View Full Version : Reaper Difficulty

  1. Reaper 11 Requirements
  2. reaper mode is revenge for all the ghost bane memes
  3. Possible fear reaper fix?
  4. fix the XP?
  5. Bug: Stat bonus in Caster Tree
  6. Reaper Difficulty Suggestions
  7. Reaper vendors?
  8. Reaper capable Favored Soul?
  9. idea: new types of reaper bonus
  10. Reaper DC / Save Scaling
  11. Reaper seems to have made it harder to find groups
  12. Reaper exp per account?
  13. Please fix reaper overlevel penalty!
  14. Boss Debuffer and reaper composition
  15. Reaper xp you get in a full life
  16. Advice on Winning Reaper Settings
  17. Self-healing nerfs
  18. Make Reaper...
  19. Running Reaper Mode??? Come join The Dragon Seekers Guild (Arogonessen)
  20. 326,000 plat to reset reaper tree? this is absurd
  21. An idea for making melee worth playing in reaper
  22. Self-Healing and Restoration not working at all much!
  23. Reaper damage scaling
  24. Reaper xp: better at lvl 30 or at heroic lvls?
  25. 4% Positive amp debuff per skull (aka: healing penalty)
  26. Reaper and CC
  27. Unnerfed ways to heal in reaper?
  28. I completed a quest on Reaper, but did not gain any Reaper XP for enhancement tree?
  29. Reaper eyes pots/vendors
  30. Reaper Tree Prototyping (For Sneak Attack Builds and Item Proc Improvement)
  31. Class Tiers, Tempest?
  32. Broken Reaper Eyes
  33. TR couple returning from a 3 year vacation... Advice please
  34. reaper dodge cap ench not working with heavy armour
  35. Known Bug?
  36. Reapers vs banish
  37. New reapers?
  38. Suggested Change to the self-healing debuff
  39. Reaper vendors and Haggle
  40. What are some good melee builds for end game reaper quests
  41. Fix 1 HP reapers
  42. Make Vengeance Reaper Spell Targeting circles more apparent
  43. Returning Player in Need of End Game Advice
  44. Is there dungeon scaling in reaper?
  45. Reaper Cosmetics
  46. How bad could it be?
  47. New to reaper, could use some pointers
  48. Improve comminication about what reaper is
  49. Increased Reaper spawn rate post-U46?
  50. Why is Reaper made easy for Casters?
  51. Advice needed: Epic reaper
  52. Concealment, dodge and incorporeal
  53. Reaper Quantity Boosted?
  54. Reaper bonus headgear questions
  55. Reaper bonus XP Suggestion
  56. RXP tip for fresh level 30's: Clean up on your Epic quests
  57. DC’s Needed in Reaper?
  58. Reaper Spawning Rate and Saltmarsh?
  59. Reasons to keep grinding Reaper XP!
  60. My Reaper XP is half of what others get...bug or no?
  61. Still confused about Reaper XP
  62. New Reaper Mode Encounter?
  63. Reaper suggestions: 1
  64. A very different Reaper suggestion
  65. When?
  66. A chart to help determine how many skulls your should choose (in terms of reaper exp)
  67. Reaper Enhancement Tree Core Abilities
  68. Can't put on reaper wings
  69. ..is it now possible to have multiple wings on ? wait.. wut ?? O_o
  70. Reaper Scaling Question
  71. First time bonus - how to know ?
  72. r10 caster options?
  73. When i Epic reincarnate .. i will get back a reaper first time bonus completition ?
  74. today I joined the club
  75. Normal hard elite and Reaper advancements in slayers maps?
  76. why there is no Blue(ish) reaper wings available ?
  77. slayer and rares options