View Full Version : Quests & Challenges
Pages :
- Need advice for epic deep
- stalled on quest selections
- Need advice for epic ADQ2
- Elite - new quests hard than old ones
- Is "Enemy Within" a forgotten quest?
- I need help how to build
- New End Rewards in Shroud
- Post patch challenges
- Cannith Manufactory rare not appearing after U12.1
- Are Festivult coins dropping in Challenges?
- 1 in 18 drop rate on Reaver seals? Come on Turbine...
- Captain Bash had too much grog
- Shrines behind gate in The Pit
- Not sure which of the 24 Hound of Xoriat groups is right for me
- Epic von6 fail yet again..
- Framework elite: Stealth
- Still Can't Slot Epic Challenge Items U12.2
- leveling as f2p on wayfinder
- Drop locales on Sentinels Seals??
- Vale rares not dropping ingredients
- Shroud Part 1: why run up the ramp at start?
- Sinvala; not that scary in a good group
- Soloing A New Invasion
- Shroud part 2
- Colossal Crystals Payout Low
- HoX and summons
- Dragon's Hoard Kill 120 monsters star impossible
- Does Chime of Blasting stack with Wrack Construct?
- Peacemaker - Invisible and Untargetable
- Raiding the Giant's Vault - 3 "door"s?
- kobold island type challenge
- Faithful Departed: Fails on 2 Venerated being defeated?
- Ruins of Threnal Bugged?
- IP etiquette
- End Reward for Phiarlan Carnival broken?!
- So, about that Abbot
- Explain lvl8 challenge item reasoning.
- Hotkey bar for Challenges
- Detailed Cannith Challenge Guide?
- Shroud advice
- Where do you get Boots of Anchoring?
- Tomb of the Tormented, bugged
- The Claw Of Vulkoor--help needed.
- ToD - Suulomades bugged?
- Timing the electric traps in the Vault of Night (5)
- 6 Blades from 1 Devil!?
- TR's take note: Shroud stone turn-in can break bravery streak
- Ring of spell storing
- Best weapon combo on Harry?
- Dog kiting in ELOB . . .
- Raid Timers
- Elite VON3 (marut room) Instawipes
- Abbot - get with the times, guys.
- Vaults of the Artificers, help me come up with a plan
- Ghost of a Chance xp
- Challenges: How many ingreds per run?
- So why are TOD ring drops better on normal?
- Mini-Guide to the Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos Cannith Challenge for melee characters
- Epic scroll drop rate up?
- Question about the fight with Peacemaker
- buying amrath need advice.
- Tome of untold legends - drop rate/difficulty
- Lava Caves Map w/Pathing
- Sassy Sam - Picture Portals
- What high lvl packs should I buy?
- What exactly does Kobold Cookie do?
- Fastest way for casters to take down ELOB pillars
- Has anyone else lost interest in Challenges?
- Where would you use Turbulent Epee?
- Rushmore: Moving Targets - Looking to break an unbroken run of failures
- Need advice on Cursed Crypt
- ELOB: at what point do you switch tanks?
- Sully's damage output...
- Wreck? Am I doing something wrong?
- Searing Heights has a cool explorer area
- Rock Boots challenge question
- Epic Picture Portals Video
- Kobold Chaos--Island Djinn Spawn trigger?
- help with CO6: fall of the prelate quest
- Epic roderic's wand in hox
- TR gear for melee/ranged artificer
- Small tip for Mansion puzzle
- Stealer of Souls runes
- Advice on I Dream of Jeets
- Eardweller
- Epic LOB: Are WF less susceptible to ML procs?
- Can VoN 5 & 6 Be Duo'ed?
- New Invasion
- New Shroud blade damage reduction
- Not new, but through I'd bring it up : Invincibility "Buff" in Challenges
- Vorpal avoidance help
- Are air ellies WAI?
- colossal crystal
- Question about re-flagging mechanics for Sentinels of Stormreach AP
- STUCK: 36/37 Portraits on Moving Targets
- Change to Shroud end rewards making frequent BtC +2 tomes?
- Ghosts of Perdition
- Challenge Question - Please Help...
- Epic Colossal Crystal
- about the lich in challeges
- My Elite Von 6 hot tips
- When Mass Charm works TOO well!
- Artificer pet still broken since U12 live release
- The Most Irritating Quest in DDO!
- Time is money: Where does the fire giant warlock spawn?
- Lord of Blades Strategy help
- very weird bug in ww part 2
- Wilderness areas are not to be skipped.
- Challenges xp question
- Secrets of the Artificers plot start
- Kron'zek rare in Big Top MIA
- Drop rate on Garos Malice base item? Better on hard or elite or normal?
- the demon's den
- lord of the blades boss
- What packs buy?
- Unstuck by a nose
- A Small Problem: Mammoth Valley: Pathing
- Where to start epic for Melee characters
- Petition: Compensation universal tokens for downtime
- Epic Raiyum - cryptonite?
- Kobold Island Challenges + Math !
- Moving Targets - kiting boss to bathroom doesn't work
- Intim values for trash and dogs in ELOB?
- Tormented DC's
- Epic Time is money cloud giant broken?
- Soloing Epic Challenges to 5 stars
- Thank you DDO loot gods!
- Fathom the Depths - non-epic Red Fens, Slomnuc & mage battle
- After eDeeps Completion
- meridia
- Wassup wit Gladewatch cmmdr Tesara?
- TR confusion
- Pick best 5 adventure packs to buy.
- Dreaming Dark : Where is the Dreamforge?
- House Cannith farming - is this normal?
- orthon lumps
- Strategies for Epic Bargain of Blood
- Extraplanar Mining Issues
- Undead Bane or Aberration Bane for Cholthulzz?
- Seal of Mirage dropped in elite Wiz King
- Why hamstring Horoth?
- Completed Epic Lord of Blades, unable to loot
- What best quest for Watcher's Eyes?
- Hold for reinforcements...Elite Impossible.
- Von3 Lightning trap
- Schemes of the Enemy - end puzzle?
- Chamber of Raiyum: room of infinite scorpions?
- Challenge reward payouts Q
- challenges for xp?
- Fathom the Depths - Dampened Robe of Dissonance drop spot
- Schemes of the Enemy Elite
- eDA Artificer Solo Tactics
- So I healed my first Shroud…
- What raids do you run after Shroud?
- Where to find glacial abyss?
- Aggro & Challenges
- yay more then one puzzle in siegebreaker
- NPC Interaction Issues in Challenges
- Fix Kobold Pathing in Challenges
- Enemy Within
- Dirty Laundry Devious Bonus: How?
- Kobold Island: The Disruptor issues
- U13 chain, thoughts, questions on strategy
- Lava Caves: Needs a Fix
- Can I solo ADQ1 ?
- Mindsunder third end reward
- Missing Tiles Accursed Ascension elite
- Optionals in Under the Big Top Bugged
- Disruptor
- Couatls
- Kobold Chaos -- Paging Mr.Cow!
- How many quests can we expect from FR?
- Anyone used "Drizzt Panther" in HoX yet?
- Chrono Scroll farming technique
- Quick question about TOD
- Marks of Cannith
- Sneaking the optional lever in Servants of the Overlord
- I love the new tiles puzzle on elite Abbot
- Purge the heritics
- U13 pt2 Locked Chest
- Cannith Challenge EXP formulas
- Purpose of Lawbane arrows?
- Inferno of the Damned - Inferno side torch bug?
- chain end rewards
- Cannith "wilderness" Journals
- Gianthold Wilderness really buggy?
- Gianthold Wilderness really buggy?
- I.Q. early access...WAI?
- The Electrician Solo SOTO
- Terribly sorry looking 4 screen cap proof lightning trap on marut
- Reavers Reach?
- Couldn't unsupress a Light and Dark... ideas/help?
- Scroll Farming
- mephit wings?
- Co6 Temple Outpost: which secret room is which?
- Reaver's Fate loot
- Challenge primer available?
- Shroud Crystal
- Litany of the Dead: Cholthulzz
- house C favor
- Servants of the Overlord experiences
- Black's not to hard...but no one wants to teach.
- Acute Delirium with a less then ideal party
- Epic Bargain of Blood
- Shroud portal pattern? ***?????
- Schemes solo
- EADQ2 Known Strategies
- In the flesh, elite @ level
- Red Fens: The Last Stand -- Another annoying guard mission, or actually doable?
- How do you reset Thrall of the Necromancer
- Acute Delirium Elite... Made harder?
- Trouble with Servants of the Overlord
- Curious lever in Mired in Koblods
- Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos
- For Science! Shroud portal death research
- Lord of the blades boss alignment
- Story Arcs...linked themes?
- So I healed my first Coal Chamber...
- Just would like to know..
- Quest Stories...
- Kobold Island: Disruptor - Entropic Skeleton locations
- PaleMasters in epic challenges: depressing.
- Polish Story Writings of Old Adventure Packs?
- Some of the Stories behind the Quests and Packs
- "Moving Targets"
- Litany of the Dead Part: 1 - The Bloody Crypt
- web of chaos question
- Thoughts on the House C challenges
- Kolbolds and Hobgoblins
- Request: TR EXP Speed-run guide.
- Wildmen are immune to fire?
- Picture Portals - help
- Sins of Attrition (and other Shavrath quests)
- Lava Caves: Circles of Power
- Crystal Cove????
- Trap DCs for elite VoN5?
- Greater Tome of Learning + Wilderness Adventure Zones
- What Packs Should I Buy?
- Sands Epics strategies
- My take on Weapons Shipment 6 months down the road.
- From Beyond The Grave
- best epic quests?
- LoTD sigil
- The Titan Awakes
- 1750 Total Favor Reward Re-vamp
- Queen became stronger after update?
- Undocumented feature of Katra's Wit?
- 5 great quests (or chains) with a fatal flaw
- Wilderness Only Leveling Questions
- Tinkerer's gogs dropping?...
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