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  1. Strange DEX damage
  2. Is there a reward for being the same class x3?
  3. will this computer handle ddo?
  4. Frozen Tunic proc rate?
  5. Blocking + Tactics = No weapon procs?
  6. Hide, Move Silently, and Stealth
  7. Greater nimbleness is not working atm on docents!
  8. Command Undead VS Control Undead
  9. Shield Bashing Questions
  10. Epic kronzek's cruelty vs Lit2 Khopeshes
  11. Shield Mastery feats worth it?
  12. Abbot sigil takes all pieces
  13. Risia Festival Now Adding to ML?
  14. Turn Undead and effects
  15. Turbine secret AI test
  16. The truth about timers and drop rates
  17. Kobold Cookies have 15minute cooldown
  18. Artificers - Rune Arms - DCs?
  19. Crippling Effect on Weapons, worth anything or bugged?
  21. DC needed for Epic Locked Chest Farming
  22. Guild Renown
  23. Checking my Bravery Bonus
  24. Change to Death Pact
  25. Completionist feat
  26. Monk/Unarmed Wrap/Ring choices for maximum DPS
  27. Epic Elemental longbow of heart
  28. Two Belt of Tongue questions.
  29. DR question / VoD Solo Tips please.
  30. New DnD system in the works
  31. How to make a monster move...
  32. Packet loss
  33. Damage dice of Call Lightning Storm
  34. Festival Cookies When and Where Used?
  35. Shield Mastery. Is it bugged
  36. Difference between Tanking and DPS
  37. Please fix or adjust max charisma Bards!
  38. Spell Focus + GSF Gear Stacking ?
  39. Let's Talk: Enhancements (in another way)!
  40. Treason
  41. Did you know these stacked? Or am I behind?
  42. Fleshshaper's ... amp like Finger Necklace?
  43. Expansion
  44. are epic scrolls still dropping during Risia?
  45. New "Bull 2" armor kits bugged?
  46. Fortification, how much to aim for?
  47. No Loot in Abbot
  48. Deception and improved deception
  49. Beta
  50. Need help for my gs repeater!
  51. Enhancement stacking issues with Slay Living
  52. Permanent -30% sp costs... Alchemist bug
  53. Hirelings really really suck. (rant)
  54. gamepad question
  55. Comprehensive List of Hireling Bugs and Weirdness.
  56. Icy potions of Frostbite: do they stack?
  57. who should be my "master crafter"?
  58. Acrobat ToD set
  59. solo difficulty
  60. Healer's Bounty: Do different items have their own roll?
  61. Stalwart defensive stance dodge bonus questoin
  62. shield enhancement bonus
  63. TWF and THF Range and Damage Bonuses
  64. Next Expansion
  65. Any talk of new spells & schools? Devs.
  66. Current Skill Scores needed?
  67. staggering blow
  68. Now that level 25 is close to come: What epic feats have you set hopes for?
  69. Halfling DMarks, Cleric PL, Barb Rage??
  70. I wanna win DDO!
  71. Lets Talk: Air Elementals
  72. Please fix Hirelings
  73. Bags no longer weightless
  74. While I'm Reporting Bugs : Deception/Improved Deception don't stack with Bluff Items.
  75. Fortification Reduction Stacking?
  76. Crafted ghost touch
  77. Q's about caster level bonuses and items (abashi set/tier3 alchemical)
  78. Renown guild size question
  79. hotkeys mousekeys keyboard keys
  80. Epic Elyd Edge
  81. AC in Epics
  82. Student of the Sword question
  83. You help Force Bolt with Haste...what?
  84. Phiarlan Inspiration Not Stacking With Luck Bonus WAI?
  85. The Collectables Nightmare..
  86. What does moar DPS, loot gen or eSoS?
  87. Frozen Tunic ... Proc on ranged?
  88. grouping panel
  89. Did one of the recent patches adjust air elementals down?
  90. Zakya cultist attack spells
  91. zen archery, 10k stars, and the wis mod
  92. deception/ imp deception proc rates ?
  93. What is the latest on ranger tempest enhancements w/ handwraps?
  94. Has anyone been killed by a box of chocolates?
  95. Is my toon bugged ?
  96. Can 10k stars, manyshot, and endless fusillade be synergized?
  97. end rewards based on class borked?
  98. Shard of Xoriat kills House Phiarlan Mirror cloak
  99. What do you do with your iron defender on a build with an artificer splash?
  100. Druids came-And i wanna get a one.
  101. Dragon Mark Diaries
  102. DQ / Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II ... Question
  103. Feeling Scammed
  104. Move silently, spot and search q's...
  105. Do Tomes persist through Lesser Reincarnation?
  106. Passing loot bug
  107. Wind Howler Bracers bonus on crossbow?
  108. Is guild reknown calculation hosed?
  109. Killing Rust Monsters
  110. extra dragonmark uses
  111. No More Maintenance Please
  112. Like or Dislike?
  113. Law of unintended consequences
  114. Question on the Shroud
  115. LR/GR into artificer - available?
  116. Guild Renown is broken
  117. So uh....
  118. Past Life: Student of the Sword
  119. Stunning Fist and Fighter Past Life
  120. Turn Undead
  121. HoX - Augment Summoning - ***?
  122. Protection from Evil range complaint/whine
  123. Past Life: Arcane Prodigy
  124. Expansion Idea, Struggles of the Storm Lords.
  125. Rock Boots & Freedom of Movement
  126. Epic Spare Hand vs ToD sets
  127. Chains of Flame, turn in bug. anyone?
  128. Read, and believe, the LFM
  129. Is lvl 7 start for 3k favor a joke?
  130. Omnispell Dust and Omnispell Stone, ok what they are exactly ?
  131. Chatty Cathies, Raid Elite BB
  132. PSA: Activating MOTU Pre-Order
  133. Buff Display Bug
  134. Wishes of a cake-loving Djinni...
  135. Missile weapon bonus vs. Missile bonus
  136. New effect dialogue
  137. How do I reincarnate?
  138. Missed the cutscene, anyone got video?
  139. Finish Pre's?
  140. Enervation on U13 epic x-bow and shortsword
  141. Expansion pre-order question
  142. Lost My Guild / Friend List / Chat Channel...
  143. Pre Oder Question
  144. Tumble
  145. Dragontouched rune of destruction does not apply with handwraps
  146. Tomes of learning.. How do you know it's working?
  147. Feat Swap: Borked?
  148. Quick question on Cannith Crafting
  149. Does deleting a character lose your tome of learning?
  150. Fort DC
  151. Is shot on the run working as intended?
  152. Epic Scrolls after Update
  153. Menace of the Underdark: Which toon?
  154. Devil Assault Augment Crystals Timers
  155. TR Tome usage.
  156. Precision
  157. Be Careful When You Make Last Minute Bids !!
  158. Reincarnation
  159. Hotkeys and rings
  160. air ele's in fleshmaker's
  161. TR & Plat
  162. less/greater reincarnation stick question
  163. Lesser Death Aura & Heighten
  164. drop rate after U13
  165. Spell Components @ General Vendor: IQ, IQ2
  166. Rant about Bravery Bonus
  167. TWF is a joke!
  168. Question about "Parrying" effect
  169. does ''Assassinate'' works for throwing weapon too ?
  170. Summon spell speed
  171. Divines and Arcane Augmentation
  172. eq changes that affect umd cause gut wrenching lag
  173. the ep scrolls!!
  174. Magical arrows WAI?
  175. Mind Fog
  176. Do Deception and Improved Deception stack?
  177. Issue with AC stacking - Bug or WAI?
  178. Artificer -> Druid
  179. How to respec feats for money?
  180. high spot any good for rogue only traps?
  181. Debuff Spells That Work on Purple Names, 2012
  182. +1 greater heart of wood
  183. Some notes about Thri-Keen Venom, Jidz Tetka
  184. Non-str based weapons
  185. Tinker's Goggles - confirmed current drop locations?
  186. Melee AC while leveling up
  187. Action boosts
  188. Finger necklace healing amp %?
  189. Aggro issues when using bluff/deception
  190. longbows?
  191. Items ideal for Evil Outsiders
  192. AI changes in the past couple updates?
  193. Question
  194. Favourite whacky idea for possible MotU build?
  195. Setting up macros?
  196. Character transfer
  197. Yugo Pots / House D Pots / Abishai Cookies
  198. Curiosity about unexpected xp
  199. Web & FW
  200. Does the number of 'hard' or 'elite' quests done count on the final XP bonus ?
  201. To pay TP is the only way to RT ?
  202. AI - Initial aggro and clerics
  203. kiting Under Rated
  204. Question on UMD stacking
  205. TR & UI Layout
  206. Is there a cap on haggle?
  207. Mass Teleport spell question
  208. Anthem items and Bard Past Life feat?
  209. Question on dual-wielding penalties
  210. Spell Pass changes to Sleep/Deep Slumber
  211. Shield Mastery DR - Shift Key Required?
  212. Trip with a bow
  213. inventory full
  214. tool tips sometime don't stay up very long
  215. Power Attack
  216. House J Feather Fall no longer has 9th level arcane components?
  217. Best eLailat beater for an unarmed rogue
  218. Fast attacks and moving
  219. Locked doors
  220. Banishing weapons: what do they work on? (comprehensive list, including bugs)
  221. Cosmetic pets, numbers, and the stable?
  222. turn/strafe key maps
  223. Epic Scroll Drops
  224. Character Planner SP Calc Error?
  225. Guild level 70
  226. Change to Radiant Servant turn regen?
  227. Guild Size?
  228. Defender of Siberys: Stances
  229. Acid and acid blast don't stack?
  230. So I just learned what Epic Drow SR is.....
  231. weapon type details
  232. Armor changes color?
  233. Reign No ML Ring Squishiest Gear?
  234. Corrosive salt guard and Lord of the blades
  235. Reincanation Alignment Error. Please Help?
  236. My AC setup
  237. 10k Stars AC setup, ideas?
  238. Greater Nimbleness Epic slot
  239. Wielding a chaotic weapons with a good allignment toon
  240. Question about running quests on normal
  241. TR experience question
  242. Tokens, and Marks, and Gems! Oh my!
  243. rogue dilly: noob question
  244. Are all the green bags became BTC???
  245. Just tired (rant of the disappointed player)
  246. ? Blade barriers no longer working?
  247. A Difficult Question Regarding Collectables
  248. Reincarnation: I muffed it...again
  249. TR XP Bravery Streaks and lvl 17^elite quests
  250. TRing with alignment restrictions