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  1. Vorpal effects
  2. Problem with shared storage
  3. doublestrike in the EK tree? help plz
  4. rogue: whats better TWF or SWF
  5. Epic Elite difficulty
  6. Triple Completionist question
  7. UMD Question
  8. balance dawn /every light casts a shadow hittin me and hire for neg lvls
  9. guildship and names
  10. amenities help please
  11. Every Light Casts a Shadow Broken
  12. do enhancement bonuses and alchemical bonuses stack?
  13. High Level Platemail with less 30% ASF or less?
  15. Exotic Weapon Mastery kensai
  16. Is Heartseeker damage on original or expanded crit range?
  17. Shadar-Kai's Tumble has - 20 Misc Modifier?
  18. White Dragonscale and Shield based enhancements
  19. Melee combat damage formula?
  20. VoN 3 - Is it broken, or is it me?
  21. Twink UMD booster for monk lv20?
  22. Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
  23. Perfect SWF and Vorpal Effects
  24. SWF vs TWF vs THF vs SnB
  25. Level 5 shrine available at guild level 60 or 93?
  26. How to increase Crit range
  27. Swim build
  28. Attaining Usable AC in Epic Hard
  29. Reincarnating
  30. Mechanical Questions
  31. Elven Accuracy and Precision - hit bonus
  32. Current XP Bugs
  33. I should know this about Mithral Body but...
  34. There is no appropriate difficulty for me!
  35. SWF and Cleave
  36. ragers harness question #8000
  37. Things i would like
  38. Guild Ship Ladders
  39. TR Check Lists: Things to think about before you TR
  40. Named items drop rate and difficulty
  41. Looking for: Trapper Gear
  42. airship amenity question
  43. The math behind shield bashes
  44. Monster Manual issue: Zombies!
  45. Why isn't ED feat doubleshot available at lvl26?
  46. Word of Balance - Damage Type?
  47. Stacking Golem Hearts
  48. Heroic Solo Leveling - Methods and Techniques
  49. Maximum Saving Throws
  50. Lvl 1 to 28 - Wilderness S/R/E only
  51. Armor-piercing stacking?
  52. Late TYVM
  53. unarmed kotc and holy sword testing
  54. Melee Power and flat damage boosts
  55. Ruby Eye Augments question
  56. Just what in game assistance?
  57. Could someone explain the new shield reflex save thingy?
  58. Should I re-install
  59. When does the week roll over?
  60. a problem with the "creation forge sabatons"
  61. Spell Penetration ?
  62. Enlarge
  63. Question regarding amenities and airship upgrade
  64. Dragonmark of Finding: What Cha to be effective?
  65. Companions and Hirelings Project
  66. Crit bonuses, what stacks???
  67. What happened to cold spell effects?
  68. what is the level of the spell-like abilities?
  69. Arch Mage weakness beyond any sensibilty
  70. Problems iwth monster pathing in Shroud
  71. Just some quick timeframe questions for the devs. Answer what you can.
  72. One-and-Done Heroic Legend Lives: XP Narrative
  73. Heroic spell casting feats/abilities and their usefullness at epic levels
  74. Question regarding Mirrors and Docents
  75. Questions regarding Mirrors and Shields
  76. FVS: Vengeful Magic too marginal
  77. Hireling Fixes not go live?
  78. BUG: Hireling Fixes are not working
  79. Divine Crusader Zeal of the Righteous
  80. Overwhelming Critical not showing
  81. Fully Explain Damage Reduction Please?
  82. Artifacts
  83. Just ran into my first literally game breaking bug, anyone else seen this before?
  84. Feats That Do Not Stack?
  85. Could you design the combine function for game?
  86. DDO Store Will not load
  87. Cannith Raidzones.
  88. 5pm GMT, 6 pm in France and Germany.
  89. Why am I getting no Heart Seeds?
  90. Keen Edge + Repeaters
  91. KotC/Radiant Servant
  92. Why U23 Patch1 nerf Smite Evil and Exalted Smite
  93. Smite Evil Update please!
  94. Bug with 3BC reward list + bug reporting not working
  95. Ranger & Two handed
  96. THF, SWF, and TWF
  97. 18 rang/1rog/1fig build
  98. Do Brutality and No Mercy stack?
  99. Shield bash while shapeshifted?
  100. MRR not reducing force damage. Why?
  101. Please fix hire stay command
  102. Monk feats need a hand
  103. 10/10 level splits when heroic TRing
  104. Unbridled Fury stacks disappearing?
  105. Poll: Whats the most dangerous boss
  106. TR cache overflow question
  107. remove thf from game, what's the point?
  108. Time remaining on XP boost
  109. Frenzied Toughness not displaying correctly (Frenzied Berserker PrE)
  110. how does work kensei weap focus crit range in wolf form ?
  111. Champions and Haunted Halls
  112. My first response to Champions
  113. Paladin Empowered Smite issue with update 24
  114. Please post your Stealthy builds for the Stealth Guide
  115. Critting the undead?
  116. Devs: SWF+orb on non-bard WAI?
  117. Non-strength build and THF
  118. THF Warchanter and Frozen Fury
  119. XP question
  120. Magic Missile Broken
  121. Something Has to Go.
  122. champions sucks.
  123. Cahmpions: Changing Opinion
  124. Displacement Clicky
  125. Ninja assassin guild buff broken
  126. let us summarize what ddo have done this year
  127. Conc Opp Healing amp
  128. Haste and Fast Movement enhancements broken?
  129. Question about Ham and Bacon Airship Extra Features
  130. Breakable/Collapsing Floors
  131. Have evidence of T5 Warpriest Divine Vessel working?
  132. Auction house item post limit changes?
  133. Airship naming
  134. Attn.: Turbine .... Lag on Khyber is getting to a point where it becomes unplayable
  135. Best level drain epic melee build?
  136. Evasive dance and heavy armor
  137. Leveling Quarterstaves
  138. Offhand/Shield effect on Main Weapon: Keen or Impact or Nothing
  139. Charmed Cultists in Cannith Crystal Broke Crystal and Failed Quest
  140. vanguard melee power boost
  141. Question about setting Epic quest difficulty in LFM panel
  142. playing a vampire monk
  143. Isn't 420 hp on a mob too much for level 5?
  144. Can Turbine roll back the recent changes to hierlings?
  145. Hireling Custom AI Offensive & Defensive, How Does It Work?
  146. Champions are not fun
  147. Nerf SWF's 2x stat mod to damage down to 1.5x
  148. Another issue with Champions...
  149. Bring Back Epic Crafting
  150. Best CON drain epic melee?
  151. Help clarify some things about cosmetics
  152. Any thought to player made content?
  153. Love the Mirror of glamering but need help!
  154. Know the Angles does not apply to melee damage + Human Heal AMP
  155. THF+SWF (and Dwarven Axe glancing blows)
  156. So not sure, but I think the midwinter festival has basically disabled a toon of mine
  157. Devil Assault and the Monster manual
  158. Ghallanda Lag
  159. Tracking Tr's
  160. Tome Prices have gone through the roof!
  161. Could I suggest?
  162. Falchion?
  163. Etr bug is back and worse than before
  164. A New Idea for Spell Power
  165. Favor retain with TR?
  166. Jewelers Kit not working
  167. Theoretically
  168. "per caster level" descriptions
  169. Gem bag not working
  170. Damage comparison of different repeater builds at level 16 ish
  171. Plastic Rogues
  172. Shields, bastard swords and two handed fighting
  173. Twink one-handed slashing weapons?
  174. More Class Enhancement points
  175. Good & Bad Slayers
  176. Hirelings have become completely useless
  177. When level cap is raised to 30 will we get better hires?
  178. Barbarian improved uncanny dodge bug
  179. cosmetic weapons + Rainbow in the Dark conflict
  180. Does Rally Cry stop my Doublestrike eTR stance when using Action Boost?
  181. Guild Ship buff's can kill ...
  182. Medium Armor
  183. Does Holy Sword work with arti spells?
  184. Question about +20 Lesser Heart
  185. 2x Celestias or 2x Thunderforged
  186. Inexplicable Draining of Spell points
  187. Harper Enchantment of Righteousness bugged?
  188. Looking at release notes and I am alittle confused
  189. Fighter Vanguard Tree Bugged?
  190. Stealth needs to be fixed
  191. New Sapphire of Defence - still in stealth mode...
  192. Shrine to the Devourer
  193. Stalwart defense and Meditation of war
  194. What is "Diadem of fire"
  195. Trip, Improved Trip Suggestions
  196. Haste Addition
  197. Critical Hit with Fortification
  198. Really effing frustated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  199. Dodge Bonus Recalculation
  200. Scorpions!
  201. Bugbear Assassins and Hide in Plain Sight
  202. Manyshot - Let's Make It What It Is Supposed to Be
  203. Monster Manual?
  204. Question about Ability Tome (Intelligence) + Reincarnation
  205. Is the +20 heart that is on sale this weekend, BTC or BTA?
  206. Ability Scored Damage and the Proper Effects
  207. Toon is bugged: cannot see other players/hire hp/sp bars
  208. Make Platinum Useful. Petition.
  209. Paralyzed!
  210. I'm the Invisible Man! But not very good at it
  211. Question about Epic Roderic's Wand
  212. Change Epic Roderic's Wand Please
  213. Questions about using LR +1 Heart on an Iconic
  214. vulnerability stacking board and sword
  215. The root of powercreep
  216. Change to Epic Reincarnation
  217. Heroic TR'ing - time frame?
  218. What the??? Performance Issue
  219. Assistance with Completionist
  220. Cant buy Ship XP shrine II from First Mate
  221. A List of Melee Special Attacks & Whether They Doublestrike/Off-hand Proc
  222. Cosmetic transformation with Mirror of glamering
  223. Please make traps deadly again!
  224. Spell Rage not AOE?
  225. Kinetic ruby eye from DDO store
  226. AcroBarb build - human mark2
  227. Automated DM has epilepsy?
  228. Renown not appearing in end reward lists!
  229. What blocks incoming friendly (Negative energy) healing?
  230. "The time for traps to arm after being placed has been reduced to 1 second"
  231. Prr & Mrr changes?
  232. Bleed damage 200% MP: What does this affect?
  233. Let Guild Members Change Ammenities
  234. twf mortal fear
  235. Lag issues
  236. Improved Power Attack - LD
  237. Silver Flame Priest ship buff
  238. Crossbow animation glitch
  239. Calculating Spell DOT's
  240. Hall of Heroes
  241. Saga XP/Renown and Epic Quests.
  242. ToEE bug, Zuggtomoy end fight
  243. Staff Lunge/Sweeping Strikes Cooldowns way too long!
  244. Fed Up of Useless required as Pre-Req Enhancements!
  245. Special Access Small Guild Chest 1?
  246. Best way to farm up a heroic TR heart?
  247. Crooktooth the Bugbear. {MM}
  248. Swashbuckler's Different Tack
  249. Trap the Soul
  250. Revised/New Crafting SYstem