- Broker UI - Please expand
- Bigger size hot bars, inventory other option boxes
- Terrible loud notification beep
- More and more bugs
- lfm issues from the weekend (screenshot included)
- My camera is focus at my feet
- Lost focus orb
- The new light monk's 'Healing Shield' sound is... painful! Please change it!
- chat windows and customization issues
- Some are able to hear me some not
- Please save the state of Social Panel check boxes
- Turbine, you design pros...
- The music for update 16 is all wrong!
- Broken LFM - new bug since update
- Don't know if it is a bug or if I am just lucky
- Bag Search Bar Too Big
- Loud notification effect for completing optional/objective
- Thanks!
- Set experience bar to show Heroic Exp?
- Audio Walk though
- Squelch not working on single character
- For the Eleventy Billionth Time: A Little volume slider popup for each party member.
- Self-Target UI option
- Hotbar Tooltips.
- Window z-ordering
- Can't hear or use mic.
- Item Effects
- Custom UI still work?
- I forget
- Hotbar and left hand Item
- Chat Error Message?
- Improved hotbars
- Are there any ways to change the Size of the Hotbars
- Stupid question (is this in a FAQ somewhere?) - list of inscribed spells ?
- G5 Mouse
- Middle Mouse Button Camera Bug
- DDO cuts out all other sound.
- EAX and Creative Alchemy
- Keybind/mouse UI problems
- Extracting Sounds
- UI Suggestion: More information about the quest in the tooltip
- AS indicator
- Proper Display of Weapon Damage in Inventory Screen
- New Quest Objective Sounds - Two stunted dwarven thumbs up
- Damage fullscreen effects
- Muffled sound while playing DDO
- UI skin recommendations
- *sob* please for the love of...
- about the music
- Keymapping issue
- chatwindow
- Are there optimal settings to use for voice chat?
- a very specific hotkey combo won't work while running forward
- right mouse button settings defaulting after every restart
- Doublestrike UI
- Whoever makes the music in this game...
- sound does not mute on minimized
- Keymapping Issue
- Odd Sound Problem
- Choose Your Play Style (Current Music from Character Creation)
- Mic jack screwy - Workarounds?
- My Settings go back to default after every log off
- Annoying hum.
- user chat channels
- Using the UI file system
- Problems with individual toons keymapping
- A+ for 3BC music
- Much better voice in 3BC, except...
- Parrot Pet
- Audio Glitch, happening near water
- Rotating small map
- Just to be clear....
- Guild Message of the Day & Line Feeds
- Strange sounds
- How do I
- 5.1 audio issue with HDMI connection
- Custom UI on a Mac?
- Chat Box Background
- Social Panel Updating Issues
- Ambient sounds fade out during combat
- mouselook sensitivity
- Key Mapping Keeps Resetting
- Voice chat coming out of speakers
- How to let DDO keep focus for the microphone when Alt-Tab or changing window focus?
- no sound
- User Preferences
- Game keeps changing my hotbar location
- Effects Frme Please
- I'm back - But can't get back?!
- Does anyone else find music of Eveningstar erotic?
- DDO kills VLC Media Player, how do I prevent this?
- minimap transparency
- Galacei's Action Bar layout
- Installed Windows 7 Ultimate and now game sounds stop working
- HP bar removal - migration
- Disappearing Bars - All of them
- auto-pickup?
- Custom UI ?
- Sound Playback option = none
- Any way to hide/reduce Ship buff Icons?
- Any way to listen to the game music offline?
- is there any new UI skins around?
- Anyone have the most recent art assets?
- Ddo api
- Sounds issue
- Anonymous
- Opaque party names
- Social panel issues
- Gnome Warlock Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- Individual Audio Sliders
- Combat sounds
- Can this text in the shortcut bar be turned off?
- I need music.. ._.
- Specific windows 10 problems solved for keybinds logitech mouse
- How to stop desktop lighitng when game starts ?
- Is there a button combination for anonymous?
- Complete and up to date soundtrack?
- Floating Names Toggle Clears HP Bars and Doesn't Restore Names
- Keymapping.
- Chat window Transparencies and custom colours.
- where to put SKIN for UI in PC and in MAC?
- Zelotes F15 Gaming Mouse extra buttons
- "New" examine button
- Problem with music in new area
- Attack key mapping problem
- switching destiny drops Paladin abilities
- New Headset Blues
- Let's Make Horn of Thunder a Horn!
- Deafening wind in Wheloon
- UI no longer has an External Store choice?
- Sentient Weapon Vocalizations
- One damage number
- Item Comparison Not Showing in 1280x720 Resolution
- Microphone problems
- ddo store
- UI Scaling/modifications
- Anyone have the Arctis 7 headset?
- Looking to bind single hotkey to multiple bars
- Need help to make a On/Off macro
- Sage's Spectacles not working with /gogglesup on
- Is there ever going to be an update to add proper UI scaling?
- Debuffs in normal buff bar
- UI size ratio to screen
- Item Comparison
- UI help stuck on say command
- I need a new version of the SkinDefinition File
- NPC dialog box position - Reset to default?
- Need advice on DM wall of text on screen
- NPCs muffled when I dont face them
- No sound from DDO - have tried all regular fixes
- Great job on the extended character sheet!
- Game freezes but only when full screen
- Magma Fiendling Companion Makes Frequent Abnormally Loud Noises
- Music and Sound Effects for a Tabletop Game
- 64bit client Sound Playback not working
- No Audio
- Hands free mic option not working
- Turn off effects option not working?
- Super Cyan new 2020 UI
- Dear Devs, is there a definition list for the UI skin files?
- Rogue's BlackBird - Modern Update
- Enabling UI Themes within Linux
- Desktop.ini files in Skin packages. Why?
- Saga Progress?
- Double Posts Problems
- GothicBites - DDO's First Magical UI
- Scorched - UI skin
- Camera viewing angle
- Character Mail indicator
- Sound playback devices
- How one UI element ruined my whole build
- Telling if an epic destiny is maxed
- Is it still possible to alter or customize UI elements? /silly question
- Attempting to restore UI functionality
- Remembering dialog locations and active windows
- Prioritizing floating text UI elements
- Layout Field for '! Failed Action Out of Ammo'
- npc dialogue in chat
- Need help with screen settings...
- Bigger Quest Text Font
- Please help with mouse attack issue.
- Sorry, can't do this UI
- 75% loss of FPS in anniversary event issue (everyone is affected)