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  1. Crafting feat
  2. PSA/Spoiler: Crafting Recipe data
  3. Crafting Flaws - Item Crunching...
  4. What is a good partner weapon with Min 2?
  5. Crafting XP: All on one char, or divide it up?
  6. Craft guide?
  7. Differentiate Prefix and Suffix visually
  8. So we can have weapons of moderate fort now...
  9. Verified T3 Greensteel for U9
  10. Essence Yields by Level
  11. Crafting show and tell
  12. +4 Holy Silver of Evil Outsider Bane
  13. crafting minimum level tweak or bug?
  14. u9 rocksplitters
  15. slight question: crafting holy
  16. Fixing the Crafting system
  17. Some more crafting suggestions
  18. Shard: Reinforced Plating
  19. Crafting tiers / feats
  20. Suggestion : Essence boost for higher crafting skills
  21. U9 Crafting: Positive Feedback
  22. TR keeps crafting experience
  23. Is Crafting in DDO currently viable
  24. What to do with " irrevocably' broke Min II's?
  25. Red Dragon Armor
  26. Crafting - Tells me I already added a Suffix when trying to add a prefix - bug?
  27. An idea for Shard onto Items recepies
  28. Superior Devotion.
  29. QUestion on General Crafting Failure
  30. wounding of punc kopesh not possible
  31. New Crafting. Bound to Account over bound to Character at least.
  32. Pirate or Cowboy style hat.
  33. Crafting an actually useful weapon at low level
  34. fearsome in a shield.. why not ?
  35. Crafting Fix Suggestions
  36. Anyone know where to buy non-magical docents?
  37. Raising the Crafting Cap?
  38. TR and Crafting level reset?
  39. Crafting XP and Lesser/Greater Reincarnation
  40. Quick Question
  41. Special materials + guild slots mutually exclusive?
  42. FvS Greensteel Weapon?
  43. A Bug in my Armor
  44. Interesting comparison: Vicous Maul of Ooze Bane Vs. Muckdoom
  45. Some crafting detail
  46. Lesser Vampirism appears broken
  47. Righteousness should be a craft.
  48. Careful with Everbright
  49. Chain Lightning is actually good for something!
  50. Crafting 1st ever Green Steel Items need help!
  51. TRing reset crafting levels?
  52. ETA on Teir III Crafting?
  53. Deconstructing shards...
  54. stone of change / crafted armor
  55. Power shards for trinket crafting?
  56. Crafted metal handwraps bugged?
  57. Handwraps and bludgeoning effects.
  58. Craftable Collectables
  59. Greater Bold Trinket
  60. Trinkets
  61. Misdone a T3 shard of power...
  62. What to do with unwanted Shards.
  63. Crafting something Easy and low level.
  64. Craft for TR and Newbies
  65. I'm an so done with crafting!
  66. Crafted item changes minimum level
  67. New Pack Crafting
  68. Suggestion: Custom Crafted Epic Items
  69. cant craft unbound or even BTA items?
  70. Crafting bug report
  71. PSA: Crafting ML Bug
  72. What would Drizzt do?
  73. Crafting shards onto any item...
  74. Tips for crafting Wizard Gear
  75. Crafting shard descriptions need prefix/suffix indicators
  76. Level addition compared to craft level way off
  77. will they become ML 23?
  78. The 12 ingr. bag
  79. Crafting interface :/
  80. DR bypassing handwraps are near impossible to find
  81. Check it out - crafting
  82. What items accept effcient metamagic shards?
  83. A use for low level shards.......
  84. Devs its time to Upgrade the Augmentations
  85. Dual-Nature Crystal Problems (Shroud)
  86. evil outsider bane or bleeding?
  87. How to craft a weapon for demons/hounds?
  88. What's a good prefix for construct beaters?
  89. DT sov rune smiting?
  90. Vampirism
  91. Min II
  92. 5: The way it was before is how I want it to remain.
  93. 2 enhancments possible?
  94. Caster crafting Vs Crafting foe melees bit unbalanced?
  95. Since it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes
  96. Enchantment level
  97. Crafted items BtC
  98. And There Goes the Carrot...
  99. Made a reinforced plating +3 docent and my AC didnt show
  100. 2h weapon crafting bugged?
  101. WARNING: Old Crafting blanks bugged
  102. Transmutation and Potential, My suggestions..
  103. Have a switch to remove animation from crafting/alters
  104. Issue with Update9.1
  105. Excuse me Turbine?
  106. Crafting: a complete waste?
  107. trying to craft a muckbane replacement
  108. Crafting Planner - anyone writing one yet?
  109. Crafting is NOT a Greensteel or Epic replacement
  110. Crafting ingredients aren't ingredients??
  111. Trinket
  112. I could use some suggestions Wiz/sorc crafted items
  113. No xp for putting shards on weapons?
  114. Unreasonable
  115. How can you deconstruct shards?
  116. Minimum Level Adjustment Gone?
  117. What has been crafted
  118. Saw this earlier, but can't find it now and am wondering what the answer was
  119. Force Rituals
  120. Fragrant Drowshood Farming
  121. Craft lvl requirements
  122. Crafting ?
  123. Craftable trinket from DDO store broken?
  124. Is the current enchantment +X and ML WAI?
  125. First useful thing I've crafted
  126. Crafting Crash?
  127. Questions about Potential shards
  128. Natural Armor Bonus doesn't stack with Armor?
  129. quick question
  130. Help With Green Steel Tier 3
  131. Locations For GS Crafting
  132. Axe me no questions....
  133. Missing Recipes and Minimum Level Problem
  134. Level for crafting Guards.
  135. Stunning for handwraps
  136. Does someone know about red dragon shard?
  137. Best GS Guard Item For Me?
  138. Touch of Madness
  139. How about an "Upgrade effect" shard?
  140. Optimizing Crafting XP
  141. Another crafted wrap bug
  142. i don't get it...
  143. Help on my first Greensteel weapon
  144. Crafting post 9.1 item > +5 return worth it?
  145. General Crafting - making it fun
  146. Displacement clicky: where?
  147. Best metal type for Holy + Outsider Bane weapon?
  148. Best melee DPS after LitII ?
  149. Dodge Bonus shard
  150. Just made Lite Monk Dream Wraps (Sarlona)
  151. Crafting Returning Weapons
  152. +5 Not giving greater returns?
  153. Twilight Shard not allowed on Shields?
  154. shroud doesnt drop any ingredients?
  155. Where can I find...?
  156. Collectibles for Crafting
  157. Best Crafting Items?
  158. Stability shard...
  159. 70 down & 5 to go
  160. Silver, Cold Iron, Byeshk, Regular
  161. No seeker on trinket?
  162. Basic of crafting
  163. Crafting, then Stone of Change.
  164. Crafting on Visbane's Folly
  165. Cannith Crafting UI suggestions
  166. Battered Guardian Shield -- how do you upgrade it?
  167. Strength shard should be applicable to bracers
  168. Ding! 75 Divine (Sarlona)
  169. Why did I wanted a crafting system
  170. Please consider adding Guards to Accessories
  171. Green Steel question...
  172. What prefix for Golem beater?
  173. Crafting past lev75
  174. Does cleansing green steel bind the item?
  175. Top 5 reasons why the Crafting system is doomed and ways to save it….
  176. Can you put Seeker on Boots?
  177. Crafting - character or account bound?
  178. New Crafting Costs
  179. Holy handwrap crafting bug?
  180. Yaycopter, crafting milestones! ...and some thoughts
  181. So How Bugged Are Crafted Handwraps?
  182. Allow Incredible Potential on ToD rings to be reset
  183. Force crit ritual broken on green steel?
  184. Returning throwers?
  185. Crafting idea: essence collector
  186. Non-named, BTA handwraps? Are there any quest that drop them
  187. Can't disjunct my pre-9.1 items
  188. What crafting level needed to put +5 on a weapon?
  189. Shard of potential not working
  190. The secret to crafting returning throwing weapons...
  191. Crafting's Ultimate Result: Live the Dream
  192. Pure Good not applying UMD check & causing ML issue.
  193. Everything you wanted to know about crafting
  194. Reseting Incredible Potential on TOD Rings
  195. +5 Holy GLOB/GCOB or +4 Holy Burst GLOB/GCOB?
  196. Need serious help with greensteel :(
  197. Acid + Good Burst vs. Holy + Acid Burst
  198. Noob crafting questions :)
  199. The ML requirement of crafted items severely limits the value of twink gear
  200. List of non-craftable shards or items
  201. Bracelet Green steel
  202. +4 Holy Flametouched Maul of Undead Bane
  203. Crafting Spreadsheet (New Crafting/House K)
  204. Would like help not gimping my 1st green steel weapon
  205. Crafting XP at Beta's End
  206. Disjunction of Crafted Items,A Warning
  207. How to tell ML on shards?
  208. Green Steel Greataxe - need crafting help
  209. Requested Dev Clarification on crafting stuff
  210. Maximized HP: CON and Fort on same item
  211. Do crafted items count as "random" regarding Risia kits?
  212. Superior Spark V -- anyone else having problems?
  213. Suggestion: Crafting Hall decor
  214. Do you lose crafting levels if you TR?
  215. Specialized weapons
  216. GS Greataxe for DPS Bard
  217. Crafting Mob beaters
  218. Possible to add Shards of Potential to crafted items?
  219. An Official Guide to Cannith Crafting!
  220. Superior Brilliance 5
  221. Greensteel Falchion - Which way to go
  222. Turbine, PLEASE give us batch processing and eliminate the 4 second cooldown to craft
  223. Help with next GS weapon
  224. Crafting shard to open locks
  225. Bound To Unbound When Made Into A Blank?
  226. Unable to add +1 force dmg ritual to fully crafted weapons. WAI?
  227. Smiting Rune?
  228. Lit II, worth considering anyting else on tier except lit blast?
  229. Force dmg/crit on Force Burst of stunning 10 Wraps
  230. Will 10hp stack with 15+20hp on different GS items?
  231. Armor and Cannith Crafting.
  232. tooWhen we TR , we loose the XP crafting or not or not
  233. How many epics have you ran and how many scrolls do you have?
  234. Crafting: Essence Deconstuction rates
  235. Greensteel
  236. So, can I trump the epic sword of shadows now?
  237. Green Steel Shards
  238. Not clear on Essence of Cleansing
  239. Crafting- Item Potential Question
  240. Tier 3 Greensteel
  241. Where do you get Craftable Trinkets?
  242. electrical absorption--craft system
  243. Crystal Cove Hats cannot be bound on Stone of Change?
  244. 2 guards, 2 items
  245. Cannith crafting primary question
  246. skill hammer and <50% base chance, bug or wai?
  247. Crafting Handwraps
  248. Did ML get fixed with the Unbound Shard release?
  249. Non-Epic Fail, how do I make shards of potential?
  250. How to make pre-update items craftable again?