View Full Version : Quests & Challenges
Pages :
- Adventure Pack and Free Quests
- help with misery's peak
- Kobold end fight
- Redemption Quest: Hatch in room of Hayten's room
- Stealer of Souls
- Delera's Tomb with neutral aligned chars
- Quests for level one Barbarians.....
- Soloing?
- Cerulean Hills Rare Encounters
- The Swiped Signet - Thank you for making that quest not suck!
- VoN continuation?
- The skeletal mage in "Sacrifices"
- Truth is in the poison
- Gianthold rare encounter bug??
- Tower of Despair (ToD) Part 2 for casters - kiting tactic and cold engineering
- Irestone inlet change
- Monastery of the Scorpion Red Barriers are gone!!!
- Because I didn't see it in Mod 9 release's patch notes...
- Adventure packs, usage and party
- Titan Raid Open and Question
- Explorer: Three Barrel Cove
- Enter the Kolbold
- Revamping of old quests, f2p especially.
- Jana in Tangleroot Gorge
- Searing Heights - Can't pop Smolder
- XP Bonus for Solo
- Wilderness Quests
- Possible bug with Library Quest...
- Bug with Legend of Two-Toed Tobias?
- dirty laundry quest
- What classes "tank" when you get to higher levels
- Gnarkill The Destroyer of Everything
- Anger's Wrath set
- New Cerulean Hills Quests
- Question about Redwillow's Ruins...
- Orthons in Horoth
- Troubleshooter's Goggles/Necklace
- Enter the Kobold
- Harbormaster/ Gnasher Prison
- A New Invasion
- Wrath of Flame second chest
- Favor vs. Quest Difficulty
- Quests that give Eternal Wands as rewards?
- Which quest package to invest.
- Taming the Flames
- Question about dungeons and Favor??
- Bonus XP for Optionals?
- Dog Taming
- How do I raise this gate?
- Just courious when do harder quest/adventures
- deleras question
- Tomb of the Shadow King - Changed?
- Best Optional XP in the game.
- A New Invasion
- Hitting the wall
- VON 6 bug?
- Gargoyle cave chest in Redwillow's Ruins.
- Problem Searching
- Door in Proof is in the Poison
- Normal, Hard, Elite, Benefits?
- getting to higher levels of difficulty
- Tomb of the Tormented
- Prey on the Hunter - What the @#$%
- Will Spell Absorption help vs. Shadowfiends?
- Proof is in the posoin loot and shrine issues
- Redwillow's Ruins and items
- Please make Korthos (end reward) repeatable...
- *** Turbine!?!?
- Sharn Syndicate: Underlord
- Issue with the "buy now" thing in LFM window
- Clean the Air : Hatchery Eggs
- Question about Tower of Despair
- Locked handle in Dirty Laundry
- Non-Soloable Quests?
- Help with Redemption (Cannith Manufactory)
- Tomes
- Small flaws in quests that should be looked at to be revised
- How can I get another quest reward from Misery Peak?
- Back-up kiter strategy for ToD?
- Sharn Syndicate - Come out and slay
- the missing party
- How do I know where should I go to solve quests?
- finding a group for tangleroot
- Tomb of the Shadow King scarab not dropping?
- uthger the rare in gianthold
- Bloody Crypt question
- STK Firetrap room-Spoiler requested
- Devils assault level scaling???
- Please fix Necropolis: Tomb of the Crimson Heart
- Must do quests (or the ones that you should do)
- Question about Bastion of Power
- Totally Stupid question from a real noob.
- Help with Catacombs *SPOILER ALERT*
- Closing spawn of whisperdoom?
- Scaling in general
- demon sands?
- Litany of the dead
- The Cursed Crypt - Two Thumbs Up!
- Black scales
- Shroud taking flaless victory bonus
- Carnifex still in the game?
- Stromvauld mine questgiver in weird spot
- The Troglodyte's Get (3 Barrel Cove), Touch of Idiocy BUG.
- Shan-to-Kor & the Three Witch Doctors
- Necropolis I
- Sorrowdusk Isle
- New way to kill Xyzzy - Hound of Xoriat
- small Groups, outlevelling and Raid
- What is DDO end game?
- Redwillow's Ruins and Ring of Regeneration
- Sharn Syndicate
- Tomb quests leading up to Cursed Crypt
- House Kundarak, Caverns of Korommar
- Necro confusion...need help plz
- Directions to Slavers of the shrieking mines
- Explorer: Korthos Island
- Question about Eerie Forest rares
- PUG Fun
- 3 Barrel Cove quest - Ghost of a Chance.
- The Shroud part 4
- Good Solo Quests for Lvl 10 Paladin
- What happened to all the purple mushrooms?
- List
- Repeating Threnal West/south?
- Dear devs... we want to getup and play the game
- Stormcleave boss giant.
- 300 Favor to go, need advice.
- Hound Raid Questions
- sealed magic book
- Where o' where
- Korromar Beholder
- Haverdash on ELITE
- Nice work on mindsunder quest chain
- Dream Conspiracy puzzle is not always solvable
- EPIC DQ Timer
- Are the super damage elite traps intentional?
- Loved Proof is in the Poison.
- Raids, where are they?
- Crucible watertraps
- Question: The Cursed Crypt
- Creating a Guild?
- Stealer of Souls - Seriously Turbine?
- Shadow knight - last lever?
- Servers up but Shroud still down...
- Running with the devils has been changed.
- So, Can This Game be Enjoyed...
- Tomes in Tomb of the Immortal Heart
- Hard and elite mode...
- Changes to the Tattered Tapestries?
- DQ first run - looking to improve
- Lil help Tolero -- Epic Chains Bug - Or is it?
- Pls fix DD in Epic quests
- Raid Quests???
- Stupid Baked Dwarf.
- Total Solo Play
- Level range guide
- What about the Shroud?
- Dragonmark Quest
- What is up with Chest and rewards?
- Accursed Ascension
- Shroud is Up on Argonessen!
- Adventure Packs - e.g. 3 barrel cove
- Sharn Syndicate Advice
- Two-toed Tobias... How do I...
- Shroud ETA?
- Epic DQ2 - Intimidate DC and queens damage per swing
- Noob help! Cave Pool Key
- VoN 4: Bloodrage Symbiont question
- Another Abbot Question
- Sunken Parish Puzzle Spoiler
- Another Abbot Question 2
- Enter the Kobold
- Tears -need more strength help!
- This might be a stupid question but...
- Another Abbot Question 3
- Wrath of the Flame...Amrath
- Broken Quests = tough luck = no help
- Gold key?
- Where there's smoke...
- Threnal East 3, Protect Coyle, can't heal coyle anymore?
- monastery of the scorpion puzzle
- Abbott Raid Guide
- Small Eberron Dragonshards...random drops?
- Why not go all the way with the DQ
- Abbot Question 4
- Prove Your Worth
- Boat go BOOM!
- Recommended weapons for Delera's?
- Tomb of the Tormented & Iron Skin Chant
- Sacred Helm...where?
- Question about Dragons
- WF Titan observations in the Forge
- VON 5 Question
- STK helm quest
- Healer/Tank
- Necropolis quests?
- Everything I ever wanted to know about the Shroud
- Gianthold Tor ~ Epic Win Story.
- Rare Encounter Query
- Epic Items Discussion
- Help cannot enter The Bloody Crypt (in The Necropolis)
- Proof is in the Poison key disappeared
- Epic Dimension Door
- SoS on Thelanis tonight anyone?
- The Shadow Crypt - The Hereld doesn't offer it...
- Fix Monestary Bug Already!
- Foundation of Discord
- Some explanation about Delera and bluffing NPCs
- Answer Quikly Plz
- Titan Guide?
- Mystery of Delera's Tomb
- Mysterious Bauble
- smuggler's warehouse secret room
- Invasion Tokens
- 3 Barrel Cove?
- Delera's tomb - post bluff section.
- Titan Green Room Puzzle
- SoS
- Durk's Secret Troglodyte
- Tomb of Tormented: Optional Impossible?
- Chest in Necromancer's Doom
- Lvl 13 - Quests i Shouldn't Leave for Later?
- Threnal South, bah.
- Forgot to use Silver Flame Trinket, am I hosed?
- Knave's Hollow sticky spot
- Epic quest feedback
- Abbott
- Noob
- necropolis trinkets
- Demon sands n00b needs help plz
- Necropolis Questions:
- NPCs won't give me their quest
- prey on the hunter shielded chests
- Ataraxia Lighthouse
- The Necropolis
- xp capped...extreme repition...0 xp
- Help w/ "The Captives"
- Question about vale of twilight quests...
- Halls of STK Bridge
- Keeper's Sanctuary feedback
- Quest flagging
- Having trouble finding locations and missions
- Big ole tower in House D...
- Gow do you get through the Shadow Crypt?
- Reaver's Refuge Explorer areas
- Dreaming Dark Review
- DreamForge Keys
- W/P items in Pray
- puzzle in STK
- 6 crystal shards combined in stack and item...and failure?
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