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  1. Too Hot To Handle - Normal Completion
  2. LN Baba duo First attempt
  3. Reaper Wings with no TR Wings
  4. Grim and Barret R8 Solo on Melee Bard (flawless)
  5. LH LHoX Speedrun 3mins 14secs
  6. R2 Old Baba's Hut - Two Man
  7. Grim and Barret R9Solo
  8. Grim and Barett R10 Solo
  9. It's been a long haul but I am now complete
  10. Project Nemesis R1 Lava Divers
  11. Project Nemesis R3 Lava Divers
  12. Coal Chamber @Lynnabel
  13. Duo LN Project Nemesis
  14. 3 Man Hard Project Nemesis
  15. 100 Reaper Points
  16. Solo Tank Killing Time - First Time on Elite
  17. 202 Strength
  18. Twilight Forge Solo
  19. Solo tank kt (up top) on r1
  20. Grim and Barett R10 Solo Bard
  21. first Mini Achievement
  22. Slavers Pt1 R10 Melee Duo
  23. TOEE Pt2 R10 Melee duo
  24. Ascendance runs
  25. Project Nemesis - Solo
  26. Solo LN DoJ
  27. Cleric LN RSO Solo
  28. 2 Man Hard Project Nemesis
  29. Reaper 7 Project Nemesis - Helter Skelter
  30. R4 Vault of Night - Duo - Heroic
  31. Is this enough?
  32. Amber won't see me coming
  33. Coitfluff and The Slow Road Back.
  34. 180 Reaper Points!
  35. Well, it was a fairly good year.
  36. Best Laid Plans Solo Assassin R10
  37. R10 Grim
  38. R5 Project Nemesis Completion- Lava Divers
  39. The Wilderness Only No Favor Challenge
  40. 2 Man LN Project Nemesis
  41. Lava Divers R10 Shroud -- World First!
  42. 2 Man R1 Defiler of Just
  43. 2 Man LN Curse of Strahd
  44. GG Tempest
  45. Lava Divers R2 Too Hot To Handle -- World First
  46. Lava Divers 3-man R1 PN
  47. Lava Divers R6 Project Nemesis
  48. 189 Reaper points
  49. Lava Divers R10 Temple of Deathwyrm - World First
  50. Lava Divers R10 Mark Of Death - World First
  51. Lava Divers R10 Fire on Thunder Peaks - World First
  52. Lava Divers R8 Project Nemesis -- World First!
  53. 5 Man R1 Curse of Strahd
  54. Lava Divers 11 man R6 KT
  55. R10 Heroic Crucible
  56. Full triple completion at last !
  57. It is done
  58. Super Saiyan Power level 376k (final form)
  59. Reaper Legendary raids
  60. Lava Divers R1 Legendary Lord of Blades
  61. Lava Divers R4 Legendary Lord of Blades World First
  62. Lava Divers R8 Riding the Storm Out - World First
  63. Lava Divers R10 Riding the Storm Out -- World First
  64. Solo Baba
  65. UCA First ever R9 Amber Temple
  66. World First duo LMA norm with Grim and Unsinful 6/23/20
  67. World First duo LVoD Norm - Grim and Unsinful 6/23/20
  68. LN Legendary LoB Duo (No Tank)
  69. Lava Divers R8 Killing Time -- World First
  70. Lava Divers R10 Defiler of the Just -- World First
  71. Lava Divers R10 Legendary HoX -- For screenshots cuz we forgot last time
  72. Lava Divers R10 Baba's Hut - World First post reaper changes
  73. An attempt was made. HE HC Shroud Duo
  74. Lava Divers R10 Strahd -- World First Post Reaper Changes
  75. World first legendary reaper raid (hardcore)
  76. First Heroic Shroud (Elite) on Hardcore
  77. 1st TimeEver BABA R8 on Cannith (Highest Completion till now) - 07Aug2020
  78. Lava Divers R10 Project Nemesis -- World First
  79. Caught in the Web Solo - Hardcore S3
  80. Cbt r6 kt
  81. "Unnamed Argo Group" R10 PN
  82. BABA R10 - Cannith
  83. Solo Project Nemesis Hard w/ Dual Box
  84. R2 Too Hot to Handle 10 Man (Ascendance)
  85. R10 Project Nemesis - Renowned
  86. R3 Too Hot to Handle 9 Man (Ascendance)
  87. R10 SOLO - Reach for the sky! (Memento)
  88. R10 Solo - Roll Call -(Memento)
  89. World First Duo R2 Strahd - Grim & Earthstarr
  90. 100 Baba completions in 1 life
  91. Fall of Truth, Solo EE Melee
  92. Grand completionist
  93. finally. FINALLY....
  94. Legendary VoD World first Renowned and friends
  95. Legendary VOD R3 Completion
  96. Legendary LoB R1 World first Renowned and friends
  97. Legendary Lord of Blades R3 Completion
  98. Legendary MA R1 World first Renowned and friends
  99. Legendary Master Artificer R3 Completion
  100. World First Duo LH Legendary Lord of Blades - Grim & Unsinful
  101. World first solo ln vod
  102. World first duo lh vod
  103. Lava Divers R4 Vision of Destruction World First
  104. Lava Divers R4 Legendary Lord of Blades World First
  105. Lava Divers R5 Master Artificer World First
  106. World first solo master artificer
  107. Solo Killing Time
  108. World first solo ln lob
  109. Lava Divers R6 Legendary Vision of Destruction
  110. Falconry Unlocked!
  111. R3 Vision of Destruction 6 man
  112. sike r4 vod 6 man Lava Divers
  113. Lava Divers R7 Legendary Vision of Destruction
  114. Lava Divers R8 Legendary Vision of Destruction -- World First
  115. Lava Divers R5 Legendary Lord of Blades World First
  116. Lava Divers R6 Master Artificer Word First
  117. Lava Divers R6 Legendary Lord of Blades World First
  118. Lava Divers R8 Legendary Master Artificer
  119. Sike! Lava Divers R10 Legendary Master Artificer -- World First
  120. R7 Legendary LoB 8 man (Ascendance)
  121. R10 Legendary LoB 9 man (Ascendance)
  122. ET R10 LShroud
  123. Solo Vision of Destruction (Legendary Normal)
  124. ET 3 Man R1 PN
  125. Lava Divers R4 Too Hot To Handle -- World First
  126. 13121 hp
  127. Lava Divers R7 Too Hot To Handle -- World First
  128. Elysium R5 LoB
  129. Lava Divers R10 Too Hot To Handle -- World First
  130. Lava Divers doing what Lava Divers do
  131. 3 Stats over 100, i wonder what class\race i am
  132. R10 Legendary VoD 9.5 man (Ascendance)
  133. R10 Shroud live show
  134. Lava Divers R10 Killing Time -- World First
  135. Orien R5 non-cheesed VoD. Hosted by Alliance of Power
  136. R1 RtSO Solo (Ascendance)
  137. Lava Divers Duo LN THTH -- World First
  138. Lava Divers Dom and Matty Duo R4 Strahd
  139. Et r10 pn
  140. Lava Divers Gisty and Speedy duo R5 Defiler of the Just
  141. Lava Divers Dom and Matty Duo R4 Fire on Thunder Peaks
  142. 2 man r1 VOD, AOP, Orien
  143. Lava Divers Dom and Matty duo R7 Temple of the Deathwyrm
  144. Lava Divers Dom, Gunga, Sno, Ying, Gisty, and Speedy 6 man R10 Strahd
  145. Lava Divers Dom, Jen, Gunga, Gisty, Speedy, and Fakkie 6 man R10 Baba's Hut.
  146. Et r10 LHoX
  147. Lava Divers Dom, Jen, Sno, Gunga, Matty, and Kanra 6 man r5 Legendary VoD
  148. R1 The Dryad and the Demigod Completion on Argo
  149. Lava Divers R4 Legendary Dryad and the Demigod - World First
  150. Lava Divers R6 The Dryad and the Demigod -- World First
  151. 2 Man R4 Baba Hut
  152. Lava Divers Dom and Matty duo R8 Fire on Thunder Peak
  153. Lava Diver Matty Solos The Dryad and the Demigod
  154. nUber Duos The Dryad and the Demigod
  155. The Dryad and The Demigod LH solo
  156. nUber 8 mans The Dryad and the Demigod on R1 with help from fiends
  157. Solo Vision of Destruction (Legendary Hard)
  158. Lava Divers 7 man R4 Dryad and the Demigod
  159. Lava Divers R8 The Dryad and the Demigod -- World First
  160. Lava Divers R10 The Dryad and the Demigouda -- World First Acheesement
  161. Dryad and DemiGod- And the Bard won!
  162. First Lifers Shortman Legendary Vision of Destruction (Normal)
  163. ET R10 Dryad and the Demigod
  164. Lava Divers 7 man R7 Killing Time
  165. Server First! Multi guild short man R4 Dryad and the Demigod
  166. ET R10 ToDW
  167. Lava Divers 8 man R5 Dryad and the Demigod
  168. ET R10 FoTP
  169. Uber-Completionist Title?
  170. flawless solo r10 best laid plans on warlock
  171. Lava Divers at level R10 Tower Of Despair world first
  172. Lava Divers at level R10 Heroic Vision of Destruction World First
  173. World First: Reaper 8 The Dryad and the Demigod (No Cheese) - Argonnessen
  174. The greatest Waterworks run ever.
  175. Reaper 8 "The Dryad and the Demigod" - Cleaned Up Version - Argonnessen
  176. Lava Divers R9 The Dryad and the Demigod -- World First - Cheese Free
  177. Lava Divers R10 The Dryad and the Demigod -- World First - Cheese Free
  178. Double Completion Evening Special: Reaper 10 The Dryad and the Demigod - Argo
  179. Ranger Shroud R3
  180. R10 Fun with Friends
  181. 3man R5 RtSO
  182. Toxic Treatment r10 flawless solo
  183. Only taken 9 years or so but...
  184. First Ever Reaper Wings on Hardcore
  185. 2 man KT r2
  186. 3-man LH Too Hot To Handle
  187. A Very Grim Disturbance
  188. 3-Man LE Too Hot To Handle
  189. ZiirSmash Twitch Affiliate
  190. Post U50 - R10 Energy Burst
  191. Hobs raid solos
  192. Epicsoul's Solo R10 LTS
  193. Lava Divers R8 Vision of Destruction -- First Raid Push Post U50 -- Low-Fat Cheese
  194. Lava Divers R7 Lord of Blades -- World's First Post U50 Completion
  195. Argo - R8 Lord of Blades
  196. ET R7 Strahd
  197. Lava Divers R10 Lord of Blades - World First Post U50, Gouda Free Completion!
  198. R10 Lord of Blades - Argo
  199. Are you serious?
  200. R6 The Dryad and the Demigod - Post U51 Ghallanda
  201. Solo R10 Windmill. Perfect stealth. Speed run, no deaths, misadventure kills only.
  202. Synergia r4 vod 2 man
  203. Synergia r7 vod 5 man
  204. GLand CBT r10 solos
  205. 50 MILLION RxP
  206. Solo Too Hot to Handle
  207. Snowpeaks Climb: How fast can you go?
  208. Lava Divers World's First R10 Hunt or Be Hunted
  209. No Refunds Heroic Reaper, Min Kill, Perfect Stealth
  210. House of Pain, Min Kill (+3 Reapers), Non-perfect Stealth
  211. Under the Cover of Darkness, Min Kill, ?Perfect Stealth?
  212. More adventures in Stealth Minimalism - HeroicFinding Doris, Perfect Run
  213. R10 Hunt or be Hunted completion - Argo
  214. LN Solo Legendary Vision of Destruction
  215. Solo ToEE part 2 R5
  216. Solo ToEE part 2 R5... as Wizard this time
  217. Skeletons in the Closet duo
  218. 27 Lord of Blades Stacks
  219. Flawless R10 ToEE Part 2 Solo
  220. Skeletons in the Closet Reaper 6 - Argo
  221. Normal Skeleton solo Barbarian
  222. Flawless Too Hot To Handle Solo
  223. Lava Divers Too Hot To Handle LH Duo flawless World First
  224. Skeletons in the Closet R8 Completion - Argo
  225. Project Nemesis Elite Solo Lava Divers
  226. Skeletons In The Closet LH Solo Lava Divers
  227. Lava Divers - R1 PN Duo
  228. Solo Killing Time and Others
  229. Hard Killing Time Solo
  230. Solo R1 Old Baba's Hut
  231. 2 man R10 Mark of Death
  232. 4 man R10 Legendary Shroud
  233. Solo Hard Skeletons in the Closet
  234. 2 man R10 Mark of Death
  235. 2 man R10 Temple of Deathwyrm
  236. Speedrunning
  237. 7500 Favor / +8 Tome
  238. 4 Man R10 Baba
  239. Skeletons In The Closet R1 Duo Lava Divers
  240. Solo R4 Defiler of the Just
  241. 2 man R5 Curse of Strahd
  242. R10 Killing Time - Argo
  243. 2 man r6 Curse of Strahd
  244. 4 man R10 Curse of Strahd
  245. Hard Dryad (Melee Solo w/ Optionals)
  246. Lava Divers - World First r10 Skeletons in the Closet
  247. Anniversary Event [2023 Edition] Speedrun
  248. Assault On the Aerie of the Slave Lords r10 duo
  249. Lava Divers - 2-man r4 PN - Cammy & Courtney
  250. r10 Duo Speed-run Challenge