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  1. Need Experienced Guide for Expedition to the Restless Isles
  2. epic dq2 completed
  3. Thanks!
  4. game is glicthy! anybody else having a problem
  5. Up drop rate of larges!
  6. The Emu Wars
  7. Stealer of Souls Help..
  8. A call-out to all Australians and other late-night Cannith gamers!
  9. Cannith, let's have some fun: Varrs Lottery! Scorge Choker and more!!!
  10. Special shout out to Vazok
  11. To the group that I ran Reavers Fate with last night....
  12. Looking for a few good dwarves, or halflings, or bards...
  13. sneaky duo - any interest
  14. OK WJH in Delirium???
  15. WTB element(not cold) pure good scimitar/ rapier
  16. 185 Purple Coins yielded to me
  17. Epic Velah Finally Dies
  18. 'Bout time I introduce myself here!
  19. Why am I the only player carrying consumables?
  20. There are some outstanding people on this server!
  21. Two characters with same name?
  22. what do we do?
  23. This was never supposed to happen!
  24. Epic Wizard King solo
  25. Hello
  26. Looking for a fourth
  27. Looking for cross-server trades khyber<->cannith
  28. Advice, perhaps?
  29. I made it!!
  30. Tome question
  31. What is this garbage?
  32. Mr/Ms. Cannith 2010
  33. Anyone hitting VoN and need bodies?
  34. Shroud concerns...again
  35. +4 Metalline Silver Greatsword Pure Good
  36. Killage the TR'd Warrior
  37. There Are Some Griefers on This Server
  38. Some advice on good XP for lv11 Bard
  39. Run Noob Run!
  40. Harry Beaters and elitist jerks
  41. Oh Noz (x)
  42. How I got "Blacklisted"
  43. Nicked Great Sword Vs. Guardians Dagger
  44. Looking to start a static group...
  45. missed equipment
  46. I see what you've done there, Trufire.
  47. Asking a paladin...
  48. Congrats to Hwaranga and Flaws
  49. LFMs and Level ranges
  50. Quest questions
  51. Barbarian - Solo/shortman raids
  52. items that can cast summon level 5 or better
  53. Looking for some that plays/has played regularly on Argonessen.
  54. Voting on U5 with my wallet
  55. reroll party. max xp/favor. read more
  56. Flagging does not equate casual
  57. Tyvm nice Pug for HOX and VOD
  58. Looking for a group
  59. Epic DQ2 done by a trio PUG.
  60. Frequency of EPIC VoN raids & quests
  61. Pug for a laugh
  62. New Static Group?
  63. Most expensive Orchard run yet
  64. look out for dizzy
  65. for those who are bothered and know us
  66. Help/Advice finding two Large Devil Scales
  67. Aesthetics complaint
  68. Nurture and not nature: Varrtacular the Gimp
  69. Why are WF players such idiots?
  70. First storm typhoon on Cannith??
  71. ToD help please?
  72. Hotfix
  73. Airship Colors
  74. Not happy with Update 5 so far
  75. How to get Guild Renown
  76. New and looking for a friendly guild
  77. look out for rave :-)
  78. So tired of...
  79. What the heck is this?
  80. Wow, worst I've ever seen lag/halts
  81. 2010 Summer Festivult Coin Turn ins
  82. 3 man shroud
  83. Go team!
  84. Loot, G&H, and Feeder guilds.
  85. Is human ranger good or bad?
  86. Tempest rangers
  87. VIP trying to log on, server full?
  88. Dedicated characters
  89. Risia Ice games Stats
  90. Pug lessons
  91. Level 4 pvp tournament
  92. Varrs Auction #2: Twink gear levels 1-9 including Bloodstone
  93. If I sold Superior Glaciation Kits
  94. Shroud Run, 8/3/10
  95. No good deed goes unpunished
  96. Aarrgghh!!!
  97. Graveyards.
  98. WTP ToD 9:00 PM CST 8.18.10
  99. WTT: Items Khyber for Items Cannith
  100. New player to Cannith
  101. Large ings
  102. 9/20 Zawabi's Revenge @ 9:30 US East [gmt-4]
  103. LFM-Jerk things to say in description
  104. What good things have happened to you lately?
  105. Someone kill Cannith server hamsters?
  106. Cannith Server Not working.
  107. Who needs talking?
  108. TeamSpeak 3
  109. Can't log into Cannith?
  110. Extreme Breakables
  111. Best prank ever?
  112. Abbot Raid Guide(s) needed
  113. three player guild would like to raid :)
  114. Why do you feel your server is the best to play on?
  115. Looking for 2 more partners for super fav team
  116. lvl's 14-17 for shroud
  117. New Guy Flagging
  118. Twilight Forge...2 Questions for Cannith!
  119. Hoping to form alliances
  120. reading the lfm before joining?
  121. Idiots roll for everything
  122. Raid Desert Epic Scrolls Drop Rate
  123. My Completionist project: Final build
  124. Cannith Lag?
  125. This is why we can't have nice things
  126. Cannith Summer Bonus?
  127. Experienced and Mature player looking for a group to run Epic raids.
  128. Who cast the Vanishing Player Spell?
  129. Varrs targeted end build equiptment set (18/2 pale master/monk)
  130. Bitter much???
  131. 2 Spectral pulls out of 3 players in one Epic OOB run !!!
  132. Proof is in the Poison on Elite
  133. Hell yeah :D
  134. First time on Cannith
  135. Some questions just beg for a smarta$$ response
  136. greedy ppl are everywhere
  137. I am Recipemaker
  138. Cannith - Awesome
  139. thanks for all the good times
  140. cannith down?
  141. Money Maker of Cannith
  142. Heya
  143. link beaters plz
  144. Anonymous requests to join
  145. 3rd shifter non zergers....look here.
  146. Cannith Server Down???
  147. first epic chronosphere completion on the server
  148. Power lvling channel
  149. Another Noob Introduction
  150. im having issues!!!!!!
  151. New and VIP
  152. WOOT 4,388,500xp in 7 days 3 hours and FIRST 20 HORCS
  153. Cannith Mabar Dragon Status
  154. Strategies on Epic Chrono
  155. I saw him....
  156. My Mabar event tally
  157. Mabar embarrassment, but lesson
  158. Is Cannith down?
  159. Veterans Day Ghallanda Event: This Thursday, Nov 11, 3 PM EST & 10PM EST
  160. Where did everyone go?
  161. starting chronosphere raid..
  162. TYVM Graet Lowbie Hound Fail!
  163. Necro III group tonight @10EST
  164. chat box problems
  165. sorry to my wiz king party
  166. My first griefing experience
  167. Thanks for the buffs
  168. Are people losing their manners?
  169. LFMs on Cannith are now mostly guild recruiting
  170. Lag, is it really worth 15 a month?
  171. Hey you Templars ......
  172. Share your horror stories
  173. The Mabar Event is Full of Fail
  174. VoN 5 N/H/E Friday 11/27 @ 10am EST for xp
  175. Need Help with Epic Devil Assault
  176. Level 2 Rogue looking for group
  177. Recipemaker in the Holiday Spirit
  178. Raiding 101
  179. "no bads"?
  180. Goodbye to all
  181. Museum of misfit items (sticky?)
  182. Pugs
  183. Guess who just bought 2 gloves of the claw epic scrolls for 150k plat each?
  184. how many can beat a 48 int?!
  185. Healers needed ... spam that goes wrong
  186. beginning coin ratios
  187. Ltbuy: +1 lifeshield warhammer of stunning +10
  188. How to fight the Demon Queen?
  189. Casual Players Holiday Raid Thingy-ganza
  190. wizzie only shroud
  191. Taking a break from ddo
  192. Gummy?
  193. Congrats Lotusfly on Completionist!
  194. For the members of the ToD PuG leaded by Dorylis...
  195. QA about the servers
  196. Purple Coin stats for icy burst recipes
  197. Connection Problems right now?
  198. Cannith Chronoscope Normal Tonight 17.12.2010
  199. My Griefer story
  200. Cannith+12-20 level toons=Ghost Town
  201. Pants!
  202. A successful first High Rollers Christmas Giveaway
  203. December Risia Ice Game Stats
  204. Remember blind tells are fine, blind invites are rude
  205. Merry Christmas Cannith
  206. Varrs Lottery #3: fill my cookie jar, win a greensteel blank of your choice
  207. Cannith: Some of the nicest players I can imagine
  208. Happy New Year Cannith!
  209. Leohand's Chronicles - Epic Demon Queen Preraid [Part-1]
  210. Kasquick the Mighty - is this standard procedure?
  211. Leohand's Chronicles - Live Show & Epic DA + Epic CoF
  212. ADQ 2 - Be flagged
  213. my real toons are not me
  214. Thank you Zealot/Zealotry!!
  215. Odd conversation last night
  216. Price Check on Greater Renown Elixir...
  217. 3 Men Von6 : Fiujin , Leohand-1 , Uriziem
  218. Tower of Despair video
  219. cheap replacement pc suggestions
  220. tsawns first forum post
  221. LFM - EPIC Against Demon Queen [Part-1]
  222. Ready & tired of waiting...
  223. Mr. Cannith 2011
  224. To the Shourd Party from Dhalblast Yesterday
  225. To the Shroud leader yesterday morning, my sincere admiration!
  226. Thanx Bads
  227. Hezrou Proctologist with Myopia
  228. Server Down it seems...
  229. PUG vs PUG zerg competition
  230. Cannith Loot Etiquette
  231. Newbie Question -[ How to find weapon/armor upgrades]
  232. MYDDO is back :)
  233. VoN5 E-H-N cl 10-12 vets only - Sat 2/12@10amEST
  234. Cannith is DOWN
  235. best chronoscope run ever
  236. Tx to Killer Dwarfs
  237. Calidoria Strongblood: Level 15 Human Paladin
  238. Come on Cannith!
  239. Loot rules
  240. Stay awesome Cannith!
  241. If only you could name names...
  242. First time at the Event
  243. New Zealand DDO player thank overseas Earthquake support
  244. A call for help
  245. Anyone not doing the event wanna raid?
  246. To: All the "Your loot is your loot" guys
  247. How much did you make at cc/smug's rest?
  248. A Restless Man, Indeed...
  249. Dear Failboat PUG Shroud...
  250. Oooo! Drama drama drama! (p.s to make it better: Shroud!!)