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  1. I, for one, welcome our new Sahuagin overlords
  2. Wizard Elemental Amp Question.
  3. Settings: Rewards Based On Class
  4. Just saw some advertisement for DDO
  5. Attack speed comparison request
  6. Intimitanking without DR
  7. Hirelings & Quests that req 4 players
  8. past life feat 10/10 multiclass
  9. Can someone explain critical rolls for me?
  10. Some Reincarnation Questions
  11. I would like to thank...
  12. Alignment change tool
  13. Glittering Dust - am I missing something?
  14. Technical Responses to U5 Combat Feedback
  15. U5 combat feedback THF exclusively
  16. 2 weapon nerf to fix laggg!!!!!!!?????????!!!
  17. A question about weapon item descriptions......
  18. AC score not includes deflection bonus?
  19. So why go pure fighter anymore if "fix" happens?
  20. Should I Make A Wizard Or Sorcerer?
  21. Paladin skills question
  22. What remove curse clickies exist?
  23. Whining
  24. Barrage---The only smart WF healing arcane?
  25. necromancer doom
  26. U5: monk rings.
  27. [Suggestion]Musical options
  28. Stunning Blow DC mark
  29. Epic melée combat - what should I carry and key tactics?
  30. Take it back to basic - U5 Combat
  31. the looking for members screen
  32. Best way to spend Turbine Points?
  33. fvs/fighter is it possible
  34. EPIC Poll!
  35. Xbox 360 controller functions
  36. tr feat ?
  37. Should DPS style effect DPS?
  38. Chaos Neutral vs True Neutral
  39. Item bonus stacking help
  40. two weapon fighting defence feat
  41. TR favor question
  42. What does stwf stand for?
  43. is there any guilds recruiting
  44. Titans can turn on you in shaverath
  45. Do bodyfeeder weapons work against undead?
  46. should i switch to thf?
  47. Suggestion: New quickbar layout for hirelings
  48. Anyone else tired of clueless "tanks"?
  49. Why is Thelanis always lagging!?!
  50. Power Attack Feat
  51. Too many weapons in inventory?
  52. does unholy burst greensteel heal any mobs
  53. I want my Peregrine Gaming Glove (This isn't your dad's Power Glove). Waiting sucks.
  54. Non-Nerf Way to Balance Armor vs Unarmored AC
  55. Tomes & change weaps
  56. reincarnation
  57. The Naming System
  58. Bunny Hat hidden effect: +3 UMD
  59. lesser or greater reinc
  60. Absentee Guild Leadership - a Canundrum
  61. Quick VIP point question.
  62. Max AC for 20 dwarf fighter
  63. anybody got a link for crafting stuff?
  64. While DC's are Being Tweaked
  65. Falchion VS Greataxe
  66. balance
  67. +5 Greater Heart question
  68. The DDO Playlist
  69. Water combat + "Unfair" deaths
  70. Decrease Lag????
  71. Thoughts on the DPS nerfs and how it'll lead to more elitism . . .
  72. past life feat
  73. Weapon advice
  74. Dual Prestige
  75. Earthgrab > Stunning??
  76. Why don't clerics carry healing wands?
  77. The Shadow Crypt
  78. The End Of Stormreach Fo Ever!
  79. stunning blow
  80. Prestige Classes
  81. Spell Point Enhancement vs Metamagic Enhancements
  82. Anyone have a GOOD twitching video?
  83. Hotkeys
  84. Undead alignment question
  85. So....
  86. Lag Near Marketplace Waterfall
  87. U5 changes: best "one-size-fits-all" weapon
  88. A history lesson...
  89. Monk Ki and DDoor
  90. Aquiring a true heart of wood
  91. harried
  92. Any Logitech G13 users?
  93. Armor Class (AC) vs Damage Reduction (DR)
  94. Stop asking classes to play the way you want them to
  95. AC Questions
  96. Bug with Destruction weapons?
  97. Favor Rewards
  98. Incorporeal undead an Force damage
  99. Backstabber Gloves & rogue end game gear (gloves)
  100. Mysterious Bauble nerf incoming, too?
  101. Spell Damage Math!
  102. Assassination in the combat log
  103. Your best "oops" moment
  104. DDO is going to the "WOW" way???
  105. Please Help
  106. New quickbar layout idea for hirelings.
  107. Do I get xp even if I dont fo?
  108. TR Drow to Dwarf
  109. How do you make a group closed?
  110. Server peaks/locations
  111. First Time Semi-Complicated Reincarnation
  112. Xp/Quest leechers
  113. Returning player TR questions
  114. Ideas For Tweaks to the combat system
  115. Bring Back a couple of items
  116. Server with PST population?
  117. i am wondering about a item?
  118. Aoe
  119. Turbine and the future of the Easy Button
  120. Automatic Dungeon transportation
  121. A New Invasion - Battling Barnzidu
  122. Questions on Upcoming Changes Dwarven Defender
  123. Where is the Epic Token?
  124. Twitching
  125. drow greater reincarnate question
  126. dndlauncher fails ?
  127. How i would fix DPS/meleel balance issues
  128. Whats the best quest to hunt CR7 Earth Eles?
  129. help my noble cause. or laugh at it
  130. Acquiriing a Greater Heart of Wood
  131. My big problem with DDO
  132. shroud advice
  133. Slow spell doesnt work on undead/constructs?
  134. Sources for Dodge bonuses?
  135. Question about Devotion
  136. New damage record?!?!?
  137. Being judged based on kill tally is wrong.
  138. What are gems for?
  139. Help on useful AC# at various level
  140. Has anyone seen one?
  141. Is There a BAB Cap?
  142. Kills with acid
  143. My first pass a creating a guild
  144. Haste, Haste Speed Boost, and Jorgundal's Collar
  145. Which collectables to sell in AH which to turn in?
  146. How to access attack speed.
  147. Devils assault ?
  148. One Time Quest Chain End Reward Question
  149. Weapons for low strength builds...
  150. How high should UMD be?
  151. Weapons that hurt undead
  152. Casting Grease if front of you everytime you engage in enemy combat.
  153. History of the land and world
  154. Here is my Challange...
  155. armor guard damage
  156. What's a no-death item (beholder fites)?
  157. Is WF Weapon Aptitude fixed in U5?
  158. Hitler found out about the incoming nerf, and man is he mad...
  159. TR and Raid Loot
  160. Temporary vs. Permanent Spell Boosts
  161. True cause of LAG
  162. Tumble: What does it do?
  163. Disruption overrated?
  164. Say it with me people, Neh-go-shi-a-chon
  165. Ideas for tweaking some hireling spell Lists: Clerics
  166. How often does Earthgrab proc?
  167. Auction Prices Question
  168. Double Strike Confusion.
  169. Payment Help
  170. The inspired quarter?
  171. wow just wow
  172. Few questions about Reincarnation
  173. Mailbox and unconfirmed.
  174. What a horrible dissapointment
  175. can i reincarnate a 28 pt. build into 32 pt. ??
  176. Does stats on items stack?
  177. When Fun ends and Math begins!
  178. Question on Kaelth's Touch Trinket
  179. Forum Help
  180. Greater Cold Resistance - what for?
  181. Adamantine vs. Metalline Weapon, Which One's Better?
  182. Devs: Divine Intervention and the Abbot
  183. Orthons
  184. Att: f2p,pp's,and just new peeps
  185. Choosing an alignment
  186. Nightforge item - decisions, decisions
  187. Quick Question
  188. Looking to start fresh...
  189. Wondering about the Potion of Wonder
  190. help with mouselook, please
  191. Questions regarding TR
  192. Question
  193. Repeater Xbows, bugged?
  194. A Quick Question - Total Favor Inside the Game As of This Moment?
  195. Difficulty in Grouping to Enjoy Lower Level Content
  196. Forbidden Text in the MotD
  197. Alignment Question... is it game breaking?
  198. +1 Rep Turbine
  199. TR to Wizard
  200. Be nice to new players - it pays off . . .
  201. Noobs in Sins of Attrition
  202. Trololololo two korthos sets.
  203. Question about Diplomacy
  204. How Do You Wipe In A Korthos Quest?
  205. TRing and quest completions
  206. How is DR calculated? And you have to face the opponent to get the bonus?
  207. LR Plan
  208. completionist and help getting there
  209. How Much DD/OL Do I Need?
  210. UMD Calculations
  211. rudeness, unsportsmanship, verbal abuse, mistreatment of children
  212. Temporary upgrade to VIP
  213. Shin Kicks
  214. What D&D class are you irl ?
  215. Does Slayer Ammo Work On...
  216. Randomly Generated Weapons vs. Green Steel Weapons
  217. need help plz
  218. Greater Incarnation question
  219. Adventure Packs by Popularity
  220. water is wet and
  221. 4-Man Titan Raid
  222. Things I'd Like To See/Changed In DDO
  223. Stuck & cant get into VoN?
  224. So I'm kinda sorta actually ****ed.
  225. Lesser/Greater Reincarnate & Tomes
  226. Things that make you wanna cry!
  227. Shields: Improved Crit/Weapon Focus/Specialization?
  228. Litany of dead and Tome page drops
  229. Repair Blue Dragonplate armor...
  230. Stunning Handwraps Mod 5
  231. Log on/Major Lag Bug
  232. drop rate of named items
  233. Cant sneak or invis properly while lagging...
  234. LR & Multiclassing
  235. Range Attacking - How much dex?
  236. Spot
  237. Top Six most annoying Classes
  238. Your Character!
  239. MUST I dual wield with a weapon in each hand?
  240. One more SHROUD rant!
  241. Hireling Folders
  242. Movement stack
  243. Very odd bugs in Shroud and TOD
  244. Transfer of War Trophies (and other BTA stuff) without a shared bank acc. possible?
  245. Convincing a friend to play DDO, a video presentation
  246. Stormreaver was so grateful yesterday
  247. Question about switching ranged weapons
  248. Why am I constantly getting "defiance" on me?
  249. Stacking DR?
  250. Hireling/Lag glitch