View Full Version : Quests & Challenges
Pages :
- Master Artificer, the crystal breaking part
- Schemes of the Enemy - Elite (***SPOILERS***)
- Elite Weapons Shipment: A Post-U11 Review
- Too much lag in Master Artificer raid
- Elite Reaver's Fate - A Review of the changes
- Any named loot from the new raids?
- Bravery vs Old XP gring system; anyone crunched the numbers?
- Schemes of the Enemy LAG Cannons
- Does Displacement protect from beholder eye rays?
- Fixing Lord of Blades For Tanks
- Artificiers and questing ...
- Epic U11
- Schemes of the Enemy - Unable to recall.
- Whitefang (Schemes of the Enemy) phases out too frequently
- Raids on elite?
- Bonebreaker the golem
- Acute Delirium
- Post U11 EChrono - not that bad
- Weapons for new raids
- VoD - Barbarian Style (Video)
- Hey devs: Where's the Cutlass/Warforged convets chest in The Lord of Blades?
- Lets play Bomberman (Blown to bits)
- Acute Delirium: Where is Quixxellops' chest?
- Abbot tactics, questions...
- CC Event no xp gain????
- elite Schemes and DA
- New Weapons Shipment is Worthless
- TOD changes maybe? Or threat reduction bugged?
- Reign of Madness chain end rewards are "overtwinked"
- Questions About The Lord of Blades Raid
- 11 cleric 1 rogue , where to go next ?
- SoE, Tinker goggles and drop rate
- VON6 - DragonBreath
- Acid Wit
- Wild speculation on existence of Necropolis Rune Arm
- What Packs To Buy?
- Not enough HP!
- Is Chester still the only mimic in the game?
- MajMalphunktion : New Twist on Elite Weapons Shipment Failures (Large Image)
- Elite Schemes of the Enemy
- Questions about LoB's DR
- I just went AFK for 10 minutes inside weapons shipment on hard
- Petition: Desert Epic Items - Please fix it
- Questions about Epic Red Fens
- My first weapons shipment after update
- Fabricators Guild Tutorial Quest
- Advice on New quests
- MA and UMD bug: why didn't you fix this?
- The story arc of Vault of Night?
- ToD phase 3 portal
- DCs for Critical Success of Cannith Cannon disabling
- Where to now?
- Total favor
- In the Flesh + Fear Factory questions
- Acute Delirium and Lord of eyes unique loot drops switched.
- Bravery Streak and plot-advancement-only quests
- Post U11 EDA
- (Master Artificer) What are we missing?
- A question about Streak Bonus
- What DR to Epic zombies have?
- What the what about Crystal Cove?
- PSA: All alchemical weapon available from 5th Master Artificer
- Ruins of Threnal flagging
- Blown to Bits - Iron Bomber
- Crystal Cove Items Listed as BTA after upgrade.
- Would it kill ya?
- Old CC Shards?
- Gord the Rogue, Oerth & Gygax
- October
- CC level question
- Schemes stuck spot(s)
- Stormcleave Backdoor?
- CC and Bravery streak
- How are people completing The Lord of Blades with this lag?
- Flashback video of "The Event"
- ML on CC hat upgrades
- Teleporter/purple crystal explosion bug?
- Keep the thread alive! Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!
- Goldilocks hireling
- Thoughts on improving the Crystal Cove
- LoB Some Boring Lore Rant
- changing Reaver post U11 suggestion
- Nice Tips about CC!
- Has anyone used the Korthos Island story for PnP?
- Where are the dragons?
- Doozy of a Shroud
- Mabar event, need some advices please!
- Sentinels chain
- Epic wizard king to-hit and weapons issues
- MINDSUNDER: small question
- Let's discuss storytelling/story presentation
- Stupid question...
- Just venting about a bad experience in crystal cove
- eTide Bugs out in the middle of a good run
- Just wondering if...
- Epic Fathom the Depths question
- What Epics Should I Run?
- Sneaking through Sins of Attrition
- (NON-Epic) tailor made missions per class
- Force bubbles in "Ruined Halls"
- Devils Assult
- Arraetrikos
- Schemes of the Enemy - Red Alert end fight
- Plea from a healbot
- Fewer turn-ins for Mabar
- Mabar level 20 DR breaking
- Worth abandoning shroud before turning it in?
- 3BC Underwater Chest Location?
- The Cannith Quests and Loot Drops
- Epic Chrono
- Staff bug in Claws of Vulkoor
- Frame Work optional?
- Re-scale quests back to previous.
- Destroying coffins
- Chains of Flame
- Sorcerer vs Wizard King Elite [Video]
- HoX fail last week, and almost this week...
- EPIC- NPC rewards = EPIC fail
- Hireling's
- Best Handwraps for eChrono Abishai Boss
- Question about Litany of the Dead
- Adventure Mapping, Help please...
- PSA: major bug with lord of blades optional
- Which quests need an exp boost?
- Farming Carniax?
- How to kill VoN 6 pillars as an Artificer
- VON3 Elite
- HoX Questions, Again
- I think we're being ripped off with bravery bonus
- Silver Flame Pot
- Epic Lord of Blades = Ridiculous
- Epic Elite at level Shroud
- Upgrades to GH items.
- Necro 3, have to reflag for cursed now?
- Reaver's tactics
- Who was supposed to be healing whom, again?
- My Eardweller Experience: Warning!
- Craftable trinket in Haywire!
- level 5 chests
- Korthos - Necromancer's Doom
- 3BC & Ataraxia's & a few others
- looking for an old thread
- EVoN6 / EADQ2
- Challenges
- cannith "outdoor" area is really nice
- E-Velah New Trick
- Artificer Pet Broken
- New Ingredients BtC?!
- 1495 Point for new pack (
- Reaver's - Do I really have to loot my raid items again?
- Timed Quests + Ddo Lag Outs = lol
- Challenge: Labor Shortage = Horrible
- So we just did all three Devil Raids on Elite . . .
- Sentinels immune to negative energy in U12
- Can we share Shroud strategies?
- Lailat is threat-tankable now?
- Reaver's Enhanced ability
- VON 5 elite
- So how does xp work in challenges?
- Elite shroud is super easy
- Challenge reward
- ADQ strategy
- WS elite x3=ransack?
- suggestion for shroud tactic
- Lord of Blades - Full length raid video to enjoy
- Lantern Archon in Kobold Chaos -- wha...?
- EVON6 whats the rush to get onto the bases?
- Daily Challenge tokens
- Abbot - post puzzle death water
- Loading lag on challenges
- adventure pack
- Kobold AI bugged or WAI? (Extraplanar Palace)
- Where's my "Weee! Super fun!"?
- Gh upgrade
- Goblin Adventure petition
- Orchard: Tahareh is incorporeal?
- Challenge req's
- Kobold Chaos, 3 Stars = 35 Tokens (WAI???)
- Again with the spider killing?
- Need some tips and some kinda strategy for colossal Crystal challenge!
- Rushmore : Behind the Door
- Inferno of the damned un soloable now?
- New or Old Arty Bug Back?
- unlock house C favor?
- New Shroud loot mechanic is total garbage!
- Kobold Island - Short Cuts, Unobtainable Optional
- Abbot 20th Completion list
- Seal of the Abbot on hard difficulty
- Wolves and Scorpions and Bats oh my
- Epic into the deep - release please!!
- Leet HoX/VOD loot drops
- Kobold AI Aggro bug in Extraplanar Quests
- Epic and End Game Social Checks
- Rushmore challenge tactics
- U12 Madstone Shield
- Enemy AI in challenges
- Guide : Labor Shortage :Solo LvL 20 = 150 scrolls
- Tomb of the Tormented
- What mobs are there in Challenges?
- Crests in the Mansion
- What are Belashyrra's DR and immunities?
- Kobold Island - Disruptor
- Inferno of the Damned - Fix this broken mechanism please?
- Hound 20th End Rewards
- Epic Ward
- 20th LoB Crushed. It was fun, but like all good things.. Whats next devs?
- ivorygem
- amulets...pendents...trinkets...NECROPOLIS
- VON 6 epic
- Shavarath Portal Fragments
- Farming Weapon Shipment and I've never had so much fun!
- Epic jungle of khyber (von3) bug?
- Kobold Island: The Disruptor CR20 - 300+ Reward
- VOD solo Pale Master
- Challenges were better on Lamannia in some ways
- Best first epic adventure pack for Premium monk player
- Cursed Crypt Missing Chest
- So what to-hit/damge De-Buffs are confirmed to work on the LoB?
- Getting to the Twilight Forge quest
- Dream Conspiracy disjunction trap bug
- Upgraded Abbot loot exist?
- against the demon queen
- Where do I go now?
- New Shroud and homing blades
- 3rd Life TR... best path?
- Hardest quests in the game?
- Yes, Another Shroud Post
- VoN5 Question.
- Lord of the Blades: Tank requirements
- Benevolent Archon...very disturbing
- I must be missing Something about challenge
- Best Challenge to Solo-farm Ingredients?
- There is something rotten in the kingdom of kobold
- Raiding the giant's vault
- Extraplanar Mining - Lvl 13 - Marilith extremely hard
- Epic25 Challenges (Rushmoor, Mining) Solo'd. (Plus 3 New Videos)
- Artificer Favor
- New Shroud Reward List
- Dear Turbine/Warner Brothers
- missing in Dreaming Dark
- Likely a repost, Challenge Disruptor
- Extraplanar Vault: What is DR of animated armor?
- Shadow Crypt, still as easy as ever?
- Necro 1 AP, Tomb of the Burning Heart still requires helpers?
- e small problem - seal of Kronzeks Cruelty
- Once i have 5 challenge tokens what do I do?
- Shroud Part 4 Mechanics
- DR in Running with the devils
- Third furnace room in The Pit
- Assorted Challenge Questions / Requests for Advice
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