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  1. How, when, and why to use the Bug Reporting form
  2. C'mon CODOG... say or do something!
  3. The Dog House
  4. Great Swords - Great Axes - Mauls
  5. The QA Lodge
  6. Henchmen?
  7. "Why balance is something desirable?"
  8. Dear Devs: Information please on Air Elementals
  9. Super Secret Revealed?
  10. Multiple Shuiken
  11. The shield's triumphant return to DDO
  12. TURBINE NOTICE: Has polar ray been nerfed?
  13. Globe of Invuln?
  14. Poor Solutions to Potential Problems
  15. Xoriat Hound Alignment
  16. This just in: Turbines super secret plan to make dps viable again!
  17. Please fix ranged combat.. I miss my characters
  18. Paging Codog...Come in Codog...Are you out there?
  19. Possible Change to Blanket Sneak Attack Immunities
  20. Loot Weekend - QA - Stress
  21. ooze from green steel should merge!
  22. A.I. = Adventurer Impedance
  23. Favor Rewards
  24. Psst... Turbine... I have a secret
  25. Turning the chest backwards does not outsmart us clever rogues!
  26. Meridia is a great example of a small vocal minority screwing up the game.
  27. Oooohhhhhhhhh Shiny :)
  28. Dog and Animal AI
  29. Question: Will there still be new feats in Module 9.0?
  30. Idea for better manual spell lists for cleric hirelings (no more clw)
  31. Query concerning mob hate
  32. Themed Wizard Hirelings
  33. Please Fix Master's Touch
  34. Spell Penetration vs Spell Focus
  35. Flanking and AC Dex Bonus
  36. Devs... Simple Answer for Simple Question
  37. Here's a suggestion on how to derail the Plat Farmers
  38. A question for the devs regarding movement speeds
  39. Workaround for hirelings that won't shrine
  40. Buff All button
  41. Worlds
  42. can i get Jump skill to 76 or is caped at 40?
  43. Does Uncanny Dodge + Uncanny Dodge = Improved Uncanny Dodge
  44. Time to bug report the LAG
  45. Content could really help game balance...
  46. Renaming a Guild
  47. Is ghalla down?
  48. + 1 loot and +50% xp you say
  49. Suggestion: Move rusty nail vendors outside
  50. Suggestion: /say command make floatie texts
  51. Suggestion: feat Blind fighting
  52. cicici ice spider location
  53. suggestion: New metamagic: Widen spell
  54. Hirelings of SPECIALIST classes.. ranger, bard and rogue
  55. Charisma stat affecting your hireling behaviour
  56. 2 toughness feats?
  57. Streak breaker request
  58. Scourge choker
  59. Hireling Survivability Ideas
  60. "Charm" effect on players, ideas how to do it.
  61. Suggestion: Summon spells with different types
  62. No artificer?
  63. Please change the way dragonmarks work
  64. Mob caster AI has a problem
  65. +1 Flaming Burst Reapeating Light Crossbow of Disruption Price check.
  66. Very Cool Idea
  67. Ranger Magic
  68. What to do if you think someones cheating?
  69. XP Idea
  70. Is listen worth the skill points?
  71. Suggestion: underwater combat gameplay
  72. ye know these buffs are on timer
  73. Is this a known bug?
  74. When will we see the classic D&D UMBER HULK
  75. Spells: Sneak attack Touch and ray spells
  76. General Game Flaw: Hitpoint and HD limited spells
  77. general question
  78. My nightmare in gianthold: Ever-tailing gang of Orc!
  79. Healbot?
  80. Got to love the new fixed connection...
  81. Sorcerer: Air Savant
  82. Food for thought to the players and Turbine
  83. Question about feat exchange
  84. Reair skill question.
  85. Greater Disruption... broken ?
  86. Coinlords
  87. Beholders
  88. Paladin, Fighter and Barbarian hirelings need better weapons!
  89. Hirelings refusing to Shrine...???
  90. What This Game Needs!
  91. Question: Group member stats?
  92. Plat Earning
  93. Rumors and facts?
  94. Review of TWF relative DPS
  95. Invisibility
  96. Gimpster Challenge I: Dwarf Battle-Sorcerer
  97. Good 32 point classes and races
  98. Rapid Reload rate of fire??
  99. A thought about design flaws in DDO
  100. "The QA Lodge" is now "The House of Errors"!
  101. Hit points - what am I missing?
  102. log in servers down again?!?!?!
  103. Question about feat repsec
  104. Freak Shroud Occurance
  105. Puncturing question
  106. How to get to Meridia
  107. Which server is Oceanic
  108. Idea: more localised environmental effects would be great.
  109. Throwing grenades/flasks for player use eventually?
  110. MIMICS!!! please !
  111. Dumbo monsters!
  112. The Arguments for Character Respec
  113. Just hit the cancel button, not 30 days from starting play…?
  114. Can you defend the other side?
  115. Devs: about Soul Gems. One more time.
  116. Some possible spells that might be implementable but arent in yet.
  117. Hypnotism VS sleep, why the favouritism?
  118. RESPEC again :)
  119. Lag: DETAILS
  120. Scroll cases, a new container.
  121. Macro for random sayings?
  122. Tolero
  123. The anti-respec thread.
  124. Making Secondary Fighter Types
  125. Arguments against respec?
  126. Reaver Refuge crafting
  127. Low spell diversity
  128. Can someone tell me what things bosses don't have blanket immunities for?
  129. Jump skill cap? Simple question, common words.
  130. Feats after level 16
  131. uncanny dodge - heavy armor
  132. cleric sp from cha or wis?
  133. Question for the DEVS: Mod 9 and glancing blows
  134. Damage Charts
  135. Suggestion: Spell Shades/Demi-Shadow Monsters
  136. what is the max favor
  137. What LAG details to report.
  138. how do i
  139. Leveling question, returning player
  140. now what
  141. Suggestion: New monster Type Shapechanger
  142. Suggestion: new monster type Plant
  143. Red Names Again
  144. Bad tactics in Shroud??
  145. kill all 750
  146. Is it just me?
  147. beggining video
  148. Tarrasque in mod 10
  149. Hired Out Shroud
  150. Levelling questions...
  151. First level spells i'd still like to see added.
  152. Level 9 and could use some advice
  153. Hireling Wizard with low Intel?
  154. If i reroll my 1750 char..
  155. Permadeath, Roleplaying and Communication
  156. Crowd Control
  157. An issue with Darkweave Armor
  159. How do you get a dragonmark?
  160. Change Mouse Curser?
  161. silly question
  162. Why Challenge Rating v. Hit Dice?
  163. i'd like to see more skins for the common monster types, ogres & wights especially
  164. Never made a request before but if you can....
  165. shroud 4 by 4
  166. shroud puzzle link
  167. How do you split things
  168. Choppy
  169. Can we get "personalized mobs"?
  170. Twf
  171. feats
  172. Alignment selection location?
  173. So with the outage
  174. Is my computer?
  175. Throwing or Repeater?
  176. SO What exactly did the server move accomplish?
  177. small monk rant
  178. Raid Loot transfers in chest
  179. Do something
  180. Personalized Bard Songs?
  181. Will will saves be 2nd banana in mod 9?
  182. damage/dps math challenge
  183. Monks nerfed again?
  184. command syntax
  185. Two weapon fighting style question
  186. Am I bugged?
  187. Are cleave OR greater cleave a waste?
  188. This Lag Sucks!!
  189. Eladrin...PrE where is the rest of them???
  190. Wraith DR?
  191. What is the AC of the pit feind
  192. Stat damage weapon discussion
  193. The end of Charmed Monsters?
  194. Transmuting discussion
  195. Cloudkill + Acid Fog
  196. Item changes.
  197. No Feats Added to Mod9 or Turbine Forgot to List?
  198. Jumping, Jumping
  199. Negative Levels and Ability Score Damage: Do we really need another easy button?
  200. Delete Weapon Finesse as a Selectable Feat
  201. New named loot!
  202. Clarification on Red Names Post Mod 9
  203. No STWF?
  204. Can't disable spells?
  205. Why not nerf the HPs on mobs too
  206. A few things I noticed in mod 9 notes
  207. I am happy it is a new dawn for Wounding of Puncturing Online: Stormreach
  208. Lag
  209. Help! Improved Shield Bash?
  210. Petition To Stop Wounding And Puncturing Nurff
  211. selling
  212. Shield Blocking Made More Responsive
  213. Why are you screwing with my Greataxe?
  214. Killing end game trash mobs
  215. DEVS: What is "a short period of time"?
  217. True Resurrection Nerf is poor form...
  218. Ranged Combat Nerfs in Mod 9
  219. Hail to Vorpal, God of Weapons
  220. Archery gets nerfed EVEN MORE!
  221. Clarification of 10pts of stat damage
  222. Nerf Muckbanes!
  223. WOP Change I like it.
  224. Boiling Blood spell type?
  225. How improved is the caster and ranged AI?
  226. Spells and Spell changes discussion
  227. Bloodstone
  228. where are they?
  229. Devs Nerf The Mournlands server...they are not the General Population
  230. Monk Finishing Moves and Combat Expertise
  231. how do I insure my ac is not -51914412 now?
  232. why stop here...
  233. Master/Superior Stances for monks?
  234. Change to Arcane Archer force arrows?
  235. So am I the only one who uses Charm?
  236. Developers regarding Clerics - wheres the love? Mass harm?
  237. Any chance of a 0 stat actually making mobs helpless?
  238. everyone look. what do you have to say about this
  239. Sound Effect Changes
  240. Casters vs WoPs
  241. Eladrin - Thief: Acrobat Questions
  242. Exhibit A. Attention DDO Executive branch
  243. Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning w/ Shield
  244. feet anaimation when turning.
  245. Feat: Slicing Blow.
  246. Can hirelings be improved?
  247. Why is the game being made easier?
  248. Suggestion: Tell levelling wizards which spells cannot be bought at vendors
  249. The List of Vague and Incorrect Descriptions
  250. Question RE Guards