?
- Longsword v. Scimitar
- Elven Enhancements
- Templates for getting to level 1750
- quick wf healing questions
- what affects healing marks?
- 301 is the magic number
- HELP! Drow not unlocking!
- Drow Cleric
- Undying Court and Scimitars?
- WF Healer's Friend Question
- Nightforge Docent SS
- Elfcrafted Docent Skin
- WF DR for Lvl 20 Monks
- I'm WF ********, help please?
- .
- dwarven defender/cleric
- Drow ranger/rogue/monk build
- Fleshredder AP progression
- Fleshless Soul
- The Druid
- first WF, Machineato - lvl20 kensai
- Elf Favored Soul, TWF heals?
- Why can't Halflings...
- DR Fighter...basically worth it?
- Warforged Barb/Rogue
- Bladesworn question.
- Virtuoso Repeater Arcane Archer
- Looking for a Warforged Fighter build.
- Greater Dragonmark Question
- Warforged Sorc build
- Sorcerer/favored soul pseudo mystic theurge?
- Elf Arcane Archer & Weapon Focus: Ranged
- halfling thrown stuff
- WF Ranger - Mithril Body
- 32 point Drow?
- Pure dark blade Drow rouge?
- Mark of Making on WF
- Warforged Nights: Reforged
- Warforged vs Drow Wiz
- Do Dwarfs Rule?
- Show me my Gnomies
- Healing question
- Newbie seeking build advice
- Stupid Wf Questions
- Dragonmarks for Humans? Where?
- WF Big Stick Adaption Question
- Are any of the Drow Enhancements worth takeing?
- Spell Resistance enchantments
- Need Suggestions for a Drow/Sorc
- Noob Q...
- Clerics + Warforged relations
- Halfling Thrower,what class
- Dusts off the old DDO account... What happened to the WF?
- Kensai/Rogue 18/2 a good idea?
- The Gallowglass-Max Dps Elf Paladin
- Dwarven Axes?
- Best Drow Favor farmer?
- Have 400 favor but Drow still locked?
- WF support character
- WF soloist build that is also endgame viable?
- Lay on Hands
- WF Jedi Build
- Healing amp?
- Noob in need of build advice
- Wizard discussion
- Arcane archer with crossbow
- Noob looking for a Monk build
- Favored Soul/Dwarf Question
- Semi New Player : Need Sorc Drow Build
- Warforge Cosmetics! Suggestion Thread
- Dwarven Axe Enhancements and Throwing Axes?
- Halp!
- Human Versatility 1 & 2 how many times can you use it?
- Maintenance Specialist (WF Rogue 3 / Bard 6 / Wizard 11)
- WF pickup lines (silly humor link)
- Warforged and Fortification - Char sheet oddness
- Hyrbid Theory / Kitchen Sink (3 Rogue / 6 Fighter / Wizard 11)
- Feral Wizard (Rogue 3 / Ranger 6 / Wizard 11)
- Reconstruct
- New Stealth Warforged Static Group on Cannith Server Forming
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