- Help with TR!
- Greater Reincarnated, Stats For Tomes Didn't Apply
- Question for DPS studs
- What resistances do flesh renders have?
- Mabar Poachers
- Quick Mabar Q
- Please
- Quick question about hearts.
- how does Wall of Fire work exactly and the 'nerf'
- Cleave question
- Skinning Idea
- Mabar event bringing out the best in people!
- TR/Past life feat question
- What's your favourite hireling and why?
- How do i "turn off"...
- About BAB. Can you explain this, please?
- Dont bring a hireling along with a Seary-1 in your group...
- Connection attempt failed
- Reincarnation
- Can you Unbind a Item
- Enough with the Ottos Dance Exploit
- Question About Lesser Re-Incarnation: Can Do Twice?
- Minimalist TR GS choices
- Balance: Minimum ranks for end-game usefulness
- Anyone know about this item?
- What's the best 'minimalist' build that can farm endgame?
- Deathward clickies
- Display error for hirelings in the shared bank
- Server Lag Question
- Nimeth Celibel skills listed incorrectly
- Happy Holidayz!
- Most Unfriendly Feature DDO Has YEt..
- Fighting the Quori
- Idea
- Is there not enough xp in the game for TR's?
- A etiquette question.
- Advice on new computer
- Hirelings Ditching
- A look back at the halloween event...
- Gearing up for 2nd Life
- What mobs have Light vulnerability?
- Guild pots and madstone
- Party level gap limit
- DR Tanking 101
- Stat Damage
- Horoth stun DC
- Prestige Enhancements
- Suggestions on killing dragons? Vorpal?
- Question regarding mailbox conduct
- Silver Flame dabbling in cloning?
- Archmage
- Change the first level with LR+1?
- most effective wizard spells
- Khopesh Holyburst vs Khopesh Holy + Maiming item - which one is actually better?
- GDI, bring on the Coins!!!
- Exclusive Hair Dye and resurection
- fastest running character at level 4?
- how do I remove my anonymous status?
- Happy Holidayz! Round 3 - Fight!
- spell find traps
- Spot (rogue skill help)
- Staying Alive in the Subterrane
- Sap
- Standardization of spell/ability targetting needs to be done
- Where do i farm Lesser Heart of Wood?
- Graphics for chain missile?
- Hireling wont go away
- Bug: Examining a linked item sometimes crashes the client since U7
- Practical Joke focused toon???
- Epic Wolf Whistle bugged?
- Storage
- A few complaints...
- TR Cache
- False Life Stacking Questions
- maxima plaga
- Getting sucked in to the epeen nonsense
- 2 noob TR questions
- Hireling problem
- New Competer
- Favorite place/setting in the game?
- Pulled a +4 str tome on my pali - Advice/opinions wanted on TR
- Krothos Loot
- GAH!!! Has this happened to anyone else?
- Time To Upgrade the Video Card
- killing undead, which weapon set is better
- Happy Holidayz! Round 4 - Fight!
- Bluff
- Can a Dev solve this riddle?
- Pure Good Weapon without Required Trait: Good ?
- Damage Comparison Math Check
- Limit to how much Bonus to ability score?
- Restoring lost items...
- Racial Summoning Enhancements question
- question about Racial Summoning Enhancements
- Human versitality
- Tod Rings For a pure wf barb
- How about a grouping preview option?
- Feat swap
- Trouble with House K Favor and Bank Slots
- Charged Gauntlets
- Stuck in Ataraxia's Haven spa/tavern area LOL
- Use of Epic Unkor's Cleaver
- Experience Points to Level - Is this right?
- Is there a way to tell where I am bound?
- Rainbow in the Dark
- Oversized two weapon fighting bugged?
- Happy Holidayz! Round 6 - Fight!
- Metamagic and stat/lvl damage
- Roflsaywutnao?
- Lesser Reincarnation and Coin Lords Training feat reward
- TR as a drow
- Thankyou for your KILLS!
- Hireling/pets and small bodies of water
- Playing with fire. Deep lava vs Fire absorb items.
- Racial Spell Defenses, how do they compare?
- The single most important task for ANY toon
- Epic Lag Monster
- Question about stacking DR
- Server to Play
- Signs you will wipe TOD
- Force Critical on Handwraps
- XP Per Level Increase?
- Mental Toughness (is it +5 per character level or class level)?
- What happened to Playing for fun???
- Has anyone ever....
- warning about the worst glitch in DDO history
- Percision Feat= Call Shot PNP?
- Best hireling
- quests and favour for TR'd char's.
- for the dev's
- Would you buy a scroll/seal/shard from the Store?
- Ray of Exaustion
- You have been playing way too much DDO
- Should I keep this character?
- It's time to fess up: Rogues DO have the highest DPS
- clickie out of control?
- How do you play with your Toolbars?
- Share your Worst Glitch in DDO History!
- LOL Weird Glitch
- Spell Progression for Paladins and Rangers?
- Is there a guide on auctioning?
- Reincarnation timers
- Does anyone else play this game?
- Couple of hireling questions
- Favorite DDO Monster
- What items grant feats
- General Weapon Comparison
- Chest ransack mechanics
- Abjunction archmage 1st spell-like ability needs some love
- Hireling AI
- Item addition...
- Ranger Tracking
- In Dire Need of Game Mechanics HELP !!!!!
- Is there a +7 INT epic item?
- Random Question about "The Prophecy"
- Question?
- Seeking Explanation of Attack Sequence
- Zerging and progressive XP
- First Tr Question
- Super quick question
- Cyclonic Blast able to blow out Otto's Sphere of Dancing?!
- Does the "nuker" work in DDO?
- Update 8, epic items renewal
- Demon Queen: Harder now!
- Festevult Ice Ramp
- Rogue Hireling in Dreaming Dark
- Are Rays Missiles?
- Returning throwing weapons can now be bound and attuned in the stone of change.
- Armor kits: Only leaf 1 and 2?
- Anyone else's base armor/docents change colors again?
- What is point of guild vendors?
- DDO-Daily.com, New in the Lore-Keepers Lounge
- Treasure chests level for +2 Tomes
- Abishai Cookies
- Favored Soul in the Risia games
- ITT We compile changes in U8 that aren't in the release notes:
- armor kit pics
- 30...the magic stat number?
- Abishai Cookies...grrr....
- Retracting LFM applications.
- I'm Not Colourblind so why Can't I See?
- Portal Beaters - Two-Handed or Dual Wield?
- You take on the new Firewall
- What quests do you need UWA in?
- Maximum Hero's Money
- Richest Eberron's Hero
- Inventory and Arrow Management
- End Rewards Glitch
- Extra precaution to disbanding guilds
- fire absorption stacking question
- Risia harbor ice jumping tutorial video - my NEW one
- Orchard bugged?
- Maximum possible healing amp?
- Fire absorption. Is 100% possible?
- Question on 2 GS items
- Past Life monk not given :(
- So do I go this right Mr. Hireling?
- fred question
- attack per minute (sorry)
- Shavarath cake master touch
- I'm confused
- Risia games, Purple coins
- TR cache request
- Ransack for quests?
- Which Is Better...
- Diplomacy on a clonk?
- Slowing Effects, redoing them
- Hireling with SUMMON abilities should have some of the new summon options
- XP is XP .... ?
- What does Profane bonus stack with?
- Are Epic Scrolls actually dropping since U8?
- Spell Casters Preposterous
- When to Level?
- Has DR changed?
- Divine Might, THF, TWF and me.
- The Most Fearsome Dwarf Ever
- WF fortification bugged / not working?
- Arcane Lore attribute
- Stop me if you've heard this before, but....
- Arcane Augmentation IX
- How often is LR+5 available in DDO Store?
- A "Monster Sandbox"
- so is tendon slice unless to have now?
- Is Anything Healed By Ice?
- Character Transfers TO Orion/Cannith EVER?
- DDO's Deities
- casting problems since update
- Monster's Hit Die
- Does Favor Stack???
- Untwinked end game?
- The (Standard): channel
- Concordant Opposition
- Am I Ready for Epic?
- how do you change an airship crew member?
- Greenblade...prototype to greensteel?
- DDO`s 2010 Best of the Best / Worst of the Worst
- AC Discussion
- New Armor Kits
- Computer Specs- Problem?
- Drow NPC SR
- how long to get back to .,.vip(whatever)
- Cleric past life feat (Passive and Active). Needs updating?
- Exactly the same XP upon GR/LR?
- Character Planner and skills
- Stonedust Handwraps + Charged Gauntlets
- pale master vs archmage?
- Please fix the ogrish axe
- You "CAN" use Stealth in a party!
- Favor/Quest log?
- Hireling Rogues