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  1. Need advice for epic deep
  2. stalled on quest selections
  3. Need advice for epic ADQ2
  4. Elite - new quests hard than old ones
  5. Is "Enemy Within" a forgotten quest?
  6. I need help how to build
  7. New End Rewards in Shroud
  8. Post patch challenges
  9. Cannith Manufactory rare not appearing after U12.1
  10. Are Festivult coins dropping in Challenges?
  11. 1 in 18 drop rate on Reaver seals? Come on Turbine...
  12. Captain Bash had too much grog
  13. Shrines behind gate in The Pit
  14. Not sure which of the 24 Hound of Xoriat groups is right for me
  15. Epic von6 fail yet again..
  16. Framework elite: Stealth
  17. Still Can't Slot Epic Challenge Items U12.2
  18. leveling as f2p on wayfinder
  19. Drop locales on Sentinels Seals??
  20. Vale rares not dropping ingredients
  21. Shroud Part 1: why run up the ramp at start?
  22. Sinvala; not that scary in a good group
  23. Soloing A New Invasion
  24. Shroud part 2
  25. Colossal Crystals Payout Low
  26. HoX and summons
  27. Dragon's Hoard Kill 120 monsters star impossible
  28. Does Chime of Blasting stack with Wrack Construct?
  29. Peacemaker - Invisible and Untargetable
  30. Raiding the Giant's Vault - 3 "door"s?
  31. kobold island type challenge
  32. Faithful Departed: Fails on 2 Venerated being defeated?
  33. Ruins of Threnal Bugged?
  34. IP etiquette
  35. End Reward for Phiarlan Carnival broken?!
  36. So, about that Abbot
  37. Explain lvl8 challenge item reasoning.
  38. Hotkey bar for Challenges
  39. Detailed Cannith Challenge Guide?
  40. Shroud advice
  41. Where do you get Boots of Anchoring?
  42. Tomb of the Tormented, bugged
  43. The Claw Of Vulkoor--help needed.
  44. ToD - Suulomades bugged?
  45. Timing the electric traps in the Vault of Night (5)
  46. 6 Blades from 1 Devil!?
  47. TR's take note: Shroud stone turn-in can break bravery streak
  48. Ring of spell storing
  49. Best weapon combo on Harry?
  50. Dog kiting in ELOB . . .
  51. Raid Timers
  52. Elite VON3 (marut room) Instawipes
  53. Abbot - get with the times, guys.
  54. Vaults of the Artificers, help me come up with a plan
  55. Ghost of a Chance xp
  56. Challenges: How many ingreds per run?
  57. So why are TOD ring drops better on normal?
  58. Mini-Guide to the Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos Cannith Challenge for melee characters
  59. Epic scroll drop rate up?
  60. Question about the fight with Peacemaker
  61. buying amrath need advice.
  62. Tome of untold legends - drop rate/difficulty
  63. Lava Caves Map w/Pathing
  64. Sassy Sam - Picture Portals
  65. What high lvl packs should I buy?
  66. What exactly does Kobold Cookie do?
  67. Fastest way for casters to take down ELOB pillars
  68. Has anyone else lost interest in Challenges?
  69. Where would you use Turbulent Epee?
  70. Rushmore: Moving Targets - Looking to break an unbroken run of failures
  71. Need advice on Cursed Crypt
  72. ELOB: at what point do you switch tanks?
  73. Sully's damage output...
  74. Wreck? Am I doing something wrong?
  75. Searing Heights has a cool explorer area
  76. Rock Boots challenge question
  77. Epic Picture Portals Video
  78. Kobold Chaos--Island Djinn Spawn trigger?
  79. help with CO6: fall of the prelate quest
  80. Epic roderic's wand in hox
  81. TR gear for melee/ranged artificer
  82. Small tip for Mansion puzzle
  83. Stealer of Souls runes
  84. Advice on I Dream of Jeets
  85. Eardweller
  86. Epic LOB: Are WF less susceptible to ML procs?
  87. Can VoN 5 & 6 Be Duo'ed?
  88. New Invasion
  89. New Shroud blade damage reduction
  90. Not new, but through I'd bring it up : Invincibility "Buff" in Challenges
  91. Vorpal avoidance help
  92. Are air ellies WAI?
  93. colossal crystal
  94. Question about re-flagging mechanics for Sentinels of Stormreach AP
  95. STUCK: 36/37 Portraits on Moving Targets
  96. Change to Shroud end rewards making frequent BtC +2 tomes?
  97. Ghosts of Perdition
  98. Challenge Question - Please Help...
  99. Epic Colossal Crystal
  100. about the lich in challeges
  101. My Elite Von 6 hot tips
  102. When Mass Charm works TOO well!
  103. Artificer pet still broken since U12 live release
  104. The Most Irritating Quest in DDO!
  105. Time is money: Where does the fire giant warlock spawn?
  106. Lord of Blades Strategy help
  107. very weird bug in ww part 2
  108. Wilderness areas are not to be skipped.
  109. Challenges xp question
  110. Secrets of the Artificers plot start
  111. Kron'zek rare in Big Top MIA
  112. Drop rate on Garos Malice base item? Better on hard or elite or normal?
  113. the demon's den
  114. lord of the blades boss
  115. What packs buy?
  116. Unstuck by a nose
  117. A Small Problem: Mammoth Valley: Pathing
  118. Where to start epic for Melee characters
  119. Petition: Compensation universal tokens for downtime
  120. Epic Raiyum - cryptonite?
  121. Kobold Island Challenges + Math !
  122. Moving Targets - kiting boss to bathroom doesn't work
  123. Intim values for trash and dogs in ELOB?
  124. Tormented DC's
  125. Epic Time is money cloud giant broken?
  126. Soloing Epic Challenges to 5 stars
  127. Thank you DDO loot gods!
  128. Fathom the Depths - non-epic Red Fens, Slomnuc & mage battle
  129. After eDeeps Completion
  130. meridia
  131. Wassup wit Gladewatch cmmdr Tesara?
  132. TR confusion
  133. Pick best 5 adventure packs to buy.
  134. Dreaming Dark : Where is the Dreamforge?
  135. House Cannith farming - is this normal?
  136. orthon lumps
  137. Strategies for Epic Bargain of Blood
  138. Extraplanar Mining Issues
  139. Undead Bane or Aberration Bane for Cholthulzz?
  140. Seal of Mirage dropped in elite Wiz King
  141. Why hamstring Horoth?
  142. Completed Epic Lord of Blades, unable to loot
  143. What best quest for Watcher's Eyes?
  144. Hold for reinforcements...Elite Impossible.
  145. Von3 Lightning trap
  146. Schemes of the Enemy - end puzzle?
  147. Chamber of Raiyum: room of infinite scorpions?
  148. Challenge reward payouts Q
  149. challenges for xp?
  150. Fathom the Depths - Dampened Robe of Dissonance drop spot
  151. Schemes of the Enemy Elite
  152. eDA Artificer Solo Tactics
  153. So I healed my first Shroud…
  154. What raids do you run after Shroud?
  155. Where to find glacial abyss?
  156. Aggro & Challenges
  157. yay more then one puzzle in siegebreaker
  158. NPC Interaction Issues in Challenges
  159. Fix Kobold Pathing in Challenges
  160. Enemy Within
  161. Dirty Laundry Devious Bonus: How?
  162. Kobold Island: The Disruptor issues
  163. U13 chain, thoughts, questions on strategy
  164. Lava Caves: Needs a Fix
  165. Can I solo ADQ1 ?
  166. Mindsunder third end reward
  167. Missing Tiles Accursed Ascension elite
  168. Optionals in Under the Big Top Bugged
  169. Disruptor
  170. Couatls
  171. Kobold Chaos -- Paging Mr.Cow!
  172. How many quests can we expect from FR?
  173. Anyone used "Drizzt Panther" in HoX yet?
  174. Chrono Scroll farming technique
  175. Quick question about TOD
  176. Marks of Cannith
  177. Sneaking the optional lever in Servants of the Overlord
  178. I love the new tiles puzzle on elite Abbot
  179. Purge the heritics
  180. U13 pt2 Locked Chest
  181. Cannith Challenge EXP formulas
  182. Purpose of Lawbane arrows?
  183. Inferno of the Damned - Inferno side torch bug?
  184. chain end rewards
  185. Cannith "wilderness" Journals
  186. Gianthold Wilderness really buggy?
  187. Gianthold Wilderness really buggy?
  188. I.Q. early access...WAI?
  189. The Electrician Solo SOTO
  190. Terribly sorry looking 4 screen cap proof lightning trap on marut
  191. Reavers Reach?
  192. Couldn't unsupress a Light and Dark... ideas/help?
  193. Scroll Farming
  194. mephit wings?
  195. Co6 Temple Outpost: which secret room is which?
  196. Reaver's Fate loot
  197. Challenge primer available?
  198. Shroud Crystal
  199. Litany of the Dead: Cholthulzz
  200. house C favor
  201. Servants of the Overlord experiences
  202. Black Abbot.....it's not to hard...but no one wants to teach.
  203. Acute Delirium with a less then ideal party
  204. Epic Bargain of Blood
  205. Shroud portal pattern? ***?????
  206. Schemes solo
  207. EADQ2 Known Strategies
  208. In the flesh, elite @ level
  209. Red Fens: The Last Stand -- Another annoying guard mission, or actually doable?
  210. How do you reset Thrall of the Necromancer
  211. Acute Delirium Elite... Made harder?
  212. Trouble with Servants of the Overlord
  213. Curious lever in Mired in Koblods
  214. Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos
  215. For Science! Shroud portal death research
  216. Lord of the blades boss alignment
  217. Story Arcs...linked themes?
  218. So I healed my first Coal Chamber...
  219. Just would like to know..
  220. Quest Stories...
  221. Kobold Island: Disruptor - Entropic Skeleton locations
  222. PaleMasters in epic challenges: depressing.
  223. Polish Story Writings of Old Adventure Packs?
  224. Some of the Stories behind the Quests and Packs
  225. "Moving Targets"
  226. Litany of the Dead Part: 1 - The Bloody Crypt
  227. web of chaos question
  228. Thoughts on the House C challenges
  229. Kolbolds and Hobgoblins
  230. Request: TR EXP Speed-run guide.
  231. Wildmen are immune to fire?
  232. Picture Portals - help
  233. Sins of Attrition (and other Shavrath quests)
  234. Lava Caves: Circles of Power
  235. Crystal Cove????
  236. Trap DCs for elite VoN5?
  237. Greater Tome of Learning + Wilderness Adventure Zones
  238. What Packs Should I Buy?
  239. Sands Epics strategies
  240. My take on Weapons Shipment 6 months down the road.
  241. From Beyond The Grave
  242. best epic quests?
  243. LoTD sigil
  244. The Titan Awakes
  245. 1750 Total Favor Reward Re-vamp
  246. Queen became stronger after update?
  247. Undocumented feature of Katra's Wit?
  248. 5 great quests (or chains) with a fatal flaw
  249. Wilderness Only Leveling Questions
  250. Tinkerer's gogs dropping?...