- Strange DEX damage
- Is there a reward for being the same class x3?
- will this computer handle ddo?
- Frozen Tunic proc rate?
- Blocking + Tactics = No weapon procs?
- Hide, Move Silently, and Stealth
- Greater nimbleness is not working atm on docents!
- Command Undead VS Control Undead
- Shield Bashing Questions
- Epic kronzek's cruelty vs Lit2 Khopeshes
- Shield Mastery feats worth it?
- Abbot sigil takes all pieces
- Risia Festival Now Adding to ML?
- Turn Undead and effects
- Turbine secret AI test
- The truth about timers and drop rates
- Kobold Cookies have 15minute cooldown
- Artificers - Rune Arms - DCs?
- Crippling Effect on Weapons, worth anything or bugged?
- DC needed for Epic Locked Chest Farming
- Guild Renown
- Checking my Bravery Bonus
- Change to Death Pact
- Completionist feat
- Monk/Unarmed Wrap/Ring choices for maximum DPS
- Epic Elemental longbow of heart
- Two Belt of Tongue questions.
- DR question / VoD Solo Tips please.
- New DnD system in the works
- How to make a monster move...
- Packet loss
- Damage dice of Call Lightning Storm
- Festival Cookies When and Where Used?
- Shield Mastery. Is it bugged
- Difference between Tanking and DPS
- Please fix or adjust max charisma Bards!
- Spell Focus + GSF Gear Stacking ?
- Let's Talk: Enhancements (in another way)!
- Treason
- Did you know these stacked? Or am I behind?
- Fleshshaper's ... amp like Finger Necklace?
- Expansion
- are epic scrolls still dropping during Risia?
- New "Bull 2" armor kits bugged?
- Fortification, how much to aim for?
- No Loot in Abbot
- Deception and improved deception
- Beta
- Need help for my gs repeater!
- Enhancement stacking issues with Slay Living
- Permanent -30% sp costs... Alchemist bug
- Hirelings really really suck. (rant)
- gamepad question
- Comprehensive List of Hireling Bugs and Weirdness.
- Icy potions of Frostbite: do they stack?
- who should be my "master crafter"?
- Acrobat ToD set
- solo difficulty
- Healer's Bounty: Do different items have their own roll?
- Stalwart defensive stance dodge bonus questoin
- shield enhancement bonus
- TWF and THF Range and Damage Bonuses
- Next Expansion
- Any talk of new spells & schools? Devs.
- Current Skill Scores needed?
- staggering blow
- Now that level 25 is close to come: What epic feats have you set hopes for?
- Halfling DMarks, Cleric PL, Barb Rage??
- I wanna win DDO!
- Lets Talk: Air Elementals
- Please fix Hirelings
- Bags no longer weightless
- While I'm Reporting Bugs : Deception/Improved Deception don't stack with Bluff Items.
- Fortification Reduction Stacking?
- Crafted ghost touch
- Q's about caster level bonuses and items (abashi set/tier3 alchemical)
- Renown guild size question
- hotkeys mousekeys keyboard keys
- Epic Elyd Edge
- AC in Epics
- Student of the Sword question
- You help Force Bolt with Haste...what?
- Phiarlan Inspiration Not Stacking With Luck Bonus WAI?
- The Collectables Nightmare..
- What does moar DPS, loot gen or eSoS?
- Frozen Tunic ... Proc on ranged?
- grouping panel
- Did one of the recent patches adjust air elementals down?
- Zakya cultist attack spells
- zen archery, 10k stars, and the wis mod
- deception/ imp deception proc rates ?
- What is the latest on ranger tempest enhancements w/ handwraps?
- Has anyone been killed by a box of chocolates?
- Is my toon bugged ?
- Can 10k stars, manyshot, and endless fusillade be synergized?
- end rewards based on class borked?
- Shard of Xoriat kills House Phiarlan Mirror cloak
- What do you do with your iron defender on a build with an artificer splash?
- Druids came-And i wanna get a one.
- Dragon Mark Diaries
- DQ / Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II ... Question
- Feeling Scammed
- Move silently, spot and search q's...
- Do Tomes persist through Lesser Reincarnation?
- Passing loot bug
- Wind Howler Bracers bonus on crossbow?
- Is guild reknown calculation hosed?
- Killing Rust Monsters
- extra dragonmark uses
- No More Maintenance Please
- Like or Dislike?
- Law of unintended consequences
- Question on the Shroud
- LR/GR into artificer - available?
- Guild Renown is broken
- So uh....
- Past Life: Student of the Sword
- Stunning Fist and Fighter Past Life
- Turn Undead
- HoX - Augment Summoning - ***?
- Protection from Evil range complaint/whine
- Past Life: Arcane Prodigy
- Expansion Idea, Struggles of the Storm Lords.
- Rock Boots & Freedom of Movement
- Epic Spare Hand vs ToD sets
- Chains of Flame, turn in bug. anyone?
- Read, and believe, the LFM
- Is lvl 7 start for 3k favor a joke?
- Omnispell Dust and Omnispell Stone, ok what they are exactly ?
- Chatty Cathies, Raid Elite BB
- PSA: Activating MOTU Pre-Order
- Buff Display Bug
- Wishes of a cake-loving Djinni...
- Missile weapon bonus vs. Missile bonus
- New effect dialogue
- How do I reincarnate?
- Missed the cutscene, anyone got video?
- Finish Pre's?
- Enervation on U13 epic x-bow and shortsword
- Expansion pre-order question
- Lost My Guild / Friend List / Chat Channel...
- Pre Oder Question
- Tumble
- Dragontouched rune of destruction does not apply with handwraps
- Tomes of learning.. How do you know it's working?
- Feat Swap: Borked?
- Quick question on Cannith Crafting
- Does deleting a character lose your tome of learning?
- Fort DC
- Is shot on the run working as intended?
- Epic Scrolls after Update
- Menace of the Underdark: Which toon?
- Devil Assault Augment Crystals Timers
- TR Tome usage.
- Precision
- Be Careful When You Make Last Minute Bids !!
- Reincarnation
- Hotkeys and rings
- air ele's in fleshmaker's
- TR & Plat
- less/greater reincarnation stick question
- Lesser Death Aura & Heighten
- drop rate after U13
- Spell Components @ General Vendor: IQ, IQ2
- Rant about Bravery Bonus
- TWF is a joke!
- Question about "Parrying" effect
- does ''Assassinate'' works for throwing weapon too ?
- Summon spell speed
- Divines and Arcane Augmentation
- eq changes that affect umd cause gut wrenching lag
- the ep scrolls!!
- Magical arrows WAI?
- Mind Fog
- Do Deception and Improved Deception stack?
- Issue with AC stacking - Bug or WAI?
- Artificer -> Druid
- How to respec feats for money?
- high spot any good for rogue only traps?
- Debuff Spells That Work on Purple Names, 2012
- +1 greater heart of wood
- Some notes about Thri-Keen Venom, Jidz Tetka
- Non-str based weapons
- Tinker's Goggles - confirmed current drop locations?
- Melee AC while leveling up
- Action boosts
- Finger necklace healing amp %?
- Aggro issues when using bluff/deception
- longbows?
- Items ideal for Evil Outsiders
- AI changes in the past couple updates?
- Question
- Favourite whacky idea for possible MotU build?
- Setting up macros?
- Character transfer
- Yugo Pots / House D Pots / Abishai Cookies
- Curiosity about unexpected xp
- Web & FW
- Does the number of 'hard' or 'elite' quests done count on the final XP bonus ?
- To pay TP is the only way to RT ?
- AI - Initial aggro and clerics
- kiting Under Rated
- Question on UMD stacking
- TR & UI Layout
- Is there a cap on haggle?
- Mass Teleport spell question
- Anthem items and Bard Past Life feat?
- Question on dual-wielding penalties
- Spell Pass changes to Sleep/Deep Slumber
- Shield Mastery DR - Shift Key Required?
- Trip with a bow
- inventory full
- tool tips sometime don't stay up very long
- Power Attack
- House J Feather Fall no longer has 9th level arcane components?
- Best eLailat beater for an unarmed rogue
- Fast attacks and moving
- Locked doors
- Banishing weapons: what do they work on? (comprehensive list, including bugs)
- Cosmetic pets, numbers, and the stable?
- turn/strafe key maps
- Epic Scroll Drops
- Character Planner SP Calc Error?
- Guild level 70
- Change to Radiant Servant turn regen?
- Guild Size?
- Defender of Siberys: Stances
- Acid and acid blast don't stack?
- So I just learned what Epic Drow SR is.....
- weapon type details
- Armor changes color?
- Reign No ML Ring Squishiest Gear?
- Corrosive salt guard and Lord of the blades
- Reincanation Alignment Error. Please Help?
- My AC setup
- 10k Stars AC setup, ideas?
- Greater Nimbleness Epic slot
- Wielding a chaotic weapons with a good allignment toon
- Question about running quests on normal
- TR experience question
- Tokens, and Marks, and Gems! Oh my!
- rogue dilly: noob question
- Are all the green bags became BTC???
- Just tired (rant of the disappointed player)
- ? Blade barriers no longer working?
- A Difficult Question Regarding Collectables
- Reincarnation: I muffed it...again
- TR XP Bravery Streaks and lvl 17^elite quests
- TRing with alignment restrictions