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  1. First to solo the Abbot
  2. Human sorc 2008 mana
  3. First!
  4. Using the Achievement Forum
  5. Stormcleave!
  6. Euphonia's Challenge.........Beaten!
  7. Soloing Achievements?
  8. Unacceptable
  9. Finally hit 1750 Favor last night!
  10. I'm awesome
  11. On track for an at-work first!
  12. I became more awesome today!
  13. Can we please limit this forum to Actual Acheivements?
  14. First Von6 Velah Raid! Newb Wonderment!
  15. So how about this for braggin rites
  16. Wanna BRAG?
  17. Great guys on Argonnessen
  18. Achievement!
  19. Threnal East, Permadeath completion.
  20. I (unintentionally) sniped my first auction!
  21. Congratz Legion PD!
  22. History of DDO Guild Raiding
  23. Soloed ancient daggers!
  24. Not much of an accomplishment, but ...
  25. My Best pull yet
  26. Personal First
  27. Most tomes eaten!
  28. Silly Pointless Achievements
  29. Um.... I guess this counts for something.
  30. Anything you can do........
  31. 8th level instrument of death
  32. Bringeth thy hate. Ren caps his permatoon
  33. Finals are DONE!!!
  34. 5 min dragon
  35. For the doubters
  36. Saving the party from a total wipe!
  37. All-Ranger Velah kill
  38. Solo Reaver
  39. The Twilight Forge Has Been Cleansed. . .
  40. Quiz: 2 . Reaver: 0 (solo on hard)
  41. I blew a trap box.....
  42. Duo's please post highlights here.
  43. Cabal for One speed runs
  44. 1st Madstone Elite
  45. Crazy Fast Leveling
  46. Just for Fun, Whats your Armor Class?
  47. Disabled the spike trap in Cabal Elite
  48. Hit 2500+ favor
  49. Kill count comedy...
  50. Velah hunt. This time she got mean
  51. Soloed Kobold Assault!!!
  52. ghallanda lowbie NYE run
  53. Reaver Ready
  54. First Vorpal
  55. Hardest quest I've ever done solo. Watch this.
  56. 1 to 14 in 14 days
  57. 4 Minute Elite Titan Pug!
  58. 4 Minute Elite Titan!
  59. cleric
  60. My First W/P Melee!
  61. Not mine my daughters
  62. Elandra reaches 2513 Favor!
  63. Static VI Takes Velah
  64. reaver raid failing
  65. Best Loot Day-Ever
  66. post patch abbot down in japanese server
  67. Trogbot Burninates Reaver - Solo
  68. raids in one day
  69. Official Legion Bard uniform
  70. The deed is done!
  71. Co6 soloed
  72. Kill em all!!
  73. Reaver puzzle solving
  74. Riott's Last Raid...
  75. Best damage with a bow on my lowbie
  76. Mortals make ten
  77. 2495 x 5
  78. What is your highest AC (buffed or unbuffed)?
  79. Congrats to Wicked! first level 16!
  80. First to 16 - Thelanis
  81. Level Capped 16!
  82. Running with the Devils - 8 min run!
  83. Things we do to save Friends and Guildies
  84. Pug group just finishes part 3 of raid
  85. Legion Beats the Raid
  86. Khyber Pug Beats New Raid!
  87. The Shroud Raidzone completed on Khyber
  88. A little birdie told me
  89. RAID beaten!
  90. Shroud takin down...record time so far?
  91. The Shroud is Ours!
  92. New Raid Down On Argo!!!!
  93. Sympathetic Visage takes down Arraetrikos on Sarlona!
  94. Blacklist Downs the Shroud on Hard
  95. United takes down THE SHROUD
  96. The Shroud goes down on Argo
  97. no pendant of time on any of my toons after a year
  98. Developers Achievements
  99. Wicked Rebellion & Friends take down the Shroud
  100. Abbot dies on Sarlona!!! 2/10/08
  101. just though u should know...
  102. The Shroud ELITE - CR38 Pit Fiend destroyed!
  103. i feel like the luckiest person in all of DDO
  104. Argo's Bloodlords Beat Shroud on Hard
  105. shout out to my friends who joined the lfm
  106. Mythical Survives The Shroud
  107. Mythical would like to direct your attention...
  108. longest pit run ever?
  109. Halfling Wizard solos reaver
  110. Marauder Grows Up
  111. Win For ME
  112. Soloed PoP Rooms and End fight (sorta)
  113. pit fiend down on hard
  114. Khyber takes down The Shroud
  115. Twilight Forge Solo'd
  116. All Cleric Group Downs the Titan!
  117. Clerics of Dol Dorn & The Slayers
  118. Most Deaths in Shroud Part 5!!!!
  119. Gary Gygax the ultimate achiever
  120. Made it to Meridia
  121. Devil invasion down on elite...
  122. hmmm achievments?
  123. incredible loot day
  124. YAY!!!!...I mean um..hey...I mean oh carp!
  125. Shorter than a Seinfeld Episode
  126. Funny, My Wife Doesn't Understand Either
  127. NSR Elite Shroud Completion
  128. 11 Ranger 1 Bard Shroud 1-5 Completamed!
  129. Hangovers crazy idea!
  130. Shroud 1-5 Last night
  131. Soloing PoP
  132. Solo-Only
  133. 20th run completed (finally)
  134. Rogue tanks Pit Fiend with 200 hit points
  135. Battlecleric soloing giant hold tor
  136. Video of cleric soloing part1 gianthold tor
  137. Dancing on the Titan's head
  138. Sublime Permadeath Guild defeats Sor'Jek
  139. 11 months of crawling....
  140. Pit Fiend the Way It's Meant to Be
  141. Thank you, to the Loot Gods of Turbine!
  142. The Pit on Elite
  143. How good is this Returning Axe?
  144. Quickest Reaver Puzzle Completion
  145. Shroud Completion - One Cleric Run
  146. 5 man Shroud 1-3
  147. 2500 Club
  148. Video - Shroud Part V
  149. Max charisma and almost strength scores
  150. /self pat on back....because i need it...lol.
  151. So there I was, in the shroud, now the new King of Stormreach
  152. Warforged Duo
  153. Yay for the newbs :D
  154. 6 Minute Velah Elite
  155. Max AC...For my Micro Intimitank
  156. 80 haggle =D
  157. Really Good DPS
  158. Looted my first W/P weapon...
  159. When squishy met Harry
  160. Solo Cleric "The Shroud"
  161. 81 haggle achieved
  162. Who will win the race to the subterranean?
  163. The Abbot is ours...again!!
  164. Crazy Men on Thelanis
  165. Hound Down !
  166. Great Night!
  167. Its official, we won.
  168. Suulomades is Down !
  169. Congrats to Thelanis
  170. PUG made it!! On the first try for everyone
  171. Popped Suulomades on 3rd Attempt
  172. Fastest EVER Suulomades run
  173. Hound Defeated.
  174. Bloodlords Defeat Suulomade
  175. Thelanis takes down Xy'zzy on Hard
  176. Suulomades Hard - who will be first?
  177. Cake Turns Sweet 16!!
  178. Going Tier 3 tonight
  179. Elite hound done in 19 mins
  180. Not Sure if this has been done yet
  181. has anyone completed the devil raid on elite yet?
  182. Vision of Destruction Elite
  183. 4 Men Shroud Completion :D
  184. 92 Tumble
  185. 1st Lvl 17 in game
  186. Flex Time!
  187. Coto, permadeath knight dies at 12
  188. Cabal Elite with multiclassed Rogue
  189. Quick Shout Out!
  190. Another Shout Out!
  191. Highest Repair Bill
  192. Shroud Speed Runs
  193. Elite Vision Shout Out!
  194. The Dirty Dozen
  195. Elite Hound and Vision times
  196. 4 man hound complete
  197. Grumples Breaks the Level Cap!
  198. Sublime Permadeath Completes VON 1-4
  199. WW part 4
  200. Super Lucky STK run
  201. Untwinked Pure Soloist reaches level 6
  202. Asteroids Puzzle Completion
  203. Solo low-kill SC on level
  204. Video of Harry dying in one round
  205. Duel Wielding AC with Picture
  206. Here's an acheivement!!
  207. Finally!
  208. Finally Finished my AC ranger (pic insid)
  209. All Rogue Shroud Completion!
  210. Hound Speed Run
  211. Thelanis VoD Elite Run
  212. Ac
  213. Permadeath players victorious over Shadow Crypt
  214. Permadeath players recover the Xorian Cipher...
  215. Inferno of the Damned run
  216. Solo Clring Shroud
  217. Permadeathers Recover A Relic of a Soverign Past...
  218. A tragic twist on an accomplishment
  219. Time Limits...
  220. I know how to spell and punctuate!
  221. Conquest obtained
  222. Thelanis Casual Guild 6-Man Shroud Completion
  223. Oddlived`s VOD solo completion
  224. 1750 Solo-Only
  225. Solo challenge ACCOMPLISHED
  226. Nearly an epic achievement + Raid courtesy
  227. D.W.A.T. Shroud 5 man
  228. 42min Pug Shroud
  229. My rogues 60th reaver, Macguyver would be proud
  230. Godhood
  231. I pulled it!
  232. All Ranger Pit Fiend Hunt
  233. Single toon accomplishment
  234. ATD 3-Man Shroud on Thelanis
  235. ATD 3-Man Hound of Xoriat on Thelanis
  236. 0 Cleric VoD Elite on Khyber
  237. Forgotten Legion Defeats Von5-6 Naked!
  238. 8th level solo GreyMoon/Co6
  239. Loot Run
  240. Loot Run
  241. I Made My BOW!!!
  242. 20th hound rewards
  243. 2-Man Shroud Completion
  244. 41 runs and counting....
  245. Madborn 4 Man Shroud
  246. Battlecleric/ranger/monk solo's DQ
  247. Lair of Summoning No Longer Dangerous
  248. Can a cleric get further than this? solo vod.
  249. Permadeathers complete Tomb of the Tormented, Shrieking Mines, Gola Fan and Cabal
  250. Here lies Depto. Level 13 permadeath Wizard.