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  1. How the trade mechanic works? Can you get scammed?
  2. Cloudburst how to
  3. Cursed Crypt (mini rant)
  4. Item +'s in Description UI
  5. Human Improved recovery II vs Armor Mastery III
  6. Returning Player question - plz reply
  7. Avoiding Negative Levels
  8. True Reincarnation armor question
  9. Is is really so very hard to wait for a full group before entering a dungeon???
  10. character nameing
  11. To Bluff, Diplo, or Intimidate
  12. "Funny" icy run story
  13. Confused Help Plz
  14. TR and raid completions
  15. difficulty level scaling issue
  16. Login server down?
  17. Do Smiters Work On Portals?
  18. What does last lever in followcrest library do?
  19. How do YOU rank among your peers?
  20. Connection Failed - Server Full - Sarlona
  21. Questions about Bluff
  22. 32point build and true reincarnation
  23. Hate ...
  24. Level cap going to be increase?
  25. how many past life feats possible
  26. DM's need a Combat Log/"I have to know you're capable of killing him."
  27. Free To Play Cannot Report Griefing? Why Not?
  28. Super Immunities
  29. Duergar supercrit
  30. Rapiers
  31. Key mapping link?
  32. I love pugging at low levels now!
  33. My Ranged DPS Calculations
  34. ? about the test server
  35. in-game pranks
  36. Stat damage weapons: Where, when, which?
  37. Bring heals.
  38. Dungeon/Raid solo question
  39. help
  40. Completionist
  41. Mr Wizards Video Vault
  42. Stuck between which dwaven X to use =(
  43. Is it possible...
  44. Drow rogue question
  45. level 8 char stuck on starter air ship
  46. Do you often move your char to avoid auto logging?
  47. Can someone give me some game play tips?
  48. OLDBUG: CREATURES moving when blind and "frozen" in place
  49. for mage - how do i reduce casting timer?
  50. Need help with reincarnating my character please.
  51. Differences between how groups cope
  52. Best plan for leveling...
  53. GR+1 Questions, really could use some help.
  54. Question on Marilith Chain DR
  55. Web and str stat dmg for solo wiz/fighter
  56. Heart btC or btA?
  57. Debuff and Offensive magic combos
  58. Newb with a leveling query
  59. Unraveling Enchantments
  60. LR qualifying for Completionist?
  61. What is the maximum cap for gold/plat?
  62. Bard and Rogue past life feats not working.
  63. animated die rolls
  64. Need Help To Calculate My DPS
  65. Symbles by names
  66. TWF and dual weilding Kopesh
  67. what cost/gain to lesser?
  68. Plus Stats
  69. - 80% xp penality arrived late
  70. Quick tome question
  71. coins exchange?
  72. Quest for +4 Tomes
  73. what server are the most population?
  74. Ninja Set stacks?
  75. Under geared and no platinum. Need advice please!
  76. Mobs that stun, what can I do?
  77. Quick TR confirmation.
  78. help plz
  79. DO you keep the new bank tab when you TR
  80. Yak Cast 24 “MMO for her Pleasure”
  81. Life After DDO Death--What to Expect
  82. XP per level by Reincarnation #
  83. Where to find Portable Hole?
  84. Pugs: Its all about the Star.
  85. Character Death Glitch??
  86. Favor and TR
  87. Rouge Hirelings
  88. Removing Buffs, how?
  89. How often mobs drop collectables?
  90. what is the highest level mass cure/heal scroll or wand you can buy?
  91. Waepons with "Vicious" enhancement on it
  92. Best greensteel for TR completionist
  93. 28 pt to TR
  94. Will these computer specs be able to handle high settings?
  95. dual clienting ?s
  96. Unable to Swap for ITWF
  97. Imagine if you will... Just humor me!
  98. How do you get a drow scorpion pet?
  99. Need help with Reincarnation
  100. General play strategy and technique: what makes a great player?
  101. How long are items/money allowed to sit in the mailbox?
  102. Char build advice
  103. Freeloaders- Meh!
  104. Caster Levels for Multi-Class characters
  105. Adding Alts to Guild
  106. A little mystery.
  107. Weird Character actions...bug
  108. Plat farmers sending out free money now?
  109. Improved recovery stacking question.
  110. Can't cancel the Threnal quest line midway?
  111. TR /4th bank slot questions
  112. dragons
  113. quick question
  114. what exactly effects blade barrier
  115. Improved critical + keen stacking?
  116. Can I Change My Character's Last Name With Reincarnation?
  117. THF Range: Greataxe = Maul > Quaterstaff > Falchion = Greatclub, race doesn't matter
  118. Weapon Finese Feat
  119. Gear Question
  120. THF - how much I'm missing?
  121. Georgia players!
  122. Raid Loot Suggestion
  123. What Happens To My Money?
  124. What's happening ?
  125. Languages other than English are not permitted in general chat???
  126. There needs to be a way to drop a player
  127. Will Saves - how much should the base number be by mid to end game?
  128. Vorpal Returning Axe
  129. Will Saves - how much should the base number be by mid to end game?
  130. 20th dq and I am nervous
  131. Ritual Rant
  132. what should i true res into?
  133. Newbie question
  134. The Auction house stole my money.
  135. Comparisons are Odious
  136. how many reincanations will this take...
  137. Swapping Toughness feats
  138. Concentration, a skill with many uses in PnP..
  139. Eladrin's Leaks
  140. Tendon Slice Not Working?
  141. .oO TR QUESTIONS Oo.
  142. Ways to Reincarnate without spending TP?
  143. Von6 - Backwards dragon (bug)
  144. WHere do I buy TR wood?
  145. BAB why is it x/x/x/x?
  146. What's my Attack Bonus?
  147. Flesh Renders, Fire Reavers, and Ice Flensers...where to find?
  148. Hidden past life affects? W....T.....F?
  149. CloudKill still has insta-death?
  150. Titan Advice
  151. Best DPS weapon for epic von 6?
  152. TR'ing Soon. Need Advice
  153. Attack sequence bonus for critical confirmation?
  154. Noobie Question...
  155. Letting turbine launcher run
  156. AH when servers r down
  157. U5 Release notes where?
  158. Any1 else not able to access the game?
  159. Question about tomes
  160. When to ditch Anger's Wrath?
  161. Bastard Swords Mod 5
  162. To Buff or Not to Buff
  163. Questions: disease and blinding flash
  164. Paladin Question
  165. TR Storage confusion
  166. Help with e
  167. hidden past life affects?
  168. DDO Machinima: A call to CAST!
  169. Diplo, chests and rewards
  170. Can i reincarnate from 28pt to 32?
  171. Good place to get paper guide?
  172. Help with fire resist
  173. Ataraxia haven:rare encounters
  174. Sneak Attack on Glancing Blows
  175. Newb Myths
  176. Does Bloodstone and Assassin stack?
  177. TR question
  178. Bank Confusion?
  179. DDO Catalog, Rebirth
  180. TR at 20?
  181. The Valenar (maybe Aereni too) fashion
  182. Freedom of Movement
  183. http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=234
  184. Are Carcass Eaters undead or animals?
  185. Server Opinions?
  186. Best 2HW & Glancing Blows Help
  187. Increasing AC
  188. Don't pull a Leeroy Jenkins mmkay
  189. Various Stats on Various Raid Bosses
  190. Initiate of Faith
  191. Silver Flame and the Emerald Claw Question
  192. Buff me baby : buffing protocols and principles
  193. Quick stacking question: DR
  194. Velah's dispelling breath?
  195. What level should I expect to unlock favor rewards?
  196. Ring of Invisibility
  197. Reincarnation guide for first timers
  198. Half orc problem
  199. A good lvling guide for a Tr?
  200. List of house buffs?
  201. Your connection with the chat server has been lost
  202. Quick TR Question
  203. Is there a "standard" way to outfit a toon with gear ??
  204. Spell Points Mysteriously Vanish... Lag?
  205. Is a Lightning II GS weapon better then a monster specific weapon?
  206. Is spearblock broken
  207. Where to find level 3 arcane scrolls to scribe?
  208. Focus, Lore, Spell pen.?
  209. help with re-incarnation
  210. see the armor
  211. DDO vs Other MMO's
  212. Negative energy spells?
  213. Meaningful Difference between Rapier & Scimitar?
  214. Amping Healing Dragonmarks?
  215. Fortification Items
  216. Gear baseline for Melee
  217. does anyone know what day?
  218. Need reincarnation help
  219. Guide to Gambling Odds
  220. A letter to the powers that be...
  221. WoW vs. DDO
  222. Mailing a bag
  223. Axiomatic Damage
  224. The drop system makes no sense
  225. Combat log recorder.
  226. TR and past life flashbacks
  227. Questions about Reincanation.
  228. Dragon Shards
  229. Question about Sinvala
  230. blue leveling
  231. Looking for Top DPS Build Thread
  232. Overrun madness...
  233. tod gear sets
  234. Uber-Noob Question: Casting Blade Barrier
  235. Why not str bonus races
  236. What would be the optimal group
  237. Stunning Fist and weighted fix.
  238. Summoned creatures -- lawful vs chaotic
  239. The 'General Information' Thread
  240. Question about saves
  241. The Devourer of Dreams...grrrrr
  242. TR & Veteran Status
  243. DDO DPS Calculator?
  244. Intimidate thresholds
  245. Epic AC Tank, possible or waste?
  246. First timers on Vault of Night raid
  247. anybody else having issues login?
  248. Unable to connect to World Queue. Please try again. =
  249. Can't connect to the Thelanis Server
  250. just out of curiosity