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  1. Gear for mid level sorcerer
  2. Farwind: An Air savant Endgame EE DPS Build
  3. Water savant
  4. Sorc best savvy?
  5. Mech's Shiradi Sorc thread
  6. Update 18 Shiradi Sorc. Does Everything Build
  7. Sorcerer looking for a new build
  8. How is my water sav build?
  9. Making a Sorcerer
  10. Conjuration vs Evocation
  11. Shiradi sorc best wepon
  12. Specific Help Needed with SP Calculations Between 20 Sorc and 18/2 with Paladin.
  13. Tukaw Reborn under The Lord of Blades tutelage
  14. Air savant sorcerer help
  15. What are some good multiclass sorcerer options?
  16. Will Sorcs be gimp after the enhancement update?
  17. Sorcerous Arcane Archer
  18. Sorry kinda new
  19. Flesh Sorc options for healing(non-scroll)
  20. LF> 28 point Human Air Savant Build
  21. This Update Gimped Shiradi Sorcerers
  22. Why no Earth end-game?
  23. U19 shiradi WF sorc build primer - more powerfuller than ever
  24. 14 sorc 4arti 2pally
  25. Sorcerer Spell choices
  26. U19 Shiradi Sorc - The Good, the bad, and the OMFG!!
  27. Need Help LRing my sorc to the new enhacement sistem
  28. Looking for a WF sorc if they're still viable
  29. I can't select the air savant tree?
  30. Drow Sorc 18 / 2 Monk Splash
  31. if i had this character, I would [INSERT ADVCIE HERE]
  32. Post 19 WF Sorc Spellcraft/Repair and Use Magic Device
  33. savant resist penalties
  34. Max Spell Power?
  35. sorc feat/multiclass options
  36. Sorc/rogue solo build
  37. Sorc Elemental Form???
  38. Advice on my lvl 16 sorc
  39. Help with Sorc Spells please
  40. Shiradi Sorc and FVS Tier 4 Intense Faith
  41. Fire savant's frireball SLA works differently than normal fb
  42. Tring into a Sorc. My first time, would like some help/tips
  43. Savant Comparison Question
  44. Last life sorc
  45. Is Fire-Earth a good option for currently?
  46. The Spam-Machine, made in Germany 14 Sorc / 4 FvS / 2 Paladin
  47. Water savant viable as a leveling build?
  48. FYI: Big Hint as to identity of next Sorc Prestige from Feather_of_Sun
  49. Dragonmark of Storm in Shiradi bugged
  50. returning - what to do with my WF earth savant
  51. looking for a Pure sorc build
  52. Burning hands and Acid Spray SLA cooldowns not reduced by enhancements
  53. 14/4/2 WF Shiradi Caster...input requested.
  54. Toaster of Vengeance
  55. Nothing but SAVE!
  56. Advice for second-life sorcerer who's insane enough to want to trap as well
  57. 28 Pt Human Sorcerer question
  58. Sorcerer splash?
  59. Purple Dragon Eldritch Knight Sorcerer
  60. What Epic Destinies?
  61. Need input on secondary savant
  62. You can now post Pictures in The Sorcerer Forums!!
  63. 15 Sorc 4 Pal 1 Fig WF Sorc Smash n Bash
  64. 16 Sorcerer/2 Paladin/2 Monk confusion!
  65. Bladeforged Eldritch Knight Sorcerer/Paladin
  66. 1 Morninglord Cleric/14 Sorcerer Eldritch Knight
  67. Looking for tips on my 18Sorc/2Rog build please!
  68. Bladeforged Paladin question
  69. Fanning the Flames/Just Reward issue
  70. Is Sorcerer Capstone worth taking? or is 2 Paladin levels better?
  71. What can a Sorc do to debuff reflex saves?
  72. Whats better? DI: Earth(T5)+Ice(T4) or Shiradi: Air(T5)+Fire(T4)
  73. 36 Build PvP Master Sorcerer Paladin Rogue Bladeforged 16/2/2
  74. Past life
  75. Sorcerer best build dps
  76. EK Build that works and is raid worthy
  77. Looking for: Sorc build ideas to get a heroic past life
  78. Best Polar Ray damage?
  79. Requesting Build Advice/Posts for a 3rd life Sorcerer
  80. Spell power by level?
  81. 36 point WF Sorc build help
  82. Confused about obtaining Shiradi ED
  83. Sorc heroic lives options
  84. Air Savant Sorcerer questions
  85. TR to WF Sorc
  86. Robe Choices
  87. 5 year absence... I have some questions
  88. Concentration ?
  89. Required Evoc DC for EE?
  90. Gear options for wf ek 12 sorc / 6 monk / 2 pally
  91. Getting freaky with PDK
  92. Ice Sorc Dillema - 200 SP/1% Crit VS 1 Evoc DC
  93. Master of Storms
  94. Caster levels - Useful max.
  95. Ice Evoc Sorc - Max Crit %
  96. Sorcerer of the Brine
  97. The Kamikaze - Helf 18 sorcerer 2 monk
  98. Hellball
  99. Ruin
  100. Meteor Swarm Buged
  101. Sorc cant change to water sav
  102. ICE vs FIRE vs AIR vs ACID - Evoc Sorc
  103. Firestorm - Shiradi Glass Cannon
  104. Pure Sorcerer EK build
  105. PDK eldritch airforce
  106. Good leveling Docents?
  107. sorc build
  108. building my first sorc
  109. Returning Player - Basic HEROIC Sorcerer for Levels 16-20
  110. Shiradi testing with statistics
  111. Pure sorcerer max cha, max evo dc
  112. Starting new sorc at lvl 7 - need advice
  113. Sorc/FVS/Paladin vs. Sorc/FVS/Monk
  114. Basic playstyle for a sorcerer?
  115. Returning Mr. Cow Disciple- Pure Sorc Help
  116. Need Sorcerer Advice
  117. Starter Sorc Playstyle videos
  118. Sorcer Water/Cold savant ! let's discuss !
  119. DDO Sorcerers for idiots
  120. Epic tring as sorc
  121. Bladeforged to pure sorcerer?
  122. First ever caster, 18/2 sorc/pal or 16/2/2 sorc,rog,pal?
  123. up to date 28-point human sorcerer build?
  124. Pure 20 sorcerer, max crit chance (air savant)
  125. First Life Air Savant Sorcerer Seeks Advice
  126. Spellcasting Items, Feats, Enhancements, Etc.
  127. Sorcerer Second Life
  128. Looking for opinions on how to improve/change my Ice Savant Sorc.
  129. Something has always bugged me about the spellcsters
  130. Level 16 broken sorcerer
  131. Young Elminster, Avatar of Mystra - A melee / caster hybrid
  132. Value of EVO feats
  133. Lvl 18 Sorc...what next?
  134. why am i weak?
  135. Elemental Form
  136. Sorc18/Pal2 Bladforged build
  137. So how is water savant, nowadays?
  138. Angelic Sorc Necromancer
  139. Sorc Help
  140. Utile: Poor man's end game melee sorcerer
  141. Sorc items end game
  142. The Howitzer, a heavy armor/shield fire savant/defender theorycraft
  143. What is the shelf life on the Fire Savant SLAs?
  144. Bladeforged sorc build Sorc 16 Pal 2 Monk 2
  145. Understanding EK
  146. Warmage Project {Sorcerer tree}
  147. Sorc necro
  148. Total noob queston
  149. spell level questions
  150. Sorcerer guidance
  151. epic past life - arcane alacrity
  152. Sorcer Epic gear thread
  153. Twists for a Sorc
  154. which should I buy I was thinking vip with menace of the underdark? or shadowfell.
  155. need EPIC destiny advice
  156. Horrific Air Elemental Form Animation Work Around
  157. U23: Heavy Angelic Sorc Necromancer
  158. Acoylyte of the Skin [Lost Trees Project]
  159. Sorcerer epic destiny path
  160. Cl and MCL question
  161. Shiradi AOE Air Savant
  162. Newbie questions about spell respec
  163. Any other sorcs just neg level things?
  164. New Sorcerer Build
  165. The resilient toasting toaster
  166. Best TF sorc weapon?
  167. old man looking for pure sorcerer or maybe some rogue but...
  168. Good PL's for sorc?
  169. "Arcanes should use great axes." Really?
  170. What feats should a sorcerer take?
  171. Need a build - Quarterstaff Sorc
  172. 14 sorc/ 4 fvs / 2 pali --> ? (after Divine Grace changes in U24)
  173. SLA improvement bug
  174. Sorcerer - a few questions
  175. Sorcerers and Armor
  176. Just another melee sorcerer
  177. Never played a caster
  178. Fire Savants: Get Ready to Respec Soon
  179. WF Sorc Build for heroics only?
  180. Could use some input on Shiradi Sorcs
  181. shiradi draconic
  182. Test build Spray N Pray
  183. Need Build Ideas for a Sorcerer
  184. Sorc/Exalted Angel Question
  185. Sorcerer Avoiding Traps w/o Rogue Levels?
  186. Looking for sorc build for next past life
  187. Orthosorc-- maybe how we all should build draconic sorcs?
  188. Melee Sorc PL build help
  189. Returning Player, Need Some Help!!
  190. some questions (that I assume are basic) about sorcs
  191. Capstone : Elemental Apotheosis - my gripe
  192. Basic New Player Friendly Sorc Build
  193. Need EE Bladforged Sorcerer...Keep the 1 pally
  194. Quicken for sorcerer?
  195. Trying to figure charisma and spell DC for a sorcerer
  196. Looking for a new fire savant build
  197. Warforged/Bladeforged in elemental form?
  198. {Build Suggestions/Help} Pure Sorcerer Build
  199. Sorcerer Question: EE Viable?
  200. which Savant to go?
  201. Basics: Sorc. Mental Toughness, 1% Crit chance. Worth??
  202. A little input would be awesome!
  203. Build Request: Air Savant Sorcerer
  204. If i want to not worry that much about DC's
  205. If there was ever a heroic level sorc pass, ideally this would happen:
  206. Looking for a BF Sorc with Air and force help?
  207. Looking for an efficient 15-28 Bladeforged Sorc build
  208. Most useless spells?
  209. Eldrich Knight dillema
  210. Looking for Air Savant Advice
  211. Gear for level 16? What and where?
  212. So you want to survive in EE as a sorc? Heavy armor is your answer.
  213. Eldritch Knight Scaling
  214. Does melfs acid arrow stack?
  215. AirForged the last Firebender (BF Sorc 18 2 Pal) U25
  216. So, what does a basic caster gearset look like now in mid to high epic levels?
  217. How would I build a DC-based Sorcerer?
  218. Need Gear Ideas When Casting
  219. New player(VIP) who wants a sorcerer who can handle traps in heroics, tips?
  220. New to game, familiar with WoW mages - got advice on a pure sorceror build for me?
  221. Imagine a Sorcerer Who's Cat is Named Boo !!
  222. Newbie 28 Point Drow Sorc Build
  223. Earth savant needing an advice
  224. Advice for EK/Swashbuckler build
  225. human sorc help
  226. New U29 feats, any good for sorcerer?
  227. Sorc advice
  228. Incantatrix Tree Possible?
  229. Best Way to Make Sorcerer with New Changes...
  230. 'Must have' feats
  231. fire & force sorc/fvs/pali -- 2 or 3 pali?
  232. Asking for advice
  233. Latest on fireball saves in epics?
  234. Quick Question
  235. Sorcerer needs help in epics.
  236. adamantne or nothing?
  237. Sorcerer spell list for epics?
  238. The Fusion Reactor - An Energy Efficient 21st Century Drow Evoker
  239. Looking for a Sorcerer Eldritch Knight build
  240. Eldritch Knight help
  241. The Favored Pyromancer - Fire Savant Sorcerer 16/ FvS 4 Draconic Incarnation
  242. Maelodic's Stupid Fricken Sorcerer Build and Leveling Notes
  243. SORC - Am I doing it wrong?
  244. Earth Grab SLA DC
  245. Nuking
  246. Advices on a WF Shiradi
  247. Endgame fire sorc build-Atom Bomb
  248. 20 Sorc Elf AA / Viable ? ( Spell nuker plus a little bow play )
  249. Enchanter
  250. Is there anyway to salvage my character?