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  1. Hound Griefing
  2. My 2nd ever rant..
  3. Returning Player Looking for regular Group
  4. Is Thelanis Down
  5. The truth about Cleave finally revealed
  6. [Request] - ETA for the logging service to be back up
  7. Cydonie did it.
  8. I think Turbine owes me $0.50 or 100 DDO points
  9. Obligatory Downtime D&D Joke Thread
  10. Echoes*
  11. Thanks for dropping from shroud again buddy
  12. is game down?? or is it just me?
  13. Woot Ya epic DQ completion
  14. A diary of a Gimpy Pally
  15. First & Last impressions of DDO
  16. Friends don't let friends play DDO drunk
  17. Fellow veteran players
  18. On the state of Thelanis PuG raids.
  19. Thelanis PUG fails
  20. If you join a group....
  21. Thelanis Pug Succeeds!
  22. What's with demon queen flagging on elite?
  23. Venting / Thoughts on PUGs and "good" guilds
  24. Story time with Mothergoose
  25. Apology to the Reaver group
  26. Why is everyone checking myddo.com?
  27. Butt-hurt
  28. Calling all queens on Thelanis
  29. I take back every bad thing I said..
  30. Formal Apology for causing a wipe on VoN 6
  31. LFM Etiquette
  32. I'm an Idiot
  33. Lone Ranger and the rogues
  34. Call me stupid but.....
  35. I miss you, Thelanis. =(
  36. An assignment (the 2nd one, actually)
  37. Me (Izree)
  38. My tale of Korthos Island, the 37 point build, and the deceiver
  39. Jeez some people
  40. Pugs dont Fail, Pug leaders do.
  41. March 10th 2010 Errror 50000 Anyone?
  42. Renamed?
  43. Epic Praise
  44. First shroud completion 2 +2 tomes :)
  45. Reaver love...
  46. Auditioning for the role in a story on here
  47. RP Channels?
  48. ah Thelanis
  49. This is what i think a bout this!!!
  50. Gah, look at these pikers!
  51. Oh, Thelanis, how I love thee.
  52. game won't load?
  53. How long does it last?
  54. banished from PvP
  55. Where has al the parties gone?
  56. What quest?
  57. Thelanis lag back
  58. Anyone else not able to get into the que?
  59. Not lag, entire server down
  60. Armagedon on Thelanis
  61. Eberron News Flash: Thelanis Servers Once Controlled Sputnik
  62. ---Thelanis feedback---
  63. When a server goes down...
  64. adding Glaciation 8..
  65. following web error occ
  66. Bestest Frosty Burst Made :)
  67. Another stupid question
  68. ok...what the H-E-double-toothpicks am I ....
  69. Well looks like I'm not leveling for long time
  70. Low wisdom, non-dps FvS...I don't get it.
  71. Are you kidding?
  72. Stealer of souls Pug
  73. My apologies
  74. Raid Tactics Reference *may contain spoilers*
  75. Catacombs updated?
  76. get out and vote!
  77. What your melee FvS SHOULD look like...IMO :)
  78. Do you miss the old Xoriat forums?
  79. Tharashk
  80. action bar problem
  81. Metalline is not even worth 1k plat
  82. Imagine!
  83. My DDO Prayer.
  84. Think outside the box once in a while!
  85. best fighter armor
  86. Tko
  87. WTT small/med shroud ing. for lg shroud ingredients
  88. Friday!! Friday!! Friday!!
  89. Platfarmers of Thelanis
  90. Flabby picking up some tips
  91. April 1
  92. Von3 epic solo
  93. Friday Von6 epic runs
  94. I thwart myDDO
  95. To the dirty basket last night
  96. GS ingredients
  97. Notes on TR
  98. ok so I ask...
  99. Veteran player looking to join an Ascension run...
  100. I am teh suck?
  101. My Apologies to Storm Lords
  102. Fare thee well prismatic spray
  103. Flabby maxing out the phat loots
  104. Porcupine BUild?
  105. A Shout Out to Radann
  106. I need some Epic friends!
  107. forgotten realms?
  108. Dangers of DDO
  109. For new guilds and their leaders.
  110. Worth coming back?
  111. Thelanis coming down?
  112. DQ Torc Dorrik
  113. LFPs to do all Necropolis' Quests on Elite for favor. (Meeting 4/9 10am PST)
  114. DKP on DDO
  115. What Thelanis Needs...
  116. Drama Check
  117. Apologies
  118. Error 5000
  119. Thelanis para hispano parlantes
  120. We have Fixed Lag!
  121. Sunday Lag is back
  122. New guys
  123. So... the VoN2 Blossom Jump
  124. Checking
  125. so, ummm
  126. Zawabi's needs musicians
  127. Zawabi's needs belly dancing
  128. Zawabi's needs more cowbell
  129. Thelanis not working correctly
  130. Hullo I kind've need some help.
  131. Two Kings hiatus
  132. Oh dear i mucked up true reincarnate
  133. Only took me four years...
  134. new to WF
  135. Logon Server is Full Error...
  136. OMG Drama Time
  137. Tile Virgin
  138. Shroud Crafting question
  139. LFG for epic desert farming
  140. Need a healer?
  141. Hey, Thelanis
  142. Superior Nullification VI
  143. Better than its reputation
  144. Quality new players abound
  145. Looking Back..
  146. Blame Stashy
  147. Congrats!
  148. To Docsin
  149. Bugs are fun!
  150. New Guild?
  151. Shroud initiation goes wrong - hilarity ensues
  152. goodbye giving away stuff
  153. Faceplant Chicks
  154. Anyone else stuck at loging to thelanis?
  155. A colletable question
  156. First Shroud Run and a Thank You
  157. Thelanis - if you are not busy...
  158. Von 5 Epic
  159. Forums speed- slowmotion- Can't login to DDO (the game)
  160. 14 Assassin/1 Fighter LFG!!!
  161. Multiclass Prejudice?
  162. how many people like pwp
  163. PUG Win!
  164. realy??
  165. Epic Von 6 - solo heal
  166. Long questlines
  167. This server is half dead? o.o;
  168. Quitting To WOW
  169. Lfg
  170. A piece of advice
  171. Recipe for a Chuckle
  172. Value of a +3 Lesser Heart of Wood?
  173. Shortmanned Shroud
  174. oversized DC
  175. should i spare my 100 plat to a stranger?
  176. Looking to start a Dedicated/Static group
  177. real life sometimes (insert bad word here)
  178. Epic SoS vs Min 2
  179. Most fun Reaver raid I've ever been in
  180. Want to throw out a big thank you
  181. You can now buy the epic SOS
  182. Bleeding Soulz Recruiting.
  183. DDO Haiku
  184. Vale quests !!!! Tonight !!
  185. To all the thelanian paper warriors
  186. Thanks to Tizzy - Bane
  187. C&M Shroud Ingredients for Trade
  188. Ataraxia's haven is the best place to shop
  189. "Zerg"
  190. Free +2 STR tome
  191. loot rules - my 2c
  192. Failed Solo TOD
  193. "Selective" LFMs
  194. Public Service Announcement
  195. Seriously, I miss Xoriat man...
  196. Why myDDO is ickky :)
  197. Pileon LFG
  198. Look At Me
  199. Couple Generic Questions
  200. Thank you for dropping group, I almost won a torc
  201. Epic scrolls
  202. A VoN Newbs Apologies
  203. Loading Screen/Vendor Lag??
  204. Server seems to be dead.
  205. Servermanagers look ere.
  206. I left but I'm BACK !!!! Woohoo!!
  207. Thelanis? buddy?
  208. server down? doh!
  209. Psa
  210. looking for blank greensteels
  211. Who's character is this????
  212. Interesting griefing today in hound
  213. Wake Up, M8
  214. Cherrys
  215. Thelanis lag is back...
  216. Bragging...
  217. So about that lag...
  218. Hello!!!!!
  219. Just thought I'd share something....
  220. Fun ToD
  221. Ty for Shroud
  222. heyton family crypt
  223. Brief But Priceless Moment In The Vale
  224. Shroud Pug MVP
  225. Epic Red Dragon Scales
  226. Farm an Eardweller, Profit!
  227. Daybreak dawns again
  228. should i change character?
  229. Heads Up
  230. Goblins
  231. If cleric has sp please heal
  232. TRs looking for static group
  233. Lowbie VOD apologies
  234. fix thelanis (part 389)
  235. silken mail scroll
  236. Looking for a caster for epic experiments
  237. Looking for a Static Group
  238. Wednesday is RP Night
  239. 6-man piker Shrouds
  240. New Players
  241. Love Pikers
  242. Too much drama.
  243. Update 5 and monk Question?
  244. Thelanis Completionist Update
  245. So I lol'd
  246. Shroud apology
  247. Connection Issues.
  248. Want a seasoned group to teach you Raids?
  249. BYOH Grpups
  250. Need help for LFM