View Full Version : Cannith Marketplace
Pages :
- WTT Pale Lavender Ioun Stone (with suppressed power)
- WTT Scrolls (greataxe, greaves and more) for red dragon scales
- +1 dex tome
- WTT my scroll belt of mroranon
- Scourge Choker
- Ring of Spell Storing/Belt of Thoughtful Remebrance.
- WTS Collectibles
- Greensteel blanks to order
- Greensteel blanks to order
- WTB Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone w/sup. powers
- bloodstone
- Wtb/wtt Con +6 Ring
- WTT Sirocco
- Lich dust
- WTB/WTT for Gloves of the Claw Scroll
- Plat trade across servers from Thelanis
- Need price to sell for this
- WTT/WTB scroll of dustless boots
- WTB Soul eater
- My want/have list.
- WTB or trade for Quarterstaffs
- Spectral gloves for Ring of Spell Storing. a good deal?
- WTB silver holy of GEOB
- Need Scales/Arrowhead/Shrap
- WTB/WTT for 2 vorpal sickles
- looking for +2 wis tome
- WTT My Vibrant Purple for Your Pale Lavender
- WTB or Trade for Marilith scroll and Sword of shadow scroll
- Another Tradelist
- WTT GS greatsword for GS Rapier
- AH price out of control?
- WTB white dragon scales
- WTB belt of the seven ideals for my bard
- I want/looking for
- WTB White D Scales
- Looking for something specific
- WTT Docent of Defiance
- WTB +x metalline khopesh of pure good
- WTB DD and FOM Scrolls
- WTT Ring of spell storing
- +1 Lesser Heart of Wood
- WTT Dragonscales: have black need blue
- Need Bloodstone. Help!
- WTT/WTS Kardin's Eye
- WTT +4 Met of PG greataxe for +4or5 Met of PG Q-staff
- Value of...
- Blank Greensteel Maul/Blank Greensteel Helmet
- looking for lavender ioun
- Need Blue Dragon Scales
- How much is it worth?
- WTS +5 Mithral Full Plate
- Taking Offers...
- WTT 1 large devil scale for large stone x3
- Looking to buy or trade for blue dragon scales and ioun stones.
- Looking for. . . .
- WTB Scimitars of Greater Elf/Reptilian/Goblinoid Bane
- RISIA weapons with ICY BURST added
- WTB Khopesh Boss Beater
- WTT Torc scroll for Chaosblade
- Shroud ingredients tradeoff
- WTT +1 Ghost touch scimitar of disruption (ML12)
- Tome:Legend pages 3 and 8
- Looking for some longswords..
- Trading for Chaosblade scroll.
- Wtb
- Wtt/wtb
- WTB Scroll of Jidz-Tetka
- Monk Weapon Emporium
- WTT Docent of Defiance for Tome Pages
- Very Short Want/Sell List
- Looking for Firestorm greaves and red dragon scales
- Selling tomes and mana potions pst in game
- Trade/Sell/Want List
- PC on firestorm greaves
- WTT/WTB pale lavender ioun stone whit supp power
- Buy List
- +2 Holy burst Kama of Pure Good
- cross server transfer
- PC on dragon scales
- WTT Dragonscales
- +1 Metaline Quarter Staff of Greater Outsider Bane
- trading items for others
- WTS- +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
- WTB epic scrolls
- Shroud run, I must appologize
- WTB Mirage scroll
- WTT Stuff for Tome Pages
- Stuff for Stuff
- WTB Motes of Night
- WTS Green Steel Weave Gloves
- WTT Scroll of Boots of Corrosion
- WTS +1 Greater Heart of Wood
- WTT Ingredients for Doq
- Bow price checkout
- Taking offers on +3 Greater Heart of Wood
- larges for motes
- Price Check - Holy Burst GEOB Bow
- Dragon scales
- WTT my bloodstone for your larges
- WTB scroll of torch
- buying 2 L arrows, 1 L bone
- large scales for blue scales
- WTT +4 Anarchic Longsword of Greater Construct Bane
- WTT Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone (with suppressed power)
- WTB any lesser heart of wood
- WTT Epic Bramble Caster Scroll
- WTS black scale 75kpp
- WTT +3 greater heart of wood
- wtb red dragon scale
- WTT Bloodstone , Spectral Gloves for large devils/tome pages
- trading: charged gauntlet scroll for envenomed cloak scroll
- Looking for Marilith's Chain Scroll ... Give 7 Red Flawless Dragon Scales.
- WTB/WTT for Whirlwind
- Looking to pick up a few things
- wtt larges
- I've for trade....
- WTT pebble for fungus
- WTT Tome Pages for Shield Fragments.
- Buying Metalline/Pure Good Khopeshes
- WTB marilith chain and torc scroll
- WTT / WTS Docent of Defiance
- WTT twig for pebbles
- WANTED: Royal Guard Mask
- Price check on hearts of wood...
- WTT +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
- +5 icy burst khopesh of chaotic outsider bane
- WTB torc scroll- demon scale scroll, WTS ring of spell storing scroll
- WTT Gloves of the Claw Scroll
- Trade Flawless Red Dragon Scales and Epic Scrolls for Good Khopeshes
- WTS +5 mith tower and handwraps and...
- Looking for a Pale Lavender Ioun Stone whit suppressed power
- WTB/WTT for Tome Pages
- WTT> Chaosblades Scroll
- I want level 8 (halfling) disrupting off hander
- I want min level 9 (halfling) +6 dex and int rings
- Trade List
- WTB Shield Fragment 4
- trading 15 red scales for a marilith scroll
- WTT Bloodstone , Spectral Gloves for tome pages
- WTB epic scrolls
- Looking for...
- Looking for Metalline Vorpal dwarven axe
- WTB scroll of Raven's Talons
- WTT/ Scroll of the Scorched Bracers
- WTT/WTS Items
- Scroll trade list...
- Pale Lavender Ioun Stone ...
- trading my bloodstone
- WTB/WTT for Tome: Legend V
- WTT Scroll of the Gloves of the Claw
- Loooking for Scroll of the Spectral Gloves
- Trading for Scroll of the Diabolist's Docent
- Trading Pale Laender Ioun Stone [Again ... :D]
- +2 Holy Burst Silver Kama of Pure Good
- My Tod boots for your +1 lifeshield/cursepewing warhammer of stunning +10
- A quick pricecheck for +4 mithral FP ML4
- Paying well for Cursespewing, Vorpal, Holy Silver, and Caster Kamas
- Paying well for Greater Bane Handwraps
- Paying really well for Greater Bane Handwraps
- WTT Gs blank Maul and Green taper
- Need a scroll?
- WTB Scroll of The Antique Great Axe
- WTS Scroll of Marilith chain
- WTB Tome pages
- WTB: Token of the faithful
- LtBuy (x3) Cloaks of Ice: paying 1 Lg scale/350k plat each
- WTT/WTS Kardin's Eye
- Trading larges for Blue Scales.
- WTB/WTTF Vibrant purple ioun stone
- WTS/WTT Scroll of Storm
- Looking For RedScales
- Looking for a Scroll of Spectral Gloves
- Taking plat offers on Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone
- Need scrolls?
- Taking offers for 9000 Motes of winter
- illusionist robe scroll
- Pricecheck questions
- Trading tap shreds for silver festivult coins
- need a scroll?
- WTS Icy Burst kits
- WTT Helm of Frost scroll for Gem scroll
- small WTS list
- WTB Scroll of the Jidz-Tet'ka
- WTT Docent of Quickening
- WTT for scroll of the Bracers of the Claw
- WTT tome+4 wise unbound(jester)
- WTB/WTT +2 Dex Tome
- WTS Scroll of the Sword Of Shadows
- WTB Docent of Defiance
- Buying/Trading for scroll of Shining Crest of St. Markus
- Scrolls....
- WTB epic scrolls
- wts torc scroll
- WTB icy burst kits in bulk
- wts ring of ss/scrolls
- WTB Shield Fragments 3,4,6
- wtb red scale
- Scrolls Scrolls Scrolls...
- WTT lrg scale for +2 dex tome
- Trading large ingredients for greater bane handwraps
- WTT: Scroll of the Spectral Gloves
- WTB Scrolls - Siren's and Souleater
- Boots of Corrosion scroll
- Have +1 Heart of Wood for trade.
- WTB/WTT for Hellstroke Great-Axe
- wtt /wtb
- WTT Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone for Charged Gauntlets scroll
- WTS Superior Glaciation VIII kit
- looking for...
- WTB Lesser Heart of Wood +1
- WTT Spectal gloves for bloodstone
- WTB ML 4-6 q-staff
- Scroll for trade
- Gold Coins for Taps
- wts pale lavander ioun stone: need torc scroll and demon scale scroll
- trade trade trade
- Wtb/Wtt Cookies
- Selling Stuff
- B> cookies
- Trading....
- Looking for Shocking/Flaming Burst of PG Greatsword
- Wts scroll of marilith chain
- Wtt dod for scroll of the diabolists docent.
- WTB/WTTF Scroll of Demon Scale Armor
- WTT Scroll of the Robe of Diabolist
- WTS +1 Greater Heart of Wood
- scroll, red scales and more
- WTT Docent of Quickening
- My Trading List
- Looking for DEX +2 Tome
- WTT/WTS Docent of Defiance
- WTB Shavarath, the Battleground Jelly Cake
- trade buy and sell
- Wts/wtt
- Superior focus of fire
- Trading Post
- Trading vibrant purple ioun stone
- scrolllllllllll
- WTT +2 wis tome for +2 int tome
- scroll and more
- WTS Shroud Ingr.
- WTB Pale Lavender
- Need Demon Scale Armor and dustless boots scrolls
- WTT Lightning-Split soarwood for +2 tome
- Ultimate trade list ~Kapow*** BOOM*** firework displays..
- WTB Jorgundal's Collar
- WTB/WTTF Scroll of Torc, Scroll of Staff of Arcane Power, Pale Lavender Stone
- WTT For +2 STR Tome
- WTT Tome: Legends for other Tome: Legends
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