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  1. Iconic Bard Mule Build
  2. Is there a Haggle cap?
  3. Keidara the Firestarter
  4. What is the Best Epic Destiny for a Human pure bard melee, Swashbuckler?
  5. Stacking question for bard build
  6. The Ice Baron: Freeze Specced Pure Bard Swashbuckler
  7. solo bard question
  8. Swashbuckler - 12 bard / 6 fighter / 2 rogue
  9. Pure Spellsinger thoughts
  10. u23 Axe of Unseen Blow = Swashbuckler
  11. PDK 15bard/3ftr/2rogue build help
  12. Is orb allowing shield mastery/legendary twist?
  13. Warchanter without PDK - Str or Cha build?
  14. The PDA Bard --- Purple Dragon Agent
  15. Throwing axe Swashbuckler?
  16. bard build advice
  17. U23 DPS/CC/Selfheal trapper bard (Shadar-Kai)
  18. Tactical Genius and Warchanter freezes
  19. Elf Swashbuckler Bard
  20. The Warsinger - Pure Bard Warchanter/Fatesinger
  21. PDK, CHR, and WC
  22. Impudence - DEX swashbuckler
  23. Another take on an Icy Bard
  24. Dex Based Swashbuckler Help Requested!
  25. First Build Post
  26. A Swashbuckler/Vanguard build(u23)
  27. Dragonmarked Halfling Warchanter, looking for feedback
  28. The Maestro - Halfling SS/WC Enchanter
  29. Which fighting style would you recommend to my SS/WC?
  30. Exploit Weakness
  31. Mercantile Scoundrel (Newish to DDO Bards, please help)
  32. 15Bard/3Fighter/2Rogue Halfling Swashbuckler Advice
  33. Support bard buiild requested
  34. Advice for rebuilding a Piking Bardcher
  35. New char help
  36. 12bard/6fighter/2rogue PDK Swashbuckler. Tweak my Bard!
  37. Max Enchant Dc?
  38. Very new to Bards
  39. Warchanter capstone Warmaster not applying to all allies when wielding Epic Elyd Edge
  40. Returning Bard player needs help
  41. Fast Movement broken for anyone else? (u24)
  42. shopping list.. assistance please
  43. Question about Swashbuckler weapons. (TF Light Pick/TF Handaxe/Skullsmasher
  44. Looking for ranged bard build
  45. Coup de Grace not working on fascinated mobs...
  46. Frozen Fury question
  47. New Player Question about Multiclassing
  48. To Bard or not to Bard
  49. Int-based Swashbuckler
  50. Tough trapper bard
  51. improved crit not applying to my thunderforged rapier
  52. Need Advice to my take on the Axesinger
  53. Taking The Plunge - Looking for Feedback
  54. Mass Hold Monster
  55. Nannybot v1.1
  56. War Dancer
  57. Leveling weapons for swashbuckler
  58. Looking for a DPS\Semi Tank Bard build
  59. THFx3, Cleaves, or Shield Mastery?
  60. Symphony of Metal
  61. Named Ghost Touch finesse weapons
  62. Shining Crescents
  63. Hold Monster, Mass
  64. Howl of the North
  65. The Monkbarian (frenzied warchanter)
  66. My first complete build
  67. Swash + Supreme Cleave -- crazy?
  68. Shiva – The freezing goddess
  69. Help with swashbuckler build
  70. Bard fast movement?o
  71. Avalanche, a take on the Icebreaker and fastest base move speed in all of DDO
  72. Swashbuckling Tank
  73. Swashbuckler gear?
  74. Any Swashbuckling build that can do traps?
  75. Slap In The Face Save?
  76. Aireira Awolyn
  77. The Howl of the North (CC and Support, and some DPS)
  78. Is spell pen. necesary for a CC Spellsinger?
  79. New to bards - Could use some help!
  80. Horn of Thunder - Spell Power
  81. Shiradi Bards
  82. skirmisher issues ?
  83. Looking for 36pt Swashbuckler Build
  84. Looking for Swash + decent trap skills
  85. Looking for a good swash build
  86. Help with bard specced but sorc PL
  87. New Build Help from old player
  88. Shadar-Kai Bard? Please help
  89. Next life will be a bard
  90. fun with spellsinger in heroics
  91. Epic weapons for swashbuckler
  92. 2/6/12 Rogue/Fighter/Bard -- Need input please! :)
  93. Can this Drow Bard be saved
  94. CDG question
  95. Sword Dance not WAI?
  96. Confidence and Armor max dex bonus
  97. Is Know the Angles bugged?
  98. Swashbuckler enhancement
  99. Bard/Rogue swashbuckling build help
  100. Best LOOKING gear for a swashbuckler?
  101. Some bard questions
  102. Anyone else having issues with charm??
  103. Quick Advice on a Melee Orientated Build Please
  104. Bard Trapper for new players
  105. Bardcher Endgame Gear
  106. Shadow Bard -- INT Based Shadar Kai
  107. Versatile Bard build
  108. Bard weapons
  109. A Tale of 2 Vanguards -- INT Based Swashbuckler and CHA/STR Based WarChanter
  110. Is 16B/2F/2R still viable?
  111. Icebreaker level split/AP allocation?
  112. Looking for a pure 20 swashbuckler build
  113. Different Tack Question
  114. Ideas for epic lives
  115. Need 1st Life Caster Bard Build
  116. sonic immunity
  117. How to use Coup de Grace effecitively?
  118. The Banshee - My Current Mania
  119. Don't be a Bard
  120. pdk bard ?
  121. Cast Bard Help
  122. Punkrawk Build
  123. Epic Level Bard
  124. Swashbuckling Tank -13 Bard 5 Fighter 2 Rogue
  125. CHA Based drow SS/SB Critique
  126. Heroic Cannith Crafted buckler
  127. Admirals tiller - does guardbreaking transfer to main hand?
  128. Lemonblade - Bard/Barb/Fvs (heroic build)
  129. Walruss' frosty bard
  130. Expose weakness and swashbuckler weapons.
  131. Does anyone have a good link to a 12 Bard 6 fighter 2 rogue build
  132. Anyone running a non-freeze Bard20 warchanter?
  133. Spell pen in u27 content
  134. Weapon for heroic caster dps bard?
  135. Swash weapons?
  136. Questions about Fascinate and Enthrall
  137. back to bard after warlock
  138. Named googles for bards?
  139. Demon Assault - EE -new archon quest buggy with swashbuckler?
  140. Build Help Please! 15 Bard / 3 Fighter / 2 Rogue – Human. 32 Point Build, No Tomes
  141. BUG: Warmaster giving 10PRR not 15?
  142. Dex-Based Swashbuckler
  143. Two Melee SWBs - help me decide, please
  144. Returning Warchanter Bard. Questions???
  145. Forgotten my Build plan.
  146. First Life, Pure Bard, Named Gear?
  147. need build for a rouge/swashy bard
  148. Bard 15/ Fighter 3/Rouge 2
  149. Coup de grace DC on epics
  150. Swashbuckling stance
  151. Drow Bard14/FVS4/xx2?
  152. Bardcher for fun! what do you think?
  153. SB ETR/TR into another SB
  154. Pimp my ride: equipment for level 5 spellsinger bard
  155. Theorycrafting: The need for speed
  156. swash feat help please
  157. Level 28 DPS Bard Gear
  158. Light Hammers for Swashbuckler
  159. Quickening Songs
  160. Swashbuckler broken, or nerfed into Oblivion?
  161. Swashbuckling in Medium Armor
  162. Swashbuckler Weapon Comparison
  163. Swashbuckling Bardbarian
  164. Coming back from a break, need some help with swashbucklers...
  165. Pimp my ride: equipment for level 11 spellsinger bard
  166. The Ex wife
  167. Spell singer nuker a new possibility?
  168. Swashbuckler-trapper Drow 15Bard/3Ftr/2Rog
  169. Recommendation: Pure Drow Swashbuckler / Harper Agent build
  170. Warchanter Build Help
  171. Three Way Bard
  172. Bard Fighter Rouge
  173. Air Sorc/Bard and Spell criticals
  174. Bard with only 4 spells?
  175. Build Request - Ranged Bard
  176. Help me build this flavourful bard
  177. Is Spellsinger Bard still a thing?
  178. Help with weapons please
  179. CC + Sword Build Recommendations?
  180. Need Bard Advice Please
  181. Warmaster Song Duration
  182. Theorycraft: Repeater Bard 15/Ranger 4/Artificer 1
  183. Apollo, maaster CC bard & support healing
  184. Frozen counts of mc build help
  185. Best Bard build for Epic content
  186. What Items can i get to increase DC of Frozen Fury?
  187. PDK vs SDK for 15B/3ft/2rogue
  188. Swash your bucks... Resonant Arms
  189. To Hit in Epics?
  190. Does anyone know if Dazing items effect the stun DC of warchanter ice stuns?
  191. Maelodic - Merrily Murdering the Masses (20 Bard)
  192. Does the bard thrower stuff work yet?
  193. Bardic Annihilator
  194. Are STR based 2H bards dead?
  195. Can ranger be more helpful with ice breaker build than fighter
  196. Request: A Warchanter with no Iconics?
  197. Anyone able to explain the new bards to me?
  198. Spellsinger advice
  199. 2nd Life Repeater Bard
  200. Spellsinger/Harper Agent build?
  201. Build advice --- spellsinger(sonic focused)
  202. Returning bard
  203. Is Loud and Clear any good? - AKA why would I want sonic spellpower?
  204. Fire & Ice: Harper Warchanter
  205. THF vs SWF bards
  206. Update 31 - 12 Bard/ 6 Fighter / 2 Rogue Just got an upgrade
  207. Soza: CC, Heal, Nuke Bard
  208. Do tactics and cold spell power affect warchanter ice enhancements?
  209. Bards and their spells?
  210. 28* pt WC build for newish player
  211. Done it again and forgot what I was planning.
  212. Query: First Life Bard Effectiveness
  213. Swashbuckler Warchanter?
  214. Bard skills help
  215. Help with spells and songs
  216. Songblast-32 point build spellsinger
  217. Warchanter+Swashbuckler with Celestia
  218. 32-Point Human Warchanter Bard Build Request
  219. returning players
  220. Revisiting the Classics: the Axesinger for New Players
  221. 32-Point Human Spellsinger Bard Build Request
  222. Drow Swashbuckler Shuriken Build?
  223. Freezer with 12 Fighter / 8 Bard
  224. Updated Bard builds?
  225. 6 Bard/ 4 Fighter/ 10 pastlife
  226. Does sustaining song charge empyrean magic?
  227. Fighter-Bard for fighter past life.
  228. Returning player, pure bard questions
  229. well... something i never thought i'd have to do...
  230. Heir of the Stooges Bard 8/Barb 6/ Fgt 6
  231. Thunder and Lightning
  232. Bard with thrower?
  233. Help needed: Reaper enchanter plus melee
  234. Epic Challenge Runner
  235. Armorer Enhancement Question
  236. Probably my last Bard life...so i want it to be fun...
  237. A few bard questions
  238. Warchanter spinning ic
  239. The White Dragon, a twf PDK 14/6 bard fighter warchanter
  240. Returning Warchanter Needs Help
  241. Returning Player Needs Help With Old GenGhis Khan Build
  242. Swashbuckler end game weapon?
  243. Possibilities in multiclassing
  244. Requesting a Pure Bard...thrower
  245. Reaper CC
  246. Enhancing Bard spells/songs/abilities
  247. Bards on holiday
  248. Need feedback for a bard life
  249. Need help with Warchanter build
  250. Dwarven Bard Thrower - Ultimate Bad Axe