- The deathward spell
- Tear of Dhakaan shards
- Reroll! (aka go get quicken darnit!)
- Rainbow in the dark should be the norm, not the exception
- "background feats"
- A little thing called Leadership
- Viable Searing lights?
- Gaming Secrets & Unknown To-do's
- Crafting
- Question on Crushing Despair
- Something just occurred to me..(Repeating xbow)
- Silver Flame Amulet
- Does paid hair styles/color carry over?
- TR and Feat Respec
- precision feat
- The learning curve
- Are the random armors after Update 8...
- Destruction on DT
- A question about Tomes
- Advice on Might of The Abishai
- Ship resistance shrine choices.
- Stat bonuses on items
- Esos vs Eheckstroke
- A question about TR clickies
- which to take from deleras?
- Please explain DR- is my display buggy?
- BtA items stay BtA when you Bind and Attune them
- how do i put an link in text?
- DR X/Epic
- UMD Hate from DEV/WAI?
- What is the favor progression?
- Re-setting XP idea
- In reinc H3ll
- AP reset problem
- To the development team, and anyone else intrested
- I have an Archer I need to know what stacks with what
- Rune ideas for DT armor, Paladin AC tank.
- Leadership
- Reincarnation (TR1 and TR2)
- dreamspitter
- Spell Lore Question
- Bloodrage symbiont info
- wand use caster level question?
- New bug in town?
- Con Damage Weapons
- What's your renown decay?
- How to bind spells to mouse buttons?
- Troubleshooter Set bonus stacks?
- Leveling.....
- Boots of the Innocent
- bug or turbine using some? CR12 DDO water elemental ***pwns p&p CR17 water monolith?
- Internet usage in canda
- Epic DQ Weapon (bow)
- Quickdraw: What does it help?
- Maximizing melee DPS
- Reputation
- UMD of Trap the Soul Scroll
- Bug since the datacenter drop!
- A question about Sunder
- Bank Tabs?
- Guild Renown/Decay
- What is the most annoying thing in DDO?
- Mob vorpals
- race specific loot
- New DPS chart
- An Interview with a WoW Player
- Goodbye Patience!
- So Why Has Our Guild Decay Hit 6 Times in 48 Hours?
- DEX vs STR
- Ranged Weapon Speed
- End reward from Threnal, which to pick? (already have mantle)
- Twitch help
- Nice updates in the last months
- Elven Arcane Archer VS Ranger Arcane Archer
- Blocking DR, epics and the Kundarak Warding Shield
- Stat debuffs and stacking
- Refreshing clickies and skills
- thx fer the guild bonus, now turn on xp bonus
- Are boss mobs immune to slowburst?
- Whats your characters catch phrase(s)?
- need server for gmt time zone. euro players unite (or those who are fine with gmt)
- some ideas to devlopers
- small auto-target problem
- Are Shards BTC?
- Throwing Weapon Attack Bonus / This is probably a dumb question.
- Understanding Evasion
- Damage Guards Question
- Armor kit visibility issue
- Khopesh Question
- Thread Necromanry Compilation
- equipment for wizard and bard?
- Righteousness effect all evil mobs?
- Cone of Cold missing completely
- Cat chasing after a squirrel?
- Does Maximize Feat work on AA Imbue arrows enhancements?
- floating coffin
- Does Silver Compass have any use?
- Epic will save +3 not stacking with +5 resistance
- Cosmetics question, armor
- Epic Wiz king ...what is the save req to avoid trap dmg
- Is there any way to increase DC of my weapons?
- Blur and Mabar cloak
- Cannith Aqueduct
- on 32 point build purchase
- Do frost giants cast Fire Resistance?
- Can you change your Toon's name?
- I am so clueless! capping?
- Carnifex, Delera why do you hate me so?
- Heightening Dismissal and Banishment
- Wand and scroll mastery, What does "effectiveness" mean?
- DPS Benchmarks and Milestones
- Half Elf dragonmarks
- Experience rewards broken
- Regarging Spell Critical Chance
- New to THF, what named THF weapons should I be looking for?
- So a RL buddy player is incorrect, can I get some community support before I rage?
- Leveling Up
- Killing Earth Elementals
- Auto-crit = Auto-woowoo?
- Game Audio: what do you use?
- Battered Phiarlan Shield
- Incite / hate generation amps w/ Spells
- So MYDDO finally updated...
- Deathblock and Spearblock
- Looting rules
- Character Transfer
- So I am dead in lobster
- Party name list
- TRing and bags question
- Scale Armor...the best kept visual secret.
- Searing Heights
- Can You Find Other Toons by Same Account?
- How does FW do so much damage?
- Droprate of Seal of antique greataxe
- Death Aura
- Issue with Sceptre of the fleshweaver
- Ransack bugged
- Total Favor Possible - Update 8
- Rogue Hirelings temporarily unavailable.
- How many grease clickies do YOU carry?
- extend on hireling wizards ?
- Scourge Choker vs Jorgundals Collar
- Bard Virtuoso I prereqs bugged?
- So with the new event items whats the min/maxed spot for hp item?
- Who repairs the blue dragonscale armor in gianthold?
- Red Fens Sets
- Completionist by urin
- Cleric VS FvS
- Where is that thread about maths and spell DC?
- Does Augmentation IX increase spell damage other than Meteor/Polar Ray?
- A few questions regarding epics
- Please let me put Plat in my Shared Bank!
- Any Famous People Playing DDO?
- Damage Type Symbols
- DPS Error Bars
- Do named drops scale on non-raids?
- To True Reincarnate...
- targeting and casting issues in epic von6
- Are single/sup. Tomes stackable?
- Ghostly Skeletons in Delera's
- Beguile the WF Bard is bugged
- Please add my house to the teleport list
- How is rare loot calculated for a chest?
- Question About "Shaken" Fear Effect
- How does spell penetration items interract with heighten?
- why does 5 feats in bow do less dps than 0 in melee?
- E-StaffOfArcanePower, BardSong, AbishaiSet
- Another 'do they stack?' question
- Shadow King--help
- new race
- Question about the new event
- In-game music
- Healing and metamagic efficiency thread?
- Lesser Reincarnation and gaining back levels
- Quick question about Undying Call
- What does being Orange actually do?
- Exploring Eberron interviews DDO players.
- How do Monks generate Ki in different stances?
- Dungeon Scalling and Loot
- What Creature from DnD would you base a quest around?
- tumble problem
- What to put on first Green Steel
- Burn Baby Burn
- Full Group XP Bonus
- 1750 favor tomes and TRing
- question about everbright weapons
- DR in chronos
- adamantium dog
- Passive sorc past life?
- Please be a bit more friendly to new players
- Litany of the dead - Turn the page
- scepter of fleshweaver does not buff knock spell
- does whirling attack work with vorpal weapons
- Ninja is a Monk PrE?
- skill point information/questions
- Semantic Ambiguity
- Pale lavender ioun stone screw up???
- Oh why the khopesh
- Question on Tomes
- Quest Repeat
- Vet Status question o.0
- BAB & attack speed. 19 vs. 20
- DDO Store survey
- least dragonmark of storm bugged?
- outfit graphic change
- How to get umd 22 with 10 cha at level 12
- Does item defense actually work?
- Hating Update 8.1 already
- New Travelers Aura egg path?
- Smugglers Rest: Can't wait to visit again!
- Fundamental Problems with Mabar, Crystal Cove
- Change current class?
- How to inscribe spells from Scrolls
- Epic scrolls from charmed foes
- I broke a Training Dummy
- Rares in the Sands are hardly showing since update
- Double Strike Questions
- doubloon drop formula
- About DPS
- Epic Brigand's Cutlass, does your alignment matter?
- Does the epic spy glass umd stack with cartouche?
- Epic Ring of the Buccaneer Tier 3
- Whats the best item for me to work for? (Smugglers)
- Crimson foot soilder question
- Lottery Broken Again
- DC bug ?
- Power Creep and Low Level Play
- Is there one location for pics of all armor kits?
- Looking for a +3 int tome how and where?
- Is Rage a bad buff?
- Do Wizard Past Life Feat and Favored Soul Past Life Feat Stack
- Luck
- Thanks turbine!
- Event Feedback
- The Ladoona Project
- Event exploit?
- Birthday event I hope I wont see it again this year..
- Beholders and Mantles
- New event and rogues
- Brawling Gloves Tier 3 level 20
- Upgrading Smuggler's Rest Stuff Question
- Greater Dragonmark of Finding
- Healers not welcome in crystal cove Y???
- I haven't played in 3+ years... what do I need to know?
- obligatory event complaint
- Heavy Fort and Yogoloth Pots
- Healers that won't heal
- Event Question
- Chat Server Failing Repeatedly On West Coast
- Alignment question and its affect on weapon use