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  1. Master Artificer, the crystal breaking part
  2. Schemes of the Enemy - Elite (***SPOILERS***)
  3. Elite Weapons Shipment: A Post-U11 Review
  4. Too much lag in Master Artificer raid
  5. Elite Reaver's Fate - A Review of the changes
  6. Any named loot from the new raids?
  7. Bravery vs Old XP gring system; anyone crunched the numbers?
  8. Schemes of the Enemy LAG Cannons
  9. Does Displacement protect from beholder eye rays?
  10. Fixing Lord of Blades For Tanks
  11. Artificiers and questing ...
  12. Epic U11
  13. Schemes of the Enemy - Unable to recall.
  14. Whitefang (Schemes of the Enemy) phases out too frequently
  15. Raids on elite?
  16. Bonebreaker the golem
  17. Acute Delirium
  18. Post U11 EChrono - not that bad
  19. Weapons for new raids
  20. VoD - Barbarian Style (Video)
  21. Hey devs: Where's the Cutlass/Warforged convets chest in The Lord of Blades?
  22. Lets play Bomberman (Blown to bits)
  23. Acute Delirium: Where is Quixxellops' chest?
  24. Abbot tactics, questions...
  25. CC Event no xp gain????
  26. elite Schemes and DA
  27. New Weapons Shipment is Worthless
  28. TOD changes maybe? Or threat reduction bugged?
  29. Reign of Madness chain end rewards are "overtwinked"
  30. Questions About The Lord of Blades Raid
  31. 11 cleric 1 rogue , where to go next ?
  32. SoE, Tinker goggles and drop rate
  33. VON6 - DragonBreath
  34. Acid Wit
  35. Wild speculation on existence of Necropolis Rune Arm
  36. What Packs To Buy?
  37. Not enough HP!
  38. Is Chester still the only mimic in the game?
  39. MajMalphunktion : New Twist on Elite Weapons Shipment Failures (Large Image)
  40. Elite Schemes of the Enemy
  41. Questions about LoB's DR
  42. I just went AFK for 10 minutes inside weapons shipment on hard
  43. Petition: Desert Epic Items - Please fix it
  44. Questions about Epic Red Fens
  45. My first weapons shipment after update
  46. Fabricators Guild Tutorial Quest
  47. Advice on New quests
  48. MA and UMD bug: why didn't you fix this?
  49. The story arc of Vault of Night?
  50. ToD phase 3 portal
  51. DCs for Critical Success of Cannith Cannon disabling
  52. Where to now?
  53. Total favor
  54. In the Flesh + Fear Factory questions
  55. Acute Delirium and Lord of eyes unique loot drops switched.
  56. Bravery Streak and plot-advancement-only quests
  57. Post U11 EDA
  58. (Master Artificer) What are we missing?
  59. A question about Streak Bonus
  60. What DR to Epic zombies have?
  61. What the what about Crystal Cove?
  62. PSA: All alchemical weapon available from 5th Master Artificer
  63. Ruins of Threnal flagging
  64. Blown to Bits - Iron Bomber
  65. Crystal Cove Items Listed as BTA after upgrade.
  66. Would it kill ya?
  67. Old CC Shards?
  68. Gord the Rogue, Oerth & Gygax
  69. October
  70. CC level question
  71. Schemes stuck spot(s)
  72. Stormcleave Backdoor?
  73. CC and Bravery streak
  74. How are people completing The Lord of Blades with this lag?
  75. Flashback video of "The Event"
  76. ML on CC hat upgrades
  77. Teleporter/purple crystal explosion bug?
  78. Keep the thread alive! Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!
  79. Goldilocks hireling
  80. Thoughts on improving the Crystal Cove
  81. LoB Some Boring Lore Rant
  82. changing Reaver post U11 suggestion
  83. Nice Tips about CC!
  84. Has anyone used the Korthos Island story for PnP?
  85. Where are the dragons?
  86. Doozy of a Shroud
  87. Mabar event, need some advices please!
  88. Sentinels chain
  89. Epic wizard king to-hit and weapons issues
  90. MINDSUNDER: small question
  91. Let's discuss storytelling/story presentation
  92. Stupid question...
  93. Just venting about a bad experience in crystal cove
  94. eTide Bugs out in the middle of a good run
  95. Just wondering if...
  96. Epic Fathom the Depths question
  97. What Epics Should I Run?
  98. Sneaking through Sins of Attrition
  99. (NON-Epic) tailor made missions per class
  100. Force bubbles in "Ruined Halls"
  101. Devils Assult
  102. Arraetrikos
  103. Schemes of the Enemy - Red Alert end fight
  104. Plea from a healbot
  105. Fewer turn-ins for Mabar
  106. Mabar level 20 DR breaking
  107. Worth abandoning shroud before turning it in?
  108. 3BC Underwater Chest Location?
  109. The Cannith Quests and Loot Drops
  110. Epic Chrono
  111. Staff bug in Claws of Vulkoor
  112. Frame Work optional?
  113. Re-scale quests back to previous.
  114. Destroying coffins
  115. Chains of Flame
  116. Sorcerer vs Wizard King Elite [Video]
  117. HoX fail last week, and almost this week...
  118. EPIC- NPC rewards = EPIC fail
  119. Hireling's
  120. Best Handwraps for eChrono Abishai Boss
  121. Question about Litany of the Dead
  122. Adventure Mapping, Help please...
  123. PSA: major bug with lord of blades optional
  124. Which quests need an exp boost?
  125. Farming Carniax?
  126. How to kill VoN 6 pillars as an Artificer
  127. VON3 Elite
  128. HoX Questions, Again
  129. I think we're being ripped off with bravery bonus
  130. Silver Flame Pot
  131. Epic Lord of Blades = Ridiculous
  132. Epic Elite at level Shroud
  133. Upgrades to GH items.
  134. Necro 3, have to reflag for cursed now?
  135. Reaver's tactics
  136. Who was supposed to be healing whom, again?
  137. My Eardweller Experience: Warning!
  138. Craftable trinket in Haywire!
  139. level 5 chests
  140. Korthos - Necromancer's Doom
  141. 3BC & Ataraxia's & a few others
  142. looking for an old thread
  143. EVoN6 / EADQ2
  144. Challenges
  145. cannith "outdoor" area is really nice
  146. E-Velah New Trick
  147. Artificer Pet Broken
  148. New Ingredients BtC?!
  149. 1495 Point for new pack (
  150. Reaver's - Do I really have to loot my raid items again?
  151. Timed Quests + Ddo Lag Outs = lol
  152. Challenge: Labor Shortage = Horrible
  153. So we just did all three Devil Raids on Elite . . .
  154. Sentinels immune to negative energy in U12
  155. Can we share Shroud strategies?
  156. Lailat is threat-tankable now?
  157. Reaver's Enhanced ability
  158. VON 5 elite
  159. So how does xp work in challenges?
  160. Elite shroud is super easy
  161. Challenge reward
  162. ADQ strategy
  163. WS elite x3=ransack?
  164. suggestion for shroud tactic
  165. Lord of Blades - Full length raid video to enjoy
  166. Lantern Archon in Kobold Chaos -- wha...?
  167. EVON6 whats the rush to get onto the bases?
  168. Daily Challenge tokens
  169. Abbot - post puzzle death water
  170. Loading lag on challenges
  171. adventure pack
  172. Kobold AI bugged or WAI? (Extraplanar Palace)
  173. Where's my "Weee! Super fun!"?
  174. Gh upgrade
  175. Goblin Adventure petition
  176. Orchard: Tahareh is incorporeal?
  177. Challenge req's
  178. Kobold Chaos, 3 Stars = 35 Tokens (WAI???)
  179. Again with the spider killing?
  180. Need some tips and some kinda strategy for colossal Crystal challenge!
  181. Rushmore : Behind the Door
  182. Inferno of the damned un soloable now?
  183. New or Old Arty Bug Back?
  184. unlock house C favor?
  185. New Shroud loot mechanic is total garbage!
  186. Kobold Island - Short Cuts, Unobtainable Optional
  187. Abbot 20th Completion list
  188. Seal of the Abbot on hard difficulty
  189. Wolves and Scorpions and Bats oh my
  190. Epic into the deep - release please!!
  191. Leet HoX/VOD loot drops
  192. Kobold AI Aggro bug in Extraplanar Quests
  193. Epic and End Game Social Checks
  194. Rushmore challenge tactics
  195. U12 Madstone Shield
  196. Enemy AI in challenges
  197. Guide : Labor Shortage :Solo LvL 20 = 150 scrolls
  198. Tomb of the Tormented
  199. What mobs are there in Challenges?
  200. Crests in the Mansion
  201. What are Belashyrra's DR and immunities?
  202. Kobold Island - Disruptor
  203. Inferno of the Damned - Fix this broken mechanism please?
  204. Hound 20th End Rewards
  205. Epic Ward
  206. 20th LoB Crushed. It was fun, but like all good things.. Whats next devs?
  207. ivorygem
  208. amulets...pendents...trinkets...NECROPOLIS
  209. VON 6 epic
  210. Shavarath Portal Fragments
  211. Farming Weapon Shipment and I've never had so much fun!
  212. Epic jungle of khyber (von3) bug?
  213. Kobold Island: The Disruptor CR20 - 300+ Reward
  214. VOD solo Pale Master
  215. Challenges were better on Lamannia in some ways
  216. Best first epic adventure pack for Premium monk player
  217. Cursed Crypt Missing Chest
  218. So what to-hit/damge De-Buffs are confirmed to work on the LoB?
  219. Getting to the Twilight Forge quest
  220. Dream Conspiracy disjunction trap bug
  221. Upgraded Abbot loot exist?
  222. against the demon queen
  223. Where do I go now?
  224. New Shroud and homing blades
  225. 3rd Life TR... best path?
  226. Hardest quests in the game?
  227. Yes, Another Shroud Post
  228. VoN5 Question.
  229. Lord of the Blades: Tank requirements
  230. Benevolent Archon...very disturbing
  231. I must be missing Something about challenge
  232. Best Challenge to Solo-farm Ingredients?
  233. There is something rotten in the kingdom of kobold
  234. Raiding the giant's vault
  235. Extraplanar Mining - Lvl 13 - Marilith extremely hard
  236. Epic25 Challenges (Rushmoor, Mining) Solo'd. (Plus 3 New Videos)
  237. Artificer Favor
  238. New Shroud Reward List
  239. Dear Turbine/Warner Brothers
  240. missing in Dreaming Dark
  241. Likely a repost, Challenge Disruptor
  242. Extraplanar Vault: What is DR of animated armor?
  243. Shadow Crypt, still as easy as ever?
  244. Necro 1 AP, Tomb of the Burning Heart still requires helpers?
  245. e small problem - seal of Kronzeks Cruelty
  246. Once i have 5 challenge tokens what do I do?
  247. Shroud Part 4 Mechanics
  248. DR in Running with the devils
  249. Third furnace room in The Pit
  250. Assorted Challenge Questions / Requests for Advice