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  1. Blue shine docents?
  2. WF Healer -- useful build?
  3. Build that best benefits from Bladesworn Transformation?
  4. help me reroll plz
  5. wf evasion wizzy ...
  6. Drow - ranger/bard??
  7. My warforged monk.
  8. Fortification question
  9. Basic Elven Warrior
  10. WuJen: Halfling Fighter/Wizard/Monk
  11. Wf Healers Friend/Wiz Force Manip, Stack?
  12. DR question
  13. No Cleric Love Expected, but Cleric Hate? Ouch.
  14. Using 2 Dwarven Axes
  15. warforged rogue and way of the mechanic question
  16. Do potency/devotion items affect dragonmark healing?
  17. dexterity question
  18. WF Hate
  19. Transformer? xD
  20. Intimitank looking for HP help.
  21. Why are humans so rare in stromreach?
  22. Docents and Armor Bracers
  23. What is the deal with Pink Docents???
  24. Level 20 WF builds
  25. helpful build advice plz
  26. Half-Orc, will it be possible eventualy ?
  27. Elf Enhancement Idea
  28. Forged Legion
  29. barb wiz, warforged
  30. Random Robot build :D
  31. First Draft
  32. Human vs Dwarf (well wf too!) axe vs human buff
  33. Halfling weapon finesse tempest fighter
  34. New Thread, Old Question
  35. Healing Immunity
  36. Another noob question
  37. My first Drow Bard.
  38. Looking for intimitank build
  39. Superior Tactics Light Infantry Model
  40. New player solo WF build
  41. Contemplating a build.
  42. WF Fighter/Wizard/Monk???
  43. New intimidate code
  44. Exhausted.
  45. looking for a Mnk1/rge1/ranger halfling build
  46. new wfed
  47. Anyone Got a Screen Shot of the Giant Relic Docent?
  48. poll:? no dragon marks
  49. Where are the Racial Abilities?
  50. Character Breakdown...an informal survey
  51. Question about Halfling Dragon marks and concentration
  52. Do any other Dwarves feel they have been cheated a little?
  53. Good Self-Buffing, Meelee Wizard?
  54. Need a good halfling mele or mage idk i just love halflings
  55. WF Barbarian Gear/Weapons
  56. warforged sorcerer splash
  57. Help me find a TWF Build plz
  58. evasion ?
  59. Kensai could put WF fighters on the map
  60. Racial penalties?
  61. dragonmarks
  62. Fleshchanter post mod 9
  63. Dwarven Tactics and Fighter Strategy
  64. Half-Elves
  65. Melee Wiz - what to do after 11 Wiz Levels
  66. ***!?!?
  67. Question about healing
  68. Adamantine body or not.
  69. Warforged AC question
  70. Mithril Defender
  71. Healing Bard... or Singing Cleric
  72. Help with Soloing build
  73. Cratesmasher
  74. Half-Orc build ideas
  75. I Return
  76. max bonus heal rate?
  77. Why?
  78. Warforged Cleric
  79. Elven Bladesinger/Arcane Archer Build
  80. First Warforged, help please?
  81. New WF toon
  82. Build Request WF'd Cleric
  83. The Punchist: Halfling Kensai Karate Master
  84. Questions about dragonmarks
  85. Intimidate
  86. WF Adamantine DR
  87. number of threads
  88. Warforged Deficiencies
  89. Scarab of prot. question
  90. Docent of Defiance
  91. Human Versatility
  92. I dont own a warforge but!
  93. why only halflings?
  94. Suggestions for a pure pallie drow?
  95. Looking for build - High AC/ saves INtim 28pt
  96. WF Barb and Mithral Body
  97. New theme song
  98. Looking for....
  99. Dragonmark Heir?
  100. I am not a Toaster, windup toy, robot.....
  101. Docents and Evasion???
  102. Halfling Enhancements and Ranged Fighting
  103. WF fortification
  104. Question about Healer's friend
  105. Warforged Tactics Enhancements
  106. Sword Golem: Kensai Evasion Juggernaut
  107. stacking
  108. Wizard Arcane Archer
  109. rusty vs WF
  110. AC for WF Adamanatine fighter is hard to come by
  111. Dwarven AM & Fighter AM Stacking?
  112. dual-wielding intimitank?
  113. Rainbow
  114. Looking for A/C intimi tank build
  115. Ghoste vs MrCow
  116. Arcane Archer and Tempest?
  117. War Forged Healing Question...
  118. On fixing human Melee...
  119. Halfling Cunning / Guile
  120. Max Dex on DT Docent
  121. Warforged ability
  122. Build Me a Ninja Turtle!
  123. Dex for max fighter AC
  124. dragonmark interupts auto attack...
  125. Halfling Intimidation?
  126. 32 point wf twf 1 fighter / 1 monk / 14 cleric
  127. starting a 28point monk build
  128. Warforged wisdom bonus to AC
  129. Do Warforged have organic brains?
  130. Some stat advice on battery build
  131. Improiving effectiveness resting at Shrines
  132. armor mobility question
  133. DR stacking
  134. What happened to the all WF guilds?
  135. Nellas Baerne
  136. Wf questions
  137. WF Helm Graphics
  138. wf cleric input needed
  139. The Official Half-Orc Fan Club
  140. Armor Mastery Stacks? Dwarf + Fighter ?
  141. Are there pre-reqs for Dragonmarks
  142. Which would you pick:Warforged or Dwarf?
  143. Stacking dr
  144. Need a name.
  145. Please add Dwarven Stability
  146. Whats the max end game DR for a WF pure fighter
  147. Drow Rogue - Having tons of fun, but...
  148. WF Monk help.
  149. Wizard/rouge build help
  150. Second tier Bladesworn Transformation...
  151. Human Adaptability and base stats
  152. Look for Dwarf wiz/sorc or bard solo
  153. WF Pally18/Rog2?
  154. Build Viability - WF Iron Monk
  155. Question about regeneration effects
  156. WF Fighter (Feat, Slots, Splashes)?
  157. Looking 4 a WF battle mage build!
  158. My favorite race in all games
  159. The Elven Arcane Archer Utility Wizard
  160. Capstone Arcane Archer
  161. Halflings and Stunning Blow
  162. WF Tactics effect monk moves?
  163. Does all this speed stack?
  164. Valenar & Aerenal Enhancements
  165. Tome of Leadership and Influence
  166. How a WF works...
  167. WF battle sorc
  168. WF Battle Sorc v2.0
  169. Wanna make rogue/wiz
  170. WF barb body feats?
  171. Longsword v. Scimitar
  172. Elven Enhancements
  173. Templates for getting to level 1750
  174. quick wf healing questions
  175. what affects healing marks?
  176. 301 is the magic number
  177. HELP! Drow not unlocking!
  178. Drow Cleric
  179. Undying Court and Scimitars?
  180. WF Healer's Friend Question
  181. Nightforge Docent SS
  182. Elfcrafted Docent Skin
  183. WF DR for Lvl 20 Monks
  184. I'm WF ********, help please?
  185. .
  186. dwarven defender/cleric
  187. Drow ranger/rogue/monk build
  188. Fleshredder AP progression
  189. Fleshless Soul
  190. The Druid
  191. first WF, Machineato - lvl20 kensai
  192. Elf Favored Soul, TWF heals?
  193. Why can't Halflings...
  194. DR Fighter...basically worth it?
  195. Warforged Barb/Rogue
  196. Bladesworn question.
  197. Virtuoso Repeater Arcane Archer
  198. Looking for a Warforged Fighter build.
  199. Greater Dragonmark Question
  200. Warforged Sorc build
  201. Sorcerer/favored soul pseudo mystic theurge?
  202. Elf Arcane Archer & Weapon Focus: Ranged
  203. halfling thrown stuff
  204. WF Ranger - Mithril Body
  205. 32 point Drow?
  206. Pure dark blade Drow rouge?
  207. Mark of Making on WF
  208. Warforged Nights: Reforged
  209. Warforged vs Drow Wiz
  210. Do Dwarfs Rule?
  211. Show me my Gnomies
  212. Healing question
  213. Newbie seeking build advice
  214. Stupid Wf Questions
  215. Dragonmarks for Humans? Where?
  216. WF Big Stick Adaption Question
  217. Are any of the Drow Enhancements worth takeing?
  218. Spell Resistance enchantments
  219. Need Suggestions for a Drow/Sorc
  220. Noob Q...
  221. Clerics + Warforged relations
  222. Halfling Thrower,what class
  223. Dusts off the old DDO account... What happened to the WF?
  224. Kensai/Rogue 18/2 a good idea?
  225. The Gallowglass-Max Dps Elf Paladin
  226. Dwarven Axes?
  227. Best Drow Favor farmer?
  228. Have 400 favor but Drow still locked?
  229. WF support character
  230. WF soloist build that is also endgame viable?
  231. Lay on Hands
  232. WF Jedi Build
  233. Healing amp?
  234. Noob in need of build advice
  235. Wizard discussion
  236. Arcane archer with crossbow
  237. Noob looking for a Monk build
  238. Favored Soul/Dwarf Question
  239. Semi New Player : Need Sorc Drow Build
  240. Warforge Cosmetics! Suggestion Thread
  241. Dwarven Axe Enhancements and Throwing Axes?
  242. Halp!
  243. Human Versatility 1 & 2 how many times can you use it?
  244. Maintenance Specialist (WF Rogue 3 / Bard 6 / Wizard 11)
  245. WF pickup lines (silly humor link)
  246. Warforged and Fortification - Char sheet oddness
  247. Hyrbid Theory / Kitchen Sink (3 Rogue / 6 Fighter / Wizard 11)
  248. Feral Wizard (Rogue 3 / Ranger 6 / Wizard 11)
  249. Reconstruct
  250. New Stealth Warforged Static Group on Cannith Server Forming