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  1. Help with TR!
  2. Greater Reincarnated, Stats For Tomes Didn't Apply
  3. Question for DPS studs
  4. What resistances do flesh renders have?
  5. Mabar Poachers
  6. Quick Mabar Q
  7. Please
  8. Quick question about hearts.
  9. how does Wall of Fire work exactly and the 'nerf'
  10. Cleave question
  11. Skinning Idea
  12. Mabar event bringing out the best in people!
  13. TR/Past life feat question
  14. What's your favourite hireling and why?
  15. How do i "turn off"...
  16. About BAB. Can you explain this, please?
  17. Dont bring a hireling along with a Seary-1 in your group...
  18. Connection attempt failed
  19. Reincarnation
  20. Can you Unbind a Item
  21. Enough with the Ottos Dance Exploit
  22. Question About Lesser Re-Incarnation: Can Do Twice?
  23. Minimalist TR GS choices
  24. Balance: Minimum ranks for end-game usefulness
  25. Anyone know about this item?
  26. What's the best 'minimalist' build that can farm endgame?
  27. Deathward clickies
  28. Display error for hirelings in the shared bank
  29. Server Lag Question
  30. Nimeth Celibel skills listed incorrectly
  31. Happy Holidayz!
  32. Most Unfriendly Feature DDO Has YEt..
  33. Fighting the Quori
  34. Idea
  35. Is there not enough xp in the game for TR's?
  36. A etiquette question.
  37. Advice on new computer
  38. Hirelings Ditching
  39. A look back at the halloween event...
  40. Gearing up for 2nd Life
  41. What mobs have Light vulnerability?
  42. Guild pots and madstone
  43. Party level gap limit
  44. DR Tanking 101
  45. Stat Damage
  46. Horoth stun DC
  47. Prestige Enhancements
  48. Suggestions on killing dragons? Vorpal?
  49. Question regarding mailbox conduct
  50. Silver Flame dabbling in cloning?
  51. Archmage
  52. Change the first level with LR+1?
  53. most effective wizard spells
  54. Khopesh Holyburst vs Khopesh Holy + Maiming item - which one is actually better?
  55. GDI, bring on the Coins!!!
  56. Exclusive Hair Dye and resurection
  57. fastest running character at level 4?
  58. how do I remove my anonymous status?
  59. Happy Holidayz! Round 3 - Fight!
  60. spell find traps
  61. Spot (rogue skill help)
  62. Staying Alive in the Subterrane
  63. Sap
  64. Standardization of spell/ability targetting needs to be done
  65. Where do i farm Lesser Heart of Wood?
  66. Graphics for chain missile?
  67. Hireling wont go away
  68. Bug: Examining a linked item sometimes crashes the client since U7
  69. Practical Joke focused toon???
  70. Epic Wolf Whistle bugged?
  71. Storage
  72. A few complaints...
  73. TR Cache
  74. False Life Stacking Questions
  75. maxima plaga
  76. Getting sucked in to the epeen nonsense
  77. 2 noob TR questions
  78. Hireling problem
  79. New Competer
  80. Favorite place/setting in the game?
  81. Pulled a +4 str tome on my pali - Advice/opinions wanted on TR
  82. Krothos Loot
  83. GAH!!! Has this happened to anyone else?
  84. Time To Upgrade the Video Card
  85. killing undead, which weapon set is better
  86. Happy Holidayz! Round 4 - Fight!
  87. Bluff
  88. Can a Dev solve this riddle?
  89. Pure Good Weapon without Required Trait: Good ?
  90. Damage Comparison Math Check
  91. Limit to how much Bonus to ability score?
  92. Restoring lost items...
  93. Racial Summoning Enhancements question
  94. question about Racial Summoning Enhancements
  95. Human versitality
  96. Tod Rings For a pure wf barb
  97. How about a grouping preview option?
  98. Feat swap
  99. Trouble with House K Favor and Bank Slots
  100. Charged Gauntlets
  101. Stuck in Ataraxia's Haven spa/tavern area LOL
  102. Use of Epic Unkor's Cleaver
  103. Experience Points to Level - Is this right?
  104. Is there a way to tell where I am bound?
  105. Rainbow in the Dark
  106. Oversized two weapon fighting bugged?
  107. Happy Holidayz! Round 6 - Fight!
  108. Metamagic and stat/lvl damage
  109. Roflsaywutnao?
  110. Lesser Reincarnation and Coin Lords Training feat reward
  111. TR as a drow
  112. Thankyou for your KILLS!
  113. Hireling/pets and small bodies of water
  114. Playing with fire. Deep lava vs Fire absorb items.
  115. Racial Spell Defenses, how do they compare?
  116. The single most important task for ANY toon
  117. Epic Lag Monster
  118. Question about stacking DR
  119. Server to Play
  120. Signs you will wipe TOD
  121. Force Critical on Handwraps
  122. XP Per Level Increase?
  123. Mental Toughness (is it +5 per character level or class level)?
  124. What happened to Playing for fun???
  125. Has anyone ever....
  126. warning about the worst glitch in DDO history
  127. Percision Feat= Call Shot PNP?
  128. Best hireling
  129. quests and favour for TR'd char's.
  130. for the dev's
  131. Would you buy a scroll/seal/shard from the Store?
  132. Ray of Exaustion
  133. You have been playing way too much DDO
  134. Should I keep this character?
  135. It's time to fess up: Rogues DO have the highest DPS
  136. clickie out of control?
  137. How do you play with your Toolbars?
  138. Share your Worst Glitch in DDO History!
  139. LOL Weird Glitch
  140. Spell Progression for Paladins and Rangers?
  141. Is there a guide on auctioning?
  142. Reincarnation timers
  143. Does anyone else play this game?
  144. Couple of hireling questions
  145. Favorite DDO Monster
  146. What items grant feats
  147. General Weapon Comparison
  148. Chest ransack mechanics
  149. Abjunction archmage 1st spell-like ability needs some love
  150. Hireling AI
  151. Item addition...
  152. Ranger Tracking
  153. In Dire Need of Game Mechanics HELP !!!!!
  154. Is there a +7 INT epic item?
  155. Random Question about "The Prophecy"
  156. Question?
  157. Seeking Explanation of Attack Sequence
  158. Zerging and progressive XP
  159. First Tr Question
  160. Super quick question
  161. Cyclonic Blast able to blow out Otto's Sphere of Dancing?!
  162. Does the "nuker" work in DDO?
  163. Update 8, epic items renewal
  164. Demon Queen: Harder now!
  165. Festevult Ice Ramp
  166. Rogue Hireling in Dreaming Dark
  167. Are Rays Missiles?
  168. Returning throwing weapons can now be bound and attuned in the stone of change.
  169. Armor kits: Only leaf 1 and 2?
  170. Anyone else's base armor/docents change colors again?
  171. What is point of guild vendors?
  172. DDO-Daily.com, New in the Lore-Keepers Lounge
  173. Treasure chests level for +2 Tomes
  174. Abishai Cookies
  175. Favored Soul in the Risia games
  176. ITT We compile changes in U8 that aren't in the release notes:
  177. armor kit pics
  178. 30...the magic stat number?
  179. Abishai Cookies...grrr....
  180. Retracting LFM applications.
  181. I'm Not Colourblind so why Can't I See?
  182. Portal Beaters - Two-Handed or Dual Wield?
  183. You take on the new Firewall
  184. What quests do you need UWA in?
  185. Maximum Hero's Money
  186. Richest Eberron's Hero
  187. Inventory and Arrow Management
  188. End Rewards Glitch
  189. Extra precaution to disbanding guilds
  190. fire absorption stacking question
  191. Risia harbor ice jumping tutorial video - my NEW one
  192. Orchard bugged?
  193. Maximum possible healing amp?
  194. Fire absorption. Is 100% possible?
  195. Question on 2 GS items
  196. Past Life monk not given :(
  197. So do I go this right Mr. Hireling?
  198. fred question
  199. attack per minute (sorry)
  200. Shavarath cake master touch
  201. I'm confused
  202. Risia games, Purple coins
  203. TR cache request
  204. Ransack for quests?
  205. Which Is Better...
  206. Diplomacy on a clonk?
  207. Slowing Effects, redoing them
  208. Hireling with SUMMON abilities should have some of the new summon options
  209. XP is XP .... ?
  210. What does Profane bonus stack with?
  211. Are Epic Scrolls actually dropping since U8?
  212. Spell Casters Preposterous
  213. When to Level?
  214. Has DR changed?
  215. Divine Might, THF, TWF and me.
  216. The Most Fearsome Dwarf Ever
  217. WF fortification bugged / not working?
  218. Arcane Lore attribute
  219. Stop me if you've heard this before, but....
  220. Arcane Augmentation IX
  221. How often is LR+5 available in DDO Store?
  222. A "Monster Sandbox"
  223. so is tendon slice unless to have now?
  224. Is Anything Healed By Ice?
  225. Character Transfers TO Orion/Cannith EVER?
  226. DDO's Deities
  227. casting problems since update
  228. Monster's Hit Die
  229. Does Favor Stack???
  230. Untwinked end game?
  231. The (Standard): channel
  232. Concordant Opposition
  233. Am I Ready for Epic?
  234. how do you change an airship crew member?
  235. Greenblade...prototype to greensteel?
  236. DDO`s 2010 Best of the Best / Worst of the Worst
  237. AC Discussion
  238. New Armor Kits
  239. Computer Specs- Problem?
  240. Drow NPC SR
  241. how long to get back to .,.vip(whatever)
  242. Cleric past life feat (Passive and Active). Needs updating?
  243. Exactly the same XP upon GR/LR?
  244. Character Planner and skills
  245. Stonedust Handwraps + Charged Gauntlets
  246. pale master vs archmage?
  247. Please fix the ogrish axe
  248. You "CAN" use Stealth in a party!
  249. Favor/Quest log?
  250. Hireling Rogues