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  1. WTT Pale Lavender Ioun Stone (with suppressed power)
  2. WTT Scrolls (greataxe, greaves and more) for red dragon scales
  3. +1 dex tome
  4. WTT my scroll belt of mroranon
  5. Scourge Choker
  6. Ring of Spell Storing/Belt of Thoughtful Remebrance.
  7. WTS Collectibles
  8. Greensteel blanks to order
  9. Greensteel blanks to order
  10. WTB Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone w/sup. powers
  11. bloodstone
  12. Wtb/wtt Con +6 Ring
  13. WTT Sirocco
  14. Lich dust
  15. WTB/WTT for Gloves of the Claw Scroll
  16. Plat trade across servers from Thelanis
  17. Need price to sell for this
  18. WTT/WTB scroll of dustless boots
  19. WTB Soul eater
  20. My want/have list.
  21. WTB or trade for Quarterstaffs
  22. Spectral gloves for Ring of Spell Storing. a good deal?
  23. WTB silver holy of GEOB
  24. Need Scales/Arrowhead/Shrap
  25. WTB/WTT for 2 vorpal sickles
  26. looking for +2 wis tome
  27. WTT My Vibrant Purple for Your Pale Lavender
  28. WTB or Trade for Marilith scroll and Sword of shadow scroll
  29. Another Tradelist
  30. WTT GS greatsword for GS Rapier
  31. AH price out of control?
  32. WTB white dragon scales
  33. WTB belt of the seven ideals for my bard
  34. I want/looking for
  35. WTB White D Scales
  36. Looking for something specific
  37. WTT Docent of Defiance
  38. WTB +x metalline khopesh of pure good
  39. WTB DD and FOM Scrolls
  40. WTT Ring of spell storing
  41. +1 Lesser Heart of Wood
  42. WTT Dragonscales: have black need blue
  43. Need Bloodstone. Help!
  44. WTT/WTS Kardin's Eye
  45. WTT +4 Met of PG greataxe for +4or5 Met of PG Q-staff
  46. Value of...
  47. Blank Greensteel Maul/Blank Greensteel Helmet
  48. looking for lavender ioun
  49. Need Blue Dragon Scales
  50. How much is it worth?
  51. WTS +5 Mithral Full Plate
  52. Taking Offers...
  53. WTB DoD
  54. WTT 1 large devil scale for large stone x3
  55. Looking to buy or trade for blue dragon scales and ioun stones.
  56. Looking for. . . .
  57. WTB Scimitars of Greater Elf/Reptilian/Goblinoid Bane
  58. RISIA weapons with ICY BURST added
  59. WTB Khopesh Boss Beater
  60. WTT Torc scroll for Chaosblade
  61. Shroud ingredients tradeoff
  62. WTT +1 Ghost touch scimitar of disruption (ML12)
  63. Tome:Legend pages 3 and 8
  64. Looking for some longswords..
  65. Trading for Chaosblade scroll.
  66. Wtb
  67. Wtt/wtb
  68. WTB Scroll of Jidz-Tetka
  69. Monk Weapon Emporium
  70. WTT Docent of Defiance for Tome Pages
  71. Very Short Want/Sell List
  72. Looking for Firestorm greaves and red dragon scales
  73. Selling tomes and mana potions pst in game
  74. Trade/Sell/Want List
  75. PC on firestorm greaves
  76. WTT/WTB pale lavender ioun stone whit supp power
  77. Buy List
  78. +2 Holy burst Kama of Pure Good
  79. cross server transfer
  80. PC on dragon scales
  81. WTT Dragonscales
  82. +1 Metaline Quarter Staff of Greater Outsider Bane
  83. trading items for others
  84. WTS- +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
  85. WTB epic scrolls
  86. Shroud run, I must appologize
  87. WTB Mirage scroll
  88. WTT Stuff for Tome Pages
  89. Stuff for Stuff
  90. WTB Motes of Night
  91. WTS Green Steel Weave Gloves
  92. WTT Scroll of Boots of Corrosion
  93. WTS +1 Greater Heart of Wood
  94. WTT Ingredients for Doq
  95. Bow price checkout
  96. Taking offers on +3 Greater Heart of Wood
  97. larges for motes
  98. Price Check - Holy Burst GEOB Bow
  99. Dragon scales
  100. WTT my bloodstone for your larges
  101. WTB scroll of torch
  102. buying 2 L arrows, 1 L bone
  103. large scales for blue scales
  104. WTT +4 Anarchic Longsword of Greater Construct Bane
  105. WTT Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone (with suppressed power)
  106. WTB any lesser heart of wood
  107. WTT Epic Bramble Caster Scroll
  108. WTS black scale 75kpp
  109. WTT +3 greater heart of wood
  110. wtb red dragon scale
  111. WTT Bloodstone , Spectral Gloves for large devils/tome pages
  112. trading: charged gauntlet scroll for envenomed cloak scroll
  113. Looking for Marilith's Chain Scroll ... Give 7 Red Flawless Dragon Scales.
  114. WTB/WTT for Whirlwind
  115. Looking to pick up a few things
  116. wtt larges
  117. I've for trade....
  118. WTT pebble for fungus
  119. WTT Tome Pages for Shield Fragments.
  120. Buying Metalline/Pure Good Khopeshes
  121. WTB marilith chain and torc scroll
  122. WTT / WTS Docent of Defiance
  123. WTT twig for pebbles
  124. WANTED: Royal Guard Mask
  125. Price check on hearts of wood...
  126. WTT +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
  127. +5 icy burst khopesh of chaotic outsider bane
  128. WTB torc scroll- demon scale scroll, WTS ring of spell storing scroll
  129. WTT Gloves of the Claw Scroll
  130. Trade Flawless Red Dragon Scales and Epic Scrolls for Good Khopeshes
  131. WTS +5 mith tower and handwraps and...
  132. Looking for a Pale Lavender Ioun Stone whit suppressed power
  133. WTB/WTT for Tome Pages
  134. WTT> Chaosblades Scroll
  135. I want level 8 (halfling) disrupting off hander
  136. I want min level 9 (halfling) +6 dex and int rings
  137. Trade List
  138. WTB Shield Fragment 4
  139. trading 15 red scales for a marilith scroll
  140. WTT Bloodstone , Spectral Gloves for tome pages
  141. WTB epic scrolls
  142. Looking for...
  143. Looking for Metalline Vorpal dwarven axe
  144. WTB scroll of Raven's Talons
  145. WTT/ Scroll of the Scorched Bracers
  146. WTT/WTS Items
  147. Scroll trade list...
  148. Pale Lavender Ioun Stone ...
  149. trading my bloodstone
  150. WTB/WTT for Tome: Legend V
  151. WTT Scroll of the Gloves of the Claw
  152. Loooking for Scroll of the Spectral Gloves
  153. Trading for Scroll of the Diabolist's Docent
  154. Trading Pale Laender Ioun Stone [Again ... :D]
  155. +2 Holy Burst Silver Kama of Pure Good
  156. My Tod boots for your +1 lifeshield/cursepewing warhammer of stunning +10
  157. A quick pricecheck for +4 mithral FP ML4
  158. Paying well for Cursespewing, Vorpal, Holy Silver, and Caster Kamas
  159. Paying well for Greater Bane Handwraps
  160. Paying really well for Greater Bane Handwraps
  161. WTT Gs blank Maul and Green taper
  162. Need a scroll?
  163. WTB Scroll of The Antique Great Axe
  164. WTS Scroll of Marilith chain
  165. WTB Tome pages
  166. WTB: Token of the faithful
  167. LtBuy (x3) Cloaks of Ice: paying 1 Lg scale/350k plat each
  168. WTT/WTS Kardin's Eye
  169. Trading larges for Blue Scales.
  170. WTB/WTTF Vibrant purple ioun stone
  171. WTS/WTT Scroll of Storm
  172. Looking For RedScales
  173. Looking for a Scroll of Spectral Gloves
  174. Taking plat offers on Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone
  175. Need scrolls?
  176. Taking offers for 9000 Motes of winter
  177. illusionist robe scroll
  178. Pricecheck questions
  179. Trading tap shreds for silver festivult coins
  180. need a scroll?
  181. WTS Icy Burst kits
  182. WTT Helm of Frost scroll for Gem scroll
  183. small WTS list
  184. WTB Scroll of the Jidz-Tet'ka
  185. WTT Docent of Quickening
  186. WTT for scroll of the Bracers of the Claw
  187. WTT tome+4 wise unbound(jester)
  188. WTB/WTT +2 Dex Tome
  189. WTS Scroll of the Sword Of Shadows
  190. WTB Docent of Defiance
  191. Buying/Trading for scroll of Shining Crest of St. Markus
  192. Scrolls....
  193. WTB epic scrolls
  194. wts torc scroll
  195. WTB icy burst kits in bulk
  196. wts ring of ss/scrolls
  197. WTB Shield Fragments 3,4,6
  198. wtb red scale
  199. Scrolls Scrolls Scrolls...
  200. WTT lrg scale for +2 dex tome
  201. Trading large ingredients for greater bane handwraps
  202. WTT: Scroll of the Spectral Gloves
  203. WTB Scrolls - Siren's and Souleater
  204. Boots of Corrosion scroll
  205. Have +1 Heart of Wood for trade.
  206. WTB/WTT for Hellstroke Great-Axe
  207. wtt /wtb
  208. WTT Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone for Charged Gauntlets scroll
  209. WTS Superior Glaciation VIII kit
  210. looking for...
  211. WTB Lesser Heart of Wood +1
  212. WTT Spectal gloves for bloodstone
  213. WTB ML 4-6 q-staff
  214. Scroll for trade
  215. Gold Coins for Taps
  216. wts pale lavander ioun stone: need torc scroll and demon scale scroll
  217. trade trade trade
  218. Wtb/Wtt Cookies
  219. Selling Stuff
  220. B> cookies
  221. Trading....
  222. Looking for Shocking/Flaming Burst of PG Greatsword
  223. Wts scroll of marilith chain
  224. Wtt dod for scroll of the diabolists docent.
  225. WTB/WTTF Scroll of Demon Scale Armor
  226. WTT Scroll of the Robe of Diabolist
  227. WTS +1 Greater Heart of Wood
  228. scroll, red scales and more
  229. WTT Docent of Quickening
  230. My Trading List
  231. Looking for DEX +2 Tome
  232. WTT/WTS Docent of Defiance
  233. WTB Shavarath, the Battleground Jelly Cake
  234. trade buy and sell
  235. Wts/wtt
  236. Superior focus of fire
  237. Trading Post
  238. Trading vibrant purple ioun stone
  239. scrolllllllllll
  240. WTT +2 wis tome for +2 int tome
  241. scroll and more
  242. WTS Shroud Ingr.
  243. WTB Pale Lavender
  244. Need Demon Scale Armor and dustless boots scrolls
  245. WTT Lightning-Split soarwood for +2 tome
  246. Ultimate trade list ~Kapow*** BOOM*** firework displays..
  247. WTB Jorgundal's Collar
  248. WTB/WTTF Scroll of Torc, Scroll of Staff of Arcane Power, Pale Lavender Stone
  249. WTT For +2 STR Tome
  250. WTT Tome: Legends for other Tome: Legends