View Full Version : Bard
- proof that no one plays a bard
- Bard Gear
- 1st bard needs help
- My bard build (16bard/2fighter/2rogue dps healing)
- Convert to Bardcher?
- 2 Barcher ideas
- Warchanter
- Cranke - a - toon build
- Pure Bard (human) advice needed.
- CC bard
- Needed: A 34 point Human Bard build that I will have fun with.
- Enthrallment
- New Player Seeking Major Help!
- Gear for a Warchanter
- Healing Bard: Secondary Feat Advice
- getting ready for enh.pass
- Bard/fighter
- The weirdest build ever.
- The Mountain - Pure Bard dwarf Warchanter
- Post U19 warchanter thoughts
- Musical Studies, Poetic Edda and stacking
- Hey... Warchanter +cha doesn't do anything?
- Alas poor Virtuoso, I knew you well.
- Pure 20 Spellsinger AA
- 2 Pure bard builds for Review: Which is better?
- Scaldic Rage vs. Barbarian Rage.
- PDK bard help
- Which settup pro's and cons?
- help with a bardcher
- Genghis Khan - updated for u19 enhancement pass ?
- Str based THF melee bard. New Player Friendly.
- Looking for advice ona Bard/Rogue build
- Question for DEV: Song of Capering - WAI?
- Virtuoso of the Sword - Puppa Build
- U19 1 cleric on bard for divine might
- Comparing Enthrallment and Fascinate
- Inspire Recklessness
- Anyone play with the Warchanter cold line?
- Pure Bard Spellsinger AA or Multiclass?
- Stacking spell debuffs with songs
- Bound/Grim Fate
- U19 version of the Classic Rocker?
- Bard Class Skill Revamp
- THF Melee Healing Warchanting Chest Blesser
- Victory song bugged?
- Warchanter Problems
- Problems with my Fascinate!
- PDK Bard
- Howl of the North?
- Bard lvling build
- Musical Studies enhancement bugged?
- Victory Song
- New Bard player build help
- EE Build advice wanted... Spellsinger with "Melee Mode"
- Elf TWF Warchanter
- 28pt Spellsinger w rogue splash? Can it be done?
- For a Bard, halfling or drow
- Extending song durations
- Which songs can or cannot be interrupted?
- Howl of the North Stacking
- Cleric splash
- Warchanter northwind with ranged?
- Siren Song/Chord of Disruption
- Looking for an Updated TWF Bard Build
- Gearing a 18brd/2rog
- I just want to play a pure bard
- banshee build 2rogue/6bard/12 wizard
- What is considered high for bard hp?
- Bards, the Rodney Dangerfield of DDO
- Bard Build Advice needed
- How to fix Warchanter and bard in general
- warchanter enhancements on the known issue list?
- Snemeis - Ranged Warchanter
- Jinu - Bardcher
- Epic Elyd Edge -- Shard/Seal drops
- Yay! A bard fix in U20!
- Advice needed for building a warchanter for epics
- Post U20 THF str based melee 15/4/1 bard/fighter/clr for pl. EE ready?
- Bard PL
- Help Rebuilding my Acrobard... (back from a long break)
- Song of the Dead, Makers. Devs claim they are working as intended
- Revisiting Bardchers (U20)
- Wallace the warrior poet, pure spellsinger melee, dc, healing
- Bard Enhancements Review, with suggestions for improvement
- What's Broken with Bard Enhancements?
- Can someone provide me with a good drow bard build?
- Bards an idea
- Most important metas?
- PDK bard
- The Woes of a Bardcrobat
- Bard: Spellsong Vigor now single-target?
- Bard Advice Needed on 1/2 Orc Bardbarian and Pale Bard
- Want to build melee bard, could use help
- PDK TWF Bard: Tier 5 Spellsinger vs Tier 5 Warchanter
- Bard TRing build
- Build request and viability discussion
- Making Bards Rock: some proposals on how to improve bards
- Bard AA build?
- Need build suggestions - bard multiclass
- THF evasion Warchanter
- Bard EK viable?... Build Ideas
- bard song durations and fixs
- Need feedback on my bardcrobat
- Looking for AA bard build
- Soza: Heal and Crowd Control Bard - Feedback Please
- Deadly items stack with inspire courage?
- Soundburst = Helpless
- Swash your buckles matey!
- Looking for a bard build for heroic only, tr-ing right away.
- Bard 2nd Life Build
- Yeah some kinda monka rcher mix does 8 trillion on a crit yet let's nerf the bard
- I need help to reroll my bard :)
- Avatar of Eilistraee
- Bard 16/2ftr/2rog set up help
- Enthrallment and Fascinate
- Siren Song
- Need help to revive pure drow bard
- Any way to wear Heavy Armor and cast Bard spells?
- New bard prestige tree on live!!
- Frozen Fury & Boast +1[w]... am I missing something?
- Need advice on Bard PL for completionist
- Looking for help with a bard
- What to Dual Wield?
- What to Dual Wield?
- Brd18Rog2 vs Brd18Rog1Clr1
- Charisma based bard / PDK synergy
- Spellsinger - spell penetration on EN and EH
- warchanter enhancements and ranged attacks
- My suggestions to improve Bards
- brd12rog4rgr4 drow twf and some range
- Light armor proficiency w/ spell failure?
- Two Handed Fighting WarBard! 18 Bard/2 Fighter
- Music of the Dead/etc
- Need a Bard build
- Is the PDK Melee spellsinger better than Warchanter road?
- Build: The One Bard
- An Experienced Bard
- Tramuntana - the Northern Whirlwind
- New bard tree: swashbuckler
- What are the most effective CC spells in Epic quests
- Build Idea want feedback, 15bard/5Wiz Support Machine
- Primary solo'er, interested in Bard. Help please?
- PDK squash buckler with evasion- feedback please
- Max Charisma?
- Captain Jack Dancer - F12/Bd7/C1
- Personal reference thread for enchantment DCs
- [U22] Maelodic - Merrily Murdering the Masses (20 Bard)
- PDK Greatsword THF/Spellsinger/Warchanter bard build...
- Swashbuckler weapon advice
- Wanting to start out as a Pure Solo Bard Swashbuckler. What should I do?
- The Count of Monte Cristo - dps, CC, survivability focused pure swashbuckler
- What gs items is your bard using?
- Melee Swashbuckler feels underwhelming?
- My stab at the new bard swashbuckler
- foolish question maybe
- Brainstorming Bard/Rogue swashbucklers
- 16 bard 2 rogue 2 favored soul build
- Troubadour for U22
- Swashbuckler clarifications/questions from a newbie heroic player.
- Pick & Strum - experimenting with a DC Swashbuckler
- Sword Dance of the SB tree - does not work as described
- Swashbuckler Thoughts
- Looking for TWF Bard/Ftr/Rog build .. Post U19
- Build ideas (martial PL, bard PL)
- I'm a slap you and cap you.
- Swashbuckler|Single Weapon Fighting|Thrown Weapons
- Requested build
- Looking for 16/2/2 Bard/Fighter/Rogue Build
- I got a plan!
- fvs 3 for swashbuckler?
- Yeah Yeah Swashbuckler!!! mean time my old rant for different instrument
- Current (U22p1) Warchanter tree, Howl of the North requirements?
- Swashbukler stance + stalwart do they work togheter?
- The dwarven defender parody
- Bard fast movement bug?
- Reign
- Burning Blood is a Bard spell?
- Swashbuckling Spellsword
- Spell Singer Final build please help.
- Fascinate advice
- Weapon type for swashbuckler
- Please fix sustaining song
- Spellsinger feats
- Jack sparrow - new swashbuckler build
- Drow Swashbuckler
- Improved Shield Bash on Swashbuckler?
- Level 28 Swashbuckler optimum dps gear list
- Deathmetal-the Bladeforged Bard
- Barbarossa, pirate of the sea.
- Math? Swashbuckler damage stat - Cha, Str, Con?
- The Smashbuckler
- Update 22 patch 2 pure Warchanter help
- Looking for ideas to salvage a hasty ITR into Bard 8, Rogue 3, Ranger 4
- Impression of U22 Patch 2 and first build ideas
- The Favored Pick of Destiny
- Exalted Bard
- U22.2 Iced Edges and Northwind not working [Warchanter]
- All Flavors Please
- looking for a bard life...
- Dodge Cap
- Tossing around a Swashbuckler Idea
- Warmaster and Epic Elyd Edge
- Ideal level 20 gear for spellcaster?
- Swashbucking: Deflect Arrows broken?
- Spell dps Bard idea
- Some advice on a swashbuckeler
- Swashbuckler Weapon
- Think I found something cool for swashbuckler class the other day...
- Flavor 1: SB Help
- Flavor 2: WC Help
- Flavor 3: SS Help
- swashbuckling and crit profiles
- Reverberate (Spellsinger SLA)
- Fascinating is getting frustrating
- Future of SWF with Shield Mastery
- Pure Bard Spellsinger, questions.
- Recommended Spell List?
- Spellsinger Mass Hold SLA - 5 questions
- Monk(TM) - A build for losers.
- Questiosn about Swashbuckler Weapons
- Epic TRing my bard
- Swashbuckler enhancement: Resonant Arms - working?
- Soza: CC. Heal, Nuke, Pure Bard Build
- Do Not Use
- Bard Warchanter Build idea
- Deflect arrow in SB not working
- The Icebreaker - A Freezing Warchanter Bard
- Has anyone tried maces in epics?
- Swashbuckler Help for a returning player
- Swashbuckler question
- The Blasting Charm - the SwashBuckler
- looking for a swf 12 bard 6fighter 2 rogue build 32 piont build no tomes
- Bugged swashbuckling weap?
- SWF construct beater
- Would it be bad to go pure spellsinger?
- Bard rebuild ideas 2nd life
- pick of destiny
- Coupe De Grace and Rune Arms
- Coup de Grace and En Pointe
- Swashbuckler Enhance Questions
- Bladeforged Swashbuckler , why yes, yes we can
- Good bardcher ideas/builds?
- Lightning Bard?
- Coup De Grace with Runearm
- 11 rogue/5 bard/4 fighter swashbuckler. dex or str?
- build direction advice
- Epic Destiny help
- Swashbuckler and Valenar Grace
- Different tack-smooth flourishes vs weapon finesse
- sustaining song, spellpower bug and arcane might bug
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