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  1. First Thread: Shaamis' LOOT Thread
  2. WTB: Character name scrooge.
  3. Tito Trade List
  4. Looking for a few items
  5. AH pricing idiocy
  6. Crip's ****
  7. Items I think are fancy
  8. Fuujin's List
  9. Coke's item thread
  10. Buying the odd Dagger, collector style
  11. Anarchi's Supply Store
  12. Scale Swap
  13. WTB Keen Falchions
  14. Rosslyn trade/wants
  15. +1 CON Tome
  16. WTb gianthold relics
  17. WTB Drow Hunter Armor
  18. Dragon Scales
  19. Looking to sell
  20. WTT +1 Vorpal Greatsword
  21. WTT +1 DEX for +1 STR tome!
  22. WTT/WTB/WTS lists
  23. Price Check
  24. Darkless sales XD!!!
  25. WTB 1H Greater Potency 6
  26. WTT My: Orien 150kpp Your: something on some other server
  27. Wtb
  28. WTB clickies, docents, handwraps, combat staffs
  29. WTT White dragon scale for a blue
  30. Tjostolv's Trading Thread
  31. WTT Yellow Taper for Blue Taper
  32. I Want Khopeshes!!!
  33. WTB Paralyzing Short Sword or Rapier
  34. WTB 1H Superior Potency 6 weapon
  35. Collapsed Portable Hole
  36. WTB List! Khopesh n' stuff...
  37. Comrades, I need to buy Soul Gems: Essense of Earth
  38. Trading my +2 Tomes for Blue Scales
  39. Trading Muckbane For Collapsed Portable Hole
  40. Looking for monk gear 8th lvl and up
  41. Bloodstone for spectral gloves
  42. Why is +5 Mithril Full Plate so sought after?
  43. WTB Heavy Repeating Crossbow - Magical
  44. Looking for Large Horn from shroud
  45. [WTB] Elemental Khopeshs, Remlin's Step, Good gear for a Rogue, TWF, Wizard.
  46. WTB Superior Potency 6 Longsword
  47. Wtb
  48. Trading
  49. Price help please?
  50. Vorp Khopesh
  51. WTB - Vorpal/Ghost Touch/Paralyzing/Metalline/Etc. Khopesh + more.
  52. Need Superior Potency Kamas
  53. WTT: My stuff on Ghallanda for some stuff here on Orien
  54. Firestorm Greaves
  55. Trading Small/Medium Shroud mats for Larges
  56. WTB WTT Blue Scales
  57. WTB Tome page 2
  58. WTB +2 Dex Tome, WTS +1 Str Tome
  59. White Dragon Scale for Black
  60. anyone looking for a vorp kama?
  61. WTB G/S Potency 4 item please
  62. Bloodstone For Sale
  63. wtt: +3 vorpal Khopesh
  64. +2 WoE shortbow
  65. WTS a few items
  66. +5 INT Ring
  67. WTB Transmuting Handwraps
  68. Ring of Feathers?
  69. wtb
  70. WTS +3 Lesser heart of wood
  71. WTS recipe 5 kit for +3-5 elemental weighted 4-5%
  72. Buying Quarterstaffs
  73. Wtb Wts
  74. WTs handwraps
  75. WTS/WTT +2 Metalline Greataxe of Pure Good
  76. Wanting too buy/sell... Lots of items
  77. WTB Bloodstone trinket.
  78. Shiny things for trade
  79. Trading
  80. +3 Lesser heart of wood - 700kpp
  81. WTB - Elemental Burst Khopesh (Icy/Flaming/Acid/Holy), Bloodstone
  82. WTB taps for minos legens
  83. WTB Dexterous +6 Ring
  84. WTS Ring of Feathers
  85. WTB [ +6 WIS Ring ]
  86. WTB +6 Wis Ring, Any ML or RR
  87. WTT Shroud mats WTB Large Horn
  88. WTB or WTT Vorpal sickle
  89. WTB +3 lesser heart of wood
  90. Weird server trade
  91. Looking for holy Sivler Weapons
  92. Locomeck
  93. Wtb +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
  94. WTB WTT specific +5 Falchions
  95. WTB or WTT Wisdom +6 Ring!
  96. WTB Silver/Metalline light weps or khopesh with holy/pure good & Bloodstone
  97. WTB/WTTfor Ring of protection +5
  98. WTT 3 Large Bones for 2 Large Stones
  99. Buying White Dragonscales
  100. WTB Spectral gloves/Etheral Bracers
  101. WTB +2 Dex Tome
  102. Wts
  103. WTS 2 +3 Vorpal Kamas
  104. Buying!
  105. Wtb
  106. trading large Ingredients
  107. WTS: Icy Burst kits
  108. WTS Bloodstone
  109. Wtb
  110. WTT large chain 4 large scales WTB bloodstone, spectral gloves
  111. WTT Bastard Swords for Dwarven axes
  112. WTT Large Horn, LF: Larges
  113. WTB Vorpal, Finesse Kama, Kama of greater parrying, other Kamas
  114. Trading
  115. WTB "elemental" dwarven axe of pure good (or similar)
  116. Looking to buy a +6 Str ring
  117. WTT gs blank for mats
  118. WTB Bloodstone, +5 Metaline+pure good slashing weapon
  119. WTB - Metalline or Cold Iron + Holy or Pure Good Great Axe
  120. Necklace, Docents, ring
  121. WTS: +2 Metalline Khopesh of Pure Good
  122. Buying Blue Dragon Scales
  123. WTS Bloodstone
  124. Wts Large horns
  125. Have +2 Dex, Want +2 Con or Str
  126. WTB +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
  127. WTS: Crippling Handwraps of Bleeding
  128. LF people making greensteel Greatsword/maul/warhammer/longsword
  129. Wts/wtt
  130. WTS bunch of stuff, lvl 06 up
  131. WTB Twigs
  132. Want to buy superior combustion 4 ring low min level
  133. WTS/WTB list
  134. Orion -> Sarlona Goods Transfer
  135. WTT Large Horn
  136. WTB Rings: +6 WIS, +6 CON, or +30 hp
  137. WTB STR+3 Power Bracers or other
  138. WTB Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance
  139. Large horn for a greensteel blank
  140. WTB or trade4 black dragon scales
  141. WTT for Large scales/stones
  142. WTT 20 Taps
  143. WTB Superior Combustion IV one handed or ring
  144. WTB Heavy Pick
  145. WTB my 1st Vorpal Khopesh
  146. Want to Trade +4 Metalline Greatsword of Pure Good for Silver Holy
  147. Lightning-Split Soarwood
  148. WTB +2 Str/dex tomes
  149. Buying +3 Lesser heart of wood x2
  150. WTB Silver Longbow
  151. WTB +6 CON Necklace
  152. WTB Kama of Improved Destruction
  153. looking for handwraps/trading #5 recipes
  154. Larges to trade
  155. Icy burst kits for sale/trade
  156. Proof Against Poison Ring
  157. Selling: Greater X Banes, Vorpal/Paralyzing, +6 WIS, Others
  158. WTS +2 metaline dwarven axe of pure good
  159. WTS/WTT Cold Iron Vorpal Khopesh of Pure Good.
  160. Looking to buy or trade for
  161. Looking for A Random Weapon with +4 or Higher Enhancement Bonus
  162. WTB Firestorm Greaves
  163. WTB/WTT for Full Plate of Giants (have L-S soarwood)
  164. WTB Docent of Blood
  165. WTB Heavy Reapeters
  166. WTB Superior Potency 6 Longsword
  167. WTB Superior Potency IV Item
  168. WTB/Trade for Litany tome page III
  169. Small list
  170. wtb specific heavy pick
  171. WTT My Mysterious Artifact for your Demon's Blood
  172. WTS Beholder Optic Nerves for DECENT price
  173. WTB: Spell Storing Ring
  174. WTB Finger Necklace
  175. WTB boots, necklace, ring, or gauntlets of con, dex, or str +4!
  176. WTT/WTS Lightning-Split Soarwood
  177. WTS > +1 Vorpal Silver Kama of PG
  178. WTB Spectral Gloves
  179. WTB Drow Hunter Armor
  180. White Dragon Scales
  181. WTB Icy Raiment
  182. WTB Vambraces of Inner Light
  183. WTB - Divine Power Clickies
  184. Why are Mystic Belts so expensive?
  185. What's the going price for Spectral Gloves and Finger Necklace?
  186. WTT Large Sulferous Stone and Large Infernal Chain
  187. WTB Lesser Heart of Wood
  188. WTS 2 Met Pg weps.
  189. Trading orien stuff for thelanis stuff
  190. WTB Spectral Gloves 500k plat
  191. Trading Large Materials
  192. WTT cha +2 tome for
  193. WTB FireStorm Greaves
  194. Crumble's Jumble Sale
  195. looking for a superior potencey 6 kama
  196. WTB: Metalline PG Handwraps
  197. My Orien goods for your Thelanis goods
  198. Selling 8-14 weapons, armor, clothing, shields
  199. WTB/WTT Tome Pages
  200. WTT: +3 Metalline Rapier of Pure Good + Plat
  201. A Good Weapon for Rogue [+2 Thundering Dagger of Backstabbing]
  202. Anyone want to give this wee besom some fire and cold protection cloaks
  203. Many things for sale: vorpals, boss beaters, etc. Also WTB or WTTF weapons, gear.
  204. Trade some plat from cannith to orien
  205. WTB +5 Mithral full plate
  206. WTB +2 Dex tome.
  207. Longswords and kamas payng 60k plat :D
  208. Wtt
  209. Bloodstones and (Epic) Ring of Spell Storing scroll
  210. WTS Two +2 Icy Burst Vorpal Khopeshs
  211. WTB Major Fire/Ice Lore Weapon with Greater Spell Penetration
  212. LF white dragonscales
  213. Longswords 100k to 299k plat :D
  214. 2500 plat for Ritual Athame Collectable (house Deneith from Maxon The Dreamwalker)
  215. WTS: Phase Hammer
  216. Buying Repeating Heavy Crossbows
  217. S> Girdle of Faith_-_B>Belt of Tongue
  218. misplaced my sirroco wtb new one
  219. BUYING Finger Necklace
  220. buying Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
  221. My 1mil Plat on Argo for your !mil Plat on Orien
  222. My 1mil Plat on Argo for your 1mil Plat on Orien
  223. Selling Planar Grid
  224. WTB Bloodstone
  225. WTT Larges for +2 dex tome.
  226. WTB Longswords: Superior Potency 6, Anarchic Burst/Greater Construct Bane
  227. WTB Firestorm Grieves
  228. WTB Flametouched Metalline Dwarven Axe
  229. WTS/WTT Robe of Arcane Puissance
  230. WTB weakening weapons
  231. WTT/WTS Planar Gird
  232. WTT/WTS +2 Holy Burst Adamantine Falchion of Pure Good
  233. WTB +4 (or higher) Wis Item
  234. WTT Large Ingredients' for Blue Dragonscales
  235. WTB Superior Potency item III-IV
  236. Sani's Shop
  237. [wtb] Handwraps
  238. Wtb Firstorm greaves Ice cloak & dragonbane handwraps
  239. WTB: Belth of Thoughtful Remembrance, PortaL Beater Wraps
  240. WTB Wounding Short Sword of Puncturing
  241. WTB Metalline Handwraps of PG/(Greater) Evil Outsider Bane
  242. WANT - Tome: Legend I, VIII HAVE - Dragonscales, boss beaters, plat
  243. 100,000 plat for ML 1 lesser unded staff
  244. wtb weakening rapier of enfeebling
  245. *Bits and Bobs*
  246. WTT Icy Burst Kit for 3 lamanian petals, 3 locus Husks, and 2 Glistenning Pebbles
  247. Sparkling Dust
  248. WTB Longsword BB
  249. Trading boss beaters and dragonscales for Large Shroud mats
  250. Buying wounding rapier of puncturing