View Full Version : Bard
- Iconic Bard Mule Build
- Is there a Haggle cap?
- Keidara the Firestarter
- What is the Best Epic Destiny for a Human pure bard melee, Swashbuckler?
- Stacking question for bard build
- The Ice Baron: Freeze Specced Pure Bard Swashbuckler
- solo bard question
- Swashbuckler - 12 bard / 6 fighter / 2 rogue
- Pure Spellsinger thoughts
- u23 Axe of Unseen Blow = Swashbuckler
- PDK 15bard/3ftr/2rogue build help
- Is orb allowing shield mastery/legendary twist?
- Warchanter without PDK - Str or Cha build?
- The PDA Bard --- Purple Dragon Agent
- Throwing axe Swashbuckler?
- bard build advice
- U23 DPS/CC/Selfheal trapper bard (Shadar-Kai)
- Tactical Genius and Warchanter freezes
- Elf Swashbuckler Bard
- The Warsinger - Pure Bard Warchanter/Fatesinger
- PDK, CHR, and WC
- Impudence - DEX swashbuckler
- Another take on an Icy Bard
- Dex Based Swashbuckler Help Requested!
- First Build Post
- A Swashbuckler/Vanguard build(u23)
- Dragonmarked Halfling Warchanter, looking for feedback
- The Maestro - Halfling SS/WC Enchanter
- Which fighting style would you recommend to my SS/WC?
- Exploit Weakness
- Mercantile Scoundrel (Newish to DDO Bards, please help)
- 15Bard/3Fighter/2Rogue Halfling Swashbuckler Advice
- Support bard buiild requested
- Advice for rebuilding a Piking Bardcher
- New char help
- 12bard/6fighter/2rogue PDK Swashbuckler. Tweak my Bard!
- Max Enchant Dc?
- Very new to Bards
- Warchanter capstone Warmaster not applying to all allies when wielding Epic Elyd Edge
- Returning Bard player needs help
- Fast Movement broken for anyone else? (u24)
- shopping list.. assistance please
- Question about Swashbuckler weapons. (TF Light Pick/TF Handaxe/Skullsmasher
- Looking for ranged bard build
- Coup de Grace not working on fascinated mobs...
- Frozen Fury question
- New Player Question about Multiclassing
- To Bard or not to Bard
- Int-based Swashbuckler
- Tough trapper bard
- improved crit not applying to my thunderforged rapier
- Need Advice to my take on the Axesinger
- Taking The Plunge - Looking for Feedback
- Mass Hold Monster
- Nannybot v1.1
- War Dancer
- Leveling weapons for swashbuckler
- Looking for a DPS\Semi Tank Bard build
- THFx3, Cleaves, or Shield Mastery?
- Symphony of Metal
- Named Ghost Touch finesse weapons
- Shining Crescents
- Hold Monster, Mass
- Howl of the North
- The Monkbarian (frenzied warchanter)
- My first complete build
- Swash + Supreme Cleave -- crazy?
- Shiva – The freezing goddess
- Help with swashbuckler build
- Bard fast movement?o
- Avalanche, a take on the Icebreaker and fastest base move speed in all of DDO
- Swashbuckling Tank
- Swashbuckler gear?
- Any Swashbuckling build that can do traps?
- Slap In The Face Save?
- Aireira Awolyn
- The Howl of the North (CC and Support, and some DPS)
- Is spell pen. necesary for a CC Spellsinger?
- New to bards - Could use some help!
- Horn of Thunder - Spell Power
- Shiradi Bards
- skirmisher issues ?
- Looking for 36pt Swashbuckler Build
- Looking for Swash + decent trap skills
- Looking for a good swash build
- Help with bard specced but sorc PL
- New Build Help from old player
- Shadar-Kai Bard? Please help
- Next life will be a bard
- fun with spellsinger in heroics
- Epic weapons for swashbuckler
- 2/6/12 Rogue/Fighter/Bard -- Need input please! :)
- Can this Drow Bard be saved
- CDG question
- Sword Dance not WAI?
- Confidence and Armor max dex bonus
- Is Know the Angles bugged?
- Swashbuckler enhancement
- Bard/Rogue swashbuckling build help
- Best LOOKING gear for a swashbuckler?
- Some bard questions
- Anyone else having issues with charm??
- Quick Advice on a Melee Orientated Build Please
- Bard Trapper for new players
- Bardcher Endgame Gear
- Shadow Bard -- INT Based Shadar Kai
- Versatile Bard build
- Bard weapons
- A Tale of 2 Vanguards -- INT Based Swashbuckler and CHA/STR Based WarChanter
- Is 16B/2F/2R still viable?
- Icebreaker level split/AP allocation?
- Looking for a pure 20 swashbuckler build
- Different Tack Question
- Ideas for epic lives
- Need 1st Life Caster Bard Build
- sonic immunity
- How to use Coup de Grace effecitively?
- The Banshee - My Current Mania
- Don't be a Bard
- pdk bard ?
- Cast Bard Help
- Punkrawk Build
- Epic Level Bard
- Swashbuckling Tank -13 Bard 5 Fighter 2 Rogue
- CHA Based drow SS/SB Critique
- Heroic Cannith Crafted buckler
- Admirals tiller - does guardbreaking transfer to main hand?
- Lemonblade - Bard/Barb/Fvs (heroic build)
- Walruss' frosty bard
- Expose weakness and swashbuckler weapons.
- Does anyone have a good link to a 12 Bard 6 fighter 2 rogue build
- Anyone running a non-freeze Bard20 warchanter?
- Spell pen in u27 content
- Weapon for heroic caster dps bard?
- Swash weapons?
- Questions about Fascinate and Enthrall
- back to bard after warlock
- Named googles for bards?
- Demon Assault - EE -new archon quest buggy with swashbuckler?
- Build Help Please! 15 Bard / 3 Fighter / 2 Rogue – Human. 32 Point Build, No Tomes
- BUG: Warmaster giving 10PRR not 15?
- Dex-Based Swashbuckler
- Two Melee SWBs - help me decide, please
- Returning Warchanter Bard. Questions???
- Forgotten my Build plan.
- First Life, Pure Bard, Named Gear?
- need build for a rouge/swashy bard
- Bard 15/ Fighter 3/Rouge 2
- Coup de grace DC on epics
- Swashbuckling stance
- Drow Bard14/FVS4/xx2?
- Bardcher for fun! what do you think?
- SB ETR/TR into another SB
- Pimp my ride: equipment for level 5 spellsinger bard
- Theorycrafting: The need for speed
- swash feat help please
- Level 28 DPS Bard Gear
- Light Hammers for Swashbuckler
- Quickening Songs
- Swashbuckler broken, or nerfed into Oblivion?
- Swashbuckling in Medium Armor
- Swashbuckler Weapon Comparison
- Swashbuckling Bardbarian
- Coming back from a break, need some help with swashbucklers...
- Pimp my ride: equipment for level 11 spellsinger bard
- The Ex wife
- Spell singer nuker a new possibility?
- Swashbuckler-trapper Drow 15Bard/3Ftr/2Rog
- Recommendation: Pure Drow Swashbuckler / Harper Agent build
- Warchanter Build Help
- Three Way Bard
- Bard Fighter Rouge
- Air Sorc/Bard and Spell criticals
- Bard with only 4 spells?
- Build Request - Ranged Bard
- Help me build this flavourful bard
- Is Spellsinger Bard still a thing?
- Help with weapons please
- CC + Sword Build Recommendations?
- Need Bard Advice Please
- Warmaster Song Duration
- Theorycraft: Repeater Bard 15/Ranger 4/Artificer 1
- Apollo, maaster CC bard & support healing
- Frozen counts of mc build help
- Best Bard build for Epic content
- What Items can i get to increase DC of Frozen Fury?
- PDK vs SDK for 15B/3ft/2rogue
- Swash your bucks... Resonant Arms
- To Hit in Epics?
- Does anyone know if Dazing items effect the stun DC of warchanter ice stuns?
- Maelodic - Merrily Murdering the Masses (20 Bard)
- Does the bard thrower stuff work yet?
- Bardic Annihilator
- Are STR based 2H bards dead?
- Can ranger be more helpful with ice breaker build than fighter
- Request: A Warchanter with no Iconics?
- Anyone able to explain the new bards to me?
- Spellsinger advice
- 2nd Life Repeater Bard
- Spellsinger/Harper Agent build?
- Build advice --- spellsinger(sonic focused)
- Returning bard
- Is Loud and Clear any good? - AKA why would I want sonic spellpower?
- Fire & Ice: Harper Warchanter
- THF vs SWF bards
- Update 31 - 12 Bard/ 6 Fighter / 2 Rogue Just got an upgrade
- Soza: CC, Heal, Nuke Bard
- Do tactics and cold spell power affect warchanter ice enhancements?
- Bards and their spells?
- 28* pt WC build for newish player
- Done it again and forgot what I was planning.
- Query: First Life Bard Effectiveness
- Swashbuckler Warchanter?
- Bard skills help
- Help with spells and songs
- Songblast-32 point build spellsinger
- Warchanter+Swashbuckler with Celestia
- 32-Point Human Warchanter Bard Build Request
- returning players
- Revisiting the Classics: the Axesinger for New Players
- 32-Point Human Spellsinger Bard Build Request
- Drow Swashbuckler Shuriken Build?
- Freezer with 12 Fighter / 8 Bard
- Updated Bard builds?
- 6 Bard/ 4 Fighter/ 10 pastlife
- Does sustaining song charge empyrean magic?
- Fighter-Bard for fighter past life.
- Returning player, pure bard questions
- well... something i never thought i'd have to do...
- Heir of the Stooges Bard 8/Barb 6/ Fgt 6
- Thunder and Lightning
- Bard with thrower?
- Help needed: Reaper enchanter plus melee
- Epic Challenge Runner
- Armorer Enhancement Question
- Probably my last Bard i want it to be fun...
- A few bard questions
- Warchanter spinning ic
- The White Dragon, a twf PDK 14/6 bard fighter warchanter
- Returning Warchanter Needs Help
- Returning Player Needs Help With Old GenGhis Khan Build
- Swashbuckler end game weapon?
- Possibilities in multiclassing
- Requesting a Pure Bard...thrower
- Reaper CC
- Enhancing Bard spells/songs/abilities
- Bards on holiday
- Need feedback for a bard life
- Need help with Warchanter build
- Dwarven Bard Thrower - Ultimate Bad Axe
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