- Vorpal effects
- Problem with shared storage
- doublestrike in the EK tree? help plz
- rogue: whats better TWF or SWF
- Epic Elite difficulty
- Triple Completionist question
- UMD Question
- balance dawn /every light casts a shadow hittin me and hire for neg lvls
- guildship and names
- amenities help please
- Every Light Casts a Shadow Broken
- do enhancement bonuses and alchemical bonuses stack?
- High Level Platemail with less 30% ASF or less?
- Followers
- Exotic Weapon Mastery kensai
- Is Heartseeker damage on original or expanded crit range?
- Shadar-Kai's Tumble has - 20 Misc Modifier?
- White Dragonscale and Shield based enhancements
- Melee combat damage formula?
- VoN 3 - Is it broken, or is it me?
- Twink UMD booster for monk lv20?
- Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
- Perfect SWF and Vorpal Effects
- SWF vs TWF vs THF vs SnB
- Level 5 shrine available at guild level 60 or 93?
- How to increase Crit range
- Swim build
- Attaining Usable AC in Epic Hard
- Reincarnating
- Mechanical Questions
- Elven Accuracy and Precision - hit bonus
- Current XP Bugs
- I should know this about Mithral Body but...
- There is no appropriate difficulty for me!
- SWF and Cleave
- ragers harness question #8000
- Things i would like
- Guild Ship Ladders
- TR Check Lists: Things to think about before you TR
- Named items drop rate and difficulty
- Looking for: Trapper Gear
- airship amenity question
- The math behind shield bashes
- Monster Manual issue: Zombies!
- Why isn't ED feat doubleshot available at lvl26?
- Word of Balance - Damage Type?
- Stacking Golem Hearts
- Heroic Solo Leveling - Methods and Techniques
- Maximum Saving Throws
- Lvl 1 to 28 - Wilderness S/R/E only
- Armor-piercing stacking?
- Late TYVM
- unarmed kotc and holy sword testing
- Melee Power and flat damage boosts
- Ruby Eye Augments question
- Just what in game assistance?
- Could someone explain the new shield reflex save thingy?
- Should I re-install
- When does the week roll over?
- a problem with the "creation forge sabatons"
- Spell Penetration ?
- Enlarge
- Question regarding amenities and airship upgrade
- Dragonmark of Finding: What Cha to be effective?
- Companions and Hirelings Project
- Crit bonuses, what stacks???
- What happened to cold spell effects?
- what is the level of the spell-like abilities?
- Arch Mage weakness beyond any sensibilty
- Problems iwth monster pathing in Shroud
- Just some quick timeframe questions for the devs. Answer what you can.
- One-and-Done Heroic Legend Lives: XP Narrative
- Heroic spell casting feats/abilities and their usefullness at epic levels
- Question regarding Mirrors and Docents
- Questions regarding Mirrors and Shields
- FVS: Vengeful Magic too marginal
- Hireling Fixes not go live?
- BUG: Hireling Fixes are not working
- Divine Crusader Zeal of the Righteous
- Overwhelming Critical not showing
- Fully Explain Damage Reduction Please?
- Artifacts
- Just ran into my first literally game breaking bug, anyone else seen this before?
- Feats That Do Not Stack?
- Could you design the combine function for game?
- DDO Store Will not load
- Cannith Raidzones.
- 5pm GMT, 6 pm in France and Germany.
- Why am I getting no Heart Seeds?
- Keen Edge + Repeaters
- KotC/Radiant Servant
- Why U23 Patch1 nerf Smite Evil and Exalted Smite
- Smite Evil Update please!
- Bug with 3BC reward list + bug reporting not working
- Ranger & Two handed
- THF, SWF, and TWF
- 18 rang/1rog/1fig build
- Do Brutality and No Mercy stack?
- Shield bash while shapeshifted?
- MRR not reducing force damage. Why?
- Please fix hire stay command
- Monk feats need a hand
- 10/10 level splits when heroic TRing
- Unbridled Fury stacks disappearing?
- Poll: Whats the most dangerous boss
- TR cache overflow question
- remove thf from game, what's the point?
- Time remaining on XP boost
- Frenzied Toughness not displaying correctly (Frenzied Berserker PrE)
- how does work kensei weap focus crit range in wolf form ?
- Champions and Haunted Halls
- My first response to Champions
- Paladin Empowered Smite issue with update 24
- Please post your Stealthy builds for the Stealth Guide
- Critting the undead?
- Devs: SWF+orb on non-bard WAI?
- Non-strength build and THF
- THF Warchanter and Frozen Fury
- XP question
- Magic Missile Broken
- Something Has to Go.
- champions sucks.
- Cahmpions: Changing Opinion
- Displacement Clicky
- Ninja assassin guild buff broken
- let us summarize what ddo have done this year
- Conc Opp Healing amp
- Haste and Fast Movement enhancements broken?
- Question about Ham and Bacon Airship Extra Features
- Breakable/Collapsing Floors
- Have evidence of T5 Warpriest Divine Vessel working?
- Auction house item post limit changes?
- Airship naming
- Attn.: Turbine .... Lag on Khyber is getting to a point where it becomes unplayable
- Best level drain epic melee build?
- Evasive dance and heavy armor
- Leveling Quarterstaves
- Offhand/Shield effect on Main Weapon: Keen or Impact or Nothing
- Charmed Cultists in Cannith Crystal Broke Crystal and Failed Quest
- vanguard melee power boost
- Question about setting Epic quest difficulty in LFM panel
- playing a vampire monk
- Isn't 420 hp on a mob too much for level 5?
- Can Turbine roll back the recent changes to hierlings?
- Hireling Custom AI Offensive & Defensive, How Does It Work?
- Champions are not fun
- Nerf SWF's 2x stat mod to damage down to 1.5x
- Another issue with Champions...
- Bring Back Epic Crafting
- Best CON drain epic melee?
- Help clarify some things about cosmetics
- Any thought to player made content?
- Love the Mirror of glamering but need help!
- Know the Angles does not apply to melee damage + Human Heal AMP
- THF+SWF (and Dwarven Axe glancing blows)
- So not sure, but I think the midwinter festival has basically disabled a toon of mine
- Devil Assault and the Monster manual
- Ghallanda Lag
- Tracking Tr's
- Tome Prices have gone through the roof!
- Could I suggest?
- Falchion?
- Etr bug is back and worse than before
- A New Idea for Spell Power
- Favor retain with TR?
- Jewelers Kit not working
- Theoretically
- "per caster level" descriptions
- Gem bag not working
- Damage comparison of different repeater builds at level 16 ish
- Plastic Rogues
- Shields, bastard swords and two handed fighting
- Twink one-handed slashing weapons?
- More Class Enhancement points
- Good & Bad Slayers
- Hirelings have become completely useless
- When level cap is raised to 30 will we get better hires?
- Barbarian improved uncanny dodge bug
- cosmetic weapons + Rainbow in the Dark conflict
- Does Rally Cry stop my Doublestrike eTR stance when using Action Boost?
- Guild Ship buff's can kill ...
- Medium Armor
- Does Holy Sword work with arti spells?
- Question about +20 Lesser Heart
- 2x Celestias or 2x Thunderforged
- Inexplicable Draining of Spell points
- Harper Enchantment of Righteousness bugged?
- Looking at release notes and I am alittle confused
- Fighter Vanguard Tree Bugged?
- Stealth needs to be fixed
- New Sapphire of Defence - still in stealth mode...
- Shrine to the Devourer
- Stalwart defense and Meditation of war
- What is "Diadem of fire"
- Trip, Improved Trip Suggestions
- Haste Addition
- Critical Hit with Fortification
- Really effing frustated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Dodge Bonus Recalculation
- Scorpions!
- Bugbear Assassins and Hide in Plain Sight
- Manyshot - Let's Make It What It Is Supposed to Be
- Monster Manual?
- Question about Ability Tome (Intelligence) + Reincarnation
- Is the +20 heart that is on sale this weekend, BTC or BTA?
- Ability Scored Damage and the Proper Effects
- Toon is bugged: cannot see other players/hire hp/sp bars
- Make Platinum Useful. Petition.
- Paralyzed!
- I'm the Invisible Man! But not very good at it
- Question about Epic Roderic's Wand
- Change Epic Roderic's Wand Please
- Questions about using LR +1 Heart on an Iconic
- vulnerability stacking board and sword
- The root of powercreep
- Change to Epic Reincarnation
- Heroic TR'ing - time frame?
- What the??? Performance Issue
- Assistance with Completionist
- Cant buy Ship XP shrine II from First Mate
- A List of Melee Special Attacks & Whether They Doublestrike/Off-hand Proc
- Cosmetic transformation with Mirror of glamering
- Please make traps deadly again!
- Spell Rage not AOE?
- Kinetic ruby eye from DDO store
- AcroBarb build - human mark2
- Automated DM has epilepsy?
- Renown not appearing in end reward lists!
- What blocks incoming friendly (Negative energy) healing?
- "The time for traps to arm after being placed has been reduced to 1 second"
- Prr & Mrr changes?
- Bleed damage 200% MP: What does this affect?
- Let Guild Members Change Ammenities
- twf mortal fear
- Lag issues
- Improved Power Attack - LD
- Silver Flame Priest ship buff
- Crossbow animation glitch
- Calculating Spell DOT's
- Hall of Heroes
- Saga XP/Renown and Epic Quests.
- ToEE bug, Zuggtomoy end fight
- Staff Lunge/Sweeping Strikes Cooldowns way too long!
- Fed Up of Useless required as Pre-Req Enhancements!
- Special Access Small Guild Chest 1?
- Best way to farm up a heroic TR heart?
- Crooktooth the Bugbear. {MM}
- Swashbuckler's Different Tack
- Trap the Soul
- Revised/New Crafting SYstem